IS, IRC & Other Code
IS, IRC & Other Code
IS, IRC & Other Code
5 IS:2720(Part 8)-1983 Determination of water content - dry density relation using heavy compaction
9 IS:2720(Part 28)-1974 Determination of dry density of soils in-place by the sand replacement method
10 IS:2720(Part 29)-1975 Determination of dry density of soils in-place by the core cutter method
12 IS:1498 - 1970 Classificaion and Identification of soils for general engineering purposes
13 IS:2386(Part 2)-1963 Methods of test for Aggregates for concrete -- Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities
14 IS:2386(Part 3)-1963 Methods of test for Aggregates for concrete -- Specific gravity,density,Voids,Absorption and Bulking
15 IS:2386(Part 4)-1963 Methods of test for Aggregates for concrete -- Mechanical Properties
17 IS:5640 - 1970 Method of test for determining aggregates impact value of soft coarse aggregates
*18 IS:6241 - 1971 Method of test for determination of stripping value of road aggregates
19 IS:1201 - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- sampling
20 IS:1202 - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- Determination of Specific Gravity
21 IS:1203 - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- Determination of Penetration
22 IS:1205 - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- Determination of Softening Point
23 IS:1206(Part 1) - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- Determination of viscosity -- Industrial Viscosity
24 IS:1206(Part 3) - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- Determination of viscosity -- Kinematic Viscosity
25 IS:1208 - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- Determination of ductility
26 IS:1209 - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- Determinarion of Flash Point and fire Point
27 IS:1212 - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- Determination of loss on heating
28 IS:1217 - 1978 Methods for testing tar and Bitumonous materials -- Determination of Mineral matter(ASH)
34 IS:3117 - 2004 Bitumen Emulsion for roads and allied applications - Specification
35 IS:9103 - 1979 & IS:9103 - 1999 Specification for admixtures for Concrete
40 IS:383 - 1970 Specification for Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete
44 IS:6006 - 1983 Specification for uncoated stress relieved strands for prestressed concrete
45 IS:6925 - 1973 Methods of test for determination of water soluble chlorides in concrete admixtures
51 IS:1200(Part8)-1993 Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil engineering works--Steel work and Iron work
52 IS:1200(Part10)-1973 Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil engineering works--Ceiling and linings
55 IS:1200(Part20)-1981 Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil engineering works--Laying of Gas and oil pipe lines
59 IS:1200(Part26)-1987 Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil engineering works--Acid resistant Lining
60 IS:1200(Part27)-1992 Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil engineering works--Earthwork done by mechanical appliances
61 IS:1200(Part28)-1992 Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil engineering works--Sound insulation work
62 IS:1200(Part29)-1981 Methods of Measurement of Building and Civil engineering works--Water supply,Plumbing and drains
64 IS:1786 - 1985 specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement
65 IS:9565 - 1995 Acceptance standards for ultrasonic inspection of steel castings - Specification
66 IS:1030 - 1998 Carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes - Specification
67 IS:513 - 1994 Cold rolled low carbon steel sheets and strips - Specification
68 IRC:5 - 1998 Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges(Section I)
Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges(Section IX), Bearings - POT,POT - CUM - PTFE,PIN and
69 IRC:83 (Part-III) - 2002
Metallic Bearings
70 IRC:87 - 1984 Guidelines for the design and erection of falsework for road bridges
71 IRC:22 - 1986 Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges(Section VI) - Composite construction
Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges(Section IV) - Brick, Stone, and cement concrete block
72 IRC:40 - 2002
*73 IRC:21 - 2000 Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges(Section III) - Cement Concrete (Plain & Reinforced)
74 IRC:83 (Part-I) - 1999 Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges(Section IX) - Bearings - (Part I) Metallic Bearings
75 IRC:83 (Part-II) - 1987 Standard specifications and code of practice for road bridges(Section IX) - Bearings - (Part I) Elastomeric Bearings
78 IRC:36 - 1970 Recommended practice for the construction of earth embankments for road works
80 IRC:16 - 1995 specification for Priming of base course with Bituminous primers
82 IRC:SP:53-1999 & IRC:SP:53-2002 Guidelines for use of polymer and rubber modified bitumen
86 ASTM D:C 309 - 89 Standard specification for liquid membrane - forming compounds for curing concrete
87 ASTM D:D 1559 - 89 Standard test method for resistance to plastic flow of bituminous mixtures using marshall apparatus
88 ASTM D:D 2172 - 88 Standard test method for quantative extraction of bitumen from bituminous paving mixtures
89 BS 812:Part III :1990 Methods for determination of Ten percent fines value(TFV)