SD5R 3

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Company Directive


Earth Fault Loop Impedances and Phase to

Neutral Loop Impedances

NOTE: The current version of this document is stored in the WPD Corporate Information Database. Any other
copy in electronic or printed format may be out of date. Copyright 2019 Western Power Distribution

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This document specifies the requirements for the maximum impedance values permitted for
WPD connections.

Main Changes

The specification for a maximum impedance of a shared use main route conductor has been
added to help facilitate the connection of Electric Vehicle (EV) charge points.

Impact of Changes

The changes are relevant to all staff involved with the design, installation and metering of low
voltage connections.

Implementation Actions

Managers responsible for staff involved in the design, installation and metering of low voltage
connections shall ensure the relevant are aware of, and follow the requirements of this

Implementation Timetable

This policy is implemented with immediate effect for new or substantially modified networks.

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Document Revision / Review Table

Date Changes / Comments Author
June 2019  Clause 2.4 has been added - specification of circuit Seth Treasure
impedance to enable the connection of EV charge

January 2018  Note 8 has been added to Table 1 Andy Hood

December 2017 The maximum Phase to Neutral impedance values Andy Hood /
for new and substantially modified networks have Seth Treasure
been amended

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This document specifies the requirements for earth fault loop impedance and phase to
neutral loop impedance within Western Power Distribution’s (WPD’s) LV Network.

Impedance (Z) is the sum of resistance (R) and reactance (X). Resistance and reactance
are displaced by 90o from each other and hence are added using Pythagoras Theorem as
shown below:

𝑍 = √(𝑅 2 + 𝑋 2 )

Earth fault loop impedances and phase to neutral impedances determined at the
Connection Point will be identical in systems that utilise a combined neutral and earth
conductor over their entire length. Such systems include those utilising Protective
Multiple Earthing (PME) and Protective Neutral Bonding (PNB).


2.1 General

Two types of loop impedance are considered, Phase to Neutral Loop Impedance (PNLI)
and Earth Fault Loop Impedance (EFLI).

2.1.1 Phase to Neutral Loop Impedance (PNLI)

The phase to neutral loop impedance (PNLI) of the network affects the voltage rise /
drop caused by connected load and has a significant impact on power quality, including
voltage disturbances (flicker and rapid voltage changes), voltage distortion (harmonics)
and voltage unbalance. It also affects losses in the network.

2.1.2 Earth Fault Loop Impedance (EFLI)

Typical maximum earth fault loop impedances (EFLIs) within WPD’s existing network are
in accordance with ENA ER P23.

It should be noted that the IET Wiring Regulations (BS7671) does not specify maximum
values for EFLI, however it does, in some cases, specify maximum fault clearance times
for the customer protection.

The EFLI of a network affects the sensitivity and operating time of protection (fuses,
MCBs etc.). WinDebut checks that substation fuses are capable of operating within
60 seconds.

It should be noted that WinDebut assumes the network utilises a combined neutral and
earth conductor. Where this is not the case, for example, where we use separate neutral
and earth conductors or where TT connections are provided the earth fault loop
impedances obtained from WinDebut will actually be Phase to Neutral Loop

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2.1.3 PME (TN-C-S) and PNB Connections

For new and substantially modified PME and PNB systems the neutral and earth
connections are bonded together at the connection point and so the PNLI and EFLI will
be identical.

2.1.4 SNE connections (TN-S) and SNE connections derived from a CNE network

For SNE connections and SNE connections derived from a CNE network, the PNLI may be
lower than the EFLI. This is because the earth conductor (i.e. the protective conductor)
may, over part of its length, be derived from cable sheaths or earth wires which have
higher impedance than the neutral conductor.

2.1.5 Directly Earthed (TT) Connections

WPD do not provide an earth terminal at directly earthed (TT) connections and so
maximum EFLI values are not specified. The customer’s electrical installer is responsible
for installing and maintaining a separate earth electrode and earth terminal and they
must ensure the EFLI meets the protection requirements detailed within the wiring

2.2 Metered Connections

2.2.1 General

The design requirements for metered connections are specified in ST: SD5A (domestic
connections), ST: SD5C (multi-occupancy buildings) and ST: SD5E (commercial and
industrial connections). Customer earthing requirements are specified in ST: TP21E.

2.2.2 Maximum PNLI for Metered Connections

Maximum PNLI values for metered connections are specified in Table 1. The
requirements depend on the date the LV circuit was originally designed and whether the
circuit is fed from a ground mounted transformer or a pole-mounted/pad-mount
transformer. The type of earthing at the connection does not affect these requirements.

WinDebut has been set to flag up (refer) an issue when the maximum loop resistance
exceeds 0.22Ω (where services are modelled). This resistance value has been
determined to ensure that the phase to neutral loop impedance value does not exceed
0.25Ω at the connection point/s (i.e. at cut-out/s).

2.2.3 Maximum EFLI for Metered Connections

EFLI requirements for new and substantially modified metered connections are also
specified in Table 1 and depend on the earthing type and fuse rating offered at the
connection. Where maximum values are specified, these are based on 5s cut-out fuse
operating times.

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Maximum Phase to Neutral Loop Maximum Earth Fault
Cut-out Impedance (PNLI) Loop Impedance (EFLI)
Fuse Directly
Designed from Designed prior to PME / PNB SNE[3]
Rating Earthed (TT)
01/01/2018[1][8] 01/01/2018[2][8] Connection Connection
Domestic type cut-outs fuses[5][6]:
≤ 60A 0.25 Ω 0.35 Ω[4] 0.73 Ω N/A
As per PNLI
80A 0.25 Ω 0.35 Ω[4] 0.52 Ω N/A
100A 0.25 Ω 0.35 Ω 0.38 Ω N/A
J Type heavy duty cut-out fuses
100A 0.25 Ω 0.35 Ω[4] 0.54 Ω N/A
160A 0.25 Ω 0.28 Ω 0.28 Ω N/A
200A 0.22 Ω 0.22 Ω 0.22 Ω N/A
250A 0.17 Ω 0.17 Ω As per PNLI 0.17 Ω N/A
315A 0.13 Ω 0.13 Ω requirement 0.13 Ω N/A
350A 0.12 Ω 0.12 Ω 0.12 Ω N/A
400A 0.10 Ω 0.10 Ω 0.10 Ω N/A
500A[7] 0.07 Ω 0.07 Ω 0.07 Ω N/A
Table 1 Maximum Loop Impedance Values for Metered Connections
Note 1 Applies to LV circuits that were originally designed or significantly modified on,
or after 1st January 2018.
Note 2 Applies to LV circuits that were originally designed prior to 1st January 2018.
Note 3 Also applies to SNE connections connected to a combined neutral and earth
(CNE) network.
Note 4 The 0.35 Ω value may be increased to 0.47 Ω where the LV circuit is fed from a
pole-mounted or pad-mount transformer.
Note 5 Includes the customer facing fuses in a WPD owned MSDB.
Note 6 Also applies to metered street furniture connections fed via ‘street lighting’ type
cut outs.
Note 7 500A supplies are only available from connections to ground mounted
Note 8 Where a circuit that was originally designed prior to 01/01/2018 is extended or
one or more new connections are added, the phase to neutral impedance of the
modified circuit shall be i) no higher than the highest impedance of the existing
circuit or ii) no higher than the limit defined for circuits designed from
01/01/2018, whichever value is higher.

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2.3 Un-metered Connections

2.3.1 General

The design requirements and earthing requirements for un-metered connections are
specified in ST: SD5P and ST: TP21E, respectively.

2.3.2 Maximum PNLI for Unmetered Connections

The Electricity (Unmetered Supply) Regulations 2001 only allows a connection to be

unmetered where its load is predictable and it is either rated at less than 500W or it is
impractical (technically or financially) to meter. Given this, the load connected at an
unmetered connection is normally rated below 2.2A. Despite the low level of current,
unmetered connections could still have an impact on the network voltage and on power
quality, particularly where several unmetered connections are supplied from the LV

The maximum PNLI values for un-metered connections are specified in Table 2 and
cater, to some extent, for the power quality impact. Further analysis may be needed
where multiple unmetered connections are being supplied.

2.3.3 Maximum EFLI for Unmetered Connections

EFLI requirements for new and substantially modified unmetered connections are
specified within Table 2 and depend on the earthing arrangement offered. Where a
maximum ELFI value is specified, this is based on a fuse operating time of 5s, which is in
line with the requirements for outdoor lighting installations defined in BS7671 (EIT
Wiring Regulations).

Maximum Earth Fault

Loop Impedance (EFLI)
Cut-out Maximum Phase to Neutral
Fuse Rating Loop Impedance (PNLI) PME / PNB SNE[3]
Earthed (TT)
Connection Connection
Street lighting type cut-out (i.e. 25A cut-out)
6A 1.50 Ω 13.50 Ω N/A
10A 1.38 Ω 7.10 Ω N/A
As per PNLI
16A 0.86 Ω 3.80 Ω N/A
20A 0.69 Ω 2.70 Ω N/A
25A 0.55 Ω 2.10 Ω N/A
Domestic type cut-out (i.e. 100A cut-out)
≤ 60A 0.47 Ω 0.73 Ω N/A
As per PNLI
80A 0.47 Ω 0.52 Ω N/A
100A 0.38 Ω 0.38 Ω N/A
Table 2 Maximum Loop Impedance Values for Unmetered Connections

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2.4 Impedance of the main route conductor

2.4.1 General

The design requirements for the connection of Low Carbon Technology are specified
within ST: SD5G Part 1 & 2.

2.4.2 Maximum PNLI at remote end of circuit

To facilitate the connection of Low Carbon Technologies (Electric Vehicles and Heat
Pumps) with a rating < 32A per phase the impedance of the overall circuit shall be
designed to meet the below requirements.

If the impedance of the circuit is < the below requirement, the summation of harmonic
currents within the overall low voltage system may be ignored .The limiting factor of the
network will be set by the thermal capacity of the circuit.

Transformer rating Phase to Neutral Impedance(1)

< 315 kVA < 0.245Ω

> 315kVA < 0.144Ω

(1) – At the remote end of the circuit e.g. pot end or last pole with highest impedance
on circuit


Customers and/or electrical contractors may request the maximum EFLI loop impedance
at a customer installation. We are obliged under the Electricity Safety, Quality and
Continuity Regulations 2002, to provide this information to anyone who can show a
reasonable cause for requiring it, when asked to do so.

3.1 Earthing Terminal provided by WPD

Where WPD provides the customer with an earth terminal, the Planner should in most
cases, quote the relevant “typical maximum earth fault loop impedance” value specified
in National Engineering Recommendation P23.

LV metered connections supplied from a small pole mounted transformer (e.g. less than
16kVA single phase), or via a long length of cable or overhead line sometimes have earth
fault loop impedances above the typical figures in P23.

The typical figures in P23 do not apply to street lighting connections where long lengths
of small section cable are sometimes used.

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Where necessary, values of EFLI can be checked / confirmed by:

 Windebut (for PME connections only), using the motor starting tool. It is
important to choose a single phase motor when determining the EFLI.

 Manual calculation (for SNE connections) where cable/line data is available.

 Measurement (using an appropriate earth fault loop impedance tester)

In practice, measurements taken close to WPD transformers or on circuits with

particularly low impedances are often highly inaccurate.

Once the earth fault loop impedance has been measured or calculated, the higher of
this figure and the value specified in P23 shall be quoted to the customer.

3.2 No Earthing Terminal provided by WPD

For connections where WPD do not provide an earth terminal, i.e. directly earthed (TT)
connections, the EFLI will be dependent on the resistance of the customer’s earth
electrode and the substation earth electrode resistance. BS7671 specifies that the
customer’s earthing electrode must be less than 1660 ohms where a 30mA RCD is
installed, although a value less than 200 ohms is recommended.

If WPD is asked to provide the loop impedance at an installation where an earthing

terminal is not provided, WPD should quote a figure for the “external loop impedance,
not including the customer’s earth electrode”. The Planner must make it clear to the
customer that the earthing resistance of his/her earth electrode is not included.

Where the connection is made to a substation that is suitable for PME connections, a
typical maximum value of 21 ohms shall be quoted (which takes account of the
resistance of the substation earth electrode). If the substation is not designed to provide
PME connections, a figure of 40 ohms applies.

In such cases it is recommended that the customer, or customer’s electrical installer,

measures the overall earth fault loop impedance with an appropriate loop impedance

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Customer’s Premises

WPD’s Customer’s
Cut-out Equipment
WPD’s Transformer

Phase to Neutral Loop Impedance

and Earth Fault Loop Impedance

PME Earth Electrodes

Earth Electrode
Figure A1 Loop Impedance at a PME Connection
Note: The Earth fault Loop Impedance at PME connections is the same as the Phase to Neutral

Customer’s Premises

WPD’s Customer’s
Cut-out Equipment
WPD’s Transformer

Phase to Neutral Loop Impedance



Earth Electrode
Figure A2 Phase to Neutral Loop Impedance at a SNE Connection

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Customer’s Premises

WPD’s Customer’s
Cut-out Equipment
WPD’s Transformer


Earth Fault Loop Impedance


Earth Electrode

Figure A3 Earth Fault Loop Impedance at a SNE Connection

Note, the earth fault loop impedance is typically greater than the phase to neutral impedance
due to the earthing conductor having a smaller cross section area and having connections with
greater impedances.

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This document supersedes ST:SD5R/2 dated January 2018 which has now been withdrawn.



BS7671: IET Wiring Regulations

ST: SD5A Low Voltage Domestic Connections
ST: SD5C Low Voltage Connections to Multiple Occupancy Buildings
ST: SD5P Design of Unmetered Connections
ST: SD6F Dealing with Potentially Disturbing Electrical Loads/Equipment
ST: SD6J Connection Design - Potentially Disturbing Electrical Equipment Rated ≤75A/phase
Subject to Conditional Connection
ST: TP21E Provision of WPD Earth Terminals to LV Customer LV Installations
POL: NC4 Relating to the Giving of Consent to Other Parties to Make or Alter a Connection
between a Consumer’s Installation and the WPD LV Distribution System
ST: NC5A Required Inspections and Tests of a LV Service Prior to Connection

ENA EREC P23 Customer’s Earth Fault Protection for Compliance with the IEE Wiring
Regulations for Electrical Installations



Earth Fault, Loop Impedance, Cut-out, IET Wiring Regulations, BS7671, PME, SNE, TT

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