Letter Poem Rubric
Letter Poem Rubric
Letter Poem Rubric
Details are placed in a logical order, but the way in which they are presented/ introduced sometimes makes the writing less interesting.
Some details are not in a logical or expected order, and this distracts the reader.
Many details are not in a logical or expected order. There is little sense that the writing is organized.
All sentences sound Almost all sentences Flow & Rhythm natural and are easy- sound natural and are (Sentence Fluency)
Most sentences sound natural and are easyon-the-ear when read easy-on-the-ear when on-the-ear when read aloud. Each sentence read aloud, but 1 or 2 aloud, but several are is clear and has an are stiff and awkward or stiff and awkward or obvious emphasis. difficult to understand. are difficult to understand. Ideas were expressed in a clear and organized fashion. It was easy to figure out what the letter was about. Ideas were expressed in a pretty clear manner, but the organization could have been better. Ideas were somewhat organized, but were not very clear. It took more than one reading to figure out what the letter was about. Most sentences are complete and wellconstructed. Paragraphing needs some work.
The sentences are difficult to read aloud because they sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or difficult to understand. The letter seemed to be a collection of unrelated sentences. It was very difficult to figure out what the letter was about.
All sentences are complete and wellconstructed (no fragments, no run-ons). Paragraphing is generally done well.
Writer makes 1-2 errors Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more Capitalization and Writer makes no errors in capitalization in capitalization and errors in capitalization than 4 errors in Punctuation and punctuation. punctuation. and punctuation. capitalization and punctuation.