File Org Case
File Org Case
File Org Case
ITI is based in the state of Illinois, USA. Its headquarter is located in the Chicago Loop, which is
the central business district and downtown area of Chicago, Illinois, USA. ITI has an Information
Technology center and training/conference campus in Schaumburg, which is a suburban area of
Chicago, about 30 minute-drive away from the Chicago headquarter. The research and
development (R & D) center is in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois where the University of Illinois’
flagship campus is located. In addition, ITI has established offices in North America (NYC, Los
Angeles, Seattle, Dallas, Atlanta, Toronto, Vancouver), Latin America (Mexico City, Buenos
Aires), Africa (Nairobi, Johannesburg Cairo, Riyadh), Asia (Tokyo, Taipei, Seoul, Shanghai, Hong
Kong, New Deli, Singapore, Manila, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Dubai), Europe (London, Berlin,
Paris, St. Petersburg).
ITI currently has approximately 20,000 employees worldwide. 70% of them are full-time
employees and 30% of them are contracted employees. 85% of the employees are software
engineers and system engineers, including their managers. The remaining 15% of the
employees work at the R & D center, IT consulting units and staff units such as HRD/HRM.
Approximately 95% of the employees have a 4-year college degree or above. The average age
among the full-time employees is 37.7 years old. The gender distribution among the full-time
employees is 5:1 (male : female). 35% of the full-time employees are self-identified
underrepresented minorities (URM) including gender minority in their current locations.
ITI has been aggressively expanding its operation since 2012. To accommodate the need for
rapid growth, ITI has been increasing its recruiting, onboarding, and training/development
budget substantially since 2014. In 2017, ITI budgeted $20 million for its annual learning and
development operations, which accounted for 11% of ITI’s overall annual budget.
ITI is highly interested in expanding its market primarily from North America to Latin America,
Asia, Europe and Africa. It has been expanding its industry portfolio by working with clients
from diverse industries. It has been particularly successful in increasing the number of software
development project orders nationally and internationally. Such business growth has resulted in
an increased number of project/client sites; accordingly, more project managers and engineers
are needed.
HRD department and your role:
You are currently employed as an assistant instructional designer within Human Resource
Development (HRD) department. HRD department consist of three teams: 1) Organizational
Development, 2) Learning and Development, and 3) Research and Evaluation. Learning and
Development (L & D) team in the HRD develop, purchase and operate training programs, mostly
programming trainings (both online, blended and face-to-face) for engineers. In addition to
programming trainings, there are trainings such as sales, marketing, and consulting and so
forth. L & D team also offers mandatory training such as onboarding training, sexual
harassment, diversity at workplace, and ethical practice and so forth.
You are one of the recently hired instructional designers in early 2018. In total of 4 instructional
designers were hired for the past 3 years: two associate instructional designers and two
assistant instructional designers. In total, there are 9 instructional designers: 3 senior
instructional designers, 3 associate instructional designers and 3 assistant instructional