Defining Spatial Structure
Defining Spatial Structure
Defining Spatial Structure
Fisheries Research
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Handled by A.E. Punt In principle, the spatial extent of fishery stock assessment should reflect the biological population, and major
Keywords: fishing patterns or population heterogeneity within the area should be represented. However, these theoretical
Interdisciplinary stock identification requirements are commonly dismissed in practice, often when there is compelling evidence that spatial scope
Spatial structure and structure is mis-specified and without testing if the mis-specified model performs well for informing fishery
Stock assessment management. Population dynamics theory, case studies in fishery management as well as simulation tests de-
monstrate that accurately accounting for spatial structure in stock assessments can improve model performance,
and ignoring spatial structure can lead to misperceptions of stock status and failures in fisheries management.
Therefore, the development of stock assessment applications should include an evaluation of the most appro-
priate spatial scope and structure. Some common challenges in defining and modeling spatial structure can be
addressed by adopting general best practices, but each species and its fisheries are unique. Accordingly, de-
termining the most appropriate spatial structure involves 1) an interdisciplinary synthesis of all available in-
formation to determine the most plausible paradigms of population structure and fishing patterns, 2) the de-
velopment of spatial operating models that are conditioned on these paradigms, and 3) testing the performance
of estimation models and management strategies that are based on the current spatial management unit as well
as alternative spatial scopes and structures that reflect population structure and fishing patterns.
Received 14 May 2019; Received in revised form 23 September 2019; Accepted 24 September 2019
Available online 03 October 2019
0165-7836/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S.X. Cadrin Fisheries Research 221 (2020) 105397
Fig. 1. The range of fishery management units (boxes), expressed as tiers of biological organization (adapted from Cadrin, 2006). In principle, the management units
in bold are most suitable for conventional stock assessment applications, and those encompassed by the dashed polygon are suitable for spatially-structured as-
sessments. Applications of stock assessment models to management units labeled in italics violate model assumptions and should be simulation tested to confirm that
they adequately meet the needs of the management system.
Table 1
Common terms applied to spatial structure for stock assessment with precise definitions.
Term Definition Source
species a group of individuals that actually or potentially interbreeds Zachos, 2016; Milius, 2017
population a group of interbreeding individuals that exist together in time and space Hedrick, 2000; Waples and Gaggiotti, 2006
metapopulation a system of interacting biological populations, termed subpopulations, that exhibit a degree of independence Cadrin et al., 2014b
in local population dynamics as well as connectivity between subpopulations
stock biological population or metapopulation, a portion of a population, or multiple populations Cadrin et al., 2014b
phenotypic stock characteristics which are expressed in one or more ways depending on the type of environment Booke, 1981
harvest stock local group of fish that has an independent response to fishing, regardless of genetic or phenotypic similarities Gauldie, 1988
to adjacent resources
the stock concept is essential for fishery stock assessment, but defining assessment). By extension, partially isolated populations have varying
stock structure can be difficult (Booke, 1981; Carvalho and Hauser, degrees of demographic independence.
1994). Unfortunately, the stock assessment literature is also somewhat An important aspect of the closed population assumption is the
messy, and terminology for population structure, stock identification, approach used to model recruitment for stock assessment and fishery
stock structure, mixed stocks, and spatial structure is inconsistent, management (e.g., Cadrin et al., 2019). Models that assume a stock-
perhaps as a reflection of the underlying complexity of spatial popu- recruitment relationship (e.g., Beverton and Holt, 1957) imply that all
lation structure. Consistent use of more precise and consistent termi- recruits in a spatial management unit are produced by spawners in the
nology will help to confront the spatial complexity of populations for same management unit (usually with some process error that could
fishery stock assessment (e.g., Table 1). account for loses or subsidies to and from adjacent areas), and re-
The term ‘population’ can be defined from an evolutionary para- cruitment in any area within the unit is a function of the total adult
digm as “a group of interbreeding individuals that exist together in time population. Recruitment subsidies from outside the management unit
and space” (Hedrick, 2000; Waples and Gaggiotti, 2006), and this de- are rarely identified and accounted for in stock assessment or fishery
finition is particularly appropriate for stock assessment or reference management (e.g., Fogarty, 1998). Some stock assessment models do
point models that assume a stock-recruit relationship. A metapopula- not assume a stock-recruitment relationship and can effectively monitor
tion is defined as “a system of interacting biological populations, post-recruit production. However, harvest control rules or management
termed subpopulations, that exhibit a degree of independence in local reference points that are based on conserving spawning potential (e.g.,
population dynamics as well as connectivity between subpopulations” Gabriel et al., 1989) are justified by the implicit assumption that de-
(Cadrin et al., 2014b). pleted spawning stocks will have negative recruitment consequences.
The term ‘stock’ is used more loosely and can refer to a biological Therefore, understanding the source of recruitment is essential for in-
population or metapopulation, a portion of a population, or multiple formative stock assessment and successful fishery management.
populations (Cadrin et al., 2014b). Within a population, a ‘phenotypic Stock assessment models also typically assume homogeneous vital
stock’ maintains “characteristics which are expressed in one or more rates for all members of an age, length, or sex class; forming a ‘dynamic
ways depending on the type of environment” (Booke, 1981). Alter- pool’ (Beverton and Holt, 1957). For example, size at age is either modeled
natively, a ‘harvest stock,’ is a local group of fish that has an in- using a single growth function or empirically based on unimodal sample
dependent response to fishing, regardless of genetic or phenotypic si- statistics. Mortality is modeled as the sum of constant natural mortality
milarities to adjacent resources (Gauldie, 1988). and fishing mortality rates that apply to all members of a demographic
Conventional stock assessment models make three related assumptions class during a time interval. If fishing effort is distributed relatively evenly
about spatial scope and structure: the population is closed, homogeneous, across the population, it can produce similar age and size distributions
and well-mixed. Russell’s (1931) conceptualization of sustainable yield as throughout the stock, but spatial fishing patterns violate the assumed
a function of biological productivity, and his definition of overfishing as homogeneous fishing mortality rates (e.g., Hart, 2001). Reproductive po-
yield greater than a biological population’s productivity, implicitly assume tential is modeled as a single maturity or fecundity function. Therefore, the
a closed population, because those definitions assumed no immigration or dynamic pool assumption is inconsistent with heterogeneous vital rates
emigration. The ‘unit stock’ conceived by Russell (1931) is implicitly as- (growth, survival and reproduction) within the stock area.
sumed to be a reproductively isolated population that is demographically Thirdly, the conventional estimation of abundance from a time
independent from other populations of the same species, and young fish in series of fishery catch, indices of abundance, and size or age composi-
the population are assumed to be entirely spawned from adults in the same tion assumes a well-mixed population. Similar to many mark-recapture
population. Isolated populations are expected to exhibit demographic in- and tag-recovery models that assume complete mixing of newly tagged
dependence, with different trajectories of stock, recruitment, mortality, fish with previously tagged and untagged fish in the population within
and age composition (i.e., the population parameters estimated by stock a time interval (Hoenig et al., 1998), many fishery stock assessment
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models implicitly assume that fishery removals from one area in a time overfished because fisheries sequentially expanded to new areas and
interval affect the density of the entire population during the interval. produced serial depletions, leading to an overestimation of productivity
For example, abundance indices sampled during the interval are as- by conventional stock assessments. For example, recruitment of Kodiak
sumed to reflect population-wide trends that are responsive to fishery red king crab appeared to be strong in the 1960s, but that perspective
removals. Spatial sampling strata or spatial standardization can limit was an artefact of the spatial expansion of fishing facilitated by larger
the mixing assumption to within strata for some population processes if vessels (Rothschild et al., 1970). A similar pattern of spatially ex-
the entire population area is sampled (e.g., Walters, 2003; Campbell, panding fisheries and local depletion was observed for Dungeness crab
2004; Shelton et al., 2014; Cao et al., 2016; Thorson et al., 2017). in southeast Alaska (Koeneman, 1985). Orensanz et al. (1998) warned
Mixing tends to homogenize populations, so the homogeneity and that mis-matches between the geographic scale of the population and
mixing assumptions are related. However, many populations maintain the assessment, spatial patterns in fishing, and assuming a dynamic
homogenous vital rates even when there is negligible post-settlement pool for a spatially heterogeneous resource can lead to a myopic view of
mixing (e.g., shellfish). The distinction between mixing and homo- productivity. Although these patterns were observed for relatively im-
geneity assumptions is important for defining population structure, mobile invertebrates, similar changes in the spatial distribution of
because tagging or larval dispersal can inform mixing, and geographic fishing on patchy distributions of highly migratory fish was a challenge
variation tests the homogeneity assumption. for assessment of the southern bluefin tuna (e.g., Campbell, 2004).
Based on these typical assumptions, the management unit that is ide- The collapse of the ‘northern cod’ fishery in the early 1990s offers an
ally suited for conventional stock assessment models is an entire species example in which recruitment overfishing occurred despite a productive
distribution or an entire distinct and self-sustaining population with no resource with superlative fecundity, a relatively data-rich stock assess-
connectivity to other populations, with no spatial heterogeneity, free ment, and a relatively comprehensive fishery management system
mixing, and random mating (e.g., the bold boxes in Fig. 1). Contrary to (Walters and Maguire, 1996). Although several factors contributed to the
those assumptions, all populations and all fisheries have some spatial collapse of the northern cod fishery, the mismatch between the spatial
structure with mixing patterns (Cope and Punt, 2011), and many popu- management unit and population structure played a central role in the
lations have some connectivity with adjacent populations (Ciannelli et al., unintentional overfishing in the 1980s (Hutchings, 1996; Smedbol and
2013). In the practice of stock assessment and fishery management, some Stephenson, 2001; Lilly, 2008). The Atlantic cod resource off New-
single populations contribute to multiple management units, and some foundland and Labrador (NAFO divisions 2 J, 3 K and 3 L) is a single
management units include multiple distinct populations (e.g., Smedbol management unit, but there are separate inshore and offshore popula-
and Stephenson, 2001; Reiss et al., 2009) or even multiple species (Fig. 1). tions, as evidenced by egg and larval distributions, spawning times,
Many fishery management units include multiple distinct spawning groups dispersal patterns, genetics, growth rates, number of vertebrae and
defined by spawning areas (e.g., Fromentin and Powers, 2005), spawning parasites (Ruzzante et al., 1996). In the 1980's, increasing catch rates
seasons (e.g., Zemeckis et al., 2014), or both (e.g., Clausen et al., 2007). from the inshore fishery provided a misleading index of abundance for
Different populations can have spatially overlapping feeding areas or the entire management unit, because the offshore population declined,
nursery areas (e.g., Saha et al., 2016). Some stocks are well defined by and the winter distribution of cod shifted southward in response to
geographic features (e.g., estuaries, bathymetry, ocean basins), but others changing environmental conditions (Rose and Kulka, 1999). The as-
are more defined by three-dimensional habitat (e.g., Cadrin et al., 2010). sumption of homogeneous rates of growth and reproduction throughout
The trend toward changing thermal environments and shifting distribu- the management unit also contributed to overestimating productivity of
tions complicates the determination of boundaries between biological the resource (Morgan and Brattey, 2005). Similar patterns of population
populations (e.g., Perry et al., 2005; Link et al., 2010). structure, misperceptions of stock status, and depletion of spatial com-
Another complication for representing spatial scope and structure in ponents have been observed for Atlantic cod fisheries in the North Sea
a stock assessment is that the most appropriate structure may be different (e.g., Hutchinson, 2008), on Scotian Shelf (Smedbol and Stephenson,
for meeting each of these theoretical assumptions for some species and 2001), and off New England (Zemeckis et al., 2014).
fisheries. For example, a reproductively isolated population assumed for Atlantic herring is a population rich species (i.e., there are many
stock-recruit modeling may inhabit a large area, but spatial components populations within the species; Sinclair, 1988), but several fisheries
of that population may have different vital rates or fishing patterns. collapsed from the depletion of local spawning areas (Smedbol and
Therefore, conventional stock assessment assumes that the stock assess- Stephenson, 2001). For example, relatively small spawning components
ment area encompasses a biological population, and fishing patterns or in the Gulf of Maine, Bay of Fundy and off southwest Nova Scotia were
population heterogeneity within the area are represented in the assess- ‘progressively eroded’, because they were initially considered too small
ment. Although these assumptions of stock assessment models are often to be explicitly accounted for in stock assessments (Stephenson et al.,
dismissed, the exploitation and management histories of several fisheries 2001). A similar scenario occurred for North Sea herring (Dickey-Collas
as well as simulation studies demonstrate their importance. et al., 2010). Based on these lessons, some spawning components of
Atlantic herring are now monitored and catch is allocated by relative
3. Fishery case studies abundance (Stephenson et al., 2001; Dickey-Collas et al., 2010), and
conservation of spawning groups helped to rebuild Norwegian spring
Several case studies demonstrate that recognizing and conserving spawning herring (Ciannelli et al., 2013).
spatial population structure can support productive fisheries (e.g., In a review of Pacific groundfish, Berkeley et al. (2004) concluded
Hilborn et al., 2003). Conversely, ignoring population structure in stock that conventional stock assessments of spatially-structured populations
assessment and fishery management can unintentionally allow over- could not detect overfishing and depletion of reproductively isolated
fishing and severe depletion of spatial components, stock collapse, or populations within the management unit. Such spatial complexity is a
failure to rebuild (e.g., Berkeley et al., 2004; Ciannelli et al., 2013). challenge for stock assessment, but if spatial structure is recognized and
When the management unit is not aligned with the population’s dis- conserved it can also confer resilience and productivity (Smedbol and
tribution, perceptions of stock trends can be misleading, often failing to Stephenson, 2001; Hilborn et al., 2003; Schindler et al., 2010). For
detect declines in some populations (Link et al., 2010). Many fisheries example, conserving complex population structure played an important
examples demonstrate the importance of defining spatial structure and role in managing the sustained productivity of Bristol Bay sockeye
reflecting that structure in stock assessment. fisheries (Hilborn et al., 2003), and such sustained production contrasts
Mis-specification of spatial structure played an important role in the with many depleted salmon fisheries that did not effectively conserve
decline of crab and shrimp fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska. Orensanz populations (Schindler et al., 2010). Therefore, reflecting spatial po-
et al. (1998) concluded that these crab and shrimp resources were pulation structure in stock assessments promotes conservation of spatial
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population components and management of sustainable and productive movement among subpopulations (Goethel et al., 2015). A conventional
fisheries. assessment model did not perform well for estimating abundance from an
operating model of black sea bass that had a single stock-recruitment
4. Simulation case studies relationship, but spatial structure of post-recruits (Fay and Cadrin, 2016).
Jardim et al. (2018) found that when heterogeneity and connectivity
Fishery case studies are instructive, but successes and failures in among sub-populations is high, separate assessment of subpopulations
assessment and management usually result from several factors. are not accurate. Punt et al. (2018) developed an operating model to
Population simulation is a valuable tool for understanding population represent Pacific herring with a single stock-recruitment relationship and
dynamics and for testing outcomes of controlled scenarios. For ex- post-recruitment dispersal to ten areas and found that conventional
ample, similar to the lessons demonstrated by Bristol Bay sockeye single-stock assessments produced biased stock estimates. These simu-
salmon, Kerr et al. (2010) found that population structure conferred lation studies demonstrate that accurate representation of spatial scope
stability, resilience, and productivity from simulations conditioned on and structure is needed in many situations, and the performance of
white perch. Guan et al. (2013) also concluded that population struc- conventional stock assessment models can be simulation tested using
ture and connectivity increased the productivity and stability from si- spatially-structured operating models.
mulations conditioned on Atlantic cod.
Simulations have been used to evaluate the performance of stock
assessment models for recovering population trends from a spatially- 5. Best practices for considering spatial structure in stock
structured operating model (e.g., Kerr and Goethel, 2014; Berger et al., assessment
2017; Punt, 2017). In some cases, spatially-simple stock assessments
performed relatively well for scenarios conditioned to represent Some common challenges in defining spatial structure for stock
Atlantic bluefin tuna (Porch et al., 1998), Atlantic cod (Cao et al., 2014; assessment can be addressed by adopting general best practices
Jardim et al., 2018), yellowtail flounder (Goethel et al., 2015), Pacific (Table 2), but some of these practices are not feasible for some fisheries,
herring (Benson et al., 2015), and sardine (Jardim et al., 2018). How- and more specific guidance depends on features of the resource and the
ever, in other simulated scenarios of spatial heterogeneity or metapo- fishery. Best practices refer to the spatial extent of stock assessment to
pulations, conventional stock assessment models (i.e., with no spatial sufficiently represent a closed population (i.e., the bold boxes in Fig. 1)
structure) could not reliably estimate abundance or mortality of spa- and spatial structure of an assessment that reflects major patterns of
tially-complex populations, and accuracy of spatially-structured as- biological heterogeneity or fishing patterns (e.g., the boxes en-
sessments depended on accurate specification of spatial structure. compassed by the dashed polygon in Fig. 1). Best practices also include
Several simulation studies evaluated the effect of spatial heterogeneity diagnostics for testing assumptions and options for stock assessment
on stock assessment models. Cope and Punt (2011) found that con- when spatial assumptions are violated (Table 2).
ventional stock assessments performed poorly when applied to a Ca- Exploratory stock identification can detect patterns of spatial het-
bezon-like population with spatial patterns in exploitation history. Si- erogeneity, and spatial patterns that are significant and persistent
milarly, Fay et al. (2011) showed that mortality estimates from catch should be considered in stock assessment. For some discriminating
curves were sensitive to spatial fishing patterns from an operating features (e.g., morphometrics, otolith chemistry, parasites), extrinsic
model conditioned on blue eye trevalla. Fisheries managed by area classification accuracy of known groups significantly greater than
closures impose spatial heterogeneity in fishing mortality, and simula- random assignment may be more meaningful than significantly dif-
tions from generic operating models suggest that the accuracy of con- ferent means. Temporal stability of spatial differences should be tested
ventional stock assessments depends on the size of area closures (Pincin over multiple years and ideally over the entire assessment time period.
and Wilberg, 2012) and movement rates (McGilliard et al., 2015). Sampling designs for fishery data and fishery-independent data
Conventional stock assessments produced significantly biased estimates should be spatially explicit to explore spatial patterns in data, support a
when applied to an operating model of pink ling fisheries with spatial spatially-structured stock assessment, or spatially-stratified estimation
heterogeneity in fishing mortality, growth, and recruitment (Punt et al., of catch, size or age composition, and relative abundance indices.
2015). Truesdell et al. (2017) reported that conventional reference Including all fished and unfished resource areas in sampling designs
point models produced biased estimates based on an operating model of
Atlantic sea scallop with spatial fishing patterns. Table 2
Simulation has also been used to evaluate the effect of metapopula- General best practices for defining spatial structure in stock assessment.
tions and mixing patterns on stock assessment. Porch et al. (1998) si- Spatial Extent of Stock Assessment
mulated eastern and western Atlantic bluefin tuna with separate Include the entire species range
spawning populations and found that spatially-structured stock assess- Include the entire habitat area of a discrete portion of the species range
Spatial Structure in Stock Assessment
ment models performed better for estimating abundance than two se-
Include all areas in standardization of stock indices
parate stock assessments of eastern and western Atlantic fisheries when Consider geographic, bathymetric or oceanographic boundaries for spatial strata
movement rates among areas were assumed to be relatively high. Consider ecological boundaries for spatial strata
Carruthers et al. (2011) found that population estimates from conven- Consider discrete fishing grounds for spatial strata
tional assessment models are biased and lead to overexploitation of some Consider areas with significantly different vital rates for spatial strata
areas using an operating model conditioned on Atlantic tunas and bill-
Examine synchrony of resource and fishery trends in the assessment area with
fish. Ying et al. (2011) tested the performance of stock assessments using those from adjacent areas
an operating model to represent three connected subpopulations of small Monitor spatial population components within the assessment area
yellow croaker and observed that assessing and managing each sub- Violated Assumptions
Identify and communicate violation of model assumptions
population as a unit led to overfishing and managing the metapopulation
Adopt spatially-explicit sampling designs and stratified estimates for inputs to
as a unit stock often led to local depletion. Carruthers et al. (2015) found assessment models
that conventional stock assessment produced biased estimates of max- Account for spatial fishing patterns with flexible fishery selectivity assumptions
imum sustainable yield from an operating model conditioned on spa- Test performance of mis-specified assessment model
tially-structured populations of red and gag grouper. Three separate-area Describe stock and fishery trends for each spatial population component
Recommend consideration of precautionary management targets
stock assessments did not perform well for estimating a dominant year
Recommend consideration of management strategies to conserve population
class when applied to pseudo-data from a yellowtail flounder metapo- components
pulation, with unique stock-recruitment relationships and post-recruit
S.X. Cadrin Fisheries Research 221 (2020) 105397
and post-hoc standardization of stock indices helps to account for some areas can provide valuable context for identifying spatial structure
spatial heterogeneities (e.g., Walters, 2003; Campbell, 2004; Shelton within the area of interest. For example, the local inshore and offshore
et al., 2014; Cao et al., 2016; Thorson et al., 2017), but cannot account populations found for ‘northern cod’ (Ruzzante et al., 1996) are also
for complex interactions between heterogeneous vital rates, fishing observed throughout their geographic range (Pampoulie et al., 2006,
patterns and movement. Stock index standardizations are sensitive to 2011; Westgaard and Fevolden, 2007; Hutchinson, 2008; Ciannelli
the spatial extent and strata used (e.g., Tian et al., 2009), so informa- et al., 2013; Zemeckis et al., 2014).
tion on stock structure is also important for that aspect of stock as- Fishing grounds and spatiotemporal patterns in fishery data can
sessment. suggest putative stocks. Carl Walters contended that long-term fisheries
When general best practices are not feasible, violations of the unit successes result from a ‘spatial accident’ in which the spatial manage-
stock, dynamic pool and well-mixed population assumptions should be ment unit serendipitously matched the population unit (Orensanz et al.,
recognized, and the implications of violated assumptions should be 1998). However, considering that fisheries target persistent resource
evaluated. For example, resource and population trends within the as- densities or aggregations, and many management units are defined by
sessment area should be compared to those in adjacent areas to test for fishing grounds, frequent matches may not be entirely accidental. Many
synchronous trends and mixing. Violated assumptions should be iden- fisheries now have high-resolution catch reporting, but the spatial re-
tified as a source of uncertainty to be considered in fishery manage- solution of historical fishery data often constrains the resolution for
ment. For example, Ying et al. (2011) suggest that precautionary defining stocks and spatial structure in stock assessment. At the lowest
management targets should be considered to avoid depletion of com- resolution, ocean basins and major fishing areas can be used to define
ponents. If stock assessments are not spatially-structured, they should stocks (FAO, 2004). Fishery reporting areas within regional fishery
allow for the dome-shaped fishery selectivity (i.e., the oldest or largest management organizations offer intermediate spatial resolution, and
fish are not fully vulnerable to the fishery) that is expected from spatial geographic strata for national catch reporting offer greater resolution
fishing patterns (Sampson and Scott, 2011; Sampson, 2014). Conven- for defining fishing grounds or putative stocks (e.g., Halliday and
tional stock assessments can also be supplemented by monitoring po- Pinhorn, 1990). Defining fleets by area and season can be helpful for
pulation components (e.g., Stephenson et al., 2001; Dickey-Collas et al., understanding which spatial components of the population are vul-
2010), using stock composition sampling for mixed-population fisheries nerable to which fleets and if fleet monitoring data can represent dis-
(e.g., Kerr et al., 2019), and fishery management can include proce- crete population components. Fishermen’s Ecological Knowledge can be
dures to conserve population components, such as spatial catch allo- valuable for mapping spatial distributions. For example, historical and
cation (e.g., Bosley et al., 2019), reproductive refugia (e.g., Orensanz current spawning grounds of Atlantic cod have been delineated through
et al., 1998) or spawning closures (e.g., Zemeckis et al., 2014). fishermen interviews (Ames, 2004; DeCelles et al., 2017)
Beyond these general practices, determining the most appropriate Fishery-independent data can provide high-resolution spatial in-
spatial extent and structure of stock assessment for each fishery in- formation on spatial distribution that is not constrained by fishing
volves 1) an interdisciplinary synthesis of all available information to patterns or fishery regulations. Mapping the seasonal distributions of
determine the most plausible paradigms of population structure and early life stages (e.g., eggs and larvae from ichthyoplankton surveys),
fishing patterns, 2) the development of spatial operating models that juveniles (e.g., from recruitment surveys) and spawning or non-
are conditioned on these paradigms, and 3) testing performance of es- spawning adults (from fishery monitoring or fishery-independent sur-
timation models and management strategies that are based on the veys) can reveal aspects of stock structure such as seasonal movement
current management unit as well as alternative spatial structures that patterns, spawning grounds, nursery grounds, and feeding grounds
reflect population structure and fishing patterns. (e.g., Pawson and Jennings, 1996; Begg, 2005; Planque et al., 2013).
Similar to the utility of defining fishing fleets by area and season,
5.1. Stock identification methods documenting the seasonality and spatial extent of resource surveys
helps to identify which population components they represent. Spatial
Spatial patterns are often complex and difficult to define, but a wide density of survey observations is much less than that from fishery data,
range of methods are available for stock identification, from spatial ana- and some species are rarely caught in surveys, so pooling observations
lysis of conventional fishery data to sampling for genetic stock composi- by time periods (e.g., decades) is often needed to infer temporally stable
tion. Information from multiple approaches provides a more holistic per- spatial distributions. Spatial interpolation based on habitat factors can
spective (Begg and Waldman, 1999), and multi-disciplinary analyses have improve inferences of distributions by filling gaps in fishery data or
been developed to simultaneously analyze data from different disciplines survey data (e.g., Shackell et al., 2016), and cross-validation suggests
(e.g., Brodziak, 2005). However, common challenges for stock identifica- that such approaches can be informative. By extension, spatial popu-
tion include apparent contradictions of information from different dis- lation structure often reflects ecosystem boundaries. For example, the
ciplines and politicized debates about trans-jurisdictional stock delinea- spatial structure of yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean reflects Long-
tion. Therefore, recognizing the complementary perspective offered from hurst biogeographical regions (Langley, 2015; Langley, 2019). Al-
each discipline is needed to reconcile apparent contradictions (Table 3). though distributional information is not definitive for identifying spa-
Applying best practices in each discipline helps to minimize sampling error tial structure of populations or fisheries, and some interpolation may be
or estimation bias, and interdisciplinary synthesis is essential for objective needed in data-limited situations (e.g., multi-year data pooling, habitat-
determination of spatial structure for stock assessment. Best practices based predictions), investigating all available information on spatial
within disciplines and for interdisciplinary analysis have been developed distribution provides valuable context for stock identification.
(e.g., Cadrin et al., 2005, 2014a) and are routinely updated and refined by
the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas, Stock Identifi- 5.1.2. Dispersal patterns
cation Methods Working Group (e.g., ICES, 2018). Connectivity is the exchange of individuals among populations
(Cowen and Sponaugle, 2009), and dispersal among populations can
5.1.1. Spatial distribution occur at any life stage. Connectivity can involve reproductive mixing, in
A species’ spatial extent can reveal discontinuities or natural bar- which adults spawned in one area contribute to reproduction in another
riers that define putative stocks. Spatial distributions are often density- area (termed ‘diffusion’, Porch et al., 2001; or genetic interchange,
dependent (MacCall, 1990; Reuchlin-Hugenholtz et al., 2015), so his- Hawkins et al., 2016), or seasonal mixing of reproductive isolated po-
torical distributions can be informative for stock identification of de- pulations (e.g., termed ‘overlap’ or ecological connectivity, often in-
pleted populations. Even if the resource of interest is a discrete portion volving spawning site fidelity or natal homing). The degree and nature
of the species range, recognizing spatial patterns and processes in other of connectivity among discontinuous distributions determines
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Table 3
Information available for stock identification and relationships to spatial population structure.
Information Population Inference
Distribution fishery data spatial and seasonal fishing patterns by fleet; spawning, feeding and nursery areas
fishery-independent surveys distribution at early, juvenile and adult life stages
Dispersal early life stage dispersal connectivity of spawning and nursery areas
conventional tags movement patterns or rates
archival tags individual movement trajectories
active telemetry individual movement trajectories
passive telemetry movement patterns and spawning dynamics
Geographic Variation selected genetic characters reproductive isolation or local adaptation
neutral genetic characters reproductive isolation
life history traits limited mixing and possibly reproductive isolation or local adaptation
morphology limited mixing and possibly reproductive isolation or local adaptation
meristics limited mixing at early life stages and possibly reproductive isolation or local adaptation
natural tags limited mixing and environmental history
abundance trends demographic independence
size or age composition demographic independence or fishery selectivity
demographic independence and reproductive isolation among areas Genetic variation. Genetic information provides the most
(Hawkins et al., 2016). definitive inference of reproductive isolation, but mutation rates and the
Early life history dispersal patterns can determine self-sustaining vulnerability to natural selection vary widely among genetic characters.
areas or link spawning grounds to distant nursery areas (i.e., contra- Therefore, the relative sensitivity and neutrality of each type of genetic
natant advection; Harden Jones, 1968). Sinclair (1988) hypothesized marker needs to be considered to reconcile apparent contradictions among
that the number of larval retention areas determines the number of studies. Geographic variation in neutral genetic characters (i.e., those not
populations within a species. Effective dispersal of pelagic eggs and subject to selection) indicate reproductive isolation, whereas geographic
larvae is a complex process involving hatching, larval feeding, growth variation in functional genetic characters (i.e., those subject to selection)
and survival through successive developmental stages to settlement or can indicate both isolation and adaptation to local environments (Mariani
recruitment to suitable nursery habitats (Hare and Richardson, 2014). and Bekkevold, 2014). However, significant differences in neutral genetic
Individual-based bio-physical models can suggest patterns of retention characters indicate that the populations have been reproductively isolated
or effective dispersal as a function of oceanographic patterns, but many for many generations, which is far longer than the ecological time scales
of the assumed behaviors, growth rates and survival rates are highly that are relevant to stock assessment or fishery management (Waples and
uncertain, so empirical validation and consideration of other informa- Gaggiotti, 2006). Therefore, populations that have been recently isolated
tion is needed for confirmation. on an evolutionary time scale may not exhibit genetic differences but may
Dispersal of later life history stages can be informed from conven- have demographic independence on ecological time scales.
tional tagging or telemetry. Patterns of release and recovery of fish with Geographic variation in allozyme frequency formed the initial basis
conventional tags can document major movement patterns, suggest for the genetic stock concept in fisheries science (Berst and Simon,
relative magnitude of movement rates, and inform movement rates 1981), but they have been largely replaced by other genetic characters
among areas through independent analysis of tagging data (e.g., for stock identification. Allozymes are alternative forms of enzymes that
Schwarz, 2014; Hanselman et al., 2015) or tag-integrated stock as- are coded by different alleles at a genetic locus (Koljonen and Wilmot,
sessment modeling (e.g., Goethel et al., 2011, this volume; Maunder 2005). The enzymes measured by allozymes are essential for cellular
et al., 2019). The estimation of movement rates requires representative functions, so their frequency is subject to selective forces (e.g., many
tag-recapture designs and ancillary studies to account for fishing pat- mutations are lethal), and allozyme variation is typically less than other
terns, tag shedding and reporting rates. genetic markers.
Conventional and electronic tags provide complementary information The earliest direct analysis of DNA for fishery stock identification
on dispersal. Information from electronic tags provides greater spatial involved mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) because of its relatively simple
resolution and less reliance on fishery recaptures, typically from fewer tag molecular structure and size. Mitochondrial DNA is involved in cellular
deployments because of cost, and often over a shorter period because of energy conversion, so it is subject to selection and has a low mutation
battery life. Active telemetry or geolocation of archival tag data can pro- rate (Antoniou and Magoulas, 2014). The simplicity of the mtDNA
vide trajectories of individual fish (Galuardi and Lam, 2014). Passive molecule confers a relatively constant mutation rate that can be used to
acoustic or radio telemetry can be used to infer movement patterns, approximate the recency of reproductive isolation. For example,
spawning site fidelity, residency in spawning areas, and connectivity mtDNA information suggests that the four Atlantic redfish species are
among areas (DeCelles and Zemeckis, 2014). A synthesis of the available relatively young on an evolutionary time scale, formed from North
tagging information can be used to map ontogenetic movement patterns. Pacific Sebastes ancestors that moved to the North Atlantic when Arctic
waters warmed (Love et al., 2002), which explains their morphological
similarities and frequent hybridization. Genetic divergence within
5.1.3. Geographic variation Atlantic redfish species is even more recent (Cadrin et al., 2010).
Spatial patterns of demographic, genetic or phenotypic variability mtDNA is maternally inherited, so differences in mtDNA allelic fre-
can indicate mixing or isolation of fish in different areas, because a quency reflect reproductive isolation and selective forces in the female
well-mixed stock should be spatially homogeneous. Accordingly, the life cycle (including movement patterns, site fidelity, etc.), which can
magnitude of geographic differences and their temporal stability reflect be different than male life cycles (e.g., Natoli et al., 2005).
the degree of isolation or connectivity. Many measurable characters are Nuclear DNA (nDNA) is much more complex than mtDNA and
available for analysis of geographic variation, from routine fishery provides a wide array of genetic markers for stock identification
sampling or ancillary studies, with the basis of variability ranging from (Wirgin and Waldman, 2005; Mariani and Bekkevold, 2014). Micro-
purely environmental to entirely genetic (i.e., a heritability range of 0 satellites are small segments of repetitive DNA that are noncoding. All
to 100%). Therefore, each character informs a different aspect of con- mutations in noncoding DNA survive, so variability in allelic fre-
nectivity and population structure. quencies and sensitivity for detecting genetic differences among groups
S.X. Cadrin Fisheries Research 221 (2020) 105397
of individuals is greater than for coding genetic characters. Single nu- material in each annulus (Kerr and Campana, 2014; Tanner et al., 2016).
cleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) provide a much larger set of characters, Differences in fatty acid profiles indicate different trophic patterns among
some with high variability (Wirgin and Waldman, 2005). The ad- groups and have been effective stock discriminators for several fishes and
vancement of genomics, which involves hundreds to thousands of marine mammals (Grahl-Nielsen, 2014).
molecular markers to represent a large portion of the genome, has Heritability varies among and within these types of phenotypic traits.
greatly expanded the number of characters available for stock identi- Heritability estimates are often greater than 30% for life history traits, range
fication (Mariani and Bekkevold, 2014). Genetic stock identification for from 10% to 80% for morphometric traits, and range 40% to 90% for
some species has progressed from using a few markers to using thou- meristic characters (Swain et al., 2005). There is also some heritability of
sands. Genomics has also improved the understanding of geographic other natural markers, such as parasite resistance, chemical uptake into
variation in genetics. For example, some characters initially thought to otoliths, and metabolism of fatty acids. Therefore, geographic variation in
be neutral (e.g., non-coding microsatellites) may be linked to coding phenotypic characters can be interpreted as an indicator of incomplete
regions, as detected by diagnostic statistical tests. As molecular mixing and possibly reproductive isolation or local adaptation.
methods have advanced and more variable genetic markers are devel-
oped with much greater sensitivity for detecting genetic differences Demographic variation. Similar trends in abundance among
among groups, genetic differences are being found within many coastal
areas can reflect mixing, and different trends among areas may
and oceanic species that were initially considered to be genetically
indicate isolation. Spatial structure has been defined by fishery
homogeneous (Wirgin and Waldman, 2005).
landings (Campbell and Mohn, 1983), fishery catch rates (Lennert-
Cody et al., 2013), fishery-independent surveys (Cadrin, 2010), or
results from stock assessments of adjacent areas (Rothschild, 2007). For Phenotypic variation. Life history and morphology are
example, spatiotemporal patterns in surveys reflected recruitment
determined by both genetics and the environment, but temporally
synchrony of rockfish among areas (e.g., Field and Ralston, 2005).
stable patterns of geographic variation in these phenotypic characters
Begg (2005) recognized that information on relative abundance and
can be valuable for stock identification. For example, persistent patterns
size/age composition are routinely collected to support stock assess-
of geographic variation in size and maturity at age can delineate groups
ment and are available for many fisheries for the investigation of stock
with limited mixing, regardless of the degree of heritability in those traits
structure. Differences in age or size composition can indicate geo-
(e.g., Cadrin, 2010). Temporally stable patterns of life history variation
graphic variation in recruitment or mortality. For example, Lennert-
are particularly relevant to determining spatial structure for stock
Cody et al. (2013) investigated spatial patterns in size of bigeye tuna to
assessment, because population dynamics models need to accurately
infer patterns of demographic independence or fishery selectivity
represent these vital rates (Begg, 2005).
among areas, both of which are informative for defining spatial struc-
Geographic variation in morphology can be associated with differ-
ture for stock assessment.
ences in life histories. Circuli spacing patterns of fish otoliths or mollusk
shells provide direct measures of growth patterns and can effectively
detect differences in spawning seasons or growth rates (Brophy, 2014). 5.1.4. Interdisciplinary stock identification
General body morphology is often an indicator of growth rate, onto- Information on distribution, dispersal and geographic variation
genetic transition (e.g., maturation, diadromy), or eco-type (e.g., from newly developed methods can be reconciled with previous in-
benthic vs. pelagic, resident vs. dispersive). Investigation of morpho- formation from more traditional methods to define spatial structure for
metric characters has advanced from multivariate analysis of tradi- stock assessment. Stock identification is an iterative process, in which
tional linear distances to geometric analysis of landmarks (e.g., truss each stage has different sampling designs and analytical approaches,
networks or thin-plate splines of body shape) or outlines (e.g., mollusk and successive stages consider information from multiple disciplines
shells or fish otoliths; Cadrin, 2000). Variation in meristics (i.e., mor- (Table 4). The exploratory stage of stock identification should develop a
phological features that can be counted, like vertebrae, fin rays, gill synthetic population structure hypothesis that is consistent with all
rakers) are typically influenced by early-life history environments when available multi-disciplinary information (Table 3).
the meristic features are developing. For example, vertebrae number is Confirmatory analysis of geographic variation involves estimating the
determined in the larval period and is inversely related to temperature significance of differences among areas and recognizing the relative ef-
for many fishes (Lindsey, 1988). fect size of each approach (Abaunza et al., 2014). The most informative
Other valuable features for stock identification such as parasites, oto- variables among the multiple disciplines in Table 3 are used for the latter
lith chemistry, and fatty acids are largely environmental covariates used as stages of stock discrimination, delineation, and composition analyses.
‘natural tags’. Patterns of parasite infestations can indicate residence in The integration of information can be facilitated by multidisciplinary
areas of infection or spatial overlap with intermediate hosts (MacKenzie sampling, in which data for each disciplinary analysis is sampled using
and Abaunza, 2014). Otolith chemistry (including major elements, minor the same spatiotemporal design (Abaunza et al., 2014).
elements, trace elements and isotopes) can indicate chemical environ- Considering how different stock identification approaches inform
ments for the entire lifespan from analysis of whole otoliths, from early life complementary aspects of spatial population structure (Table 3), the
stages by analysis of the otolith core, or specific ontogenetic stages from synthesis of multidisciplinary information is usually conceptual and
Table 4
The successive stages of interdisciplinary stock identification (modified from Cadrin, 2000).
Stage Objective Sampling Design Analytic Method
Exploratory Stock identify putative groups all areas and seasons (multiple years) ordination and cluster analysis of many variables for each
Identification discipline
Stock Discrimination develop and test known-group (spawning) samples in each discriminant analysis of baseline samples (and cross-
classification function putative group, with sufficient replication validation) to identify discriminating variables and functions
(regularly updated) for each discipline
Stock Delineation define stock boundaries boundary areas (all seasons, multiple years) classification analysis of selected variables from mixed-group
samples for geographic analysis of scores
Stock Composition estimate mixture all mixed-stock areas and seasons, regularly mixture analysis of selected variables from mixed-group
S.X. Cadrin Fisheries Research 221 (2020) 105397
supported by geographic integration (e.g., Pita et al., 2016). In their stock status and projections for informing fishery management. Models
chapter on Observing Fish Populations, Hilborn and Walters (1992) conditioned on generic populations and fisheries to represent typical fea-
conclude that “Probably the most important rule is know your data… tures and dynamics can inform general best practices. For example, Jardim
The second general rule when considering abundance is spatial mapping. et al. (2018) simulated ‘cod-like’ and ‘sardine-like’ metapopulations with
If you don’t do it, you only have yourself to blame when things go ‘trawl-like’ and ‘purse seine-like’ fisheries with hypothetical exploitation
wrong.” Booth (2000) offers tools to visualize spatial and demographic histories to test the performance of stock assessment models. However, the
patterns of fishery monitoring and survey data for stock assessment. results of such ‘fish-like’ operating models may not represent a specific
The same general practice applies to stock identification. Mapping the fishery. Spatially-structured operating models can also be conditioned on
species’ geographic range is an appropriate starting point for a stock results from estimation models that reflect the most plausible population
identification investigation. Understanding where and when samples and fishery structure and are fit to the available data for a specific fishery
were collected for each investigation of stock structure and overlaying (e.g., Goethel et al., 2016; Kerr et al., 2017a; Carruthers and Butterworth,
all spatial information on the map is a useful tool for integrating in- 2018). However, spatial estimation models are often overparameterized
formation on distribution, dispersal and geographic variation. The most and cannot always produce stable solutions (Punt, 2017, 2019).
plausible hypothesis of spatial structure (or multiple plausible sce- A common alternative to conditioning on results from spatial esti-
narios) can be depicted geographically to design the latter stages of mation models is to condition on results from simpler models with
stock delineation and stock composition sampling. modifications to reflect the most plausible spatial structure. A
The spatiotemporal overlap of populations in some mixed-stock Frankenstein model (i.e., a composite of model parameters from dif-
fisheries requires routine stock composition sampling (Kerr et al., ferent sources) can be conditioned on 1) results from a spatially-ag-
2019). Sampling for stock composition can be integrated into fishery gregated assessment model; 2) the population can be spatially dis-
monitoring programs to estimate the catch of each component popu- tributed according to relative abundance data; and 3) movement among
lation in the mixture, using the same principles as sampling for species areas can be based on an ancillary study. For example, Kerr et al. (2010,
composition in data-limited species complexes or for sampling size and 2014) developed a spatial operating model for Atlantic cod that was
age composition. For example, North Pacific salmon fisheries are rou- conditioned on aggregate abundance estimates from stock assessment
tinely sampled to determine catch of each salmon species and each models, spatially distributed abundance to subpopulations based on
intraspecific population in each fleet based on source population relative survey indices, and connectivity among subpopulations was
characteristics (e.g., Pella and Masuda, 2005; Ianelli and Stram, 2015; derived from genetic differences among them. Similarly, Lee et al.
Beacham et al., 2016; Kang et al., 2016; McKinney et al., 2017). (2017) conditioned a spatial operating model to represent Pacific
Best practices within disciplines, appropriate interpretations, and in- Bluefin Tuna by conditioning on results from a spatially-aggregate Pa-
tegration among methods are most effectively achieved through a colla- cific-wide stock assessment model, distributing recruits in the spawning
borative process, including experts in each discipline (Kerr et al., 2017b). area of the western Pacific, and simulating ontogentic movement as a
Experts can review all available information within their discipline, and function of environmental conditions. A spatial operating model was
information can be conceptually integrated in a workshop or working also developed for Atlantic bluefin tuna by conditioning on separate
group process. Interdisciplinary integration of information requires con- eastern and western stock assessment results, as well as fishery-in-
sideration of the unique perspective on population inferences from each dependent estimates of movement among areas from telemetry analysis
methodological approach (Table 3), as well as the specific objectives, (Morse et al., 2018; Cadrin et al., 2019). Bosley et al. (2019) condi-
sampling designs and analyses of each contributing study. Such ap- tioned spatial operating models on parameter values from sablefish and
proaches have successfully met the challenging objectives of inter- hake estimation models, as well as some hypothesized parameter va-
disciplinary stock identification for several fisheries (reviewed in Cadrin lues. The Frankenstein approach to conditioning produces spatial op-
et al., 2014a; Kerr et al., 2017b) and are routinely being applied in several erating models that reflect perceived stock development and exploita-
fishery management organizations (e.g., ICES, 2018; SEDAR, 2018). tion histories, but the combined set of parameter values from different
models with different spatial assumptions may not optimally fit the
5.2. Spatial simulation testing available data, and the results can be scary.
Considering uncertainties in spatial scope, persistent patterns of
Stock identification can delineate discrete populations, connectivity spatial heterogeneity and movement rates, multiple spatial operating
among areas, and patterns of spatial heterogeneity, but it cannot de- models are typically needed to reflect alternative plausible scenarios. A
termine whether a stock assessment model is an adequate simplification series of alternative stock assessment models with different spatial
of the complex reality to meet the needs of the fishery management structures can be simulation tested. The spatial structures of alternative
system. Simulation-estimation testing is considered best practice for de- estimation models should include a range from simple to complex, in-
termining optimal model structure for stock assessment (e.g., Restrepo, cluding a unit stock (e.g., the spatial extent of the current management
1998; Deroba et al., 2015), and determining the appropriate spatial scale unit with no spatial structure), intermediate structure (e.g., modeling
and structure for stock assessment requires simulation testing with a ‘areas-as-fleets’, Waterhouse et al., 2014), and complexity that ap-
relatively complex spatial operating model (Kerr and Goethel, 2014). proaches the structure in the operating models. For some fisheries,
Spatial operating models are used to generate pseudo-data that represent spatially-simple stock assessments performed well in simulation tests
the quantity and quality of available data, and stock assessment models (e.g., Porch et al., 1998; Cao et al., 2014; Benson et al., 2015; Goethel
with different spatial structures are applied to the pseudo-data to de- et al., 2015), but in other situations of spatial structure and mixing,
termine which alternative model performs best for recovering true values spatially-structured assessment models are needed for accurate popu-
from the operating model. For example, Martien et al. (2013) simulated a lation estimates (Carruthers et al., 2011; Cope and Punt, 2011; Ying
variety of population structure scenarios to determine the degree of re- et al., 2011; Punt et al., 2015, 2018; Cadrin et al., 2019). The perfor-
productive isolation that justifies separate management units for meeting mance of spatially-structured assessments also depends on correct
conservation goals of the International Whaling Commission. spatial specification. For example, performance of spatial models was
Developing spatially-complex operating models that represent plau- no better than conventional models when they had mis-specified
sible scenarios of population and fisheries structure is a challenge. movement (e.g., Goethel et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2017), mis-specified
However, the objective for conditioning spatial operating models for si- spatial strata (e.g., Punt et al., 2015, 2018) or insufficient tagging data
mulation-estimation is to accurately represent stock dynamics and pro- (e.g., Vincent et al., 2017). Therefore, the optimal spatial scope and
ductivity (Kerr and Goethel, 2014), which is somewhat different than the structure depend on the nature of spatial structure, as well as the in-
objective of stock assessment: to precisely and accurately estimate current formation available for stock assessment.
S.X. Cadrin Fisheries Research 221 (2020) 105397
6. Discussion population structure for testing the performance of simpler models and
management procedures (e.g., Kerr and Goethel, 2014; Kerr et al.,
The theoretical assumptions of typical stock assessment models are 2017a; Goethel et al., 2016).
that the spatial extent and structure of stock assessments should be fair
approximations of spatial population structure. However, perceptions of 7. Conclusions
population structure for most fisheries have only recently come into
focus, long after management units were defined, fishery and resource Interdisciplinary stock identification can determine the most likely
sampling programs were designed, stock assessments were developed, paradigm of spatial extent and structure that is consistent with all in-
and spatial catch allocations were negotiated. Therefore, revising man- formation available. There are several general options for addressing
agement units and stock assessment methods may not be a viable option representing spatial structure in stock assessment and fishery manage-
for responding to new or revised stock structure paradigms. Accordingly, ment. The most appropriate alternative for assessing and managing
Kerr et al. (2017a,b) present a range of approaches to consider for im- spatially complex populations should be determined from performance
proving assessment and fishery management when there are mismatches testing, including practical considerations, costs and benefits. In the
between the scale of biological populations and management units, in- context of limited data, capacity for complex model development, as
cluding status quo management (i.e., assuming that the stock assessment well as the assessment and management processes, the primary role of
adequately represents the system, which should be simulation tested), spatially complex stock assessment models may be to condition oper-
“weakest link” management (constraining the fishery to conserve the ating models for simulation testing of spatially-simpler management
most vulnerable population component, which requires monitoring each procedures. As advances in stock identification methods are applied to
component), spatial and temporal closures to conserve population com- more fisheries resources, the trend in detecting spatial complexities is
ponents, stock composition analysis to support assessment of each expected to continue, so guidance on best practices in spatially-struc-
component in a mixed-population fishery, and finally re-definition of tured stock assessment models (Mander et al., 2019) is needed.
management units and the spatial extent of stock assessments.
Cadrin and Secor (2009) predicted that spatially-structured stock as- Acknowledgments
sessments would proliferate because of the trend towards spatially explicit
fishery data, integrated stock assessment modeling, and the advancement Thanks to Mark Maunder and the Center for the Advancement of
of stock identification methods. However, nearly a decade later, Berger Population Assessment Methodology for organizing the workshop on
et al. (2017) found few examples of spatially-structured assessment “Development of spatial stock assessment models” (La Jolla CA USA,
models that are the basis of fishery management advice. Punt (2017, October 2018) and this special issue. Many people contributed to these
2019) attributes the slow progress toward spatially-structured stock as- conceptual developments and best practices, including contributors to
sessments to limitations in data and software, the increased challenges of the Stock Identification Methods books (particularly the co-editors Lisa
parameter estimation, and institutional inertia. Furthermore, spatially- Kerr, Stefano Mariani, Kevin Friedland, John Waldman), other mem-
structured assessments have challenging policy implications that need to bers of the ICES Stock Identification Methods Working Group, former
be confronted (Goethel and Berger, 2017). Continued development and and current students, and other collaborators. C.E. O’Keefe, André Punt
technical support of software that supports spatial stock assessment is and two reviewers provided helpful suggestions to the manuscript. This
needed. Although most fishery management systems are investing in review was supported by the Massachusetts Marine Fisheries Institute.
spatially-explicit data, and routine monitoring data can be used to define
spatial structure, these data may need to be supplemented with ancillary References
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