Earthquake Sensor V1.1
Earthquake Sensor V1.1
Earthquake Sensor V1.1
of Earthquake Monitoring
Instrument for Elevators
Qinhuangdao Development Zone Prospect Photoelectric Tech. Co., Ltd.
Technical support: +8603358539888/8539856
All Rights Reserved.
This manual can help you to learn functions of this earthquake monitoring instrument; its
composition, configuration and specifications. It introduced installation procedure of its
hardware and how to use it correctly. It also introduced the way of getting rid of the
breakdown. Before using this instrument, please read this manual carefully, this can help you
to use it perfectly. Please keep this manual in a suitable place so that you can read it in time.
When we made up this manual, we tried to make it completely, correctly and liability. But it is
also possible to exit some careless mistakes. If you have any advice, suggestion or if you
don’t understand any point in it, contact us please. Thank you for your support and
In order to satisfy demand of the product market, we may upgrade the product in the future. In
this way, this manual will not meet with the upgrading product and we will modify the manual
according to the upgrading product. Prospect Company has the right of modifying the manual
without notice.
Thank you for using earthquake monitoring instrument for elevators.
1. General Introduction
Earthquake monitoring instrument for elevators will be applied with elevator controlling
system together to make the elevator be governed effectively before earthquake coming or
during earthquake striking. Before earthquake coming, earthquake monitoring instrument for
elevators can detect earthquake wave in advance, then it will output alarm contactor that will
be adopted by elevator controlling system. According to the contactor information, elevator
control system makes the elevator stop and open the door at the nearest floor and release the
passengers. In this way, maximum passengers will be survived and elevator can be protected
from damage.
2. Principle of the Operation
When earthquake strikes, it will cause earthquake waves. Earthquake waves compose of
primary wave and secondary wave according to their travelling way. Primary wave is
translatory wave, the travelling speed in earth’s crust of it is 5.57 kilometers/second and it
will reach epicenter firstly. It is also called wave P, it makes ground shake up and down and
its destructive effect is weak. Secondary wave is shear wave, the travelling speed in the
earth’s crust of it is 3.24.0 kilometers/second, it will reach epicenter secondly. It is also called
wave S, it makes ground shake left and right. Its destructive effect is strong. For these reasons,
wave P and wave S during earthquake striking is detected according to travelling way of
primary wave and secondary wave separately. Shock degree (or degree affected by earthquake)
at a certain place on the ground within the seismic wave scope is called seismic intensity.
Shock strength of the ground will affect the feeling of human beings, degree of things change,
degree of house damage and change of ground view etc directly. Generally, it is considered
that earthquake is caused by inertial force and inertial force is decided by ground acceleration
speed. Ground acceleration speed is regarded as the basis of earthquake intensity
internationally. Several different intensity scales are used in the countries in the world. In
western countries, Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale is used popularly, shortly called
M.M.Intensity Scale, composed of 12 intensity scales from scale I to VII. In Japan, no feeling
seismic is called scale 0, and feeling seismic is divided from scale I to VII, altogether 8 scales
(see attached table 2).Former Soviet Union and China divide it into 12 scales. In 1980, China
modified Earthquake Intensity Scale (see attached table 1).
According to the above basis, this instrument collects action acceleration speed on the ground
from three directions of X/Y/Z during earthquake striking for detecting the coming seismic
accurately. When wave P is coming, acceleration sensor can feel the shock from the vertical
direction in seismic early time, and signal will be output, then it will be amplified by filtration
and then to be sent to microprocessor control by analog digital converter for being treated
correspondingly. The same ,when wave S is coming, acceleration sensor can feel the shock
from the horizontal direction in seismic early time, and signal will be output, then it will be
amplified by filtration and then to be sent to microprocessor control by analog digital
converter for being treated correspondingly.
This instrument has two ways relay output, they are alarm level one output and alarm level
two output separately and they are connected into operation control system of elevator
separately for being collected by elevator control system. Alarm level one will be output when
the instrument detects wave P in seismic early time or lower seismic acceleration speed. It is
primary output for alarming the possible coming seismic. If there is no alarm level two output
10 seconds after alarm level one action, it will reset automatically and contactor signal will
disappear. Alarm level two output is for higher action acceleration speed on the ground, it
can’t be reset automatically. Only after elevator engineer check the elevator and ensure that
the elevator works normally, it will be reset manually.
Acceleration speed threshold value of alarm output above mentioned is set before the product
is delivered to the market. It can be adjusted according to the customer’s requirement.
3. Technique Data
4. Structure and Connection Instruction
4.1 Outside Structure:
4.2 Connection:
The connection way of this product is outgoing line. Power supply line and signal line comes
out from water proof terminals separately, as per above drawings. Power supply is connected
with 220V AC voltage. Different color signal lines represent the following meanings:
Color Red Black Green White Grey Brown
Normal Open Common Normal Normal Common Normal
Relay Relay Close Relay Open Relay Relay Close Relay
Contactor of Contactor Contactor Contactor Contactor Contactor
Alarm Level of Alarm of Alarm of Alarm of Alarm of Alarm
II Level II Level II Level I Level I Level I
Contactor output can choice normal open or normal close according to the requirement. They
are dry contactors at the reset and detecting interface. Button can be set outside, when button
is used, corresponding operation will be done.
4.3 Indicator Instruction
Normally, indicator is light, when alarm level I contactor is output, indicator will glimmer;
when alarm level II contactor is output, indicator will glimmer quickly.
4.4 Test Button Instruction
To be used for testing if the product can operate correctly or not.
5 Installation and Operation
5.1 Installation
This instrument is recommended to be installed in elevator control room. It should be
connected with load bearing wall closely and be fixed with 4 screws of M6 and flat washers
tightly. Installation procedure is as follow:
5.1.1 To fix instrument on the load bearing wall or fixed on the support in the elevator control
room according to the direction instruction marked on the surface outside. To ensure the
instrument is connected with the ground tightly. Wall for installation should not incline too
much (tilting angle should be less than 30 degree).
5.1.2 To connect signal wire and power supply wire correctly according to wire list of
5.1.3 To switch on the power supply.
5.2. Operation
5.2.1 To set the acceleration speed value
Before product is delivered, acceleration speed value will be set in advance. It also can be set
according to the customer’s requirement. We recommend the following value according to the
actual situation and Domestic Earthquake Intensity Scale.
Reference Acceleration Value of
Output Threshold Output Threshold
Contactor Output
Value of Intensity Value of Intensity
Scale I Scale II
(m/s ) (m/s 2 )
Building Height
Less Than 60m 0.6 1.2
Between 60m and 120m 0.30.4 0.60 1.0
More Than 120m 0.20.3 0.40.8
Values in above table are obtained through analysis to earthquake stroke. When earthquake
intensity scale is between level I to Level V, it mainly gives feeling of human beings, but
gives small damage to buildings. So, we recommend that the contactor output value of
intensity Scale I is set between scale V and scale VI (Domestic Earthquake Intensity Scale)
when the building height is less than 60 meters, that is to say, acceleration on ground is
0.6m/s 2 or so. In this way, it both can ensure accurate forecast to the coming earthquake, and
can avoid wrong report due to non seismic shock. Facts have been proved that elevators are
seldom damaged under earthquake intensity scale 7, so when the building height is less than
60 meters, threshold value of alarm level II is set as 1.2 mm/s 2 for enlarging auto reset scope
of alarm level I.
Acceleration speed value of the instrument here supplied is set as 0.6 m/s 2 for threshold
acceleration value of alarm level I and 1.2 m/s 2 for threshold acceleration value of alarm
level II.
5.2.2 Operation Flow
When early micro shock or lower intensity scale is detected by earthquake monitoring
instrument, alarm level I contactor will be output and indictor will glimmer, if there is no
signal of alarm level II is output within 10 seconds, then it will be reset automatically and
elevator will operate normally.
If alarm level II contactor is output and indicator glimmers quickly, elevator engineer must
check the elevator and reset the instrument manually.
5.2.3 Reset
After the alarm level II contactor is output, elevator engineer will check the elevator. If you
want elevator to work normally, the instrument must be reset firstly. Instrument reset is
realized by short circuiting two reset lines. Reset lines can be wired into control rooms and
product can be reset remotely.
5.2.4 Test the Instrument
After the earthquake monitoring instrument is installed, it should be test once a year for
ensuring its normal operation. To switch on the test button, and simulate seismic output, first
output alarm level I contactor,3 seconds later, output alarm level II contactor, then reset it
manually. If it is normal, then system operates correctly. Otherwise, deliver it to the factory
for repaired.
5.2.5 Recommended Operation Mode of Elevator Control System When Earthquake
striking When the elevator control system receives signal of alarm level I, elevator should keep
at the floor station if it is not working; if the elevator is operating, it should be governed by
elevator control system till it reaches base station. After it reaches base station, open the door
and keep the door open till signal of alarm level I output disappeared. When the elevator control system receives signal of alarm level II, elevator should
keep at the floor station if it is not working; if the elevator is operating, elevator control
system should make it go to the direction far from the counterweight and stop at the nearest
floor. Open the door and keep the door open till signal of alarm level II output disappeared.
8 When the power supply of elevator is off, elevator should keep the actual situation as
before the power supply off. Output provided by the earthquake monitoring instrument should
not be deleted. Contactor should be under alarm situation when the power supply of this instrument is
6. Notes
6.1 Please don’t install this instrument in the following places for avoiding mistaking action.
n Tilting place(tilting angle< 30 degree)
n Shock place, place where is easy to be shocked by opening the door or closing the
n High temperature place
n To be affected by magnetic field.
n Place full of dust and corrosive gas to be produced.
n Place existing inflammable and explosive gas.
6.2 When connecting lines, power supply must be off, otherwise it is easy to cause
inflammable, explosive accidents or electric shock.
6.3 When installing the instrument, fix it on the wall or fixed it on the support tightly,
installation direction must be accordance with the Manual.
6.4 To reset the instrument according to the operation instruction to the Main Unit for
ensuring the fully safety.