Royal Show 2023 FULL

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26 MAY – 4 JUNE



2 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023


With the focus on introducing
“town to country”, and afford-
Show is complete without enter-
tainment, and 2023 promises to
ing guests an educational and ensure a memorable time for all. The Royal Show Craft Hall the Craft Hall, including
fun-filled experience, the 173rd The 2023 Royal Show acknowl- will be packed full of stun- love quilts, which have
Royal Show opens its gates on edges with appreciation its ning hand-made items been made for use on the
May 26. partnership with Coca-Cola from May 27 to June 5. beds of the delegates at
The Royal is South Beverages, First National This year’s exhibitors the International Quilt
Africa’s largest mixed Bank, East Coast Radio include members of the Festival to be held at
agricultural show in terms and the Red Meat Produc- KZN Quilters Guild, whose Epworth School in July.
of catering for livestock ers Organisation. creations will be judged Also on show will be the
and equipment. In 2023, Managed parking is in three categories: bed creations of the best cake
this includes the hosting of on the Voortrekker sports quilt, lap or wall quilt, and decorators in the province.
the Chianina cattle breed and fields, opposite the main gate cot quilt. Rosettes will be Members of the Mid-
Hampshire Down National Sheep into the show grounds, at R20 per awarded by the Midlands lands Woodworkers Guild
Championships. vehicle. There is also an area for Quilters Guild for the top (MWG) are also back at
The large presence of agricul- the disabled. three in each section. the show. Last, but by no
tural implements is of interest to The show, with its mix of tradi- There will be means least, visitors to
farmers and the public alike, and tion, coupled with the many the Craft Hall can enjoy
the show is often used for intro- latest trends, affords other types the floral displays made
ducing new models and brands. visitors a package of quilts on by the KZN Association of
Included in the mix is KZN’s of education, display in Flower Arrangers.
largest annual display of birds, information and
rabbits and honey products, each entertainment for
of which includes a purchase and the family.
educational component; this to We look forward
complement the natural wool and to welcoming you.
fibre expo and display of indige-
nous livestock. — Terry
Aside from agriculture, the Strachan,
Royal Show continues to cater for CEO of the
a broad mix of 450 or so commer- Royal
cial, industrial and service sector Agricultural
exhibits. No visit to the Royal Society

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MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 3

Umgeni Water
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Agricultural Show
Come and visit Umgeni Water’s exhibition stand
at the Royal Agricultural Show Grounds from

26 May to 4 June 2023

Stop by our stand for a refreshing glass of purified water

and to learn about our services.

Schools are welcome to join us for free water education

awareness talks and to discover the significance of
water conservation and treatment processes.
Look for Umgeni Water (Block A, Stand No. 7B) near the green Royal
Show administration building.
© Umgeni Water 2023

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Think Water,
Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development. think Umgeni Water.
4 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023


The interactive Sheep & Wool Expo is a firm There are daily workshops on Are you fascinated by bees?
favourite with all age groups, and was a worthy spinning, dyeing, knitting, felting or Do you want to make your garden more
winner of the RAS President’s Trophy for special leather work, and visitors who are bee friendly?
endeavour last year. inspired to learn these skills can Or learn how to keep bees in an apiary?
The expo covers all aspects of sheep (and goats) chat to expert crafters and exhib- Then the Honey Hall at the Royal Show is
and wool, from conception to consumption. itors to learn what to do. A social just the place for you.
The animals, as well as the products derived knitting and crocheting table is It has been run for many years by
from them, are displayed side by side. available for anyone who wants to dedicated members of the KZN Bee
relax with creative projects. Farmers Association, a voluntary group,
Visitors interested in farming which aims to promote beekeeping and
Visitors can watch sheep-shearing demon- sheep and goats can chat to repre- associated industries and products.
strations hosted by the National Wool sentatives from the Agricultural The members aim to educate the public
Growers Association (NWGA) from Research Council and the Goat Ag- about bees and honey, and other bee
FRIDAY, MAY 26 TO SUNDAY, ribusiness Project about starting products, such as beeswax, propolis and
MAY 28, and from FRIDAY, JUNE 2 TO their own enterprise. mead.
SUNDAY, JUNE 3, every hour on the There is also a range of beau- The KZN Bee
hour, from 10 am to 5 pm. tiful products on sale, including Farmers Association
sheepskin slippers, knitting also holds one of
yarns, leather belts and the premier honey
pouches, scarves, hand-knit- competitions in the
ted jerseys, pullovers, hats, country and visitors
mohair blankets, shawls, will be able to view
socks and more. the entries and
And, if you need refresh- understand the
ment, there is a coffee wonderful diversity
shop and farm stall. of real honey.
The Sheep & Wool The Honey Hall also
Expo can be found in offers honey tasting, an
the far corner of the opportunity to watch live
show grounds, near bees hard at work, and many
Gate 8 and experienced beekeepers who
the Snake will be there to answer all your
Park. questions.

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R1 560 000 Woodlands DzdzǷ:‹˜ùFŸËÙĄù_ô裣ôɠX¸£ô£èыè¸ôИùè¯ɠdzDzǰDZ

064 657 9796 072 294 9786
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 5


MAY 27 AND 28 MAY 29 MAY 30 MAY 30
Learn to crochet a toy puppy Crochet fingerless gloves Introduction to Tunisian crochet Crochet a pot-plant holder
Time: 10 am to 11 am Time: 10 am to noon Time: 10 am to noon Time: 10 am to noon
Cost: R100 including materials Cost: R50 excluding materials Cost: R150 excluding materials Cost: R200 including materials
Skill level: Beginner Skill level: Basics of crochet Skill level: Basics to crochet Skill level: Beginner
Bring: Your enthusiasm! Bring: 4 and 3,5 mm hooks Bring: 5/6 mm Tunisian hook, yarn Bring: Your enthusiasm!
Contact: Michelle, 072 746 9888 Contact: Adré, 072 207 9789 Contact: Adré, 072 207 9789 Contact: Michelle, 072 746 9888

MAY 30 & 31 MAY 31 JUNE 1 JUNE 3

The art of basic macrame Learn to crochet a wine caddy Learn to crochet a bath mat Kids craft: fun with pom poms
Cost: Noon to 3 pm Time: 10 am to noon Time: 10 am to noon Time: 11 am and 2 pm
Cost: R200 including materials Cost: R200 including materials Cost: R220 including materials Cost: R150 including materials
Skill level: Beginner Skill level: Beginner Skill level: Beginner Skill level: Beginner
Bring: Your enthusiasm! Bring: Your enthusiasm! Bring: Your enthusiasm! Bring: Your enthusiasm!
Contact: Debbie, 082 820 3238 Contact: Michelle, 072 746 9888 Contact: Michelle, 072 746 9888 Contact: Debbie, 082 820 3238

JUNE 3 & 4 JUNE 4

Pop-in Tjhoko paint projects Pop-in Tjhoko paint projects
Time: 10 am to noon Time: 9 am & 3 pm
Cost: R100 to R350 per project Cost: R600 including materials
Skill level: Beginner Skill level: Beginner
Bring: Your enthusiasm! Bring: Your enthusiasm!
Contact: Ronel, 079 494 5921 Contact: Ronel, 079 494 5921



Stockists of Premium Forest, Garden & Agricultural Equipment.


033-342 3258 | 361 Victoria Road, Pietermaritzburg
6 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023


This year’s Royal Show will host their national championships. Sussex. SHEEP AND GOAT
two national championships, The Hampshires will be On the first weekend of the
one in the cattle section and among 750 small stock (sheep show, young farmers will be PROGRAMME
the other in the sheep section. and goats) competing in breed taking part in the Youth Show
Making their first ap- competitions. Also heading and Future Farmer competi- FRIDAY, MAY 26 - Dorpers
pearance at the Royal show to Pietermaritzburg will be tion. SATURDAY, 27 - Suffolks and
grounds is the Chianina, a beef Dorpers, Dormers, Suffolk and There will also be judging Dormers
breed from Italy. Visitors will Ile de France sheep and Boer in the commercial cattle and SUNDAY, 28 - Fat lamb
be able to see these cattle Goats, Savannah’s and Kalahari fat lamb classes on the hoof, MONDAY, 29 - Ile de France
in the parade ring during the Reds. before the animals are taken to TUESDAY, 30 - Hampshire Down
Chianina Cattle Breed National In the cattle section, the the abattoir ahead of the Royal Nationals and Carcass auction
Championship, which will take KZN Brahman Club farmers Show Carcass Auction at 4 pm WEDNESDAY, 31 – Interbreed
place from 9 am on May 30. will find out who has bred this on May 30. judging and Gold Cup announcements
On the same day, in the year’s best cows and bulls. This year will also see the THURSDAY, JUNE 1 - Goats arrive
sheep section, the Hampshire Other cattle breeds competing continuation of the com- FRIDAY, 2 - Goat Rams
Down breeders will be com- are the Simbra, Simmentaler, mercial weaner and heifer SATURDAY, 3 - Goat Ewes and Goat
peting for Best on Show during Angus, Dexters, Limousin and competitions. Interbreed

THURSDAY, MAY 25 steers. 4 pm: First load of steers are sent to 4.30 pm: Young Auctioneers
Arrival and weighing and mouthing of FRIDAY, MAY 26 abattoir to be judged by SAMIC Competition
9 am: Arrival and weighing and mouth- SUNDAY, MAY 28 TUESDAY, MAY 30
ing of steers. 8 am: Youth Show 8 am: Brahman bulls, Angus, Dexters
2 pm: Youth Show 10 am: Future Farmers 9 am: Chianina Nationals, Limousin
SATURDAY, MAY 27 Noon: Arrival of heifers 10 am: Simmentaler females
8am: Youth Show MONDAY, MAY 29 Noon: Sussex
9 am: Student’s Challenge and steers 8 am: Braham groups and females 4 pm: Carcass auction
– halter trained 10 am: Judging of beef and dairy heifers, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31
11 am: Steers – un-halter trained and Simbra and Simmentaler groups and 9 am: Beef interbreed
Noon: Steers championship bulls 4 pm: Grand Parade into main arena
3 pm: Future Farmers lecture for 1 pm: Presentation of prizes in commer- 4.30 pm: Gold Cup
students, including showing tips cial competition presentations and dinner
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 7
South African National Sheepdog
trials since 1991.
From loving dogs to working
SHEEPDOG DEMO WILL AMAZE them on the farm, Pretorius has
refined their ability, natural drive
and their need to please, into an
awesome team.
At the 2023 Royal Show, she
will be demonstrating on a
small scale what sheepdogs are
capable of doing in real work
situations on a farm.
The demonstration will show
the sheepdogs managing,
herding and controlling the sheep
Although not common in South Zealand and the United Kingdom. components jointly capable of to guide them into a fenced
Africa, working sheepdogs, most Indeed, the frequent “tools managing upwards of 50 sheep enclosure, which is an exercise
commonly the Border Collie, form of trade” on many sheep farms on a farm. that is sure to amaze stock
an integral part of stock farm would be one farmer, one Ragni Pretorius has been breeders and the public alike.
management in Australia, New quad bike and one dog; three competing every year in the


Mark your event promises to be a visitors will also be
calendars for treat for all dog lovers. treated to Flyball,
May 27 and May 28, Dog agility is a display another thrilling
as people’s best of the bond between dogs dog sport. In this
friend takes centre and their handlers. Watch fast-paced relay
stage in the Canine as the agile canines tackle race, teams of two
Spectacular in the a challenging course of or four dogs race
main arena at this tunnels, jumps and weave over four jumps, hit
year’s Royal Show. poles, all while running a box that’s spring-
With a wide off-leash and relying solely loaded with a tennis
variety of dog on their handler’s voice, ball, and then dash
breeds showcasing movements and body back over the jumps
their incredible language. with the ball before the
skills, this two-day This year, Royal Show next dog takes off.
8 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023


Since its beginnings as competition between On the morning of May 29, the Royal Please note: no maize fed animals
“The Pietermaritzburg livestock breeders at Agricultural Society will be holding the are allowed. The RAS is trying to
Fair” in 1851 behind the city the show grounds in AAM Veld heifer competition, which is promote cattle directly from the
hall, the Royal Agricultural Pietermaritzburg. open to all heifer types: composites, camp and which will go directly back
Show has been the place The final judging is held pure and cross breeds. on the camp for breeding.
for farmers to show their in the main arena in view Femininity, form and function are The heifers should arrive on the
livestock for the past 172 of the public. the judging goals. Sunday night or before 9 am on the
years. This year, the Royal The classes are: three in calf heifer; Monday morning. The competition,
The show’s cattle and Show’s Standard Bank three open replacement heifers; and which will be judged by Barry Symons
small-stock sections Gold Cup will take place three weaner heifers (born 2023). and Rowan van Aart, will start at
have been renowned for from 4 pm on May 31. The champions of the three classes 10 am.
generations. The cattle will again be will compete to be crowned as the Inquiries: Julia Hackland at
A wide range of breeds joined by the small-stock RAS and AAM best heifers in KwaZulu-
are represented every champions from the sheep Natal. The owners will receive a cash
year, and the highlight and goat competitions, prize.
of this section of the which will be paraded The competition provides a great
show is the Standard for all to see and witness opportunity to display and promote
Bank Gold Cup Awards, the high standards our heifers, especially those whose
the culmination of fierce farmers are attaining. breeds don’t get air time at



Stockists of New, Second Hand Industrial
and Domestic Sewing Machines
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 9

Get a brand new XL work horse for all your
farming needs, improved off-road capability
and better ride quality,
Single and super-cab Rangers will offer options for those bakkie
owners who require additional loadability for longer and larger


Yusuf Sumad: 082 786 1193 Sabelo Mthembu: 076 362 1940
Percy Mbatha: 084 525 3812 Innocent Ngcobo: 069 574 2695
Nolwazi Majola: 081 482 9456

Barloworld Ford Pietermaritzburg

Chatterton Road, Pietermaritzburg Tel: 033 392 4444
10 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 11
12 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023

 Hindvani will host the Royal Hindvani Extravaganza at

 Platinum-selling singer the Royal Agricultural Show from 6.30 pm on June 3.
Juanita du Plessis will be This year, Ajesh Kumar and the Dilkash Rockstars
the headline act at this will perform alongside musicians and singers who
year’s RSG Concert at have been trailblazers in the local Indian music
the Royal show grounds, industry.
which takes place from Kumar’s saxophone will blend with the keyboard
12.30 pm to 6.30 pm on skills of Rajive Mohan to showcase the musical geni-
June 4. us of these artists. Other performers include dancers
Also heading to the from the Aradhna’s Dance Academy; Shay Ramji,
main arena are Bobby who has had training in India; and Avijay, Nerissa and
van Jaarsveld, Dirk van Pravesh Sunker.
der Westhuizen, the
country band West, and  The Royal Symphony Concert at the Royal Show
Pieter Smith. takes place on May 28, from 10.30 am in the main
arena at the Royal show grounds in Pietermaritzburg.
This year’s concert includes a series of performanc-
es by the KZN Youth Orchestra, Wykeham Collegiate
Senior Wind Ensemble and Pietermaritzburg Girls’
High School Wind Band, through the day.
Conducted by Lykele Temmingh, the KZN Youth
Orchestra comprises 65 young musicians from
around KwaZulu-Natal between the ages of 10 and 18.
They meet once a week in Durban to rehearse a varied
repertoire. Their performance will include Dvorak’s
Slavonic Dance No. 8, Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, popular
hit Pirates of the Caribbean, and Zebra Crossing form
the Soweto String Quartet.
Howick singer Grace Botha and KZN-born soprano
Nozuko Teto will also perform.

 SA rock legends Prime Circle will be the headline act

at this year’s Royal Rock Concert in the main arena at
the Royal show grounds from 1.30 pm on May 27. Also
on the bill is singer and songwriter Jesse Clegg
(left), whose three studio albums have made
him a platinum-selling success in SA; as well
as Shadowclub, one of SA’s premier rock
bands; blues rocker Joss Harding and his
band; and Midlands duo Cantrel, featuring
Neil Breytenbach and his son Jesse.

 The skies of Pietermaritzburg are set for an

exhilarating experience when the FMX showpiece,
Flight Night, is staged in the main arena at the Royal
show grounds on June 3.
Featuring heart-stopping aerial stunts, pyro
technicians, music and an appearance from the
Monster Girls, fans can expect the experience of a
The Flight Night features a line-up of riders,
including Dallan Goldman, who promises to elevate
the show with his undeniable talent and energy.
Joining him are Jacques Human, the dynamic Jason
Hannan and the captivating Mike Oyston.
Flight Night has become synonymous with
excitement and spectacle, showcasing some of the
country’s best performers and talent.
“Every year, our aim is to create an unforgettable
experience for our fans by bringing together a unique
mix of motorsport art and technology,” said organiser,
Markus Museler of Old School Productions.
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 13

FRIDAY, MAY 26 demonstration
1 pm to 3 pm:
3 pm to 10 pm: Equestrian — Working Riding
The Witness Car Sound-Off and Working Hunter Classes
Show 4.15 pm to 6 pm:
Standard Bank Gold Cup
SATURDAY, MAY 27 Livestock Parade
8 am to 11 am: and Presentation
Dog Agility
1.30 pm to 6.30 pm: THURSDAY, JUNE 1
Royal Rock ECR Concert 7.30 am to 11 am:
featuring Prime Circle, Jesse Equestrian — Adult and
Clegg, Lee Cole, Shadowclub, Junior Novice and Open
The Ross Harding Band and Classes, including Supreme
Cantrel Champion on Show
Noon to 1 pm:
SUNDAY, MAY 28 Working on Fire
8 am to 10 am: demonstration
Dog agility 1 pm to completion:
10.30 am to 11.30 am: Equestrian — Adult and
The Witness Royal Symphony Junior Novice and Open
Concert featuring the KZN Classes, including Supreme
Youth Orchestra Champion on Show
11.45 am to 12.30 pm:
Sheep Dog demonstration FRIDAY, JUNE 2
12.45 pm to 1.45 pm: The 9 am onwards:
Wykeham Collegiate Senior Tent-pegging
Wind Ensemble
2 pm to 2.45 pm: Sheep SATURDAY, JUNE 3
Dog demonstration
3 pm to 3.30 pm: Pieter- 9 am to noon:
maritzburg Girls’ High School Tent-pegging
Wind Band 1 pm to 1.45 pm:
Coca-Cola - sky-diving
MONDAY, MAY 29 2 pm to 2.45 pm:
Pietermaritzburg and Durban
7.30 am: Caledonian Bands
Equestrian — In-hand 3 pm to 3.45 pm:
Showing, Lead Rein and First Flight Night FMX Experience
Ridden Classes (warm-up)
5.30pm to 6.15pm:
TUESDAY, MAY 30 Flight Night FMX Experience
7.30 am: 6.30pm to 10pm:
Equestrian — Young Horse The Royal Hindvani
Classes, Newcomers, Extravaganza
Novice Pony, Thoroughbred,
Boerperds, Open Pony, Warm SUNDAY, JUNE 4
Blood, Other Breed and 12.30pm to 6.30pm:
Western Classes RSG Concert featuring
Juanita du Plessis, Bobby van
WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 Jaarsveld, Dirk van der West-
7.30 am to 11.30 am: huizen, Pieter Smith and West
Equestrian — Working Riding
and Working Hunter Classes  Disclaimer: Times are approximate
Noon to 1 pm: and the organisers reserve the right to
Working on Fire cancel any event or alter the timing.
14 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023
Dates of the show Dogs — Dogs are not permitted, remain liable for the standard
Friday, May 26 to Sun- other than in the case of guide parking fee of R20.
day, June 4. dogs or dogs forming While most facilities within the
part of any display. show grounds cater for the disa-
Hours of operation — Gates bled, the Royal has yet to attain a
open at 9 am daily and will close First aid — ER24 target of total user-friendliness.
at the following times: occupy a perma-
 9 pm on Friday, May 26; nent facility next to Quieter times to visit — Mon-
 9 pm on Saturday, May 27; The Witness stand. day, May 29 and Tuesday, May
 6 pm from Sunday, May 28 to 30, are expected to be the least
Thursday, June 1; Security — for the frenetic. Also, a visit on these
 9 pm on Friday, June 2; duration of the days is recommended if you have
 9 pm on Saturday, June 3; show, there is a a particular interest in livestock.
 5 pm on Sunday, June 4. fully operation
SAPS presence Ablution facilities — the Royal
Halls are open from 9 am operating from the Show prides itself on the clean-
daily and close at the charge office locat- liness of its ablution facilities,
following times: ed behind Hall 3. the locations of which are clearly
 8 pm on Friday, May 26; This to comple- marked. Baby changing facilities
 8 pm on Saturday, May 27; ment extensive are available at Hall 4, opposite
 6 pm from Sunday, May 28 to in-house security. Hall 7 and the Standard Bank
Thursday, June 1; The public are, bank-way between the Olympia
 8 pm on Friday, June 2; however, advised Hall and Dorpspruit.
 8 pm on Saturday, June 3; to adopt the
 6 pm on Sunday, June 4. standard Lost children — please ensure
services and precautionary that all children under the age of
Following evening closure, activities, measures 13 have a contact address and
halls will not be opened including applicable to telephone number. Parents are
under any circumstances. food and any environ- urged to keep a watchful eye on
beverage, the ment where their children at all times, but if
Funfair — open at 10 am daily funfair and the crowds gather, lost, youngsters and/or parents
and will, subject to support, close Zipline. especially are asked to report to the SAPS
at 11 pm on Friday, May 26 and in respect charge office behind Hall 3.
Saturday, May 27, 10 pm on Sun- Pass outs
of hand-
day, May 28, 9 pm from Monday, — please bags, cell-Who runs the Royal Show —
May 29 to Friday, June 2, 11 pm note that phones The Royal Agricultural Society
on Saturday, June 3 and 5 pm on the Royal of Natal is a private non-profit
Sunday, June 4. Show does
laptops. organisation run largely by vol-
No children under the age of 12,
not operate
a pass-out
A Pro-
unteers who of their own volition
have a tradition, extending for
unaccompanied by an adult, system. hibited items — the public is 172 years, of hosting a show in
will be permitted access to the prohibited from bringing into the support of agriculture, broad
fairground. Location — the show grounds show ground, alcohol, laser lights, economic activity in KZN and the
are in Old Howick Road, opposite firearms (including air-guns), community.
Gate charges – R80 for adults Voortrekker High School. From knives or any other item deemed,
(12 years and older), R50 for Durban (via N3), take the Sanc- at security’s sole discretion, to be What happens to generated
pensioners (60 years and older tuary/Armitage Road off-ramp; a weapon or an item that could profits — Any profits gener-
with ID), R50 for juniors (under 12 from Johannesburg (via N3), possibly hurt or interfere with ated by the Royal Show are
years), free for under sixes. take either the Peter Brown or visitors and/or livestock. expended solely on agriculturally
Chatterton Road/City off-ramp. related service activities and on
The Wednesday special on May 31 All off-ramps are signposted. Banking — FNB, Standard Bank maintaining the Royal Agriculture
is R50 for all show goers. and Nedbank ATMs are repre- Society’s facilities.
Travelling time — The show sented on site.
Organised school groups can grounds are approximately No surplus funds are made
attend on Wednesday, May 31 50 minutes from both the Berea Limited activities — please available for distribution to any
and Thursday, June 1 – entry will in Durban and Estcourt in the note that certain activities, individual or corporate entity by
be R50 (free for one teacher per Midlands. such as cattle breed judging and way of a profit share or dividend.
20 paying pupils). sheep-shearing are limited to
Catering — there are approx- certain days and times. Disclaimer:
Parking — public parking imately 15 facilities within the Should you wish to visit the 1. Visitors enter the show grounds entirely
costs R20 and is controlled by show grounds, ranging from fast- show for a specific purpose, it is at their own risk and no claim will lie against
Voortrekker High School. Parking food to good restaurant fare, suggested that you contact the the Royal Show for any damage, death or loss
is available in the grounds of the several of which are licensed, but offices at 033 345 6274 or view to one’s person or property arising from any
Voortrekker High School, off Old only for consumption within the the website www.royalshow. cause whatsoever.
Howick Road, beyond the exhibi- facility. to avoid disappointment
tors’ and members’ parking area on arrival. 2. While the organises endeavour to vet the
every day of the show. Dangers — Visitors are remind- credibility of exhibitors and vendors, the
ed that there are in excess of Entertainment programme Royal Show cannot be held responsible for
On Wednesday, May 31 and 1 000 cattle, horses and sheep on — please note that the entertain- non-delivery or defective goods or services
Thursday, June 1, parking for site and that at all times animals ment programme is subject to purchased.
buses only is available at Townhill will enjoy right of way. Appropri- change due to weather condi-
Hospital, with access off Town- ate care is therefore required, tions and factors beyond the 3. Please note that depending on factors
bush Road. particularly with young children. organiser’s control. beyond the organiser’s control, it may not be
Car watch will be in attendance. possible to host certain advertised events.
Smoking — Smoking is not Disabled people — bona fide
Additional activities requir- permitted in any area with a fixed disabled people will be permitted 4. The Royal Show does not endorse any
ing payment — Aside from the roof. to park in a designated area on of the political, religious or personal views
gate fee, an additional charge the Voortrekker sports fields but held by its employees, suppliers, exhibitors,
will be levied in respect of certain organisers and performers at the Royal Show.
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 15

16 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023


Do slithering snakes send shivers
down your spine? Does the sight of
them send you into a hissy fit? Or do
you find them fascinating?
No matter where you land on the
snake spectrum, a visit to the GP Car-
penter Snake Park, near the Sheep and
Wool Expo at the Royal show grounds,
will let you see them safely, and will
help you to appreciate these beautiful
and ecologically important
reptiles a little more.
been a Royal Show
family favourite for
many decades,
Adrenalin junkies can look game stalls for you to and has won
forward to enjoying great win prizes. RAS awards for
rides at the Royal Funfair, Tickets are R20, 53 consecutive
which will operate through- with each ride years. The
out this year’s Royal Show. needing between snakes on
Get a bird’s-eye view of one and four display range
the show grounds and the tickets. from local
city from the Ferris wheel, No children mambas,
and let the little ones make under the cobras, ad-
lifetime memories on the age of 12, ders and
carousel, cups and saucers unaccompa- pythons,
and dodgems. nied by an to exotic
Braver thrill seekers can adult, will be rattle-
take on the Shells, the Break permitted snakes,
Dancer, the Runaway Train, access to the vipers and
the Rotor and the Crazy fairground boas.
Wave. And there are plenty of at the show.
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 17
18 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 19
20 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023


Students and staff members and for its excellent insulating The quality of mohair depends South African mohair is globally
from the Grootfontein Student properties (providing warmth on the age of the Angora goat. acknowledged as one of the
Angora Stud will be bringing their in winter and remaining cool in Younger animals provide finer finest natural fibres money can
prize-winning Angora goats back summer). and softer hair for scarves and buy, and the majority comes from
to the Sheep & Wool Expo at the Mohair is also durable, elastic, shawls, and older animals pro- the Eastern Cape Karoo, an ideal
Royal Show this year. flame-resistant, and crease-re- vide stronger hair for carpets and environment for Angora goats,
Surrounded by a range of sistant, and is a renewable heavy fabrics. where they thrive in the hot, dry
mohair products in the Expo, the resource. Its rare and natural South Africa’s mohair industry summers and colder winters of
beautiful Angoras with their soft qualities are therefore highly has a proud history spanning the semi-desert landscape.
ringlets of hair show the very valued in fashion, interior design, nearly two centuries, and we are This environment, combined
beginning of an incredible value and crafts, as well as for use in now the world’s largest produc- with over a century of institu-
chain in which the South African industrial fibres. er of mohair. tional knowledge at the Groot-
mohair industry has become a fontein Agricultural Development
world leader. Institute (GADI), is also what
The presence and knowledge makes the Grootfontein Student
of the Grootfontein students Angora Stud, located near Mid-
has been massively valuable to delburg, the ideal training ground
visitors over the past few years for those wishing to enter the
— for those who are general- mohair industry by learning how
ly interested in how mohair to farm Angoras.
products are produced, and The friendly Grootfontein
for those who are specifically students are on site at the
interested in farming Angora Sheep & Wool Expo throughout
goats and becoming mohair the Royal Show, and visitors who
producers themselves. want to find out more about
It all starts with the beautiful Angora goats, mohair or mohair
Angora goats, whose coat of products are welcome to come
long, soft ringlets of fine and and chat with them.
lustrous mohair is shorn twice It is an ideal opportunity
a year to become luxury mohair for those who are considering
fleece. tertiary training in farming
Mohair fibre is known for its Angoras to find out what
high lustre and sheen, for its abil- Grootfontein offers, and what
ity to take dye exceptionally well, their courses involve.
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 21


The Royal Agricultural Show will once again be hosting The main arena at the seeing the best of the hors-
the KwaZulu-Natal leg of the Toyota SA National Young Royal show grounds will be es and ponies that South
Auctioneer Competition. home to six days of eques- Africa has to offer,” she said.
Last year’s overall winner, Tom Hodgson (pictured trian sport. On June 2 and June 3, the
left), and the runner-up, Fiso Hadebe (pictured below From May 30 to June 1, main arena will be hosting
left), came out tops at the show grounds in Pieterma- there will be 25 champion- some exciting tent-pegging
ritzburg. ship classes, which will be events.
One point separated them in the finals of the judged by Lesley Jones, from The sport of tent-pegging
national event, and the judges agreed they Ireland (pictured). involves swords and lances,
would both go far. She has competed for with which the rider has
If you are aged between 19 and 35 years old many years in show hunter to strike an object at a full
and would like to follow in their footsteps, and working hunter classes, gallop.
then make sure you enter the KZN leg of the and has ridden many great
competition in the Royal Show cattle arena champions at Royal Bal-
on May 29. There is also a junior leg of the moral and the Royal Dublin
competition, which is hosted in collabora- Horse Show.
tion with the SA Youth Jones
also sits on
a number
of judging
panels, in-
cluding the
Show. Irish Shows
The Toyota Association,
SA National Young British Show
Auctioneer Compe- Horse Asso-
tition has been running ciation and
since 2013, when it was initiated Sport Horse
by Plaas Media under the banner Breeding
of its magazines, Veeplaas Tydskrif GB; and has judged the
and Stockfarm Magazine. Royal Highland, the Great
The winner of the KZN leg will receive Yorkshire and
a Toyota SA gift hamper, prize money of R1 000 Royal Cornwall
sponsored by the Royal Show, and financial as- shows, and The
sistance to attend and participate in the national Royal International
finals at Nampo Cape. at Hickstead.
For more information, contact Terry Strachan “I am very much
at 033 345 6274 or e-mail admin@royalshow. looking forward to or Deidre Louw at 066 231 2430, or e-mail being involved in this prestigious show and


For four decades, the KZN Youth divided into Junior Junior (under During the youth show, young The organisers are looking
Show has been cultivating the 10 years), Junior (under 14 years), people will also have the chance for confident and charismatic
next generation of farmers, giv- and Senior (under 18 years), to take part in the provincial entrants who will compete in two
ing them a platform to showcase ensuring that each participant junior leg of the Toyota SA categories: Junior (aged 10 to 13)
their skills and rewarding their competes with their peers. National Youth Show Auctioneer and Senior (aged 14 to 18), but
tireless efforts throughout the This competition provides a Competition. don’t worry if you’re new to this.
year. unique opportunity for aspiring If you’re between the ages All entrants will receive some
This event has become an farmers to hone their skills and of 10 and 18 and have a decent formal training before they go
integral part of the Royal Show, gain valuable recognition. understanding of livestock, then head-to-head in the arena.
and 2023 marks its momentous Contact admin@kznyouth this is the platform for you to So if you’re keen to learn, and if
40th anniversary. show your skills and knowledge, you thrive on competition, don’t
From May 26 to May 28, the for further and potentially pave the way for hesitate to reach out for
KZN Youth Show will host eight information a bright future for yourself in the more information on
competitive classes, including on how to field. how to participate.
beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, participate. You can contact
goats, rabbits, chickens, pigeons the organisers via
and auctioneering. e-mail at admin@
Participants will kznyouthshow.
be tested on their or call
animal prepa- Deidre Louw at
ration, show- 066 231 2430
manship and or e-mail her
knowledge, at deidre@
with adult plaas
assistance media.
during the
The classes are
22 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023


The poultry section of the Royal anticipates 300 exhibits as renowned for having a sense of accomplishment.
Show is the largest local poultry well as a comprehensive sale friendly atmosphere. Whether you are looking for
show held during the year and is section. The hobby is the farmyard fowls, decorative
the highlight of the local poultry Birds in the sale section challenge of improv- bantams for the garden or the
showing calendar. may be removed during the ing a breed, main- challenge of exhibiting, be sure
It showcases the best pure- week, once sold, and club mem- taining rare breeds to visit the poultry hall where
bred poultry in the region, includ- bers will be on to their original members of the committee will
ing waterfowl. hand to advise standard from be available to chat and answer
The section is presented by prospective PROGRAMME the country of any queries you may have.
the Natal and Coast Poultry Club, buyers. Although MAY 29 origin, as well Poultry will be on sale during
affiliated to the Southern African this is an affili- 9am to 2pm as the pride of the show. For more details, con-
Show Poultry Organisation, and ated show it is Judging; regret no public ownership and a tact Tim at 079 893 8610.
9am to 6pm
The Pietermaritzburg Canary and view the birds, Public welcome to view Have you ever Since then, the art of breeding
Cage Bird Club will be hosting its discuss any the poultry. wondered about fancy pigeons has flourished, and
annual Royal Show exhibition at aspect of bird the captivating the South African Fancy Pigeon
the show grounds from June 1 to keeping and SATURDAY, JUNE 3 world of fancy Association, founded in 1943,
June 3. enjoy fellowship. 9am to 2.30pm pigeons? now has 10 different regions and
Chairperson Rob Armstrong “We invite vis- Final viewing and sales It is believed 20 specialist clubs across South
said: “We will be showcasing itors to pop into that these Africa and Namibia.
the wonderful hobby of keeping, the Bird Hall exquisite With over 265 registered
breeding, exhibiting and showing for a chat. creatures breeds in the SA book of stand-
of cage birds. “There will were in- ards, and over 2 000 breeds
“This has become a hobby also be birds troduced worldwide, fancy pigeons offer
that gives the whole family great for sale.” to South a fascinating range of colours,
pleasure. It is educational, inter- This year, Africa patterns and forms.
esting, helps to limit the trade in the club by To see a display of fancy pi-
wild caught and imported birds, celebrates British geons up close, visit the Bird Hall
and promotes conservation. 113 years of soldiers (next to the Rabbit Hall) at the
Exhibiting birds is an interesting existence. E-mail during Royal show grounds in Pieterma-
pastime, a hobby for young and pmbcanaryclub@ the Boer ritzburg from May 26 to 30.
old, and brings people from all for more War. Inquiries: Duane Schwarz at
walks of life together. Come and information. 084 207 1617.





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MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 23

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24 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023

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