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highest human resource officer
Duly accomplished Personal Data Sheet PDS)
(C3 Form No. 212, Revised 2017) and Work. S a
Ssperience Sheet ifapplcsble a
[| Photocopy of vid and updated PRC Lsese7 1.17
sapnlcabie 2 -
| Photocopy CTIA oT ENGNG REPORT 5
Rating, applicable < “
=| Photocopy of schoiatc/acadenic records such as
bt ot Listed to Transcript of Recorde (TOR) and
Diplo, intoding complation of gaduate and post-
seaduats units depree, applicable
T| Protocopy of Cerseate of Training, Papplcabie Z
Photocopy of Certiicate of employment, Contract ot
Service, or duly signed Service Record, whichever = 2
| Photocopy of latest appointment, appieabie
| Photocopy of Performance Ratings in te last ing
‘enode} covering one (year of perormance rit
Toth deadline of estmision, applicable
F | Chest of Requirements and Omnibus Sura
‘Statement on the Cerifeaton onthe Authentic
sry eth docaets ubstedan = wy
‘Data Privacy Consent Form
‘ther dacente an may be Fete Gr
‘Somparatve asestment, such as but nt limited =
Means of Verieation (MOVs) showing Outstanding
‘Accomplishments, pplcauon on Education, and
‘pplation of Learning and Development reckoned
{Gem dhe dae of lant asuaace of sppiniment
‘Photocopy of Performance Rating obtained tom
felevent work expeience if performance rating
tem iis not relevant othe postion tobe led.
{Thereby eelfy that all information abore ar tue and correct, and of my personal knowledge and belt, and the documents submited
Dnerewith ar onignal and/or certified true copies thereat
Thereby grant the Department of Education the right to collect and process my personal information aa stated above, for PUFPORES
decree! tothe ecmument, selection, and placement of personel inthe Department of Bdveation ad fr the ‘a eomplanee
‘vith the laws, rule, and regulation being implemented ty the Civil Service Comission
Subwcrie and worn to tofore me thin JUN, 272079 _, year 028,
belly S, CHUA
No. 7983
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