Royal Show 2023 FULL
Royal Show 2023 FULL
Royal Show 2023 FULL
2 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023
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MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 3
Umgeni Water
Live at the Royal
Agricultural Show
Come and visit Umgeni Water’s exhibition stand
at the Royal Agricultural Show Grounds from
310 Burger Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201, Republic of South Africa | P.O Box 9, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, Republic of South Africa
Tel: +27 (33) 341 1111 | Fax: +27 (33) 341 1167 | Toll free: 0800 331 820 Email: | Web:
Think Water,
Improving Quality of Life and Enhancing Sustainable Economic Development. think Umgeni Water.
4 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023
EÙÒɱ%è¸ ǰǹɡǰǰɱDZǶɡǰǰ
DZǰɡǰǰɱDZǵɡǰǰ ĖĨĂʼnľĖĨ
R1 395 000 PELHAM R579 000 EASTWOOD [Dzɟǵǰ®ÙèË£èÒ£èì
033-342 3258 | 361 Victoria Road, Pietermaritzburg
6 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023
THURSDAY, MAY 25 steers. 4 pm: First load of steers are sent to 4.30 pm: Young Auctioneers
Arrival and weighing and mouthing of FRIDAY, MAY 26 abattoir to be judged by SAMIC Competition
9 am: Arrival and weighing and mouth- SUNDAY, MAY 28 TUESDAY, MAY 30
ing of steers. 8 am: Youth Show 8 am: Brahman bulls, Angus, Dexters
2 pm: Youth Show 10 am: Future Farmers 9 am: Chianina Nationals, Limousin
SATURDAY, MAY 27 Noon: Arrival of heifers 10 am: Simmentaler females
8am: Youth Show MONDAY, MAY 29 Noon: Sussex
9 am: Student’s Challenge and steers 8 am: Braham groups and females 4 pm: Carcass auction
– halter trained 10 am: Judging of beef and dairy heifers, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31
11 am: Steers – un-halter trained and Simbra and Simmentaler groups and 9 am: Beef interbreed
Noon: Steers championship bulls 4 pm: Grand Parade into main arena
3 pm: Future Farmers lecture for 1 pm: Presentation of prizes in commer- 4.30 pm: Gold Cup
students, including showing tips cial competition presentations and dinner
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 7
South African National Sheepdog
trials since 1991.
From loving dogs to working
SHEEPDOG DEMO WILL AMAZE them on the farm, Pretorius has
refined their ability, natural drive
and their need to please, into an
awesome team.
At the 2023 Royal Show, she
will be demonstrating on a
small scale what sheepdogs are
capable of doing in real work
situations on a farm.
The demonstration will show
the sheepdogs managing,
herding and controlling the sheep
Although not common in South Zealand and the United Kingdom. components jointly capable of to guide them into a fenced
Africa, working sheepdogs, most Indeed, the frequent “tools managing upwards of 50 sheep enclosure, which is an exercise
commonly the Border Collie, form of trade” on many sheep farms on a farm. that is sure to amaze stock
an integral part of stock farm would be one farmer, one Ragni Pretorius has been breeders and the public alike.
management in Australia, New quad bike and one dog; three competing every year in the
Get a brand new XL work horse for all your
farming needs, improved off-road capability
and better ride quality,
Single and super-cab Rangers will offer options for those bakkie
owners who require additional loadability for longer and larger
FRIDAY, MAY 26 demonstration
1 pm to 3 pm:
3 pm to 10 pm: Equestrian — Working Riding
The Witness Car Sound-Off and Working Hunter Classes
Show 4.15 pm to 6 pm:
Standard Bank Gold Cup
SATURDAY, MAY 27 Livestock Parade
8 am to 11 am: and Presentation
Dog Agility
1.30 pm to 6.30 pm: THURSDAY, JUNE 1
Royal Rock ECR Concert 7.30 am to 11 am:
featuring Prime Circle, Jesse Equestrian — Adult and
Clegg, Lee Cole, Shadowclub, Junior Novice and Open
The Ross Harding Band and Classes, including Supreme
Cantrel Champion on Show
Noon to 1 pm:
SUNDAY, MAY 28 Working on Fire
8 am to 10 am: demonstration
Dog agility 1 pm to completion:
10.30 am to 11.30 am: Equestrian — Adult and
The Witness Royal Symphony Junior Novice and Open
Concert featuring the KZN Classes, including Supreme
Youth Orchestra Champion on Show
11.45 am to 12.30 pm:
Sheep Dog demonstration FRIDAY, JUNE 2
12.45 pm to 1.45 pm: The 9 am onwards:
Wykeham Collegiate Senior Tent-pegging
Wind Ensemble
2 pm to 2.45 pm: Sheep SATURDAY, JUNE 3
Dog demonstration
3 pm to 3.30 pm: Pieter- 9 am to noon:
maritzburg Girls’ High School Tent-pegging
Wind Band 1 pm to 1.45 pm:
Coca-Cola - sky-diving
MONDAY, MAY 29 2 pm to 2.45 pm:
Pietermaritzburg and Durban
7.30 am: Caledonian Bands
Equestrian — In-hand 3 pm to 3.45 pm:
Showing, Lead Rein and First Flight Night FMX Experience
Ridden Classes (warm-up)
5.30pm to 6.15pm:
TUESDAY, MAY 30 Flight Night FMX Experience
7.30 am: 6.30pm to 10pm:
Equestrian — Young Horse The Royal Hindvani
Classes, Newcomers, Extravaganza
Novice Pony, Thoroughbred,
Boerperds, Open Pony, Warm SUNDAY, JUNE 4
Blood, Other Breed and 12.30pm to 6.30pm:
Western Classes RSG Concert featuring
Juanita du Plessis, Bobby van
WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 Jaarsveld, Dirk van der West-
7.30 am to 11.30 am: huizen, Pieter Smith and West
Equestrian — Working Riding
and Working Hunter Classes Disclaimer: Times are approximate
Noon to 1 pm: and the organisers reserve the right to
Working on Fire cancel any event or alter the timing.
14 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023
Dates of the show Dogs — Dogs are not permitted, remain liable for the standard
Friday, May 26 to Sun- other than in the case of guide parking fee of R20.
day, June 4. dogs or dogs forming While most facilities within the
part of any display. show grounds cater for the disa-
Hours of operation — Gates bled, the Royal has yet to attain a
open at 9 am daily and will close First aid — ER24 target of total user-friendliness.
at the following times: occupy a perma-
9 pm on Friday, May 26; nent facility next to Quieter times to visit — Mon-
9 pm on Saturday, May 27; The Witness stand. day, May 29 and Tuesday, May
6 pm from Sunday, May 28 to 30, are expected to be the least
Thursday, June 1; Security — for the frenetic. Also, a visit on these
9 pm on Friday, June 2; duration of the days is recommended if you have
9 pm on Saturday, June 3; show, there is a a particular interest in livestock.
5 pm on Sunday, June 4. fully operation
SAPS presence Ablution facilities — the Royal
Halls are open from 9 am operating from the Show prides itself on the clean-
daily and close at the charge office locat- liness of its ablution facilities,
following times: ed behind Hall 3. the locations of which are clearly
8 pm on Friday, May 26; This to comple- marked. Baby changing facilities
8 pm on Saturday, May 27; ment extensive are available at Hall 4, opposite
6 pm from Sunday, May 28 to in-house security. Hall 7 and the Standard Bank
Thursday, June 1; The public are, bank-way between the Olympia
8 pm on Friday, June 2; however, advised Hall and Dorpspruit.
8 pm on Saturday, June 3; to adopt the
6 pm on Sunday, June 4. standard Lost children — please ensure
services and precautionary that all children under the age of
Following evening closure, activities, measures 13 have a contact address and
halls will not be opened including applicable to telephone number. Parents are
under any circumstances. food and any environ- urged to keep a watchful eye on
beverage, the ment where their children at all times, but if
Funfair — open at 10 am daily funfair and the crowds gather, lost, youngsters and/or parents
and will, subject to support, close Zipline. especially are asked to report to the SAPS
at 11 pm on Friday, May 26 and in respect charge office behind Hall 3.
Saturday, May 27, 10 pm on Sun- Pass outs
of hand-
day, May 28, 9 pm from Monday, — please bags, cell-Who runs the Royal Show —
May 29 to Friday, June 2, 11 pm note that phones The Royal Agricultural Society
on Saturday, June 3 and 5 pm on the Royal of Natal is a private non-profit
Sunday, June 4. Show does
laptops. organisation run largely by vol-
No children under the age of 12,
not operate
a pass-out
A Pro-
unteers who of their own volition
have a tradition, extending for
unaccompanied by an adult, system. hibited items — the public is 172 years, of hosting a show in
will be permitted access to the prohibited from bringing into the support of agriculture, broad
fairground. Location — the show grounds show ground, alcohol, laser lights, economic activity in KZN and the
are in Old Howick Road, opposite firearms (including air-guns), community.
Gate charges – R80 for adults Voortrekker High School. From knives or any other item deemed,
(12 years and older), R50 for Durban (via N3), take the Sanc- at security’s sole discretion, to be What happens to generated
pensioners (60 years and older tuary/Armitage Road off-ramp; a weapon or an item that could profits — Any profits gener-
with ID), R50 for juniors (under 12 from Johannesburg (via N3), possibly hurt or interfere with ated by the Royal Show are
years), free for under sixes. take either the Peter Brown or visitors and/or livestock. expended solely on agriculturally
Chatterton Road/City off-ramp. related service activities and on
The Wednesday special on May 31 All off-ramps are signposted. Banking — FNB, Standard Bank maintaining the Royal Agriculture
is R50 for all show goers. and Nedbank ATMs are repre- Society’s facilities.
Travelling time — The show sented on site.
Organised school groups can grounds are approximately No surplus funds are made
attend on Wednesday, May 31 50 minutes from both the Berea Limited activities — please available for distribution to any
and Thursday, June 1 – entry will in Durban and Estcourt in the note that certain activities, individual or corporate entity by
be R50 (free for one teacher per Midlands. such as cattle breed judging and way of a profit share or dividend.
20 paying pupils). sheep-shearing are limited to
Catering — there are approx- certain days and times. Disclaimer:
Parking — public parking imately 15 facilities within the Should you wish to visit the 1. Visitors enter the show grounds entirely
costs R20 and is controlled by show grounds, ranging from fast- show for a specific purpose, it is at their own risk and no claim will lie against
Voortrekker High School. Parking food to good restaurant fare, suggested that you contact the the Royal Show for any damage, death or loss
is available in the grounds of the several of which are licensed, but offices at 033 345 6274 or view to one’s person or property arising from any
Voortrekker High School, off Old only for consumption within the the website www.royalshow. cause whatsoever.
Howick Road, beyond the exhibi- facility. to avoid disappointment
tors’ and members’ parking area on arrival. 2. While the organises endeavour to vet the
every day of the show. Dangers — Visitors are remind- credibility of exhibitors and vendors, the
ed that there are in excess of Entertainment programme Royal Show cannot be held responsible for
On Wednesday, May 31 and 1 000 cattle, horses and sheep on — please note that the entertain- non-delivery or defective goods or services
Thursday, June 1, parking for site and that at all times animals ment programme is subject to purchased.
buses only is available at Townhill will enjoy right of way. Appropri- change due to weather condi-
Hospital, with access off Town- ate care is therefore required, tions and factors beyond the 3. Please note that depending on factors
bush Road. particularly with young children. organiser’s control. beyond the organiser’s control, it may not be
Car watch will be in attendance. possible to host certain advertised events.
Smoking — Smoking is not Disabled people — bona fide
Additional activities requir- permitted in any area with a fixed disabled people will be permitted 4. The Royal Show does not endorse any
ing payment — Aside from the roof. to park in a designated area on of the political, religious or personal views
gate fee, an additional charge the Voortrekker sports fields but held by its employees, suppliers, exhibitors,
will be levied in respect of certain organisers and performers at the Royal Show.
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 15
16 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023
MAY 26, 2023 The Witness Royal Show 2023 23
*Terms and conditions apply. **The discount on the tombstone is valid for 18 months from the date of the
funeral and on condition that AVBOB Funeral Service provides the tombstone. FREE funeral benefits only
apply if AVBOB Funeral Service conducts the funeral. AVBOB Mutual Assurance Society is a licensed life
insurer and authorised Financial Services Provider. FSP 20656. AVBOB is a level 2 B-BBEE contributor.
24 Royal Show 2023 The Witness MAY 26, 2023