TOR Rivendell 2202
TOR Rivendell 2202
TOR Rivendell 2202
Francesco Nepitello and Marco Maggi
Michele Garbuggio
Alvaro Tapia
Martin Grip
Jan Pospíšil, Antonio De Luca, Daniele Sorrentino
Christian Granath, Dan Algstrand, Niklas Brandt Robert Hyde / Sophisticated Games
The One Ring, Middle-earth, and The Lord of the Rings and the characters, items, events, and places therein
are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises (SZC)
and are used under license by Sophisticated Games Ltd. and their respective licensees. All rights reserved.
“The Elves may fear the Dark Lord, and they may fly before him,
but never again will they listen to him or serve him. And here
in Rivendell there live still some of his chief foes: the Elven-
wise, lords of the Eldar from beyond the furthest seas.”
he valley known as Imladris — Elvish for ‘deep val- by small white stones, running to the edge of a sheer drop.
ley of the cleft’ — is a secret kingdom of the Elves Far below lies the valley of Rivendell, reached by a path that
that has endured for thousands of years. For those switches back and forth as it descends towards the river at
who find their way to it, Rivendell promises peace the bottom. At the top of the slope the air is filled with the
and recovery, plus lore and advice. Its master, Elrond Halfelven, scent of pine-trees, and it grows warmer as you climb down.
is a great healer and lore-master and a stalwart foe of the Enemy. The trees soon change to beech and oak, and the path ends
Rivendell was founded in the Second Age, when Elrond in an open glade not far above the banks of the river Bru-
led here the High Elves of Eregion, fleeing from the destruc- inen. The path is steep, and wanderers travelling with ponies
tion of their land. For many long years the Elves lived in peace, should lead their animals on foot.
but when it came time for the Last Alliance, it was at Imladris If the weather is good, the Elves of the valley are likely to
that their hosts mustered before going south to Mordor. be out, singing amongst the trees. They will stay out almost
In the early days of the Third Age, Rivendell was an ally all night, especially if the sky is clear and the stars can be
of the realm of Arnor, and then supported its successor king- seen. Visitors might think their songs are silly, since they are
doms of Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur. Arthedain was the full of wonder and merriment, but those that know them well
last to fall to the might of the Witch-king of Angmar — when might realise that many of these Elves have suffered terrible
this happened, Elrond bid the Chieftains of the Dúnedain to tragedies over the course of their long lives, and now sing of
dwell in his house. Today, Rivendell is where the heirlooms simple delights to keep the darkness away.
of the House of Isildur are kept, waiting for a king to return. Those who wish to see Elrond are sent towards the bridge
In the twilight years of the Third Age, some five thousand leading to the Last Homely House, while those who desire to
years after its founding, Rivendell is still a refuge for travel- join in the singing are invited to stay. Elven songs are not some-
lers of good intent. All those who are looking for counsel or thing to miss, especially on warm Summer nights. And if one
protection come looking for the house of Elrond Halfelven can get advice from the Elves, that is even better — they some-
— but the path leading there is not for everyone to find. times seem to know everything about a person, even if they’ve
This guide provides information on the valley of Imladris, the never met them before. It is said that they know what is going
Last Homely House itself and its many halls, rooms, pathways, gar- on in all the lands, as quickly as the waters flow, or even quicker.
dens, terraces, and more, and the residents of Rivendell as well. It
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The path leading to the house arrives at a narrow stone MAKING MUSIC IN RIVENDELL
bridge, just wide enough for a pony or horse to walk on, if The Hall of Fire is the perfect place for composing
its rider leads it by the bridle (Elven horses have no need of music and discovering the right words for a song.
a guide and cross without concern). At night, the bridge is
lit by bright lanterns, allowing travellers to see the fast and Player-heroes singing a song composed
noisy river rushing below them as they cross. in Rivendell gain (1d) when performing it
If the travellers are expected, a guide will be waiting (see the rules for Singing songs on page
for them at the glade or the bridge. Usually, this is some 123 of the core rules).
younger member of Elrond’s household.
from here, leading down the course of the Bruinen or further say that the game set was a gift to Elrond from Elendil of
away north, towards the pine-woods at the top of the valley. Númenor, and that the King of the Men of the West often
found a worthy opponent in Gil-galad, High King of the Elves.
Stairs from the entrance hall lead to the upper floors. Guest THE LIBRARY OF ELROND
rooms of various types and sizes can be found here, as well There is much lore in Imladris, and quite a bit of that has
as the private quarters of Elrond, his family members, and been recorded by Elrond himself. In the ground floor library
those of his household who desire to live in the house itself are many maps and books that are available for perusal.
(several individuals have chosen other buildings as their pri- Many concern the doings of the Elves in the Elder Days,
vate residences). Most rooms have flat ceilings crossed by and several are written in scripts and languages that have
dark wooden beams. There are usually one or more windows, been forgotten by most scholars, in these days of twilight.
a comfortable bed, a mirror, and other bedroom furniture. Indeed, very little is recorded using the Common tongue,
There is also a solar, situated above the great hall and and it seems that Elrond’s lore is still waiting for someone
looking south as well. This is a room for leisure, to sit and to unlock it for the average folk. It will be a long labour,
read, write, or just to think. There is a marble table next to the something that probably couldn’t be completed in a single
largest windows, chequered in dark and light colours. Wooden lifetime — but there are many tales worth the telling, gath-
chess pieces stand at the ready on the window sill. Rumours ered in these books and maps.
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Elrond also keeps a personal library, on one of the upper of Elves and Men seen in these lands was quartered here too,
floors. Only the most trusted among his advisors can enter but only a few returned, as many died in the long war against
this room. Not only does he possess irreplaceable manuscripts Mordor, and others among the Fair Folk left Middle-earth
penned by Celebrimbor and others, he also has a small col- because of their great sorrow.
lection of dangerous knowledge — treatises written by the Still, Rivendell is home to several individuals, stalwart
wise and erudite Wizard Saruman about the nature and power enemies of the Shadow, and offers refuge to many others.
of the Shadow, passages of the Black Speech recorded from
captured enemies, and the mad rantings of those who had
learned too much of the Enemy’s ways. Elrond Halfelven
He was as noble and as fair in face as an elf-lord, as strong
THE VAULTS as a warrior, as wise as a wizard, as venerable as a king of
Beneath the great manor house are cellars, pantries, and dwarves, and as kind as summer.
other underground chambers. Directly accessible from the
kitchens and upstairs larders are the vast stores of foodstuffs, The Master of Rivendell has dwelt in Middle-earth for thou-
wine, liquor, cisterns of water, and other supplies. Elrond sands of years. He is called the ‘Halfelven’, for he can claim
remembers well that Imladris has seen siege before, and descent from some of the greatest among both Elves and
wishes to be well prepared if the Enemy returns. Men. He was given the choice to either follow the path
In other, deeper and more hidden chambers, are the of the Firstborn or the fate of Men. Elrond chose to be of
storerooms for the many worthy items recovered from the Elvenkind. Counted among the most powerful Elf-lords
destruction of Eregion and other efforts over the long years. still in Middle-earth, he is one of Sauron’s chief foes, and
These chambers are sealed, or at least locked, and a careful has the gift of foresight.
inventory is kept. Despite these protections, there is little here In the early years of the Third Age, Elrond wedded
that could aid in the open defiance of the Shadow. Rivendell Celebrían, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn of Loth-
has always been a place of healing and lore, and there are lórien. From their marriage were born the twins Elladan
very few pieces of wargear kept here. and Elrohir, and then their daughter Arwen. Alas, their
union suffered an ill-f ate — when Celebrían was return-
OTHER BUILDINGS IN THE VALLEY ing from a journey to visit her parents across the Misty
The house of Elrond is surrounded by many buildings that Mountains, she was captured by Orcs and given a poi-
once served a greater population. There are bath-houses, gra- soned wound. Rescued by her sons, she never fully
naries, mills, stables, smithies, and an armoury. Groomed recovered from the torments she suffered, despite
paths wind their way between the buildings and gardens. Near Elrond’s great skill as a healer, and she soon departed
to the river there are terraces with stone seats for people to for the Undying Lands. Elrond did not accompany her.
rest on, or watch the day go by. A training ground is nearby, Instead, he strengthened his resolve and doubled his
where the protectors of the valley exercise their martial skills efforts to guide the folk of Middle-e arth in defiance
and where, from time immemorial, the Dúnedain youth have of the Enemy.
been instructed in the ways of battle. Elrond is the bearer of Vilya, the Ring of Air, one of
Stretched along the valley itself are orchards, vineyards, the three Rings forged in Eregion by Celebrimbor. He
and fields that provide for its folk. There are others, further received it from Gil-galad, the High King, and kept it secret
to the north and south, that now lie fallow. Close to them are and unused for centuries, for the Rings of Power risked
other buildings, stone ruins that once were great halls but being mastered by the Ruling Ring of Sauron. When the
have fallen into ruin over the thousands of years since they One Ring disappeared from all knowledge, Elrond started
have seen use. There are other smaller buildings too, some to use Vilya to preserve the sanctuary of Rivendell and the
occupied by those Elves for whom Rivendell is but a tempo- ancient wisdom contained therein.
rary resting place on their journey to the Great Sea.
NAME: Elrond Halfelven
Arwen Undómiel
Arwen turned towards him, and the light of her eyes fell on
him from afar and pierced his heart.
Elrond Scholar, +1 Greatest of Lore-masters. By choosing the Meet Patron Undertaking Protect the
Halfelven Warden to visit Elrond, you additionally apply a modifier of +1 to all Feat die land, preserve
rolls made to determine journey events, and you learn all there is the legacy of
to be discovered about the qualities of all Marvellous Artefacts and the ages
Wondrous Items in the Company’s possession.
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Cunning, Faithful, Secretive DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: Fair, Fair-spoken, Lordly
high elves
of rivendell
“Indeed there is a power in Rivendell to withstand the might of Mordor, for a while”
Imladris has long served as a secret refuge for the High Elves, BESET BY WOE
and the time is coming for them to challenge the Enemy once The High Elves never really forget the mark that the Shadow
more. They are not afraid, but they are sorrowful, for they leaves on their spirit.
are few in number and have seen much tragedy over the long
years. But they will not forsake Middle-earth, and will stand You can remove accumulated Shadow points exclu-
against the returning darkness. sively during a Yule Fellowship Phase (see Spiritual
Though there are ancient Elf-lords living at Rivendell, Recovery in the core rules).
their strength is often greater in wisdom and lore than in
warfare. And others, like Glorfindel, cannot forsake their duty STANDARD OF LIVING — PROSPEROUS
as protectors of Imladris. But there are other Elves that will The vaults of Rivendell are filled with all manner of relics and
follow the example of Elladan and Elrohir, and venture forth treasures of the olden days. Although dwindling in number,
in search of adventure. Some are so young that they haven’t the High Elves of Imladris have little need of anything from
witnessed the ruin and destruction brought by the Shadow in beyond their borders.
their lifetime. Elrond fears that this lack of experience might
lead them to recklessness, and to fall to an untimely death,
fighting against the Enemy.
Choose one set of Attributes, or roll a Success die:
1 5 2 7
All High Elves are tall and lithe, and yet are endowed with
great strength and endurance. Their appearance varies, and 2 4 3 7
in Rivendell can be found Elves with tresses as dark as night,
3 5 3 6
or with golden locks or long, silver hair. They have one thing
in common with all Elves — they seem ageless, looking nei- 4 4 4 6
ther old nor young.
5 5 4 5
The High Elves have fought against the Dark Lord for years
uncounted and will continue to oppose the Enemy without
rest or respite. DERIVED STATS
Calculate the following scores based on your chosen Attri-
Add 1 point to one Attribute of your choice. Addition- bute ratings:
ally, if you are not Miserable, you can spend 1 point
Endurance STRENGTH + 22
of Hope to achieve a Magical success on a skill roll.
Hope HEART +6
“And here in Rivendell there live still some of his chief foes:
Parry WITS + 12
the Elven-wise, lords of the Eldar from beyond the furthest seas.”
virtues of the high elves ♦ If you are the spokesperson during a council, you raise
High Elves of Rivendell can choose their Virtues among those its time limit by 1, OR you can choose to make all Mor-
of the Elves of Lindon, adding the following to the list: tals that were present during a council retain only a
vague memory of what was said or agreed. This counts
ARTIFICER OF EREGION as a lesser magical effect for the purposes of increasing
You have studied the ancient craft of the greatest craftsmen Eye Awareness (see the core rules).
of your kin, the Elven-smiths of Eregion.
Pippin afterwards recalled little of either food or drink for his
♦ Next Yule, you may either add a single Enchanted
mind was so filled with the light upon the Elf-faces.
Reward of Elven craftsmanship to a weapon of your
choice, or create a Marvelous Artefact (your choice).
♦ In addition, during any Fellowship Phase you can MIGHT OF THE FIRSTBORN
make a CRAFT or LORE roll. If you succeed, you learn High Elves have the power within them to deny the servants
all there is to be discovered about the qualities of a of the Enemy.
single Marvellous Artefact or Wondrous Item in the ♦ When an adversary spends a point of Hate or Resolve
Company’s possession (as if you chose the Study Mag- to activate a Fell Ability, you can spend a point of
ical Items undertaking, except that you may study a Hope to cancel its effects.
single item).
… on his brow sat wisdom, and in his hand was strength.
Many eyes were turned to Elrond in fear and wonder as he told of
the Elven-smiths of Eregion and their friendship with Moria, and SKILL OF THE ELDAR
their eagerness for knowledge.
When a High Elf is at the height of their skill even ordinary
tasks may seem magical in the eyes of mortals.
BEAUTY OF THE STARS ♦ When you roll a on the Feat die, your result counts
Your poise and grace is unearthly and can have a surprising as a Magical success without needing to spend Hope.
power over individuals not belonging to the Fair Folk.
“… we put the thought of all that we love into all that we make.”
♦ Raise your maximum Hope score by 1 point.