Roland 2010
Roland 2010
Roland 2010
DOI 10.1007/s11406-010-9295-0
Abstract That believing truly as a matter of luck does not generally consti-
tute knowing has become epistemic commonplace. Accounts of knowledge
incorporating this anti-luck idea frequently rely on one or another of a safety
or sensitivity condition. Sensitivity-based accounts of knowledge have a well-
known problem with necessary truths, to wit, that any believed necessary truth
trivially counts as knowledge on such accounts. In this paper, we argue that
safety-based accounts similarly trivialize knowledge of necessary truths and
that two ways of responding to this problem for safety, issuing from work by
Williamson and Pritchard, are of dubious success.
Sam walks by Big Ben at three o’clock, looks up at its face, and thinks, “It is
now three o’clock.” However, unbeknownst to Sam, Big Ben malfunctioned
and stopped precisely twelve hours ago. At least since Gettier (1963), such
examples have been taken to highlight that true beliefs acquired by luck fail to
be knowledge.1 Sam believes truly that it’s three o’clock, but that his belief
is true is a matter of luck. In response, epistemologists have attempted to
characterize knowledge so as to rule out lucky acquisition of true belief. Alvin
Goldman’s causal theory of knowledge and various versions of reliabilism are
prime exhibits of these attempts. More recently, so-called anti-luck epistemolo-
gies have come into their own in the work of Fred Dretske, Robert Nozick,
Ernest Sosa, Keith DeRose, Duncan Pritchard, and others.
Anti-luck approaches to knowledge typically divide into those that endorse
a sensitivity-based account of knowledge and those that endorse a safety-based
account of knowledge.2 Safety-based accounts currently appear to have the
upper hand in this debate. Our aim in this paper is the modest one of showing
that a problem for sensitivity-based accounts of knowledge concerning neces-
sary truths is equally problematic for safety-based accounts and that two key
attempts to address this problem for safety-based views at best face significant
Intuitively, S’s true belief p is sensitive just in case S wouldn’t have believed
p had it been false p.3 Sensitivity-based accounts of knowledge hold that
knowledge is sensitive true belief. Consider Sam’s case. Sam’s belief that it’s
three o’clock fails to be sensitive: had it not been three o’clock when Sam
walked by Big Ben (say at 2:55) and saw it showing three o’clock, he still would
have believed that it was three o’clock. So even though Sam has a true belief
that it’s three o’clock, on a sensitivity-based account of knowledge he doesn’t
know that it’s three o’clock.
According to sensitivity-based accounts, the counterfactual states of affairs
encoded in the sensitivity condition explain why Sam does not know that it is
three o’clock. Sam is lucky in that, though he acquired a true belief, he might
easily have acquired a false belief, and he still would have held it. Compare
the case of Ernie, who throws darts at a map to decide on which city block
to look for a dollar bill. If Ernie finds a dollar using this process, we wouldn’t
say that he’s good at finding dollars; we’d rather say that he was lucky to the
find the dollar. It would have been easy for Ernie to go looking where the
dart said he should and not find a dollar there. Ernie got lucky. Similarly,
it’s too easy for Sam to believe falsely that it’s three o’clock using the same
belief-forming process he actually used to form the true belief. Sam got lucky.
Hence, he doesn’t know.
Contrast this with the case where Big Ben is working properly. Now Sam’s
belief that it’s three o’clock is sensitive: had it not been three when Sam looked
at Big Ben, Big Ben wouldn’t have read three o’clock, and Sam would have
believed that it was whatever time Big Ben (correctly) read. So Sam has a true
sensitive belief that it’s three o’clock, and on a sensitivity-based account of
knowledge he knows that it’s three o’clock.
Sensitivity-based accounts hold that the counterfactual states of affairs
encoded in the sensitivity condition explain why, in the working-clock scenario,
Sam does know that it is three o’clock. The belief was not lucky because the
process by which he formed his time-belief (looking at a working, accurate
clock) tracks truth with respect to time across a relevant set of possible worlds.
Analogously, if Ernie finds a dollar bill using a dog that can sniff out the
cocaine residue on paper currency, Ernie’s finding the dollar isn’t a matter
of luck. This process reliably leads to finding dollar bills; it tracks dollar bills
across a sufficiently robust set of possible worlds.
Recall the semantics of counterfactuals advanced by David Lewis:4
Standard Semantics for Counterfactuals A conditional of the form, “If
it were the case that p, then it would be the case that q,” is true in a
conversational context C and a world w just when every (C, w)-closest
p-world is a q-world.
Here ‘(C, w)-closest’ is read as ‘most relevantly similar to w given the conver-
sational context C.’ We take these to be the standard semantics for counterfac-
tuals. Using these semantics we can formulate a
Sensitivity-based Account of Knowledge S knows p if and only if:
(Sen1) S believes p;
(Sen2) p is true;
(Sen3) Were p false, S would not believe p.
Here (Sen3) is treated according to the standard semantics for counterfactuals.
That closeness of worlds has to be cashed out in terms of similarity according
to some relevant metric tied to conversational context is clear from examples.5
(1) If Caesar had commanded in Iraq, then he would have used nuclear
(2) If Caesar had commanded in Iraq, his troops would have built gigantic
walls around the cities, trapping his enemies within.
If the context makes salient Caesar’s ruthlessness, (1) comes out true and (2)
false. If the context makes salient the actual strategies he followed in pacifying
Gaul, then (2) comes out true and (1) false.
When assessing a belief for sensitivity, it’s important not to alter the way in
which the agent arrives at (or, if necessary, sustains) the belief. In neither of
the above examples do we alter Sam’s belief-forming circumstances by having
him do anything other than look at Big Ben and credulously believe what it
says. The idea is to maintain the epistemically relevant features of the agent’s
situation as much as possible as we move from world to world. If we don’t do
this, then sensitivity will have little claim to capturing the anti-luck intuitions
it’s intended to capture. We codify this idea in the
Constancy Principle When considering changes in an agent’s doxastic
attitude with respect to a proposition across worlds, the process/method
by which the agent acquires (or sustains) that attitude must remain
This potentially raises as many questions as it settles. If there is any concern
about what counts as a good metric on a space of possible worlds, individuating
belief-forming methods is probably also a matter of concern. Indeed, indi-
viduating such methods involves us with the infamous and difficult generality
problem, most closely associated with process relibilism. That said, since we are
not defending these accounts the assumption that they can help themselves to
a theory that individuates such procedures is being charitable.6
Suppose that Sam returns home later to do some work. Little does he know
that his neighbor Bertie’s experiments with plasma have damaged the circuit
board of his calculator so that it always tells the user that whatever number
entered is prime. Sam uses his calculator to randomly check whether or not
131,071 is prime, and it answers affirmatively. As a result, Sam forms the
true belief that 131,071 is a prime number. This is analogous to the Big Ben
example. And if one accepts that an agent can be justified in believing a
necessary truth without proving the truth in question, then this is a case of
an agent being justified in believing a necessary truth as a matter of luck. (The
number Sam randomly enters just happens to be a prime.)
Outside of mathematics and logic, where the gap between justification and
truth is greater, it is easy to come up with less controversial examples of
this sort involving necessary truths. Assume that Sam is credulously looking
through an American book chain’s “metaphysics” section. As he glances at
the various volumes about reincarnation, astrology, telepathic powers and
6 Pritchard has defended this need to hold epistemic processes constant. See (2005, Chapter 6). See
to save her account from triviality when considering necessary truths. First,
she needs to make sense of worlds where necessary falsehoods are true and,
second, she needs to make sense of relevant similarity between worlds in a
way that respects the Constancy Principle.
9 Thisrendering, which typically serves as the jumping off point for contemporary discussions, is
essentially that found in Sosa (1999). In Section “Problems for Safety”, we consider accounts based
on Williamson’s and Pritchard’s formulations of safety.
10 Here ‘@
Sam ’ denotes Sam’s actual world. In general, ‘@ S ’ denotes an agent S’s actual world.
Philosophia (2011) 39:547–561 553
This takes care of the true–true objection, but it’s not too hard to see that
even with this modified semantics safety-based accounts fare no better with
respect to necessary truths than do sensitivity-based accounts. This since, even
on the modified semantics, if p is necessarily true, then every relevantly
similar S believes that p-world is a p-world. A fortiori, if p is necessarily
true, then nearly every relevantly similar S believes that p-world is a p-
world. So (Saf3) is trivially true given (Saf1) in the case that p is a necessary
Suppose, for example, that Sam looks at a working calculator which tells him
that 131,071 is a prime number, and on this basis Sam comes to believe (truly)
that 131,071 is indeed prime. On the safety-based account of knowledge, this
results in knowledge for Sam if and only if
(†) were Sam to believe that 131,071 is a prime number, it would be the case
that 131,071 is a prime number.
Clearly (i) is false, since @ Sam is a Sam believes that 131,071 is a prime
number-world. However, (ii) is trivially true.
Since every world is a world in which 131,071 is prime, every Sam believes
that 131,071 is a prime number-world is a 131,071 is a prime number-
world. So nearly every relevantly similar Sam believes that 131,071 is a prime
number-world is a 131,071 is a prime number-world. And there is at least
one Sam believes that 131,071 is a prime number-world, by (Saf1). It follows
that Sam knows that 131,071 is a prime number. The thing to notice is that this
argument works just as well if Sam’s calculator is broken. This shows that on
safety-based accounts of knowledge, knowledge of necessary truths is as cheap,
easy, and universal as it is on sensitivity-based accounts.
(G) The method M which resulted in S’s belief p is such that, for every
proposition q, M could not easily result in a false belief q for S.
In keeping with our counterfactual treatment of ‘could not easily’, (G) can be
refined to:
(G ) The method M which resulted in S’s belief p is such that, for every
proposition q, nearly every (C, @ S )-relevantly similar world where S
believes q as a result of M is a q-world.
It’s not hard to see that the condition on safety underlying Williamson’s
dismissal is a condition on methods or processes of belief formation. Safety,
as we’ve characterized it and as it’s typically characterized, is a condition on
beliefs (or, more precisely, on agent–belief pairs). So Williamson’s appeal to
(G ) is a modification of the safety-based account of knowledge as set out
earlier. We think there is no refuge for safety theorists here.
A slight modification of the calculator example is immune to Williamson’s
dismissal. Suppose that Sam’s calculator is broken, that Sam is ignorant of this
fact, and that a benevolent demon ensures that Sam’s calculator shows only
correct answers.15 In this case Sam’s belief that 131,071 is a prime number
13 The example on which Williamson is commenting here isn’t exactly analogous to ours in that, if
Sam has no reason to believe his calculator is broken he would intuitively be justified in his belief.
In Williamson’s example (a coin tossing case), however, the agent’s belief is intuitively unjustified.
We won’t comment on this further, but it is a difference in the cases.
14 This constitutes an extension of Pritchard’s view since that view only explicitly applies to what
he calls fully contingent propositions—propositions that are not necessary in any sense (logically,
metaphysically, physically, etc.).
15 Cf. Greco’s helpful demon counterexample to simple (process) reliabilism in Greco (1999,
p. 286).
556 Philosophia (2011) 39:547–561
is still true at nearly every relevantly similar Sam believes that 131,071 is a
prime number-world, for the same reasons as above, and so is safe according
to (Saf3). But now it’s not the case that the method by which Sam reached
his belief could easily have led him to have a false belief in a different
proposition. Let q be a proposition appropriate to the method in question
(i.e., a mathematical proposition amenable to answering by calculator). If q
is true, then Sam’s method (consulting the broken calculator being fed correct
answers by the benevolent demon) will indicate that. And if it’s false, Sam’s
method will indicate that. Failure on either of these counts would require
violating the Constancy Principle. So there is no appropriate proposition
distinct from p such that Sam might have easily falsely believed it on the
basis of the method that produced his belief p. It follows that Sam’s belief is
safe even taking (G ) into account.
One might respond on behalf of the safety-theorist that the demon calcula-
tor case doesn’t really get at a problem for safety in the sense of (Saf3), but
rather causes trouble for the additional condition (G ). And this is correct.
That propositions appropriate to the method in question are necessary ensures
satisfaction of (Saf3); that the method only gives correct answers, and does so
in all worlds admissible by the Constancy Principle, ensures the satisfaction of
(G ). Both of these components play a role in securing the judgment that Sam
knows according to the modified account. Focusing exclusively on satisfying
(Saf3) would be insufficient. But this isn’t a strike against our reply; it’s
supposed to be a reply to Williamson’s modified safety-based account. Given
this, it’s natural that the reply in large part target the modification to the
original safety-based account.
Another response a defender of safety might offer takes issue with the
belief-forming method used by Sam in the demon-calculator case including the
demon feeding correct answers to the calculator. If we allowed the veracity of
the answers provided by the demon to vary while still counting the method as
the same Sam uses in @ Sam , then arguably the class of relevantly similar worlds
would include many worlds where Sam formed false beliefs on the basis of this
method. This would, of course, give us a violation of (G ). The problem with
this response is that it’s not at all clear why we should allow this variation in
the veracity of the answers provided by the demon. If methods were being
individuated internally, then we could make a case for this variation. But
safety theorists seem to agree that, however the generality problem is to be
solved (if it’s soluble at all), belief-forming methods should be individuated
externally. Pritchard, e.g., writes that “the ‘way’ in which the belief is actually
formed needs to be individuated externally rather than internally,” and of
this condition, “I take it that this is relatively uncontroversial. . . ” (Pritchard
2005, p. 152, original emphases). Williamson (2000, ch. 7) expresses similar
sentiments. At best, this response incurs a non-trivial challenge to spell out an
externalist account of individuating methods of belief formation which rules
out strange-process cases like the demon calculator without also ruling out
paradigm cases of knowing.
Philosophia (2011) 39:547–561 557
16 See, e.g., (2005, p. 156) and (2009, p. 34) in addition to the version about to be stated.
17 Thanks to an anonymous referee for encouraging us to expand our discussion of Pritchard’s
safety condition.
18 See Pritchard (2009, p. 34).
19 This example comes from Pritchard (2009, p. 34).
558 Philosophia (2011) 39:547–561
it’s clear that Pritchard’s safety-based view has the same problem as other
safety-based views covered in Section “Safety”. However, Pritchard does more
in (2009) than just gesture at a way of extending his safety-based account of
knowledge to cover knowledge of necessary truths, and one might think that
combining this second reading of (SP*) with Pritchard’s modification to his
view yields an account of knowledge which is both safety-based and able to
handle knowledge of necessary truths. Unfortunately for the safety theorist,
things don’t work out so nicely.
Pritchard augments his account of an agent’s knowing p to incorporate
“an ability condition of some sort—i.e., a condition to the effect that the true
belief was gained via the employment of the agent’s reliable cognitive abilities”
(Pritchard 2009, p. 41). In short, Pritchard modifies his view so that an agent
S knows p just in case S has a true safe belief p which results from the
exercise of her reliable cognitive abilities (roughly, character traits such as
careful attention to evidence and cognitive faculties such as various modes
of perception—abilities the use of which is advantageous in acquiring true
To help get a handle on the role cognitive abilities are supposed to play
in Pritchard’s account of knowledge, we consider a case discussed in (2009).21
Temp is a person who forms beliefs about the temperature of the room he’s
in by looking at a thermometer on the room wall. Though he has no reason
to think that the thermometer isn’t working normally, in fact it’s broken and
giving random readings within a certain range of values. Despite this, looking
at the thermometer is a highly reliable way of forming true beliefs about the
temperature in the room, since there is someone observing from a hidden
location who adjusts the temperature of the room to match whatever the
thermometer reads whenever Temp checks it.
Temp’s beliefs about the room temperature are reliably true. Indeed,
they’re safe: in nearly every relevantly similar world where Temp forms a given
temperature belief about the room in the same way as in @Temp , that belief will
be true. Pritchard endorses all of this. But, of course, a satisfactory account of
knowledge should not count Temp as knowing the temperature of the room
when he looks at the thermometer.
Pritchard’s diagnosis of the problem with this case is that the direction of f it
between Temp’s beliefs and the facts is wrong: the facts are changing to match
Temp’s beliefs, rather than the other way around. The remedy, according to
Pritchard, is to introduce the cognitive ability condition given above. Temp
doesn’t know because his temperature beliefs are true (i.e., match the facts)
not as a result of the exercise of his cognitive abilities, but rather through
20 Technically, the four conditions on knowing here given may require minor supplementation—
“tweaking”—to get jointly sufficient conditions on knowing. However, Pritchard takes these four
conditions to consititute the “core” of what knowing requires. (See Pritchard (2009, pp. 34–35,
41).) As such, we will treat them as jointly sufficient for present purposes.
21 See pp. 40–41.
Philosophia (2011) 39:547–561 559
22 It’s not clear to us why Pritchard’s modified account doesn’t collapse into a virtue reliabilist
account, essentially Greco’s agent reliabilism. If there is such a collapse, this could be used to
argue against mounting a defense of safety-based epistemology in the way Pritchard (2009) does.
That said, we won’t worry over this point here.
560 Philosophia (2011) 39:547–561
Concluding Remarks
Acknowledgements We would like to thank James Rocha and an anonymous referee for helpful
comments. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2009 meeting of the Alabama
Philosophical Society. Thanks to the participants of our session there for helpful discussion.