Programme 09133010
Programme 09133010
Programme 09133010
Admission requirements
● The following persons will be considered for admisssion : a candidate who is in posession of a certificate that is
deemed by the University to be equivalent to the required Grade 12 cerificate with university endorsement; a
candidate who is a graduate from another tertiary institution or has been granted the status of a graduate of
such an institution ; and a candidate who is a graduate of another faculty at the University of Pretoria.
● Life Orientation is excluded when calculating the APS.
● Prospective students with an APS of 26-29 must write the National Benchmark Test (NBT). Final admission is
determined by the Admissions Committee of the Faculty and is based on the results of the NBT.
● As soon as candidates are admitted to the BEd degree they will be informed that they must register at the
University in January of the following year. It is in the interest of prospective students to apply as soon as
possible particularly in respect of financial support and/or residence placement.
Fundamental modules
Literacies in education 110 (JLZ 110)
Module credits 6.00
Afrikaans Home Language 60% or English Home Language 60% or English 1st
Add Language 70%
Contact time 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Separate classes for Afrikaans and English
Academic organisation Humanities Education
Period of presentation Semester 1
Module content
The module is aimed at building on students’ personal literacies and relating these to the types of literacy they
need to study successfully at university. The primary focus is on academic reading abilities, including reading
strategies, acquiring an academic vocabulary and learning to read important academic genres critically, such as
examination papers and academic articles.
Core modules
Early literacy 120 (JGL 120)
Module credits 6.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Separate classes for Afrikaans and English
Academic organisation Early Childhood Education
Period of presentation Semester 2
Module content
Facilitating the acquisition of early literacy. The use of children's literature in early literacy.
Core modules
Numeracy programme 210 (JGS 210)
Module credits 12.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Separate classes for Afrikaans and English
Academic organisation Early Childhood Education
Period of presentation Semester 1
Module content
Planning, managing and facilitating the numeracy programmes.
Elective modules
Afrikaans 110 (AFR 110)
Module credits 12.00
Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
Faculty of Education
Service modules Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Health Sciences
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Contact time 2 discussion classes per week, 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in Afrikaans
Academic organisation Afrikaans
Period of presentation Semester 1
Fundamental modules
Literacies in education 300 (JLZ 300)
Module credits 12.00
Prerequisites JLZ 110 and JLZ 120 OR JLZ 111 and JLZ 121 OR JLZ 100 OR JLZ 101
Contact time 2 lectures per week
Language of tuition Separate classes for Afrikaans and English
Academic organisation Humanities Education
Period of presentation Year
Module content
This module aims to equip students with the necessary communicative and classroom literacies to succeed as a
professional in the domain of teaching. Students will show evidence of understanding and being able to
implement the theories and strategies underpinning spoken and written communication required within an
education context. The development of a critical awareness of language as a non-neutral (biased) conveyor of
meaning will also be fostered. An overview of the linguistic diversity encountered in most South African
classrooms provides the prospective teacher with strategies for dealing more effectively with multilingualism in
a culturally diverse pedagogical context. Students will also enrich their personal language profile by acquiring a
functional knowledge of appropriate words and phrases in an African language with the view to facilitating
classroom management.
Core modules
Elective modules
Afrikaans 214 (AFR 214)
Module credits 20.00
Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
Service modules
Faculty of Education
Prerequisites AFR 110 and AFR 120
Contact time 2 lectures per week, 2 discussion classes per week
Language of tuition Module is presented in Afrikaans
Academic organisation Afrikaans
Period of presentation Semester 1
Module content
Taalkundekomponent: Morfologie, sintaksis, leksikologie en semantiek. Letterkundekomponent:Afrikaanse
Fundamental modules
Professional practice 471 (JFP 471)
Module credits 3.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites
Contact time 2 four hour practicals for one week
Language of tuition Separate classes for Afrikaans and English
Academic organisation Humanities Education
Period of presentation Quarter 1
Module content
Themes that prepare students for professional practice. School expectations. Ethics, professional appearance,
assessment frameworks; record keeping; discipline. Role and organising of extra-curricular activities. Dealing
with emergencies.
Core modules
Foundation phase studies 410 (JFP 410)
Module credits 6.00
Prerequisites No prerequisites.
Language of tuition Separate classes for Afrikaans and English
Academic organisation Early Childhood Education
Period of presentation Semester 1
Module content
Understanding and use of content and skills for outcomes-based education as prescribed by the National
Curriculum. Planning and managing the three learning programmes in the Foundation Phase.
The information published here is subject to change and may be amended after the publication of this information. The
General Regulations (G Regulations) apply to all faculties of the University of Pretoria. It is expected of students to
familiarise themselves well with these regulations as well as with the information contained in the General Rules section.
Ignorance concerning these regulations and rules will not be accepted as an excuse for any transgression.