Manualfor Mango Pres Surveillance
Manualfor Mango Pres Surveillance
Manualfor Mango Pres Surveillance
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Choudhary JS, Das B, Mali S, Maurya S : ICAR Research Complex for Eastern
Prabhakar CS, Kumari A, Shukla G Region, Research Centre (ICAR RCER, RC)
Kumari Asha, Singh M & Kumar S Ranchi, Jharkhand
Verghese A & Saxena AK : Indian Institute of Horticulture Research
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Shukla RP & Shukla PK : Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture
(CISH), Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Anita Kumari D & Bhagvan A : Fruit Research Station, Andhra Pradesh
Horticultural University, Sangareddy
Andhra Pradesh
Munj AY & Dalvi MB : Regional Fruit Research Station
Vengurle, Maharashtra
Sharma H, Ghoghari PD & Shah N : Navsari Agricultural University
Paria, Gujarat
Rao MS, Prasad YG : Central Research Institute for Dryland
Prabhakar M & Desai S Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad
Ahuja DB, Singh Niranjan : National Centre for Integrated Pest
Kanojia AK, Singh RV Management (NCIPM), New Delhi
Sathyakumar S, Mehta Neelam
Singh Dharmendra, Kalra Bharti
and Vennila S
Printed at
M/s Royal Offset Printers, A-89/1, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi 110 028
Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) was launched during
2010-11 by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). The mega project has three
major objectives of strategic research, technology demonstrations and capacity building.
Assessment of the impact of climate change simultaneous with formulation of adaptive
strategies is the prime approach under strategic research across all sectors of agriculture,
dairying and fisheries. Evolving climate resilient agricultural technologies that would
increase farm production and productivity vis-à-vis continuous management of natural
and manmade resources constitute an integral part of sustaining agriculture in the era of
climate change.
Plant protection deserves prime importance in crop production because of the fact
that potential yield of crops are limited by pest groups of various categories viz., insects,
diseases, weeds, nematodes and rodents. Since pests are biotic natural resources of the
Earth, their interdependent interactions amongst system variables are equally influenced
by the factors of climate change. Climate effects on pests could be direct as well as crop
mediated. NICRA recognized the importance of pest risks associated with climate change
and provided a research platform across crops of rice, pigeon pea, groundnut, tomato and
mango during its first phase of implementation under eleventh plan. Assessment of the
changing pest scenarios, mapping of vulnerable regions of pest risks, and to evolve
curative and preventive pest management strategies towards climatic stress have been
emphasized among many approaches to study the impact of climate change on pests. The
long term trend analysis of their association with climate is important. Most often the
available historical data lack continuity and their holistic retrieval is cumbersome.
Availability of information technological tools has made it possible to create centralized
database of desired resources and associated activities with ease, in turn making scientific
analyses and inferences more meaningful.
In case of studies relating to pest dynamics, it is essential to streamline methods of
surveillance through carefully designed data recording formats relating to crops, pests,
and production and protection practices in addition to weather. Implementation of pest
surveillance across six different mango growing agro ecologies under NICRA offers per
se heterogeneity of climate and would help to draw the underlying mechanism of the
observed pest status. Analyses with weather would further aid in delineating climate
effects on pests. Making pest surveillance operational through provision of pest scouts
and data entry operators make it possible to capture quality data at field level guided by
scientific staff.
“Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance” has been updated to give specific skills to
the users to undertake sampling related to mango pests. I appreciate the team work of the
mango plant protection specialists of the Nation, and wish that the research outcome
would be useful for the present and future of mango pest management.
(Dr. A. K. Singh)
(Deputy Director General,
Natural Resource Management, ICAR, New Delhi)
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
1. Introduction 1
2. Surveillance plan and procedures 2
2.1. Orchard surveillance – selection of orchards 2
2.1.1. Experimental/Research station
2.1.2. Orchards of farmers 3
2.2. General information for fixed orchards 3
2.3. Specific guidelines for observations in fixed orchards 3
2.3.1. Insect pests 4
2.3.2. Beneficials 14
2.3.3. Diseases 16
2.4. Additional information to be collected from fixed orchards 23
2.4.1. Trap catches 23
2.4.2. Assessment of fruit damage 23
2.4.3. Cultural practices 24
2.4.4. Plant protection sprays 24
2.4.5. Weather of the week 25
2.4.6. End season records on yield and price 25
2.5. Random field survey 25
2.5.1. Field selection for random survey 25
2.5.2. Guidelines for pest observations 25
2.5.3. Record of meteorological information 25
3. General instructions 26
Annexure I : Schedule for Surveillance 27
Annexure II : Data Sheet for General Information of 28
Fixed Orchards
Annexure III : Data Sheet for Pest Observations in Fixed 29
and Random Fields
Annexure IV : Data Sheet for Meteorological Observations 33
Annexure V : Additional Insects, Diseases and Disorders 34
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
1. Introduction
Mango described as the “king of fruits”, known for its strong aroma, delicious
taste, and high nutritive value is a prominent horticultural crop of India. Mango is
a tropical and subtropical fruit crop grown in India over an area of 2.31 million
hectares with production of 15.03 million tonnes (2009-10). The perennial crop
grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions face differential biotic and abiotic stress
limiting the production and productivity of mango. Climate change is expected to
trigger the changes in diversity and abundance of arthropods, geographical and
temporal distribution of insect pests, insect biotypes, herbivore plant interactions,
activity and abundance of natural enemies, species extinction, and efficacy of
crop protection technologies which in turn will have a major bearing on food and
nutritional security.
Severity of mango pests is influenced both by crop growth and prevailing
weather. In the context of climate change, we expect both the crop in terms of
phenology and physiology and the pests in their occurrence and abundance likely
to change. Study of impact of climate change on mango crop-pest interactions
requires carefully collected data on long term basis. While already available historical
data could form an approach for partial study of climate change impacts, formulation
and implementation of a robust research strategy combining the present scenario
of cropping patterns, cultivars, and production and protection practices across
heterogeneous locations over time would yield improved and holistic understanding.
“National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)” has given emphasis
to study the pest dynamics in relation to climate change. A plan to study of mango
pest dynamics in multiple locations over seasons along with other system
components including weather was formulated to be implemented through
surveillance integrating geographical, field, crop, agronomical and pest management
practices. During the XIth plan, six mango centres (refer map), that represent
dominant mango growing climatic zones have been included under NICRA for
pest surveillance Pre requisite for such surveillance is to devise a plan followed
by design of data recording formats suiting to the purpose.
The consultative group meeting of identified mango workers under NICRA
finalized the structure of pest surveillance to be carried out in orchards located at
the research/experimental station of the identified mango growing regions, and at
villages in the orchards of farmers.
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
● Three different species of hoppers are common.
● Nymphs and adults are seen on younger leaves and inflorescence.
● Nymphs are pale yellow and adults vary in size from small to large depending
on the species. Adults may be dark with wavy lines on wings and three spots
on scutellum, or light brown with dark spots on the vertex and two spots on
scutellum or light brown with two spots on scutellum.
● Presence of honeydew secretion on leaves, inflorescence and on fruits with
sooty mould development is common.
● Characteristic clicking sound could be heard during higher infestation periods
of hoppers produced by the movement of hoppers amidst leaves.
● Hoppers shelter in the cracks and crevices of the bark or underside the
leaves of the trees during the off season.
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
● Presence of pinkish nymphs and adult mealybugs covered with white waxy
filaments are seen on leaves, inflorescence, branches and fruits
Mealybug infestation
On leaf On twig
On inflorescence On fruit
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Leaf webber
● Webbing of terminal leaves is seen with presence of pale grey larva(e) with
brown head and body having white lines and few brown spots.
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
● Nymphs and adults of thrips are creamy yellow to brown insects with fringed
wings, largely seen ventral surface of the tender leaves although present on
inflorescence and fruits. Thrips infested leaves show silvery shine with the
leaf edges curled upwards.
Thrips on leaf
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Stem borer
● Irregular galleries/tunnels are seen on the stems and grub(s) of the borer are
found feeding inside. Chewed food matter along with excreta is seen at the
infestation site. Sometimes sap oozes out of the feeding holes on the stem.
Wilting of branches or death of tree in severe cases can also happen.
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Shoot borer
● Downward tunnelling in terminal shoots caused by dark pink caterpillar with
dirty spots is seen. Abnormal stunting with bunchy appearance of terminal
branch is seen under high severity of attack by shoot borer.
Terminal stunting
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Scale insect
● White elongate hard scales with pinkish active crawlers are seen on leaves,
twigs and panicles
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Red ant
● Reddish ants with their nests formed through webbing of leaves are seen
mostly on terminal shoots.
Leaf miner
● Light brown caterpillars mine the dorsal epidermis of tender leaves and feed
within. Mining results in greyish- white blisters on leaves.
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Order : Isoptera
● Presence of brown muddy layers as earthen galleries on tree trunk is seen.
● Fresh muddy layers when examined by removal of mud would have live
termites that are white and active. In termites the head is highly sclerotized
and mandibles of soldier termites are well developed.
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
● Terminal shoots are affected by nymphs and adults of psyllids. The affected
terminal buds develop into hard conical green galls. Adult psyllids with black
head and thorax and light brown abdomen are seen.
● Maggots of midge attack the twigs/shoots, inflorescence stalks, flowers and
small developing fruits. They bore into the buds and feed on inner contents,
and the infested buds fail to open and drop down. Maggots are light yellowish
and the adult flies are orange red, or yellowish or light orange.
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
2.3.2. Beneficials
Coccinellids (Lady bird beetles)
Family : Coccinellidae
Order : Coleoptera
● Adults are bright (red/orange/cream/black) coloured convex shaped beetles.
Grubs are elongated, black to greyish with white spotting. Pupae are fixed to
plant substratum and are inverted ‘C’ shaped. Commonly found feeding on
hopper nymphs, aphids, mealybugs and scale insects occurring on panicles,
leaves and shoots.
Procedure for observation
● The number of grubs, pupae and adults of ladybird beetles per square meter
in each direction of the selected tree should be counted and recorded.
● Hoverfly or syrphid maggots are soft bodied, greenish to brownish in colour.
Mouth part of maggot is tapering, and feed through piercing on soft bodied
hopper nymphs, aphids and mealybugs etc., found on panicles and leaves.
Pupae are hardened puparia (mostly brown) found attached to plant
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Family : Chrysopidae
Order : Neuroptera
● Chrysopid grubs are brown with mandibles highly developed (sickle shaped),
and feed on insects such as aphids, eggs of lepidopterans and other soft
bodied insects. Pupae are whitish round cocoons found amidst plant parts.
Family : Araneidae/Tetragnathidae/
Order : Araneae
● Spiders are eight legged arthropods and the body is divided into head
(cephalothorax) and abdomen. Spiders vary in size, shape and color. Some
are free living and some are web spinners.
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
2.3.3. Diseases
● White superficial powdery appearance of the fungal mycelium is seen on
leaves, inflorescence and fruits.
● These superficial mycelia produce a large number of conidia on conidiophores.
Symptoms are quite severe at the time of flowering and fruiting
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
● Disease produces leaf spots, withered tips and twig blight.
● Small dark brown or black spots appear on newly emerged leaves.
● Panicles turn black in colour and dry off. When entire inflorescence is
damaged during severe infection no setting of fruits takes place.
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
● Lesions on leaves are angular to irregular, dark brown to black, cankerous on
lower side but occasionally on both the sides and surrounded by chlorotic
● Cankers on petioles are raised and dark brown to black in color, while on
twigs and branches are raised with longitudinal fissures.
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Sooty mould
● Black velvety thin covering on the surface of the leaves, stem and fruits are
● Mycelia are superficial and do not penetrate in the host tissues
● Tree appears black from a distance
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Mango malformation
Two types of malformations are common viz., vegetative and floral
● Vegetative malformation is more pronounced on young mango seedlings
and plants. The affected plants develop swollen abnormal vegetative growth
with short internodes. Leaves are small, narrow and often produced on the
top of seedlings in clusters, giving it a bunchy appearance.
● Floral malformation is characterised by compact and clustery appearance
of flowers. The flower buds transform into vegetative forms and leaves the
flower bud seldom opens and remains dull green in colour. Some malformed
panicles are not compact but both types of malformed panicles do not bear
Vegetative malformation
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Symptoms of disease
● Drying of twigs from top to down in trees followed by dying of leaves are
● Dark patches are seen on young green twigs
● Cracks are seen on branches and gum exudes from the cracks before its
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Anthracnose on fruits
● On green fruits infection remains latent and largely invisible until ripening and
hence cannot be sampled.
● On ripe fruits anthracnose infection causes sunken, prominent, dark brown
to black decay spots before or after picking. Fruits may also drop from trees
prematurely. Fruits can show “tear stain” symptoms, resulting in “alligator
skin” effect. Such infection causes fruits to develop wide and deep cracks
on the skin that extend into the pulp.Lesions on fruits may also produce
conspicuous, pinkish-orange spore masses under wet conditions.
● The disease may also start from injured portion on the fruit surface. Entire
fruit surface is covered with the dark brown to black area and complete fruit
rots in 2 to 3 days.
Procedure for observation
● Number of anthracnose infected fruits in respect of the severity scale (0-4)
out of 10 fruits selected in situ (not to be plucked) on trees at random in the
orchard being monitored should be recorded.
Disease scoring scale for anthracnose on fruits:
0 : No lesions
1 : 1 to 3 fruit lesions
2 : 4 to 6 fruit lesions
3 : 7 to 15 fruit lesions
4 : > 15 fruit lesions
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Pheromone trap for fruit flies@ one
/ fixed orchard has to be installed at the
start of fruit set till the completion of
fruiting season. Install the trap in the
centre of the selected fixed orchard.
During each week of surveillance the
number of fruit fly adults found in traps
should be counted and entered. Emptying
fruit flies from fly collecting container/bag
and ensuring the trap presence/ readiness
to replace in case of breakage/missing Fruit fly adult
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
protection sprays taken up against insects, diseases, weeds and use of any
biorational or bio-pesticides including bioagents, botanicals and microbials along
with their name, dosages and number of applications should be collected from the
farmer and entered in the table of Page 4 of Proforma 2 (Annexure III).
2.4.5. Weather of the week
Details of weather that is prevailing during the week of surveillance in respect
of the farm/village should be stated in an objective pattern of YES or NO. If any
other weather pattern prevails, other than those mentioned in the table it can be
written against ‘Any other remarks’ as a short phrase.
2.4.6. End season records on yield and price
The average yield of fruits per tree from each of the fixed orchards should
be recorded. Market prices of mango fruits prevailed at the time of sale during
the season also should be noted.
2.5. Random field survey
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
3. General instructions
Depending on the agro climatic zone the species of insects/diseases vary.
There could be occurrence of additional species of the same group of insect or
altogether a new species so far. Therefore the hitherto unrecorded species needs
to be collected and preserved for identification. Preservation of insects has to be
done in 70% ethyl alcohol in screw capped glass vials. Identification and reporting
can be done at institution level directly or through crop coordinators of NICRA.
Description of some of the insects and diseases of importance that are of varying
significance to mango production are given in Annexure V for reference and
reporting separately.
In case of closed holidays, the surveillance should be adjusted so as to cover
the orchards on the subsequent day and the same flexibility applies to upload of
data also. Ensure quality data collection by adhering to datasheet and guidelines.
Only presence of pests on the crop need sampling and recording of their
counts/severity etc., and the columns of pests not present should be left empty.
In case of non-recording of observations in any of the orchards during any of
the weeks, it should be reported as not recorded with reasons, in the provision
that would be made in the software.
Each farmer whose field has been selected can be given a diary for record
keeping on the intercultural operations, plant protection sprays, fertilizer application,
weather events, yield and market price of paddy at harvest. By visiting the fixed
fields in villages on fixed days in a week for surveillance, farmer too can be made
to be an effective partner of the programme. Their contact details including postal
address and phone numbers (land line and mobile, whichever is available) must
be maintained for feedback and impact assessment in future.
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Annexure I
*Kindly maintain a diary of surveillance for reporting during monitoring by officials of funding
agency/lead centre
Proforma 1 Annexure II
Agronomic details of the Orchard
Orchard Name of the Farmer Name of Cultivar Bearing habit Spacing (cm)
Variety Hybrid (regular/alternate) Plant to plant Row to row
Fixed 1
Fixed 2
Orchard Approx. Area of the Soil type Soil health Crops in the Source of irrigation Method of irrigation
orchard (Excellent/Good/Poor) adjacent (Canal/Well/Tubewell) (Flood/drip)
Fixed 1
Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Fixed 2
Annexure III
Data Sheet for Pest Observations in Fixed and Random Fields
Profroma 2
Date of observation
Crop Stage Vegetative/Emergence of inflorescence/full bloom/fruit set/Fruit stages (pin head, pea, marble, fully grown)/Harvesting
Crop health Excellent / Good / Poor
Leaf hopper nos. per panicle or No. of mealybug infested panicles No. of webs in each direction No. of thrips / shoot or panicle No.of stem
Tree borer infested
sweep or shoots (5 / direction) in one tap per direction
No. trees / spot*
East South West North East South West North East South West North East South West North
No. of infested shoots per five tender shoots Leaf miner (No. of infested No. of termite
Tree Red ants (no. of nests)
Shoot borer Scale insect leaves/10 leaves of a shoot) infested trees
No. / spot*
East South West North East South West North East South West North East South West North
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Shoot gall due to Psylla per five shoots Midge (No. of infested) per five panicles and on five new shoots
East South West North East South West North
No. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of Panicles New Panicles New Panicles New Panicles New
infested galls / one infested galls / one infested galls / one infested galls / one Shoots Shoots Shoots Shoots
shoots shoot shoots shoot shoots shoot shoots shoot
No. of natural enemies / m2
Coccinellids Hoverflies Chrysopids Spiders
East South West North East South West North East South West North East South West North
Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Powdery Mildew Assessment of Powdery mildew Anthracnose of rachi Assessment of Anthracnose
No. infected out of 10 random inflorescence No. infected out of 10 rachi based on on rachi
Tree 0 : Inflorescence free from infection. Tree
(Severity on 0-4 scale) % leaves
No. 1 : Less than 25% of the inflorescence covered by No. 0% No infection
0 1 2 3 4 powdery mildew 0% 1-5% 6-10% > 11%
2 : 26-50 % of the inflorescence covered by powdery 1-5% affected leaves per
1 mildew 1 rachi (Mild)
2 3 : 51-75% of the inflorescence covered by powdery 2 6-10% affected leaves per
mildew rachi (High)
3 3
4 : More than 75% of the inflorescence covered by >11% affected leaves per
4 powdery mildew 4 rachi (Severe)
5 5
Bacterial Leaf Blight Sooty mold Assessment of Bacterial Leaf blight & Mango malformation
Tree Sooty mold
No. No. infected out of 10 Shoots (Severity on 0-4 scale) Tree No. (No. infected / tree)
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 : Shoots free of infection Vegetative Floral
1 1 : 1 to 10 % of leaf area covered 1
2 2 : 11 to 25 % of leaf area covered 2
3 3 : 26 to 50 % of leaf area covered 3
4 4 : > 50% of leaf area covered 4
5 5
No. of fruit flies per Trap (To deploy trap in fixed orchard from fruit set stage)
Trap 1
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Annexure IV
Proforma 3
Location Name : Latitude :
Longitude : Altitude :
METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION for NICRA (based on the nearest location /research station)
Date Max. Temp Min. Temp Morning Evening Rainfall Sun Shine Wind velocity
( C) O
( C) % (mm) (hrs.) (km h-1)
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Annexure V
Yellowish grubs feeding on tender leaves through mining are seen. The leaves
present whitish blotches. Leaves twist and roll. Terminal leaves are partially cut
mainly due to the feeding by adults that are reddish brown weevils with snout
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
Bark-eating caterpillar
Larvae also make shelter tunnels inside the stem in which they rest. Stem
entry is achieved by way of cracks. The caterpillar spins brown silken web on the
tree which consists of their excreta and wood particles that hang loosely on the
tree trunks more commonly at the junction of branches. The affected areas crack
and scale off. In severe infection the bark becomes thickened, twigs get enlarged
but remain stunted and the foliage becomes sparse and finally dries up.
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Phoma blight
Disease is noticed on matured and old leaves only. The spots on leaves are
characterised by dark margin and dull grey necrotic centre. The spots coalesce to
form patches that lead to defoliation and withering of infected leaves.
Red rust
● Initially the spots are greenish grey and velvety in texture which finally turn
to reddish brown.
● After shedding the spore the algal matrix remains attached to leaf surface,
leaving a creamy white mark at the original rust spot.
Rust spots
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
● The disease occurs on stem and branches of the plants
● Profuse oozing of gummy substances on the wood surface and bark of the
cracked branches is the characteristic symptom of the disease.
● With increasing severity, the gumdrops may roll down the stem bark, setting
off rotting of the bark.
● Bark rots completely, and the tree dries up
Disease symptoms appear in the form of black velvety fungal growth on
midribs, twigs and branches of mango tree. The disease is seen in to black colour
bands on twigs (hence named as black banded). The infected portion of the bark
contains mycelial growth and cluster of conidiophores which are confined to upper
layer only.
NICRA Manual for Rice Pest Surveillance
Spots that are circular, slightly angular and brown are seen on leaves, panicles,
blossoms, twigs, bark of stems and fruits. Symptoms are similar to anthracnose.
Infection is grey to greyish brown with dark irregular margins and on fruits.
Manual for Mango Pest Surveillance
● Red nose : Also known as soft nose largely occurs on late maturing varieties
late in the season. The distal end i.e. nose shows red coloration that turns
soft with time.
● Fruit tumours : Pea to marble sized tumours occurs on developing fruit and
are ugly to look at. The tumours are found mostly at the distal/nose end with
the top portion of the fruit attached to the stalk free of tumours.
Nutritional disorders
● Potassium deficiency : Scorching of leaf margins is typical symptom of
potassium deficiency.
● Zinc deficiency : The leaf become smaller and narrow with margins bent
upwards or downwards. Internode length is reduced and the twigs with
clustered leaves give rosette appearance. Green veins with intermittent pale
areas are common.
● Iron deficiency : Green coloured leaves get bleached in to white color i.e.
chlorosis. Severe iron deficiency causes drying of leaves from tip to base.
● Copper deficiency : Terminal shoots become weak and defoliation and die
back symptoms occur. Braches are seen drooping.
● Boron deficiency : Leaves loose lustre and become leathery. Leaf veins
are thickened. Cracking of fruits is characteristic of boron deficiency. The
yellow pulp of fruit shows conspicuous brown areas.
● Salt injury/toxicity : Leaves are scorched and turn bronze in colour. Tip
burning is seen in severe cases of salt injury.
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