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1) (I)Throughout the history of coffee, the 6) (I) With more than fifty feature films Alfred
preparation of the beverage has changed. (II) Hitchcock remains one of the most popular
Most coffee production is still done by hand. (III) directors of all time. (II) Hitchcock's films draw
First, people would eat the coffee cherries to heavily on both fear and fantasy. (III) He began
get the caffeine effects. (IV) As time went on, directing in the United Kingdom. (IV) They often

people dried the beans and attempted to portray innocent people caught up in
concentrate the flavour by roasting them. (V) circumstances beyond their understanding. (V)
Eventually, somebody thought to grind the The movie Rebecca, which evokes the fears of
beans and brew them with water. a young bride, is a good example of this.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

7) One of the legends of the sea that has

2) (I) Doping is the use of drugs to try to improve persisted even to today is the story of the
sports performance. (II) This practice is banned Bermuda Triangle. (II) It has been proved that
by sports federations throughout the world. (III) many of the lost ships were not in the Bermuda


Athletes need to know which substances are Triangle at all. (III) Here ships and airplanes
banned in sport. (IV) The use of drugs during seem to disappear more often than in other
athletic festivals is evident. (V) Furthermore, parts of the ocean. (IV) Usually the craft are
they must make sure that any product or never seen again. (V) But this is not too
medication they take does not contain a surprising since this area is noted for hurricanes

prohibited substance. and high waves.


A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

8) Turkish gulettes were originally built for use by

3) (I) Garfield is a comic strip featuring the cat fishermen and sponge divers. (II) Today, they
Garfield, the pet dog Odie, and their socially are luxuriously designed especially for cruising
inept owner Jon Arbuckle. (II) The main holidays. (III) Their large, uncluttered decks are
character is Garfield, who is a lazy, overweight, ideal for sunbathing and dining. (IV) They range
orange cat. (III) He considers himself to be from 18 to 26 meters in length and can
more intelligent than humans or dogs. (IV) He accommodate 8 to 20 guests. (V) You might
was named Garfield after his grandfather. (V) come up with a number of conflicting
He hates Mondays and loves lasagne descriptions for each of the Gulette types and
apparently. where they originated.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

9) (I)During the Renaissance period, all of the

4) (I) The Temple of Artemis was a Greek temple women wore a corset. (II) Moreover, a woman

dedicated to Artemis. (II) It was considered to was put to shame if she was found absent of a
be one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient corset. (III) Corsets resembled a cone, as they
World. (III) The temple was destroyed by a were small at the waist and uplifting at the
lunatic called Herostatus in 356 BC. (IV) Today bosom. (IV) They have been with us for many
two of them can be seen in the nearby centuries. (V) They were used to hide the thick
museum. (V) Eventually, in 323 BC, it was waist since at that period in time, a 15 to 18
reconstructed by the people of Ephesus. inch waist was acceptable.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

10) (I) At one time in the history of education, one

5) (I) May 10,1996 was the deadliest day in had to be wealthy to attend school. (II) At other
Everest history. (II) A storm stranded many times, women were kept from attending school,
climbers near the summit and killed eight despite their standing in finances. (III) Financial
people. (III) Among those who died were Rob aid was widely available to aid those less
Hall and Scott Fischer. (IV) Both were fortunate. (IV) Today, this is not the case
experienced guides and were leading paid because school attendance is obligatory. (V)
expeditions to the summit. (V) Everest can be The law requires students who are between six
climbed without supplementary oxygen, but this and 16 years of age to attend school.
requires special fitness training.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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11) (I) The American family changed dramatically 16) (I) Countries with no codified constitution have
over the last decades of the twentieth century. no official language. (II) English is the dominant
(II) In 1960, 70 percent of families had a parent language in the United Kingdom, the United
home full-time. (III) Today, this is reversed. (IV) States, many Commonwealth nations, and
Both parents had to work long hours. (V) Fully other former British colonies. (III) It is also a
70 percent of families with children are now dominant or official language in many countries
headed by two working parents. formerly under British rule. (IV) It is now the
third-most spoken native language worldwide.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V (V) Many students worldwide are required to
learn at least some English, and a working
knowledge of English is required in many fields

and occupations.
12) (I) Debate has raged over the years as to the
source of Van Gogh's mental illness. (II) Over A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
150 psychiatrists have attempted to label his
illness. (III) As an artist he was only ten years
active, but in that time he made approximately
900 paintings. (IV) Eventually nearly everyone

SD agrees on schizophrenia. (V) But some still


claim that his fondness for alcoholic beverages 17) (I) Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian
might be the reason for his madness. Renaissance architect, musician, anatomist,
inventor, engineer, sculptor, and geometer. (II)
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V He has been described as a universal genius, a

man both infinitely curious and infinitely


inventive. (III) But Leonardo Da Vinci proved it

wrong. (IV) He is also said to be one of the
13) (I) The cast system in India is of great greatest painters. (V) He is famous for his
importance and affects almost all spheres of masterly paintings, such as The Last Supper,
life. (II) It was born with virtually harmless Mona Lisa and the Vitruvian man.
intentions. (III) Upward mobility is very rare in
the caste system. (IV) It was a simple way of A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
dividing the people of a society according to
their chosen profession. (V) However, the
system evolved in such away that you were
born into a caste which you could seldom
18) (I) Stardust is an American interplanetary
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V spacecraft, whose primary purpose is to

investigate the makeup of the comet Wild 2. (II)

It was launched on February 7, 1999 by NASA.
(III) Stardust travelled nearly 3 billion miles. (IV)
14) (I) A hieroglyphic script is one consisting of a These samples are believed to include
variety of pictures and symbols. (II) Papyrus remnants from the formation of the Solar
sheets were derived after processing the System (V) It returned to Earth on January 15,

papyrus plant. (III) Some symbols had 2006 to release a sample material capsule
independent meanings, whereas some of such
symbols were used in combinations. (IV) In A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
addition, some hieroglyphs were used
phonetically, in a similar fashion to the Roman
alphabet. (V) Some symbols also conveyed
multiple meanings, like the legs meant to walk,
to run, to go and to come.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 19) (I) Most modern mirrors consist of a thin layer of

aluminium deposited on a sheet of glass. (II)
They are also used in scientific apparatus such
as telescopes and lasers, and in industrial
machinery. (III) They are back silvered, where
15) (I) The Himalaya mountain range is the world's the reflecting surface is viewed through the
highest mountain range. (II) They form India's glass sheet. (IV) This makes the mirror durable,
north-eastern border, separating it from the rest but lowers the image quality of the mirror due to
of Asia. (III) The geography of India is extraneous reflections from the front surface of
extremely diverse. (IV) They extend almost the glass. (V) This type of mirror reflects about
uninterrupted for a distance of 2,500 km. (V) 80% of the incident light.
They cover an area of 500,000 km.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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20) (I)A sign language is a language which uses 24) (I) It is estimated that 15% of worldwide water
manual communication instead of sound to use is for household purposes. (II) These
convey meaning. (II) It develops in deaf include drinking water, bathing, cooking, and
communities, which can include interpreters sanitation. (III) Basic household water
and friends and families of deaf people as well requirements have been estimated at around
as people who are deaf or hearing-impaired 50 litres per person per day, excluding water for
themselves. (III) For instance, sign language is gardens. (IV) In some areas of the world
not universal. (IV) When people using different irrigation is necessary to grow any crop. (V)

sign languages meet, communication is Most household water is treated and returned
significantly easier than when people of to surface water systems.
different spoken languages meet. (V) Sign

language in this respect gives access to an A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
international deaf community.
25) (I)Being thin was not always viewed as being
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V desirable. (II) Thinness became the most
alarming and deadliest of obsessions. (III) Once
upon a time, thin women were considered poor
21) (I)Americans often plan social gatherings on and sickly, unsuitable for nurturing a large

SD short notice, so don't be surprised if you get family. (IV) What exactly happened to change

invited to someone's home or to see a movie or our view of beauty? (V) The bathing suit
baseball game without much warning. (II) At a undoubtedly played a role in determining the
party, don't be surprised if you are asked what ideal body shape.
you do for a living. (III) If the time is convenient A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

for you, by all means accept their invitation. (IV)


But if you are busy, do not be afraid to decline 26) (I)Rainforests are extremely important in the
the invitation, perhaps suggesting a time that ecology of the Earth. (II) They cover about 7%
would be better. (V) Your host will not be of the Earth's surface and are havens for
insulted. millions of plants and animals. (III) The plants of
the rainforests generate much of the Earth's
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. (IV) There are many types of
tropical rainforests in the world. (V) However
these plants are also very important to people
22) (I)While dieting or losing weight, there are often in other ways; many are used in new drugs that
times when we are tempted to eat things which fight disease and illness.
we are not supposed to eat. (II) Therefore it is
not very easy for someone to lose body fat and A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
it can be very frustrating as well. (III) However,

many studies nowadays support the idea that 27) (I)Blue jeans in the last thirty years have
while dieting one should allow himself to eat attained such popularity that they have become
once a week whatever he desires. (IV) an American icon. (II) It was not until the late
Following a high-protein diet over a long period 1960s, however, that blue jeans became the
of time can cause considerable health universally worn clothing item it is today. (III) In
problems. (V) It has been proved that this not the history of fashion, no other garment has

only makes the dieter happy but also helps the served as an example of status ambivalence
person to continue his diet. and ambiguity than blue jeans. (IV) At its birth,
blue jeans were created for the California coal
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V miners in the mid-nineteenth century. (V) Levi
Strauss was 17 years old when he emigrated
from Bavaria to New York in 1847.

23) (I)The climate of East Asia is both similar to and A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

different from that of Europe and the United
States. (II) It is similar in that it is a temperate 28) (I)Even if it sounds odd to many of us, some ice
climate, with colder winters and warm cream manufacturer allegedly once tried a
summers. (III) It is different in that most of the ketchup ice cream. (II) Ketchup dates back as
rainfall occurs during the warm summer far as 1600 AD, when sailors travelling to China
months, rather than during the winter months. discovered a sauce called 'ketsiap'. (III) It was a
(IV) Climate, agriculture, and population size sauce that was made out of soy or oysters and
are closely related in East Asia. (V) This didn't contain tomatoes. (IV) This version
abundant water supply allows for intensive quickly changed ingredients to include
agriculture, with two and sometimes three crop mushrooms, anchovies and lemon peel. (V)
cycles per year. Then in the late 1700's tomato ketchup began
the transformation to today's sweet tomato
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V version.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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29) (I)Although often referred to as tidal waves, a 33) (I) Until the twentieth century, methods of
tsunami is not a usual wave which is only much treating disease were rooted in local
bigger. (II) People unaware of the danger may customs.(II) The medicine practiced in one area
remain at the shore for collecting fish from the was often quite different from medicine
exposed seabed. (III) Instead it is an endlessly elsewhere. In rural areas people combined
onrushing tide that forces its way through any local folk custom with information gleaned from
obstacle. (IV) Most of the damage is caused by medical dictionaries to treat illnesses. (IV) Many
the huge mass of water behind the initial wave discoveries made in the 19th century led to

front. (V) The sheer weight of water is enough great advances in surgical methods. (V)
to pulverise objects in its path, often reducing Similarly, doctors, not yet an elite professional
buildings to their foundations. group, were usually trained through a

combination of schooling and apprenticeship.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

SD 30) (I)In 1929, the United States saw one of the


most dramatic upheavals in its history, the 34) (I) The term socialisation of dogs is used to
Great Depression. (II) This was the worst describe how a dog learns to relate to people
economic crisis in the country's history. (III) It and other dogs. (II) This process begins even
left an indelible scar on American society, before the puppy's eyes are open. (III) Once the

causing millions of people to languish in dog starts biting, it is very difficult to overcome.

joblessness, and starvation. (IV) People from (IV) For most puppies, a mother who interacts
the middle class were considered depression well with humans is the best teacher. (V)
proof due to their professions. (V) Even today, Therefore most experts today recommend
nearly every survivor of the Great Depression leaving puppies with their mothers until at least"
can still recall the feelings of hunger and 8 to 10 weeks of age.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

35) (I) Scientists have long thought that there is no

31) (I)Thanks to his theory of relativity, Einstein liquid water on the surface of Mars. (II)

became the most famous scientist of the 20th Olympos Mons, the largest volcano on Mars, is
century. (II) The father of a classmate helped thought to be extinct. (III) However, recent
him obtain employment as a technical assistant photos indicate that there might be some water
examiner there. (III) In 1905, he published a near the surface. (IV) Researches indicate the
paper proposing a special theory of relativity. effects of ancient waterways upon the
(IV) His work had a profound impact on landscape. (V) There are many dry rivers and

everything from quantum theory to the atom lakes complete with huge inflow and outflow
bomb. (V) He continued to develop his early channels.
ideas, and in 1915 published what is known as
his general theory of relativity. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

36) (I) For centuries China stood as a leading

civilization in the arts and sciences. (II)
32) (I)Like many insects, ants have six legs. (II) An. However, in the early 20th century, the country
ant colony consists of the queen ant, workers, was beset by civil unrest, famines and military
soldiers and males. (III) They are very strong so defeats. (III) As a result, an autocratic socialist
they can run very quickly. (IV) If a man could system was established. (IV) It has the
run as fast for his size as an ant can, he could manpower to build and possess the largest
run as fast as a racehorse. (V) Although many economy in the world. (V) This system ensured
ants are tiny and only three millimeters long China's sovereignty imposed strict controls over
they can lift 20 times their own body weight. everyday life.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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37) (I)There is an old saying, "An apple a day 39) (I) Veganism is a way of living which excludes
keeps the doctor away and helps losing all forms of exploitation of the animal kingdom.
weight." (II) In fact, studies have shown that a (II) It wasn't until 1944, when the first Vegan
number of components in apples help the body Society was formed in England. (III) It applies to
to fight many diseases. (III) Apples are also a the practice of living on the products of the
source of dietary fibre which helps digestion plant kingdom to the exclusion of all animal
and promotes weight loss. (IV) Blackberries and products. (IV) Vegans oppose the unnecessary
apples are a traditional duo for pies. (V) Unlike and barbarous testing of cosmetics and drugs.

other snacks such as biscuits, raw apples (V) Furthermore, vegans do not use soaps,
contain almost zero fat and cholesterol. cosmetics, or household products which
contain animal fats or oils.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
38) (I) It is not unusual to have sleep troubles from
time to time. (II) But, if you feel that you do not 40) (I) Tutankhamun, who is undoubtedly the most
get enough sleep you may have insomnia. (III) famous Egyptian pharaoh, was not
You should make sure your bedroom is quiet treacherously murdered, as historians believed.
and dark. (IV) Insomnia is not defined by the (II) He died a natural death. (III) His tomb was

SD number of hours you sleep every night. (V) It is the only one, which remained unplundered in

when the sufferer of this illness is not able to the Valley of the Kings. (IV) Most likely, the
fall asleep or to fall back asleep when he wakes pharaoh broke his leg or even two. (V) The
up during the night. bone fracture resulted in an infection, which
eventually killed the Egyptian king.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. E 6. C 7. B 8. E 9. D 10. C

11. D 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. C

21. B 22. D 23. D 24. D 25. B 26. D 27. E 28. A 29. B 30. D

31. B 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. C



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