Course Outline 3103 Official Long
Course Outline 3103 Official Long
Course Outline 3103 Official Long
Long (Subject to Revision) Date 15-Aug 17-Aug 18-Aug 22-Aug 24-Aug 26-Aug 29-Aug 31-Aug 2-Sep 5-Sep 7-Sep 9-Sep Topic/ Activity Introduction to the course Syllabus, Ice Breaker About Yourself Hurricane Irene Hurricane Irene Met Online About Me Activity Writing Introduction Formal vs. Informal Week 4: NO CLASS MLA In-Text Citation MLA -Paraphrasing Using Media: Sexual Offenders Labor Day pg. 439, 477 pg. 447 Week 5: 12-Sep 14-Sep 16-Sep video/ hw Debate In Class--Activity (10 pts) Week 3: PPT PPT Text/ Reading Week 1: Syllabus Group Activity Week 2: Met online Met online TUMBLR Introduction Blog Post #1 on TUMBLR Lyrics: Change from Informal to Informal HW/Assessment
Met online Using Media: Sexual Offenders / Blog Post #2 Due (10 pts) Week 6: Interpreting Songs "Domestic Violence in Media" Identifying an Audience NO CLASS Library Conference Argument/ Intro/Examples Thesis/ Introduction/ Conclusion
pg. 431 pg. 308/342 Week 7: Topic: Finding and Evaluating Sources pg. 68 NO CLASS pg. 336/354 In Class--Activity --Blog Post #3 Due
Week 8: 3-Oct 5-Oct 7-Oct Argument/ Brainstorming Argument Peer Review- In Class Week 9: 10-Oct 12-Oct 14-Oct Business Letter/ Formal Email Business Letter/ Email Ex. pgs. 226, 272
We will not meet up in class: You will use this time to work on your group assignment and email professor 25 pts. Causal Analysis Intro/ Rubric Causal Examples Week 10: pg. 128 PPT/ Book NO CLASS Week 11: Chapter 5 book Peer Review-- Essay #2 Due Week 12: pg. 284 Essay #2 DUE- Causal - 100 pts Week 13: Essay #1 DUE- Argument- 100 pts
17-Oct 19-Oct 21-Oct 24-Oct 26-Oct 28-Oct 31-Oct 2-Nov 4-Nov 7-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 11-Nov 14-Nov 16-Nov 18-Nov 21-Nov 23-Nov 25-Nov 28-Nov 30-Nov
Causal/ Brainstorming Causal Peer Review- In Class Personal Statement Personal Statement Ex. Personal Statement Job Interview Skills Resumes Resumes Ex.
Proposal Intro/ Rubric Proposal Ex. / Brainstorming In-Class Writing In-Class Writing In-Class Writing/ Peer Review NO CLASS NO CLASS Oral Presentations
Week 15: Peer Review--Essay #3 Due at the end of class HW. PPT for Oral Presentation Week 16: HW. PPT for Oral Presentation + Finish Proposal Oral Presentation- 25 pts
Final Proposal Due- 75 pts Review for Final/ Party!! Review for Final TBA