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1, Since HbA1c reflects long term fluctuations in the blood glucose concentration, a diabetic patient who is recently under good control may still have a high concentration of
HbA1c. Converse is true for a diabetic previously under good control but now poorly controlled.
2. Target goals of < 7.0 % may be beneficial in patients with short duration of diabetes, long life expectancy and no significant
cardiovascular disease. In patients with significant complications of diabetes, limited life expectancy or extensive co-morbid conditions,
targeting a goal of < 7.0 % may not be appropriate.
HBA1c provides an index of average blood glucose levels over the past 8 - 12 weeks and is a much better indicator of long term glycemic control as compared to
blood and urinary glucose determinations.
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Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 06:20PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
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Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 06:22PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
Page 3 of 12
Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 08:09PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
Page 4 of 12
Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 07:22PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
Page 5 of 12
Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 07:22PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
Page 6 of 12
Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 07:22PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
Page 7 of 12
Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 07:22PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
Iron is an essential trace mineral element which forms an important component of hemoglobin, metallocompounds and Vitamin A. Deficiency of iron,
leads to microcytic hypochromic anemia. The toxic effects of iron are deposition of iron in various organs of the body and hemochromatosis.
Decreases in the serum iron level are associated with the following:
Iron deficiency anemia, Nephrotic syndrome (loss of iron-binding proteins), Chronic renal failure, Chronic infections, Active hematopoiesis,
Remission of pernicious anemia, Hypothyroidism, Malignancy (carcinoma), Postoperative state, Kwashiorkor
NOTE-If patients with iron deficiency anemia receive iron medication before blood is drawn, normal or high concentrations are typically
noted. Even multivitamins with low (18 mg) elemental iron may produce this result. Thus, 24 hours before a blood draw for serum iron,
all oral iron mediation should be stopped. Parenteral injection of iron dextran may result in high serum iron levels (eg, 500‑1000 µg/dL)
for several weeks.Infusion of sodium ferric gluconate or iron sucrose causes increases in iron levels that last much shorter.
Recent transfusions influence test findings.
Transferrin Saturation
1g of transferrin can carry 1.43g of iron. Normally, iron saturation of transferrin (transferrin saturation) is between 10% and 50%. Because
of its short half-life, transferrin values decrease more quickly in protein malnutrition states and should be taken into consideration while
evaluating iron-deficiency states
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Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 07:22PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
Page 9 of 12
Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 07:52PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
PREGNANCY REFERENCE RANGE for TSH IN uIU/mL (As per American Thyroid Association.)
1st Trimester 0.10-2.50 uIU/mL
2nd Trimester 0.20-3.00 uIU/mL
3rd Trimester 0.30-3.00 uIU/mL
1. Primary hyperthyroidism is accompanied by elevated serum T3 & T4 values along with depressed TSH level.
2 .Primary hypothyroidism is accompanied by depressed serum T3 and T4 values & elevated serum TSH levels.
3. Normal T4 levels accompanied by high T3 levels and low TSH are seen in patients with T3 thyrotoxicosis.
4. Normal or low T3 & high T4 levels indicate T4 thyrotoxicosis ( problem is conversion of T4 to T3)
5. Normal T3 & T4 along with low TSH indicate mild / subclinical HYPERTHYROIDISM .
6. Normal T3 & low T4 along with high TSH is seen in HYPOTHYROIDISM .
7. Normal T3 & T4 levels with high TSH indicate Mild / Subclinical HYPOTHYROIDISM .
8. Slightly elevated T3 levels may be found in pregnancy and in estrogen therapy while depressed levels may be encountered in severe illness , malnutrition ,
renal failure and during therapy with drugs like propanolol.
9. Although elevated TSH levels are nearly always indicative of primary hypothroidism . rarely they can result from TSH secreting pituitary tumours ( seconday
hyperthyroidism )
Assay results should be interpreted in context to the clinical condition and associated results of other investigations. Previous treatment with corticosteroid
therapy may result in lower TSH levels while thyroid hormone levels are normal. Results are invalidated if the client has undergone a radionuclide scan within 7-
14 days before the test. Abnormal thyroid test findings often found in critically ill clients should be repeated after the critical nature of the condition is
resolved.The production, circulation, and disintegration of thyroid hormones are altered throughout the stages of pregnancy.
TSH is an important marker for the diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction.Recent studies have shown that the TSH distribution progressively shifts to a higher concentration with age ,and it is debatable
whether this is due to a real change with age or an increasing proportion of unrecognized thyroid diseasein the elderly.
TSH levels are subject to circardian variation,reaching peak levels between 2-4AM and ninimum between 6-10 PM. The variation is the order of 50% hence
time of the day has influence on the measures serum TSH concentration.Dose and time of drug intake also influence the test result. r
Reference ranges are from Teitz fundamental of clinical chemistry 7th ed.
Page 10 of 12
Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 07:52PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
Page 11 of 12
Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
Name of Patient : Mr. PRITAM BHUPATRAO Test Request ID : 75772306120001
Age/Gender : 22 Yrs/Male Specimen Drawn ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:39PM
Collected AT : SHRI HEALTH CARE CLINIC Specimen Received ON : 12-Jun-2023 05:40PM
Referred BY : Dr. PRAKASH GUDSOORKAR Report DATE : 12-Jun-2023 07:52PM
Sample Type : Sod.Fluoride - F - A5070032,EDTA Blood - A5070030,Serum - A5070029, -
Ref Customer :
Lower-than-normal levels suggest a vitamin D deficiency. This condition can result from Lack of exposure to sunlight,Lack of adequate vitamin D in the diet,
Liver and kidney diseases and Malabsorption. A vitamin D deficiency may lead to: *Low blood calcium levels (hypocalcaemia) *Thin or weak bones (rickets,
osteoporosis and osteomalacia) *High levels of parathyroid hormone (secondary hyperparathyroidism) Total 25-hydroxyvitamin D (D2 + D3) is the correct
measure of Vitamin D status.Higher-than-normal levels suggest excess vitamin D, a condition called hypervitaminosis D. It is usually caused by vitamin D in the
form of doctor-prescribed dietary supplements. 95% of serum vitamin D is Vit D3. D2 is only received from supplements.
Nabl Scope.
*** End Of Report ***
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Disclaimer:-This report is not for medico-legal purpose. For test performed on specimens received or collected from non-CRL locations, it is presumed that the specimen belongs to the patient named or identified as labeled on the container/test request and such verification has been
out at the point generation of the said specimen by the sender. CRL will be responsible Only for the analytical part of test carried out. All other responsibility will be of referring Laboratory.sample processed and reported at CRL DIAGNOSTICS PVT. LTD , Delhi.
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