Mil Q3
Mil Q3
Mil Q3
RESOURCE TITLE: Media and Information Literacy
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 1 Lesson 1-8
Revised Edition, 2022
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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Quarter 3 - Module 1
Lesson 1:
Communication and
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each
SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-
check your learnings. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust
that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text. Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can
best help you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not Put Unnecessary marks on any part
of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And
read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and
MIL related concepts.
Performance Standard:
The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Describe how communication is influenced by media and information.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Lesson Communication and Media
This module contains lessons, assessments, and activities for the subject
“Media and Information Literacy”. It was developed to guide you in your learning
journey. Follow directions stated on each assessment and activity. Answer all
questions and write legibly with all the best you can. There will be some lessons and
activities that have hyperlinks and media references given
for you to watch, observe and understand. You must be
able to apply what you have learned in another activity
or in real life situation. Please be guided with your class
schedule even if you are at home.
A. Communication
Communication has never been more
challenged us in today’s media-saturated world.
In the past, people would only tell stories to one
another face-to-face. Nowadays, stories are
coursed through electronic and digital means
that require a new set of communication skills.
Most people use mobile phones to connect with
their families and friends. Nearly everyone has
an e-mail address to send and receive letters via
Internet. Filipinos working overseas make video and voice calls through the
Internet to communicate with their relatives at home. Still others post almost
anything on their social media accounts in sites like Facebook, Twitter, and
Instagram. Life has never been the same for Filipinos because communication
has become complex, but interesting and exciting.
B. Media
The media may be classified into traditional media and new media. Traditional
media include the mass media such as newspapers, radio, and television, while the
new media include computers, mobile phones, and other digital gadgets. With the
convergence of media that refers to the coming together of traditional and new media,
media has become more sophisticated and complex but more facilitative and
efficient. You can now read your lessons using electronic books or you can listen to
the radio through the Internet via live streaming.
On the other hand, information refers to the message conveyed by a sender to
its recipient through various channels. Information is not always textual in form. As
a message, it may also be in video, sound, image, graphics, animation, and other
nonverbal forms. When we combine all these in one platform like the computer and
Internet, this is called multimedia. When we use different media such as print
booklet and video or audio recordings in one setting, this is known as multi-media,
which refers to multiple forms of media.
A. Communication in the Philippines
In the Philippines, communication media
perform three major functions: (1) to inform, (2)
to entertain, and (3) to educate. Filipinos rely on
mass media and the Internet to gain information
about the country, the government, its program
and policies, pertinent laws, people, events, places,
the weather, and sports among others. Such
information helps bind society. On the other hand,
people also depend on the media for entertainment.
For example, we watch weather forecast on
television and the Internet whenever there is a typhoon. We listen to our favorite
music on the radio and through podcasts, MP3 players, as well as the Internet.
The young generation also plays video games using tablets and laptop
computers. They also use different media for education such as educational
shows on television and radio, lecture videos using the Internet, and podcasts,
among others. Indeed, these media and the information they transmit have made
our lives meaningful, exciting, and interesting.
Media is a change of, (1) Information, (2) Education, (3) Entertainment, (4)
Advancement and, (5) Correlation of parts in society.
updated and informed about current events around them. Everyone in the
world draws something from it. Media is considered a “mirror” of modern
society, and shapes our lives.
Recently in India, one fake news made village people kill one innocent person
and injured friends of that person. Fake news is a big thing in the field of Social
Media Journalism. Fake news can be as simple as spreading misinformation
or as dangerous as smearing hateful propaganda.
Activity 3: Educate yourself on what you are doing online by answering these
questions. You may use a separate sheet of paper for your answers:
What is the purpose of using media in communication?
How do you use Facebook as a tool or medium for communication?
How did Facebook affect or change the way we communicate with other
Activity 4: Information Gathering
1. Open any available media (i.e. TV, radio, computer/Internet, etc.) at home.
2. In your chosen media, list down the information you will gather from it.
3. Explain why you chose the said media when looking for information.
A. TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if
it is not. (10 points)
1. Communication is an interactive process that allows sharing of meanings
about texts, images, and people’s actions and behavior.
2. Information refers to the message conveyed by a sender to its recipient
through one channel.
3. In the Philippines, communication media performs three major functions:
(1) to inform, (2) to entertain, and (3) to educate.
4. Political, economic, social, and cultural are the four important roles of
media in the society.
5. Video, sound, image, graphics, animation, and other non-verbal forms, all
these when combined in one platform is called multimedia.
6. Media plays important role in a democratic society called hashdog.
7. New media include the mass such as newspaper, radio, and television.
8. Multi-media refers to multiple forms of media when we use different media
such as print booklet and audio or video recordings in one setting.
9. Communication is not an integral part of human and social development.
10. Traditional media includes computers, mobile phones, and other digital
Online Sources
Quarter 3 - Module 1
Lesson 2:
Similarities and Differences
between Media Literacy,
Information Literacy and
Digital Literacy
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and
MIL related concepts.
Performance Standard:
The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Identify similarities and differences between and among media literacy, information
literacy, and technology literacy. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-2)
A. Pre-Assessment: Identify the name of the apps given and choose your
answer from the options below. Use a separate sheet of paper for your
answers. (12 points)
B. From the above activity, name three (3) media apps that you use most
often in communicating with other people. (3 points)
Lesson Similarities and Differences between
2 Media Literacy, Information Literacy
and Digital Literacy
now both possible through the Internet using mobile devices, desktop computers,
and laptops. The same is true with the news, which can now also be viewed and
read online. This is referred to as media convergence, wherein boundaries among
media channels and platforms are blurred.
You also must deal with the abundance of information and knowledge in
today’s world, which are readily available from the mass media, Internet, libraries,
museums, and other information providers. These media and information channels
have been a significant part of your world. You get most of your knowledge of the
world around you from these channels. But these sources of information and media
content do not only provide information; they are likely to shape your values,
attitudes, and behavior, and influence your lifestyles and working conditions. Thus,
there is a need to address issues related to freedom of expression, access to
information, source reliability or credibility, digital ethics, Internet safety,
misinformation, privacy, among others (Grizzle 2013). Understanding all these
issues would require a new set of competencies over and above the so-called three
Rs (reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic) related to media and information processes and
systems – specifically how the different information providers operate and how
they use and produce information and media content.
Overlapping Concepts
Another reason why media and information literacy should be taken as a
composite concept is the seemingly overlapping concepts of information literacy,
media literacy, and technology (digital literacy). A comparative matrix of their
characteristics is shown on the table below:
Table 1: Tracing the Roots of Information Literacy, Media Literacy, and Technology
(Digital) Literacy.
Characteristics Media Literacy Digital Literacy
Library and Media and civic Computer science and
information science studies informatics
How data and How media is used for How ICT and digital
information in any good democracy and resources are used to
format and form are development engage in safe and
managed, using (personal, ethical social
different professional, and networking and
technological tools. societal). collaboration.
Ability to effectively
and critically access
Ability to access
and evaluate
information; the Ability to understand,
information in
evaluation, creation, select, evaluate, and
multiple formats,
and sharing of use media as a
Competency particularly digital,
information and leading surveyor and
Emphasis and from a range of
knowledge using processor, if not
sources, in order to
various tools, producer, of
create new knowledge,
formats, and information.
using a range of
digital tools and
information, including those from the Internet. Media literacy, on the other hand,
cover how individuals use media resources and makes decision on their uses.
Technology (digital) literacy includes safe, responsible, and ethical use of digital
The matrix shows the most common sources of data and information we
need to survive in a knowledge society: libraries, archives, and other similar
information providers, the traditional mass media, and new media channels,
including the Internet and other digital technologies. As we use these channels, we
need skills to access and retrieve, analyze and evaluate, create and share
information and media content. Likewise, we should all do this critically, ethically,
and responsibly toward personal, professional, and social growth.
The figure below shows the interrelationships of different types of literacy that
constitute media and information literacy. Since they are interrelated, this shows
that media and information literacy originate from varied fields of literacy known as
the ecology of MIL.
Definition of MIL
The definition implies that media and information literacy is a learning
process that involves accessing to/and sharing information. The different stages may
not always be linear or in one direction, but they are interdependent and mutually
reinforce each other. Sharing with your friends unverified information taken from the
Internet does not constitute media and information literacy. Media and information-
literate individuals always regard messages critically by initially verifying the
information and checking its source. You then analyze and evaluate information in
terms of credibility and authenticity before recontextualizing or giving it a new
perspective and sharing it with others. When you evaluate media and information,
you reflect on and interpret the meaning of the content in order to make purposeful
and informed decisions. Therefore, media and information literacy involve a set of
critical, ethical, and responsible practices in accessing, analyzing, evaluating,
creating, and sharing information and media content, which individuals need to do
as they progress through life.
UNESCO identified the following main elements and competencies of media and
information literacy:
understand the roles and functions of media and other information providers
in democratic societies;
understand the conditions under which those functions can be fulfilled;
recognize and articulate a need for information;
locate and access relevant information;
critically evaluate information and content of media and other information
providers, including those on the Internet in terms of authority, credibility,
and current purpose;
extract and organize information and media content;
synthesize or operate on the ideas abstracted from content;
ethically and responsibly communicate one’s understanding of created
knowledge to an audience or readership in an appropriate form and medium;
apply ICT skills to process information and produce user-generated content;
engage with media and other information providers, including those on the
Internet, for self-expression, freedom of expression, intercultural dialogue,
and democratic participation.
As a media and information-literate person, you need to understand how media
and information work to inform, entertain, and educate millennials like you. You
must remember that media and information providers need to learn in the process
and have to get your attention by using different creative techniques. As you engage
with media and information, you need the skills to access, analyze, evaluate, use
and share these resources skillfully, safety, responsibly, and ethically.
Activity 2: Write the Similarities and Differences of the following media. Use the
table below as your guide and write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
Activity 4: Illustrate your understanding in Media, Information and Digital
1. Create a Venn Diagram regarding the similarities and differences of Media,
Information and Digital Literacy. Use a separate sheet of paper for your
A. Fill in the blanks. To complete the sentences below, you may refer to the
terms available from the table given. Use a separate sheet. (10 points)
Select Evaluate Use
Information Evaluation Effectively
Sharing Media Creation
Critically Understand Digital
Media Literacy is the ability to (1) , (2) , (3) , and (4) media as a leading
surveyor and processor, if not producer, of information.
Information Literacy is the ability to access (5) ; the (6) , (7) , and (8)
of information and knowledge using various tools, formats, and channels.
Digital Literacy is the ability to _(9) and (10) access and evaluate information
in multiple formats, particularly digital, and from a range of sources, in order to
create new knowledge, using a range of digital tools and resources.
B. Give at least three similarities and differences of the following:
Online Sources:
Images and Photos:
Quarter 3 - Module 1
Lesson 3:
Responsible Use of Media and
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and
MIL related concepts:
Performance Standard:
The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Discuss responsible use of media and information. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3)
3. 4.
Activity 1: This is a three (3) day self-survey of media and information activity.
1. Assuming that you are exposed to different media and technologies every day.
In 3 days, list down different media you use every day and write the time you
started and ended using them.
2. Get the total number of hours of using different media per day.
Millennials as Producers and Consumers of Media and Information
With the vast channels now available, how do you
make use of these resources wisely? What do you need to
know to take advantage of these media and information
sources? People also need to process information efficiently
and effectively while using media and Internet. Walkosz,
Jolls, & Sund (2008), mentioned four important
characteristics of media and information-literate
individuals: (1) efficient information managers, (2) wise
consumers, (3) responsible producers, and (4) active participants.
When you surf the Internet, you must remember how you have accessed
certain information quickly by using specific search engines and strategies.
Likewise, you need to store this information effectively using bookmarking
techniques and data folders or storage such as Google Drive and Dropbox so you
can access them again. All these can make you an efficient information manager.
As wise, consumer, you need to understand the messages from media and
the Internet and how to use them when you make important decisions. These
include decision on what to buy from the supermarket, who to vote for during local
and national elections, and when to go on a trip, among others.
Since you can now take pictures, record, and remix music, or draw or paint
digitally, you are also expected to be responsible producers. You must respect other
people’s privacy and culture, observe ethics especially when online, and acknowledge
the sources of your information when you use them for research and other academic
Finally, when you equip yourself with information that you need, you can now
participate actively in social and civic events. Remember, you must not participate
in something that you do not know. You can now vote for the right person, purchase
the right product, choose the right service provider, or call the attention of the proper
authority or media producer on certain issues. Indeed, information empowers
Activity 3: On the table below, write at least three (3) characteristics of a
responsible user and competent producer of Media and Information.
Use a separate sheet of paper.
Activity 5: Write at least three (3) of your favorite types of media, describe and
discuss why you keep on using them. Use extra sheet if needed.
6. Pretest the materials produced or get feedback from peers on the initial draft
or prototype of the materials. Revise based on suggestions and launch the
7. After this production exercise, reflect on the experience of how you
produced what you intended to do. You can focus on the group’s experience
in conceptualization, production, and launching of the project. Discuss how
this has helped you a producer of media and information materials.
Case Study Rubrics:
Online Sources:
defined/386562002/ online.html
Quarter 3 - Module 1
Lesson 4:
The Evolution of Media from
Traditional to New Media
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and
MIL related concepts:
Performance Standard:
The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Explain how the evolution of media from traditional to new media shaped the values
and norms of people and society. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-4)
Activity 1: Write the title of one of your favorite media from Film, News Story,
Advertisement and Music. Then answer the question: How do you
differentiate them by reading, listening, and watching in their evolution
from traditional to new media? Use separate sheet for you answer.
1. Film -
a. Television -
b. Live Streaming -
2. News Story -
a. Newspaper -
b. Official Website/Official Social Media Account -
3. Advertisement -
a. Television -
b. Social Media (Facebook, YouTube, etc.) -
4. Music -
a. Radio -
b. Podcast/Spotify -
Eventually, telecommunications
enabled communication over distances.
The telegraph and telephone were
invented by American inventors Samuel
Finley Breese Morse in 1844 and
Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
Electronic communication also paved
the way for the invention of movies,
radio, and television. These
developments dispensed with the need
for literacy and people have since turned to
mass communication for information and entertainment (Rogers, 1986). Today, we
can watch shows on television and listen to our favorite radio programs or music
produced anywhere in the world. However, during the early years of radio and
television, audience feedback had always been delayed and interactivity was almost
In those days, too, storytelling was an art. With no mass media channels to
use, family members simply gathered round and told stories. But when movies,
radio programs, and television shows became available, Filipinos would seldom
talk to each other, especially during dinner time. This is also what is happening now
with text messaging: the quality of interpersonal communication has declined
because most people prefer sending text messages. Thus, there is a need to be more
conscious of the effects of both the old and new media.
The Effects of New Media on Society
This has profound implications for traditional business models in the media
industry, which are based on aggregating large passive audiences and holding them
captive during advertising interruptions. In the new-media era, audiences will
occasionally be large, but often small, and usually tiny.
In fact, the Internet does provide ample opportunity to gain knowledge about
faraway places and offers a means of interacting across geographical expanses. In
this sense, it is an ideal medium for establishing the sort of "cyber-peace" that is so
earnestly desired. By personalizing news portals, web search guides, etc., the user
can completely isolate himself or herself from issues that require knowledge and
experience outside his or her own.
Furthering this, mobile phone convergence enables greater freedom for the
user as they can access their emails and videoconference without being chained to
the office, however it makes them answerable to the workplace as they can always
be reached through any communication.
Influences of New Media on Television
Statistics shows that traditional television is the media that lose more
supporters than any other media in favor of the Internet as the broadband
connections are spreading. At the same time, the Internet opens new possibilities for
the evolution of classical television. So that, a few years ago, after the resounding
success of YouTube (famous for his huge collection of video clips that are seen by
millions of visitors everyday), there came out the first television which are broadcast
only on the Internet. Today, the scenery of the TV audience is changing in the whole
world and began to look like a desert are telling the specialists of the industry. And
the first guilty in this case seems to be the Internet which has created so many
parallel channels.
Activity 3: Answer the following questions. Use separate sheet for your answers.
1. Given the available media that we have now, what are its roles and functions to
our society?
2. How do social media affect the values and norms of the people around me?
3. How do media influence my values?
4. What are the positive effects of media to me?
5. What are the challenges of media to me and how can I cope with this?
Activity 4. The following are popular media producers. List down where you can
find or reach them in all aspects of media.
Ex. GMA 7 – TV, Official Website, Official Facebook Account, Twitter Account
1. Philippine Daily Inquirer
2. Mc Donalds Fast Food
3. Angel Locsin
4. Mayor Wes Gatchalian
5. Kapuso Mo Jessica Soho
6. Vice Ganda
7. DepEd Philippines
8. Raffy Tulfo
9. CNN Philippines
10.Black Pink
B. Explain in your own words on how the evolution of media from traditional to
new media shaped the values and norms of people and society. (5 points)
Activity 5: Group Activity
Online Sources:
(n.d.).YouTube. content
on_society ASIST. UNIV. CIACU NICOLETA Univeristatea “Constantin Brâncoveanu”
Piteşti, Facultatea de Ştiinte Administratie si ale Comunicării Brăila, Brăila, România,
and-technology/ video
Quarter 3 - Module 1
Lesson 5:
Types of Media
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and
MIL related concepts:
Performance Standard:
The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Compare and contrast how one issue or news is presented through the different types
of media (print, broadcast, online). (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-5)
A. Directions: Write PM for “Print Media”, write BM for “Broadcast Media” and
NM for “New or Digital Media”. (10 points)
1. Manila Bulletin Newspaper
2. Media and Information Literacy on Youtube Valenzuela Live
B. Enumerate at least three of each type of print media, broadcast media and
new media which you know that are not mentioned in the above activity.
Types of Media
Activity 1: Identify the following types of media from the choices presented in the
table below. Write your answers on the blank provided. You may use a
separate sheet of paper.
What is Media?
Media Convergence
Media may be classified into three (3) major types according to format:
a. Print media
b. Electronic (both broadcast and non-broadcast media)
c. Digital media
A. Print Media
Print Media is a means of mass communication in the form of printed
publications. It includes newspapers, books, magazines, posters, flyers, and
brochures, circulars, journals, pamphlets, and periodicals. Print Media is an
incredibly important part of the marketing mix and can help businesses to engage
their target audiences and extend their reach to potential customers by investing in
Newspapers are the most popular form of print
media to explore your brand. You can choose from a wide
range of different types of newspapers, including national,
regional, or local titles published weekly, daily, or Sunday
editions, to cater to different target audiences.
Advertisers can use magazines to target specific
market segments. It offers extensive readership choices
with a mix of content, including food, sport, hobbies,
fashion, health, and current affairs. Many magazines
provide coverage of specific industries that are published
weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Audiences can be
reached by placing eye-catching, simple, and elegant ads
in magazines with well-defined geographic, demographic,
or lifestyle focus but costs a bit more.
Banners are an effective print marketing tool to
advertise new offers and deals of your business.
Banners are lightweight and flexible and can be used
repetitively at various public events and meetings,
reaching a wider audience. Although digital marketing
has exploded quickly, print media advertising is still
innovative in today’s digital age.
B. Broadcast Media
Broadcast media is the most expedient means to transmit information immediately
to the widest possible audience, although the Internet currently challenges
television as the primary source of both news and other recreational content (e.g.,
movies, sitcoms, etc.). Broadcast media refers to primarily television and radio,
although broadcasting companies have expanded to offer digital offerings including
media streaming applications and other robust web-based offerings.
For advertising and public relations, radio is less expensive to sell.
Radio ads have the advantage of being easier to produce, ensuring a quicker
turnaround than for print or television advertising.
Radio is not dependent upon expensive and complicated equipment for remote
broadcasts and activities.
This can be ideal for local businesses who want to show community
engagement and still connect with a local audience of consumers.
Pew Research has reported that in one week approximately 91% of consumers
listened to radio. Any way you cut it, that’s still great exposure.
C. Digital Media
The digital era, however, meant a whole new set of media transmission methods
and devices, with more developed every year. These days, most types of digital
media fit into one of these main subgroups:
a. Audio: Audio refers to the digital media we listen to. We can listen to audio by
streaming it online or listening to .mp3 or .mp4 files (among others) offline.
Some examples of digital audio include:
Songs produced for video streaming sites (e.g. YouTube)
Songs that are sold digitally (via marketplaces like iTunes and Google Play)
Video or computer game soundtracks
Audio transmitted over the internet (VoIP)
b. Video: Video is both visual and auditory. Like audio, it can be accessed both
online and offline.
Here are some examples of digital video:
Videos produced for video streaming sites
Movies that can be streamed or downloaded from the internet
Live video (for example, webcam chats or online conferencing)
c. Social Media: social media includes sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
LinkedIn, and Snapchat, which enable their users to interact with one another
through text posts, photographs, and videos, leaving “likes” and comments to
create conversations around pop culture, sports, news, politics, and the daily
events of users’ lives.
d. Advertising: Advertisers have made their way into the digital media landscape,
taking advantage of marketing partnerships and advertising space wherever
possible. The internet has moved away from the use of pop-up and autoplay ads,
which flooded early websites and drove away visitors. Instead, advertisers look
toward native content and other methods of keeping consumers invested without
overselling their product.
e. News, literature, and more: Traditionally, people consumed text via books,
print newspapers, magazines, and the like. Even though digital media has
proliferated, the desire for those kinds of reading experiences has endured.
Research from the Pew Research Center indicates that 38% of adults in the U.S.
read news online. The proliferation of literary websites, the popularity of
resources like Wikipedia, and the rise of e-readers like the Kindle all further
underline the continued importance of written work in digital media.
f. E-books: An e-book is a book published in a digital format. This could mean
anything from a 10-page PDF on weight loss to a work of literature sold
digitally and accessed via an e-reader.
E-books serve many different purposes. Some types of short commercial e-books,
such as white papers, demonstrate an organization’s expertise on a certain topic.
Others, like the weight loss e-book mentioned above, serve as lead magnets in
digital marketing (they are given away for free in exchange for the reader’s email
address, which can then be used for marketing purposes).
g. Blog Posts/Articles: Blog posts and articles are another type of digital media.
They are shorter than e-books, can be accessed online, and can typically be
read in five to 20 minutes.
The purpose of a blog post or article is to quickly inform the audience about a
certain topic. They may be written by:
A personal blogger
A journalist
A company
h. Video Games: Video games are designed for people’s entertainment. They are
typically played on a gaming console, though some types of games can also be
played on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. A video game incorporates many
types of digital media, including art, text, and video.
i. Film/Movie: While the presence of digital media has caused lots of changes in
many sectors of the economy, its influence in the movie industry is very easy to
relate to. Digital media has moved the movie industry from the age of making
use of analog film cameras to the age of making use of only digital cameras.
j. Virtual Reality: Finally, a new type of digital media that is becoming steadily
more popular is virtual reality. Virtual reality involves wearing a headset and
viewing an immersive digital experience. This experience might include colors,
sounds, or highly realistic graphics and video.
Activity 2: Read the situation below and answer the following questions.
The Black Death of the Bubonic Plague was a devastating global epidemic that
struck Europe and Asia in the mid-1300s. It killed many people around the world.
1. How did the people from the places know about the Bubonic Plague? What
medium of communication did they use?
2. Comparing it to our times today, how hard it is to share information before
than today?
Activity 3: Identify the types of Media shown in the table below. Put a check (✓) if
it is Broadcast Media, Print Media, Film, New Media.
Activity 4. Directions: Look for any type of media of your choice, copy/cut/print
and paste them on a piece of paper or short bond paper. Give a brief
explanation of how your chosen media helps you in your studies.
A. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper. (10 points)
Choices for questions 1 to 9
A. Print Media B. Broadcast Media C. Digital/New Media
B. Compare and contrast how Harry Potter Novel is presented through print and
filmed. (5 points)
1. Media definition. (n.d.). The Tech Terms Computer
2. What is print media? (n.d.). Quora.
3. Broadcast media. (n.d.). University of Fort Hare | Together
in Excellence.
4. Broadcast media. (2022, May 5). TOP
5. Resources for improving broadcast media operations | OpsDog. (n.d.). OpsDog:
Business Improvement Services &
6. What is digital media? All you need to know about new media. (2020, March 4).
Maryville Online.
7. Quizizz — The world’s most engaging learning platform. (n.d.). Quizizz |
Where motivation meets
Quarter 3 - Module 1
Lesson 6:
Media and Information
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and
MIL related concepts:
Performance Standard:
The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Contrast indigenous media to the more common sources of information such as
library, Internet, etc. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-6)
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to: contrast the indigenous media with
the common sources of information such as library, Internet, etc.
Directions: Identify what information source from the photos shown below and what
importance you may find in using each of them. Write your answer in
the space provided. (2 points each)
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9.
Media and Information Sources
Activity 1: Answer the following questions. Use a
separate sheet for your answer.
1. What is library?
2. How does library can help you as a student?
3. What cultural beliefs have you learned from your elders/ancestors? Do you
still doing/following them.
Information Literacy
Things to Consider in Evaluating Information
A. Reliability of Information
Information is said to be reliable if it can be verified and evaluated. Others refer
to the trustworthiness of the source in evaluating the reliability of information.
B. Accuracy of Information
Accuracy refers to the closeness of the report to the actual data. Measurement of
accuracy varies, depending on the type of information being evaluated.
Forecasts are said to be accurate if the report is similar to the actual data.
Financial information is considered accurate if the values are correct, properly
classified, and presented.
Skills in Determining Accurate Information
1. Look for facts.
2. Cross-reference with other sources for consistency.
3. Determine the reason for writing and publishing the information.
C. Value of Information
Information is said to be of value if it aids the user in making or improving
D. Authority of the Sources
Much of the information we gather daily do not come from a primary source but
are passed on through secondary sources such as writers, reporters, and the like.
Sources with an established expert on the subject matter are considered as having
sound authority on the subject.
Who authored or published the information?
Is the source credible?
E. Timeliness
Reliability, accuracy, and value of information may vary based on the time it was
produced or acquired. While a piece of information may have been found accurate,
reliable, and valuable during the time it was produced, it may become irrelevant and
inaccurate with the passing of time (thus making it less valuable). Other information
may be timeless, proven to be the same in reliability, accuracy, and value throughout
Skills in Determining the Reliability of Information
1. Check the Author
2. Check the Date of Publication or of update
3. Check for Citations
4. Check the Domain or owner of the site/page.
.com – commercial
.gov – government
.edu – educational
.org – nonprofit organization
.mil – military
Three Types of Resources
C. Academic Journals
A journal is a collection of articles usually written by scholars in an
academic or professional field.
An editorial board reviews articles to decide whether they should be
Articles in journals can cover very specific topics or narrow fields of research.
Use of Academic Journals
When doing scholarly research
To find out what has been studied on your topic
To find bibliographies that point to another relevant research
D. Databases
A database contains citations of articles in magazines, journals, and newspapers.
They may also contain citations to podcasts, blogs, videos, and other media types.
Some databases contain abstracts or brief summaries of the articles, while other
databases contain complete, full-text articles. When you want to find articles on
your topic in magazines, journals, or newspapers.
Use of Databases
E. Magazine
A magazine is a collection of articles and images about diverse topics of popular
interest and current events. Usually, these articles are written by journalists or
scholars and are geared toward the average adult. Magazines may cover very
"serious" material, but to find consistent scholarly information, you should use
Use of Magazine
To find information or opinions about popular culture
To find up-to-date information about current events
To find general articles for people who are not necessarily specialists about
the topic
National Geographic
F. Library Catalog
A library catalog is an organized and searchable collection of records of every
item in a library and can be found on the library home page. The catalog will point
you to the location of a particular source, or group of sources, that the library owns
on your topic.
Use of Library Catalog:
To find out what items the library owns on your topic.
To find where a specific item is in the library.
G. Internet
The Web allows you to access most types of information on the Internet through
a browser. One of the main features of the Web is the ability to quickly link to other
related information. The Web contains information beyond plain text, including
sounds, images, and video. The important thing to do when using information on the
Internet is to know how to evaluate it!
Use of Internet:
To find current information
To find information about companies
To find information from all levels of government - federal to local
To find both expert and popular opinions
To find information about hobbies and personal interests
The Library as Source of Information
The library in its most traditional sense is defined by the Merriam- Webster’s
dictionary as a place where books, magazines, and other materials (such as videos
and musical recordings) are available for people to use or borrow. Since it hosts a
collection of information materials, this is a place where people go –or at least used
to go- for research or to simply read.
Types of Libraries
Academic Library
o Serves colleges and universities
Public Library
o Serves cities and towns of all types
School Library
o Serves students from kindergarten to Grade 12
Special Library
o Are in specialized environments, such as hospitals, corporations,
museums, the military, private, business and the government.
Indigenous Media
What is Indigenous?
Native; local; originating or produced naturally in a
particular region/locality.
Indigenous Knowledge
A knowledge that is unique to a specific culture or
society; most often it is not written down
Indigenous Communication
Transmission of information through local channels or
forms. It is a means by which the culture is preserved,
handed down and adapted.
Indigenous Media
Indigenous media varies from one place to another. The teacher may look for
local examples of how communication is passed on within local communities. Key
to this is identifying the source of information and the key authorities in a
community. Local
meetings such as kapihan, balitaktakan, and kwentong barbero are some examples
of how news and stories are passed on within a community.
Popular media cannot reach some rural areas. While print, broadcast, and
new media have a wide reach, there are still areas that these forms of media
have not reached.
Indigenous media and information are highly credible because they are near
the source and are seldom circulated for profit.
Indigenous media are channels for change, education, and development
because of its direct access to local channels.
Ignoring indigenous media and information can result in development and
education programs that are irrelevant and ineffective.
Eastern Kentucky University Libraries has developed the following basic criteria
- based on the work of Paul & Elder - for evaluating information:
Accuracy - content is grammatically correct, verifiable, and cited when
Author – defines who created the content, the individuals or group's
credentials/expertise and provides contact information
Currency - information is current and updated frequently
Fairness – content is balanced, presenting all sides of an issue and multiple
Relevance - content is relevant to your topic or research
Activity 4: Directions:
1. Conduct an interview with four (4) persons, the 2 persons should be age 40 and
above while the other two (2) is same as your age.
2. Ask a question about their preferred sources to use in looking for information.
3. In a piece of paper, create a table and compare your respondents’ answer and
make a conclusion about it.
4. Use the rubric presented as your guide in conducting the interview and drawing
A. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer from the given choices. (10
points) Choices for questions 1 to 5:
a. Thesaurus b. Encyclopedia c. Dictionary d. Atlas
1. To find lots of information about a topic, I can look in
2. To find the meaning of a word, I should look in a
3. I want to put more interesting words into my story, I should use a
4. In which type of reference source should I look for maps?
5. Which type of reference source is organized in books called volumes?
6. A book written by someone about another person’s life is called a
a. Story b. Fiction c. Biography d. Novel
7. In which section of the library would you find encyclopedias?
a. Everybody b. Non-fiction c. Reference d. Fiction
8. In which section of the library would you find Newspapers?
a. Periodicals b. Filipiniana c. Reference d. Fiction
9. In which section of the library would you find Rizal’s written books?
a. Periodicals b. Filipiniana c. Reference d. Fiction
10. Who invented the Dewel Decimal System?
a. Melville Dewey b. Dewey Duck c. Howard Turner d. Paiger Turner
B. Which of the following forms of Indigenous media is still used in your
community. Describe on how they are being used. (5 points)
Folk of Traditional Media;
Gatherings and Social Organizations;
Direct Observation;
Records (written, carved, oral);
Oral Instruction
Activity 5: Guess the famous taglines below. Write the name of the product or
company described from its tagline/slogan.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
definition- types.html#:~:text=A%20media%20source%20is%20any,a
2. Kennedy and Nixon hold final debate, Oct. 21, 1960. (2017, October 21).
3. LibGuides: Information literacy guide: Types of information sources. (2015,
December 8). LibGuides at University of Fort
5. LibGuides: Research help: Types of sources. (2020, 1). LibGuides at
Merrimack College.
6. Media and information literacy - The media and information sources. (n.d.).
Google Sites.
7. Evaluating internet resources. (n.d.). Georgetown University Library
8. Evaluate information. (n.d.). Welcome to the Noel Studio for Academic
Creativity | Noel Studio for Academic Creativity | Eastern Kentucky
Quarter 3 - Module 1
Lesson 7:
Media and Information
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and
MIL related concepts:
Performance Standard:
The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Present an issue in varied ways to disseminate information using the codes,
convention, and language of media. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-7)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
B. Name five (5) other signs and symbols found in your community which conveys
communication. (5 points)
Media and Information Languages
Activity 1: Below are the movie posters from 2019. From which movie GENRE they
belong? Write the TITLE of the movie on space provided. Number 1 is
done for you as your guide. (6 points)
1. Action _Hobbs & Shaw 4. Comedy
2. Thriller 5. Horror
3. Fantasy 6. Science Fiction
The medium is the message, now a famous quote, that was written by
Marshall McLuhan in 1964. An important first step in becoming media and
information literate is to understand how information, ideas and meaning are
communicated through and by various media and other information providers,
such as libraries, archives, museums, and the Internet.
Language pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes and
conventions that media and information professionals may select and use to
communicate ideas, information, and knowledge.
Media Language
Media products can be classified into categories or genre. The word genre'
comes from the French word meaning 'type' or 'class'. Media genres appear within a
medium (film, television) such as the "horror" film or the television "situation
A. Media Codes
1. Symbolic Codes - These codes show what is beneath the surface of what we
see (objects, setting, body language, clothing, color, etc.) or iconic symbols that
are easily understood.
Road Traffic Signs
Regulatory Signs - signs that COLOR IN A TRAFFIC
inform road users of traffic laws and 1. RED – STOP
regulations which, if disregarded, will 2. GREEN – GO
constitute an offense. 3. YELLOW - READY
Photo Caption
also known as cutlines, are a few lines of text Headlines – the headline
used to explain or elaborate on published is the text indicating the
photographs. nature of the article
below it.
3. Technical Codes - These are ways in which equipment is used to tell the
story. This includes sound, camera angles, types of shots and lighting as well
as camera techniques, framing, depth of field, lighting, exposure, and
Basic Camera Shots Advance Camera Shots Camera Angles
Extreme Wide Shot Two Shot Eye-Level
Wide Shot Cut Away High Angle
Medium Shot Over the Shoulder Low Angle
Medium Close-Up Point of View Bird’s Eye View
Close-Up Selective Focus Worms’ Eye View
Extreme Close-Up Arc Shot Slanted (canted)
Media Conventions
Conventions are accepted ways of using media codes. Conventions are closely
connected to the audience expectations of a media product. Different types of
conventions include form conventions, story conventions and genre
Form Conventions
Form conventions are the certain ways
we expect types of media’s codes to be
arranged. For instance, an audience expects
to have a title of the film at the beginning, and
then credits at the end. Newspapers will have
a masthead, the most important news on the
front page and sports news on the back page.
Video games usually start with a tutorial to
explain the mechanics of how the game
Another example would be continuity editing. Most video forms follow a set
of editing rules and techniques called continuity editing which allows for the
audience to easily understand what is going on in a scene and who is talking to
Story Conventions
Story conventions are common narrative structures and understandings that are
common in story telling media products. Examples of story conventions include:
Narrative structures
Cause and effect
Character construction
Point of View
For example: The Classic Structure of Narrative Films
In The Shawshank Redemption (1994), when Andy
Dufresne (Tim Robbins) is convicted of a crime he didn’t
commit and unfairly incarcerated (cause), he begins to
plan his escape (effect).
In Tootsie (1981), when Michael Dorsey (Dustin Hoffman)
is confronted by his agent who says that he will never find
job in show business, Michael decides to dress up as
woman and prove that he is a great actor worthy of major
roles, regardless of his gender.
Genre Conventions
Genre conventions point to the common use of tropes, characters, settings, or
themes in a particular type of medium. Genre conventions are closely linked with
audience expectations. Genre conventions can be formal or thematic.
Activity 3: Determine the camera shots used in the following photos. Write your
answer on the blank.
Activity 4: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet.
1. What are codes and conventions? Why are they important in the study of
media and information texts? Explain and give specific situations.
2. How do we analyze and evaluate codes and conventions for each media and
information text? Provide examples
A. Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It comes from the French word meaning ‘type’ or ‘class and can be organized by
its common set of distinguishing features.
a. Code b. convention c. symbolic code d. genre
2. These are generally accepted ways of doing something.
a. Code b. convention c. symbolic code d. genre
3. It is how what is beneath the surface of what we see (objects, setting, body
language, clothing, actions of characters or iconic symbols that easily
a. Written code b. technical code c. symbolic code d. semiotic
4. It is anything that can be used to communicate, it includes words, images,
sounds, objects, etc.
a. Semiotic b. Signs c. Symbolic code d. Codes
5. This pertains to the technical and symbolic ingredients that media and
information professionals may select and use to communicate ideas,
information, and knowledge.
a. Media language b. language c. convention d. media
6. It is the study of meaning-making, the study of sign processes and meaningful
a. Semiotic b. Signs c. Symbolic code d. Codes
7. These are systems of signs, which create meaning.
a. codes b. Signs c. convention d. genre
8. It is ways in which equipment is used to tell the story (sound, camera
techniques/angles, types of shots, lighting)
a. Written code b. technical code c. symbolic code d. semiotic
9. It is comprised of codes, conventions, formats, symbols, and narrative
structures that indicate the meaning of media messages to an audience.
a. Media language b. language c. convention d. media
10. It is the use of language style and textual layout (headlines, captions, speech
bubbles, language style).
a. Written code b. technical code c. symbolic code d. semiotic
Activity 6: Below are the following sample works that are covered by Copyright
protection. Choose your answer from the options and write them on the
space provided.
Pantomimes &
Graphic, and
Choreographic Literary works Dramatic works
Motion Pictures
Architectural and other
Sound Recordings Musical Works
Works Audiovisual works
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Media and information languages. (n.d.). - Share
Media language - Media studies. (n.d.). Google
Young, R. (2018, February 10). Media codes and conventions.
Module 1 : Citizenship, freedom of expression and information, access to
information, democratic discourse and life-long learning. (n.d.). Media &
Information Literacy For Teachers – International, multimedia and multi-
language media and information literacy teaching
Grade 12: Lesson 6: Media and information languages. (n.d.).
Media. (n.d.). MEDIA.
All categories. (n.d.). The ABCs and 123s of Teaching. https://the-abcs-and-
Learn: Media and information languages. (n.d.).
Quarter 3 - Module 1
Lesson 8:
Intellectual Property, Fair Use
and Creative Commons
Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy (MIL) and
MIL related concepts:
Performance Standard:
The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
focusing on being a media and information literate individual.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Cite practical situation when to apply knowledge in intellectual property, copyright,
and fair use guidelines. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-8)
Directions: Write the names of each photo below and identify what
distinguishing marks that makes them familiar to you. Write your
answer on the blank.
The first one is done for you. 1: Selecta – ice cream. (20 points)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Lesson Intellectual Property, Fair Use and
8 Creative Commons
From the previous lesson, we have learned that every medium has its own
language – combination of languages – that it uses to
communicate meaning. In addition, language pertains to
the technical and symbolic ingredients or codes and
conventions that media and information professionals
may select and use to communicate ideas, information,
and knowledge. This week, we are going to discuss Source:
Intellectual Property, Fair Use and Guidelines. property-protection-not-patently-obvious/
Activity 1: Arrange the scrambled letter to identify the following pictures from
their products, logo, and services. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary
and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
IP is protected in law by, for example, patents, copyright, and trademarks,
which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or
create. By striking the right balance between the interests of innovators and the
wider public interest, the IP system aims to foster an environment in which creativity
and innovation can flourish.
A. Copyright
Copyright is a legal term used to describe the
rights that creators have over their literary and
artistic works. Works covered by copyright range from
books, music, paintings, sculpture, and films, to
computer programs, databases, advertisements,
maps, and technical drawings.
What is the difference between
copyright and privacy?
A trademark protects a business’ brand identity in the marketplace.
Registration of it gives the owner the exclusive rights to prevent others from using or
exploiting the mark in any way. Aside from being a source-identifier, differentiator,
quality indicator, and an advertising device, a protective mark may also bring another
stream of income to the owner through licensing or franchising.
Industrial Designs
An industrial design constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an
article. A design may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the shape or
surface of an article, or of two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines, or
What kind of protection does an Industrial Design right offer?
In principle, the owner of a registered industrial design or
of a design patent has the right to prevent third parties from
making, selling, or importing articles bearing or embodying a
design which is a copy, or substantially a copy, of the protected
design, when such acts are undertaken for commercial purposes.
Geographical Indications
the term “Darjeeling” for tea not grown in their tea gardens or not produced according
to the standards set out in the code of practice for the geographical indication.
However, a protected geographical indication does not enable the holder to
prevent someone from making a product using the same techniques as those set out
in the standards for that indication. Protection for a geographical indication is
usually obtained by acquiring a right over the sign that constitutes the indication.
Most fair use analysis falls into two categories: (1) commentary and criticism,
or (2) parody.
The underlying rationale of this rule is that the public reaps benefits from your
review, which is enhanced by including some of the copyrighted material. Additional
examples of commentary or criticism are provided in the examples of fair use cases.
A parody is a work that ridicules another, usually well-known work, by
imitating it in a comic way. Judges understand that, by its nature, parody demands
some taking from the original work being parodied. Unlike other forms of fair use,
an extensive use of the original work is permitted in a parody in order to “conjure
up” the original.
Creative Commons (CC) is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and
use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools. It does not replace
copyright; instead, it works alongside copyright.
Content creators may choose from a selection of free, easy-to-use copyright
licenses that provide a simple, standardized way to give the public permission to
share and use your creative work—on conditions of your choice.
CC licenses allow you to easily change your copyright terms from the default of
“all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved.”
Conversely, the application of a CC license to a piece of intellectual property tells
content consumers that they may use, share, and sometimes modify your content
for free.
CC licenses are frequently applied to photographs and artwork, videos, music
and audio files, presentations, coursework, ebooks, blog posts, and wiki pages.
What is eligible for a Creative Commons license? You can only mark your uploaded
video with a Creative Commons license if it is all content that you can license under
the CC BY license. Some examples of such licensable content are:
Activity 2: Evaluate the following products according to its Industrial Designs and
Geographical Indications. Use the guide questions in answering. Write it
on a separate sheet of paper.
A. From where in the Philippines, you can find the following? (2 points each)
1. 2. 3. 4.
B. What product name describes the following shapes and images? (4 points)
5. 6. 7. 8.
Activity 3: Based on your understanding, explain the following in your own words.
You may use extra sheet for your answer.
1. Fair use -
2. Copyright -
3. Intellectual property -
4. Trademark -
5. Creative Commons -
Below are some illustrative scenarios for COPYRIGHT and FAIR USE. Evaluate the
FAIR USE and explain your answer. You may use separate sheet if necessary. (3
points each).
videotape of the telecourse to students who have signed up for a telecourse at
Institution A?
5. Use of Copyrighted Music
SCENARIO 5: A teacher or student creates a presentation and incorporates
copyrighted music into the background. Assume that permission was not obtained
to use the music for the presentation. Can the music be included in the teacher's or
student's initial presentation?
What is intellectual property (IP)? (n.d.). WIPO - World Intellectual Property
Copyright. (n.d.). WIPO - World Intellectual Property
Patents. (n.d.). WIPO - World Intellectual Property
Trademarks. (n.d.). WIPO - World Intellectual Property
Industrial designs. (n.d.). WIPO - World Intellectual Property
Geographical indications. (n.d.).
What is intellectual property? (2019, May 31).
Industrial design. (2020, March 23).
Copyright. (2020, July 24).
Trademark. (2020, September 9).
Patent. (2020, March 23).
What is "Copyright"? (n.d.). Google
What is fair use? (2017, April 11). Stanford Copyright and Fair Use
Creative Commons. (n.d.). Google
Research guides: Copyright and fair use: Common scenarios. (2020, March
16). Research Guides at California State University, Long
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
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