Q2 Kamini
Q2 Kamini
Q2 Kamini
Step 1:
Linear, time-invariant system or LTI system is the system which is linear and time-invariant as well.
Linear system means if any linear combination of inputs is applied to the system, then the total
output is also the linear combination of individual output. The time-invariant system means that the
output does not depend upon the time of application of input.
The usage of the LTI system is in modelling the power plant because the LTI system can predict the
future behaviour of the power plant.
Now, to determine the transfer function, take the Laplace transform of the equation (1) and convert
the equation (1) in the s-domain.
Laplace transform covert the time-domain signal into the s-domain signal. The convolution in the
time domain converts into simple multiplication, hence it is easy to calculate the transfer function in
the s-domain.