Tripura FD SMC Works
Tripura FD SMC Works
Tripura FD SMC Works
SMC Guideline
1. Soil and water form two major components of a forest ecosystem and they directly
influence the status, health and nature of the flora and fauna that such ecosystem is
likely to support. It is obvious therefore that while managing the forests the forest
officials have to deal with these components and make their best efforts for their
conservation to sustain the plants and animals.
2. As part of the JICA Project being implemented by the Forest Department, Govt of
Tripura, the manual on Soil and moisture conservation has been prepared for induction
training of the project personnel and front-line forest staffs. The object of this manual
is to present the basic ideas of the science of soil and moisture conservation.
3. Tripura has extremely erosive soil with intensive rainfall. Soil erosion is deemed as
one of the most contributing factors of forest degradation and sediment disasters in the
streams and rivers. Therefore, intensive countermeasures for the soil and moisture
conservation are required in addition to the sustainable forest management activities
in the project.
4. To enhance quality of forest and its management in the target catchment areas/beats,
the following activities for the soil moisture conservation will be conducted as the Soil
and Moisture Conservation Component of the project.
i) Check dams
ii) Brushwood Check-dam for Gully plugging
iii) Bundelling
iv) Contour Trenching
v) Filter Strip
5. In the project, three (3) models of check dams will be built in the valleys related to the
sustainable forest management activities in the target catchment areas/beats: earthen
(two types) and concrete core embankment or reinforced concrete structures. Site
condition, main purpose, and stakeholders of activities of respective check dams are
summarized in the manual.
6. "Guidelines for Soil and Water Conservation Works, include guidelines for check
dams and other soil moisture conservation works, were prepared and applied to the
soil moisture conservation works. However, the guidelines include few engineering
aspects of the check dams, and it will be easier for officials of TFD to conduct planning,
designing, constructing, operating and maintaining the structures thoroughly.
7. The environmental effect of the forest cover can be monitored in order to clarify effects
of the soil moisture conservation including afforestation activities. The monitoring
results will be used to establish a preliminary forest hydrological model in Tripura.
8. Tentative monitoring plan will be as follows and required cost of the monitoring is
included in the items related to the social and environmental consideration of the
Reduction of flood discharge
Raising water table in area
Reduction of sediment discharge
9. The soil moisture conservation including afforestation helps reduction of sediment
discharge from the catchment. Rainfall observation and Soil Substrate (SS) of the flow
will be monitored at just downstream sites of representative check dam by RMU of the
representative check dams. In addition to monitoring of SS, Biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD) of flow will be monitored in consideration of the effect to fishery.
10. There are many scopes of convergence under this component which will be explored
through project life. However, the essential convergence would be with MNREGA
scheme to tap some financial resources for supporting labour costs and some small
material costs. PMU & DMU together will facilitate/coordinate convergence work for
this component form line department.
1. General.......................................................................................................................... 1
2.1 Objective/Function......................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Objective/Function....................................................................................................... 10
5.1 Objectives/Functions.................................................................................................... 22
1. General
There are three (3) components of the SMC in the catchment, namely,
Activities of the Tripura SCATFORM Project includes implementation of all of the above measures.
Since the Phase I Project, the structural measures of the SMC adopt integrated intervention, which targets
the whole area from the upstream catchments to the downstream command area within the same micro
watershed. For this purpose, three (3) models, namely: 1) Model 1 (intervention in upstream parts), 2)
Model 2 (intervention in the middle parts of the micro watershed) and 3) Model 3 (intervention in the
downstream command areas) were developed to be adapted. Brief of three (3) models are described table
The structural measures of the SMC of the Project are illustrated as follows :
Figure 1.2 Layout of SMC Works along Gully/ Stream/ River in Tripura
In order to implement the Project effectively, the following two (2) operation and effect indicators for the
SMC were stipulated during formulation of the Project :
Table1.2 : Operation and Effect Indicators related to Soil and Moisture Conservation
During implementation of the structural measure of SWC, the above indicators should be kept in mind.
Objectives/functions, planning including the appropriate places of measures, designing, construction, and
operation and maintenance of the above structural measures of the SMC are explained hereunder:
2.1 Objective/Function
The gully plugging works are the barriers installed across the gully to reduce the runoff velocity of the
gully, to retain the sediment behind them, and to reduce the gully erosion of the micro watershed.
The gully plugging works consist of the barrier and the optional downstream and upstream aprons. The
following structures are used as the barriers:
It is difficult to install the semi-permanent check dams as the gully plugging works because of the
difficulties to obtain the stone and log materials in Tripura. In addition, small earthen check dam will also
not be installed because of small durability of silty soil in Tripura.
The pallasiding works by bamboos are applied to the severely eroded narrow gully in the model 1, 2, and 3,
and the brushwood check dams to the severely eroded wider gully in the model 2 and 3.
The brushwood check dam as the representative gully plugging works are shown in the pictures below.
2.2 Implementation of Gully Plugging Works
The gully plugging works will be implemented by RMU and JFMC/EDC. Planning, design,
construction, and operation and maintenance (O&M) of the gully plugging works are summarized below:
(1) Planning
Potential sites of the brushwood check dam will be selected by the RMU in consultation with
JFMC/EDC, in consideration with the following criteria.
For all potential sites, RMU and JFMC/EDC will make a joint inspection to investigate applicable
structure type and the sustainability of structure using the above criteria. The final site selection will be
done by RMU in consultation with JFMC/EDC, considering the joint inspection results, budget
constraint, condition of the gully, and required scale of structure. However, it is difficult to determine
the appropriate sites of the gully plugging works because difficulty of access of the sites before plantation
works. Therefore, the final selection of site might be made during or after the plantation.
(2) Design
After approval of the works by DMU, drawings of the brushwood check dam and pallasiding
works by bamboo will be prepared by RMU. Prior to the design of the works, cross section all
leveling survey shall be carried out by the RMU. Representative design and technical
specification of the gully plugging are as follows:
Single row brushwood check dam: Used as one of a series of the check dams
Double rows brushwood check dam
Based on the detailed design, JFMC/EDCs prepare cost estimate and timeline in consultation with RMU.
During the cost estimate, the extra G.I. wire shall be included for the repair works. DMU will approve
the detailed design and estimate amount sanctioned. MOU of the works will be signed between
(3) Construction
Construction of the gully plugging works shall be carried out by JFMC/EDC/ with appointed
construction supervisor (CS) with the following manners:
After reforestation of the upper watershed by the Project, the active erosion on the gully is considered to
be controlled. In the meantime, it is necessary to maintain the functions of the gulley plugging works.
As mentioned in the above section 2.1, the pallasiding works by bamboo and the brushwood check dams
are the temporary structures. Occasional O&M of structures are required to keep those functional. O&M
of the structures shall be done by JFMC/EDCs, by use of the revolving fund under the technical
assistance of RMU. The following inspection and repair shall be carried out by JFMC/EDCs and RMU:
Technical assistance for the preparation of detailed design cost estimate and time line will be provided
by DMU, PMU, PMC and resource agencies within the government.
(6) Timeline of the Works
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2.3 Approval of design, cost estimate and DMU 7-14 days
construction schedule
2.4 Agreement of design, cost estimate and JFMC/EDC/RMU 7 days
construction schedule)
3. Construction
3.1 Appointment of Construction Supervisor (CS) JFMC/EDC/RMU 7 days
3.2 Site Clearing JFMC/EDC and CS 1-2 days
3.3 Layout of the plan in the site JFMC/EDC and CS 1-2 days
3.4 Arrangement of materials and equipment JFMC/EDC and CS 1-14 days
3.5 Arrangement of labor JFMC/EDC and CS 2-7 days
3.6 Construction JFMC/EDC and CS 7 days
3.7 Final inspection RMU 1 days
3.1 Objective/Function
The contour trench works are the method of constructing the trenches along the contour lines of the slope
with 10 - 30%. Objectives of the trench works are to retain water and sediment on the slope, to increase
the water infiltration, to improve local soil moisture, and as the result, to reduce the runoff discharge and
sediment to the downstream watershed. There are three (3) types of the contour trenches, that is,
continuous trenches, and interrupted (line and staggered) trenches. The continuous contour trenches are
essentially used for moisture conservation in low rainfall areas. The staggered trenches are commonly
used in Tripura, inconsideration of the rainfall condition (annually1,500-2,500 mm) of Tripura.
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Photograph Staggered Contour Trench (Source: Field work, 2020 at Belbari Beat)
3.2 Implementation of Staggered Contour Trench Works
The staggered contour trench works will be implemented by RMU and JFMC/EDCs. Planning, design,
construction, O&M of the staggered trench works are summarized as follows:
(1) Planning
Potential sites of the trenches will be selected by the RMU in consultation with JFMC/EDC, in
consideration of the following criteria.
For all potential sites, RMU and JFMC/EDC will make a joint inspection to investigate the sustainability
of structure using the above criteria. The final site selection will be done by RMU in consultation with
JFMC/EDC, in consideration of the joint inspection results, budget constraint, condition of the slope,
and scale of installed area of the trenches.
(2) Design
After approval of the works by DMU, the leveling survey of the proposed slope shall be done by RMU.
Based on the survey results, outline and drawings of the staggered contour trench works shall be prepared
by RMU. The trenches shall be arranged according to the tree species. Required volume of the
staggered contour trench works are determined based on (1) the daily rainfall, (2) the runoff coefficient,
(3) ratio of the retain capacity of trenches to daily runoff, and (4) the infiltration capacity of soil.
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Sample estimation of the required volume and basic layout of the trenches are as follows:
Sample Estimation (Staggered Trench (10 ha): Pit to Pit 4.5 m * 4.5 m)
In order to apply the basic layout of the trench, the contour lines of the area are required. There are three
(3) methods to survey the contour lines for the area, namely 1)by use of DEM (Digital Elevation Model),
2) by use of the survey instruments, and 3) by use of the minor instruments.
1) Use of DEM
PMU prepare the DEM of the project area. It is considered that the DEM presents the actual elevation
of the area, because the candidate area is open area without the effect of trees to DEM.
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By use of the DEM, Contour lines every 0.5 or 1.0 m can be drawn. Based on the contour map, the layout
of the trenches can be designed. Application of layout of trenches shall be done referring the
geographical coordinates.
“Chapter - 4. Minor Instruments and their use in Watershed”, “Manual on Land and Water
Management”, The Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihoods Program me.
Based on the detailed design, JFMC/EDCs prepare cost estimate and timeline in consultation with RMU.
DMU will approve the detailed design and estimate amount sanctioned. MOU of the works will be signed
between JFMC/EDCs and RMU.
(3) Construction
Construction of the gully plugging works shall be carried out by JFMC/EDC/ with appointed
construction supervisor (CS) with the following manners:
1. Appointment of BO as CS by JFMC/EDC under the consent of RMU.
Construction supervision of the works should be done in compliance with the standard
operation procedures of TFD.
2. Cleaning of the site and access road by JFMC/EDC/ with CS
3. Layout of the plan in the site with indelible mark by JFMC/EDC/ with CS
4. Arrangement of equipment, materials and labors by JFMC/EDC/ with CS
5. Construction by JFMC/EDC/ with CS Check measurement by CS/RMU
Maintain the construction records including the photographs by JFMC/EDC/ with CS
6. Final inspection by RMU
The staggered contour trench works are the earthen structures. Therefore periodical O&M works of the
structures are required to keep those functions. After construction of the works, O&M of the structures
shall be done by JFMC/EDCs by use of the revolving fund of JFMC/EDCs under the technical assistance
of RMU.
After the monsoon season, the overall inspection of structures should be carried out and the
repair/rehabilitation work be planned by JFMC/EDCs and RMU. The planned repair/rehabilitation
works should be carried out by JFMC/EDCs before the monsoon season and the inspection to confirm
the works shall be carried out by RMU.
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(5) Technical Assistance
Technical assistance for the preparation of detailed design, cost estimate and time line will be provided
by DMU, PMU, PMC and resource agencies within the government.
As the other catchment conservation works, terraces (bench terrace, half-moon terrace), contour
bunding (earthen, brushwood), mulching, plantation and filter strip along the river, river/stream bank
protection (bandalling) are summarized in this chapter. Those measures are not commonly applied in
Tripura. However, those measures are easy, effective and affordable SMC measures. Therefore, it
is recommendable to apply those measures in the Project experimentally.
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(1) Bench Terrace
Objectives/ Functions
Objectives/ Functions
On moderate slopes (10-20 %) and steeper slopes
(>20%), half-moon terraces (60cm diameter and
30cm in depth) are to be established for water
harvesting purposes around the ridge of hills.
Economic tree species, NTFP species and other
species are to be planted in the basins.
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Planning and Design
The potential sites of the half-moon terraces are the slope around the ridge of hills, in which the planting
is difficult due to steep slope. The representative design and technical specifications are shown in Figure
4.2 and Table 4.2, respectively.
The contour bunding works consist of the earthen contour bunding and the brush wood contour bunding.
Objectives/ Functions
The earthen contour bunding are the simple and low-cost method of constructing the earthen
bund/embankment along the contour lines of the slope on gentle slope (< 10%) in order to store the runoff
and sediment within the bund area, same as the trenches.
In Tripura, there are few possibilities to apply the earthen contour bunding. The potential area of the
earthen contour bunding is the agro-forestry area on gentle slope with less than 10% (the model 1). The
function bund are same as the trenches, that is, to store the rainwater between the bunds. Therefore, the
height of bunds (impound depth of rainfall) and the vertical interval can be estimated with the same
manner for the trenches. For the stability of bunds, vegetative measures i.e. grasses and trees are proposed
to be plant over the bunds.
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Planning and Design
The brushwood bunding can be constructed on moderate slopes (10-20 %) and steeper slopes (>20%) by
using locally available brushwood supported by wooden stakes. Therefore, potential Slope of the works
is limited by the availability of materials. The brushwood bunding is relatively easy to establish and
maintain since it does not require external inputs and local unskilled labours can make them using locally
available woody materials. It is also both sustainable and eco-friendly since there are no external inputs
and no organic matter is burned in the process. The spaces between bunds are determined by the planting
distance between trees. Further main tree crops are planted in basins, and vegetative cover that is, grass,
legumes, etc., is planted / sown in the spaces. The representative design is shown in Figure4.4.
4.3 Mulching
1. Objectives/Function
Mulching is a SMC practice in which a covering of cut grass, crop residues or other organic materials is
spread over the ground between rows of crops or around the trunks of trees. This practice helps to retain
soil moisture to intercept the direct impact of raindrops on bare soil to reduces runoff and soil loss, to
prevents weed growth, to reduces labor costs of weeding and enhances soil structure.
2. Planning
The application of the mulching depends on locally available materials. If the materials are available,
plantation with mulching shall be applied.
Objectives/ Functions
The objectives of development of filter strips are to slow runoff from field, trap and filter sediment,
organics, nutrients, pesticide and other pollutants before they reach surface water in streams. In addition,
it is also expected to reduce soil sheet erosion as well as increase infiltration of rain water. Filter strip is
not familiar to the state, thus, this activity will be implemented as trail to accumulate knowledge and
experience of development of filter strips.
Filter strips shall be developed along narrow streams with gentle slope around15%with 50 feet width strip
consisting of plants of different species planted in rows. The design of a filter strip is shown in the figure
below. Main components are bamboo, cane, and tree. In the first row towards a stream, 222 bamboos per
km shall be planted at spacing 4.5m × 4.5m, 222 cane per km shall be planted at spacing 4.5m × 4.5m in
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the second row, and 333 trees per km shall be planted at spacing 3 m x 3 m. After planting bamboo, cane,
and trees, maintenance work including weeding is necessary for four years to protect seedlings planted
from competition with weeds over light and water.
<Preparatory Work>
Step1: Select site based on the following criteria: relatively gentle slope around 15 %, area adjacent
agricultural lands or lands used for grazing. Site selection will be conducted by Range Officer in
consultation with DFO and Beat officers. In case a site is located inside a JFM project area, Range Officer
will propose a candidate site to JFMC and the site will be decided with agreement of JFMC. Step 2:
Survey the site using GPS instrument and prepare the site including cutting of jungle and disposal of
debris etc.
<Creation and Maintenance of 1st year>
Step 1: Digging of pits of 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm size up to 222 nos pits each for bamboo and canes with
4.5 m x 4.5 m spacing in a line and 333 nos pits for tree species with 3 m x 3m spacing in a line. The
interval between the lines is 5 m.
Step 2: Re-filling of pits after removal of foreign materials, breaking clods and planting stumps/ rhizomes/
Step 3: Closure and fencing with bamboo.
Step 4: Fist weeding including base cleaning at a radius of 0.5 m and cutting weeds in between the lines.
<2nd year Maintenance>
Step1: First weeding including cleaning the base at a radius of 0.5 m and cutting weeds in between the lines.
Step 2: Maintenance fencing if necessary.
Step 3: Second weeding including cleaning the base at a radius of 0.5 m and cutting weeds in between the
<3rd year Maintenance>
Step1: First weeding including cleaning the base at a radius of 0.5 m and cutting weeds in between the
Step 2: Maintenance fencing if necessary.
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Step 3: Second weeding including cleaning the base at a radius of 0.5 m and cutting weeds in between the
<4th year Maintenance>
Step1: First weeding including cleaning the base at a radius of 0.5 m and cutting weeds in between the
Step 2: Second weeding including cleaning the base at a radius of 0.5 m and cutting weeds in between the
Step 3: Making fire line 4 m wide and inspection paths 1 m wide and maintenance of them.
In principle, RMU has responsible for site selection, creation and maintenance of this activity under
supervision of SDMU/DMU. In case where the activity is conducted in JFMC/ EDC project areas, JFMC/
EDC will be responsible for creation and maintenance of the plantation with support by BO under
supervision of RMU. In either cases experience and knowledge obtained through development of filter
strips shall be compiled and analyzed by PMU to abstract lessons for future development of filter strips.
The objectives of river bank plantation are to reduce soil erosion at river banks, stabilize river banks,
check damage of agricultural fields and habitats from flood, serve shelter belt, and provide nutrients for
aquatic organisms.
Trees shall be planted in liner way along river banks with a single or double row (s) with spacing 3 m x 3
m. After planting, maintenance work including weeding will be carried out for four years to protect
seedlings planted in the field from competition with weeds over light and water. Regarding selection of
species, soil binding species such as bamboo, cane, tree species such as Dalbergia latifolia and Vitex
peduncalaris are recommended. Fruit bearing tree species shall also be planted to enrich river ecosystem.
Implementation Step
<Preparatory Work>
Step1: Select a site based on the following criteria: eroded river bank or vulnerable river bank to erosion,
existence of residential areas or agriculture lands along the river or lower catchment of the river, or needs
of rehabilitation of vegetation from a view point of biodiversity. Site selection will be conducted by RMU
in consultation with DMU and BO.
Step 2: Survey the site using GPS instrument and prepare the site including cutting of jungle and disposal
of debris etc.
<Creation and Maintenance of 1st year>
Step 1: Digging of pits of 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm size up to 333 nos pits with 3 m x 3m spacing in a line.
The interval between the lines is 5 m.
Step 2: Re-filling of pits after removal of foreign materials, breaking of clods and planting of stumps/
rhizome/ seedlings.
Step 3: Closure and fencing with bamboo.
Step 4: First weeding including base cleaning at a radius of 0.5 m and cutting weeds in between the lines.
<2nd year Maintenance>
Step 1: First weeding in the same way as the 1st year. Step 2: Maintenance of fencing if necessary.
Step 3: Second weeding including cleaning the base at a radius of 0.5 m and cutting weeds in between the
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<3rd year Maintenance>
Step 1: First weeding in the same way as the 1st year. Step 2: Second weeding in the same way as the 2nd
Step 3: Making fire lines 4 m wide and inspection paths 1 m wide and maintenance of them.
<4th year Maintenance>
Step 1: First weeding in the same way as the 1st year. Step 2: Second weeding in the same way as the 2nd
Step 3: Making fire lines 4 m wide and inspection paths 1 m wide and maintenance of them.
In principle, RMU will be responsible for site selection, creation and maintenance of river bank
plantations. In case, a river bank plantation will be established in JFMC/ EDC project area, JFMC/ EDC
has responsible for creation and maintenance of the plantation with support by BO under supervision of
4.5 Bandalling
(1) Objectives/ Functions
The Bandalling works are a kind of permeable spur-dike works which are widely used in the Indian sub-
continent. The objective of bandalling in the Project is to stabilize a river bank where a filter strip or a
river bank plantation is established through mitigation of intensity of the water flow. Otherwise the effect
of a filter strip or a river bank plantation cannot demonstrate fully because the ground on which the
plantations are established probably falls down by erosion in the near future due to erosion at the bottom
of the river bank by water flow.
(1) Methodology
Bandalling structures will be constructed with bamboo at a certain angle with water flow direction usually
30 to 40 degrees depending on the flow intensity. Around 2 m length of bamboos will be driven into a
river bed by 50 cm. Those bamboos driven into the riverbed will be tighten with the bamboo matt, or,
with bamboo crossbars in two steps, upper and lower steps. Construction of bandalling structures is not
familiar to Tripura, thus, it will be conducted as trial base. Construction work will be conducted during
the dry season when the water level is low.
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Figure 4.6 : Bandalling Structure Back portion
(2) Implementation Steps
Step1: Identify a site for construction of bandalling structures within the target sites of filter strips and
river bank plantations. The site for construction of bandalling structures shall be selected based on the
following criteria: erosion of the river bank, depth of a river (less than1m in dry season), height of river
bank (less than2.5m). The selection will be made by RMU.
Step 2: Prepare bamboos with 2 m length.
Step 3: Drive the bamboo piles with 30 – 50 cm interval in the riverbed with 30 to 40 degrees towards
the water flow. A row of the bamboo piles is supported by the bamboo piles.
Step 4: Tight the bamboos with the bamboo matt or, with bamboo crossbars in two steps, upper and lower
(3) Responsibility
RMU has responsibility for planning and implementation of this activity. As mentioned above, this activity is
not familiar to TFD hence DMU, PMU and PMC shall give a proper guidance to RMU.
Basically, the bandalling structures with bamboo do not require maintenance and sustainability from a
long-term perspective since the function of the structures is to stabilize the river bank for a while until a
filter strip or a river bank plantation is established and roots of trees or bamboo planted firmly bind soil.
The flow of the river will change time to time, so that bandalling structures are not expected to
demonstrate the function long term. From these points of view, maintenance and sustainability is not
required for this activity.
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4.6 Timeline of the Works
No. Procedure Responsibility Timeline
1 Planning (site section) JFMC//EDC, -
2 Design
2.1 Detailed Design RMU 7-14 days
2.2 Cost estimate JFMC/EDC/RMU
2.3 Approval of design, cost estimate DMU 7-14 days
and construction schedule
2.4 Agreement of design, cost estimate and JFMC/EDC/RMU 7 days
construction schedule)
3. Construction
3.1 Appointment of Construction Supervisor (CS) JFMC/EDC/RMU 7 days
3.2 Clearing of stub/jungle JFMC/EDC and CS 3-14 days
3.3 Layout of the plan in the site JFMC/EDC and CS 1-2 days
3.4 Arrangement of materials and equipment JFMC/EDC and CS 7-30 days
3.5 Arrangement of labor JFMC/EDC and CS 7-14days
3.6 Construction JFMC/EDC and CS 7-14 days
3.7 Final inspection RMU 1 days
4. Water Harvesting Work (Check Dam)
4.1 Objectives/Functions
The water harvesting work is to create a crossing structure in the valley and a upstream
impound/reservoir of the structure in order to use the stored water for various human activities, such as,
irrigation live-stock, pisciculture, etc. In addition, the function of the water harvesting work is also to
regulate the flood discharge and to provide sediment storage and environmental improvement through
onsite and offsite effects.
During the Phase I Project, three (3) types of the check dams were adopted as the water harvesting
structures in considering of the terrain condition.
In this Project, three (3) models of check dams as the water harvesting structures will also be constructed
in the valleys related to the sustainable forest management activities in the target catchment areas/beats:
earthen (two models) and concrete core embankment or reinforced concrete structures. Site condition,
main purpose, and stakeholders for the activities of respective check dams are summarized in the table
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Site Upper part Terrain : Middle part Lower part
condition narrow valley (just Terrain: narrow valley Terrain: wide valley Slope: gentle,
downstream site of Slope: 10-20% Catchment less than 10%
gully) less than 10 ha (less than Catchment less than 20 ha (less
Slope : 10-20 % or > 316 m square) than 447 m square), with water
20% Catchment less than spread area around 2 ha
5 ha
(less than 223m square)
Earthen check dams of Model1and 2 which are relatively small scale structures and can be constructed
and maintained by local communities (JFMC/ EDCs) are the most cost-effective measures in the long
run under Tripura conditions. The concrete core embankment or reinforced concrete check dams of
Model 3 which are larger structures and bear water pressure and soil pressure on the valleys and concrete
structures require some degree of construction skills and larger investment. Therefore, construction and
maintenance of Model 3 shall be done by JFMC/EDC led by RMU, especially for quality control aspect,
and also under assistance of DMU, PMU, PMC and DPW.
For implementation of check dams works, it is recommended to refer the following two (2) documents
as the technical references:
Tim Stephens, “Manual on small earth dams – A guide to siting, design and construction, FAO
Irrigation and Drainage Paper64”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010.
Bureau of Reclamation, United States Department of the Interior, “Design of Small Dams – A Water
Resources Technical Publication, Third Edition”, United States Department of the Interior, 1987.
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5.2 Implementation of Check Dam Works
Planning, design, construction, and O&M of the check dams works as the water harvesting works) are
described below:
(1) Planning
Step 1: To screen small catchments (<5ha, <10ha and <20 ha) with points where are the
valleys/streams in management area of JFMC/ EDC with air/satellite photographs and GIS by
RMU of the Project, and where are the candidate of the potential sites considering the
following matters..
- For the model 1 (upper part): downstream of the place where the valley has spread
(Lunga) or outlet of valley in the micro hill (< 5ha).
- For the model 2 (middle part): down stream of the place where the valley has spread or
outlet of valley in small hill (< 10ha)
- Forthemodel3:(down stream part):downstream of the place where the valley has spread or
outlet of valley in medium hill (< 25ha)
Step 2: To identify the potential sites from the candidate sites by RMU of the Project, in consultation
with representative members of the target JFMC,/ EDC in consideration of the following
- The water storage area of the check dam should be large as much as possible.
- The length of the check dam (the width of valley) should be short as much as possible.
- The slope of the valley bed at the site should not be steep. Difference of the elevation
between upstream and downstream of the site should be within 2 - 2.5m.
- The soil material should be available in and around site.
- The site should be with appropriate accessibility from the villages of JFMC/EDC.
- In consideration of the effect indicator of the Project, the site should be located within
500 m radius from the villages of JFMC/ EDC which have no accessibility to water.
- The site should be appropriate for the other proposed activities of JFMC/EDC.
Step 3: To confirm the potential sites and to finalize proposed check dam sites by the joint inspection
of RMU and representative members of the target JFMC/ EDC, in consideration of scale of
check dam, efficiency of check dam, willingness of JFMC/ EDC, budget constraint, and the
numbers of respective check dams per a JFMC/ EDC and the characteristics in the area of
JFMC/ EDC, such as total number of members, number of included villages, activities,
management area, etc. However, priority should be given to the potential site of the check dam
within 500 m radius from the villages of JFMC/ EDC, which have no accessibility of water,
and willingness of JFMC/ EDC.
(2) Design
After approval of the planning by DMU, the detailed design of check dams of model 1 & 2 shall be
prepared by RMU. Based on the detailed design, JFMC/EDCs shall prepare cost estimate and timeline
in consultation with RMU. DMU will approve the proposed design and amount sanctioned, and minutes
of understandings shall be signed between JFMC and RMU.
For the model 3 check dams, RMU shall prepare the detailed design, cost estimate and time line under
assistance of DMU, PMU and PMC. DMU shall approve the detailed design and cost estimate.
Prior to the detailed design, the following survey and study shall be conducted by RMU:
25 | P a g e
- Topographic survey of site: longitudinal sections of the site at 10 m intervals and cross sections
with extent covers the proposed embankment, other facilities and expected impound area.
- Study results of the natural condition around the proposed site, such as, 24 hour rainfall records,
soil texture, degree of soil degradation, severity of erosion, land capability criteria, infiltration rate,
land use, etc.
26 | P a g e
During the detailed design, the following matters shall be kept in mind :
- On wide valleys with gentle slopes (<10%), long earthen embankments will be constructed with
relatively large water surfaces (< 2.0 ha). On narrow valleys with moderate slopes (10-20 %), small
earthen embankments will be constructed with relatively small water bodies (<0.5 ha). Key trenches
should be excavated into impervious foundation structures to prevent embankments from
- Impermeable core walls will be introduced to prevent seepage and collapsing of embankments.
While concrete-type core walls are sometimes adopted, mud core walls would be considered at sites
where suitable soils for impermeable core walls are easily obtained. Types of core wall can be
decided from the results of soil surveys at the detailed design stage.
- Spillways are to be lined with brick mortars to prevent erosion from the slopes. In order protect the
river/stream bed and banks downstream of the spillway from the spillway discharge the brush wood,
sand bags, or mortal gunny bags shall be installed.
- Downstream side slopes of the embankment are to be covered by grass turfing. Up-stream side slope
surfaces of the embankment are to be lined with vegetative materials, such as bamboo net with
mud/cement plaster, to reduce seepage and prevent scouring by run-off water or wind wave.
Coconut leaves / banana leaves may be introduced to the bottom of down-stream side slopes of the
embankment as water weeping material.
- Water outlet pipe at the bottom of the check dam shall be included and designed in order to use the
impound water for the inhabitant activities.
- In addition, the wooden staircase at the bank (at least one side) of impound area shall be installed
from impound surface to the valley bed, considering the water use and avoiding the damage of
- Around the impound area of the check dam, bamboo plantations and NTFP plantations are to be
established to reduce the amount of soil flowing from the slopes into the water and to prevent
(3) Construction
Construction of the check dams of Model 1 and Model 2 shall be conducted by JFMC/ EDC with the
appointed CS under the assistance of RMU and Model 3 by JFMC/EDC led by RMU under assistance
of DMU, PMU, PMC and DPW.
Firstly, the check dams of Model 2 will be constructed after the plantation works of JFMC/ EDC, in
consideration of establishment of fishery by JFMC/ EDC. Secondly, the check dams of Model 1 will be
constructed, and finally Model 3.
During the project period, JFMC/ EDCs will be established dividing JFMC/EDCs into 3 groups.
Therefore, the construction works of the check dams will also divided into 3 groups.
The check dams of Model 1 and Model 2 shall be operated and monitored by JFMC/ EDC under
assistance of RMU. On the other hand, the check dams of Model 3 will be operated by JFMC/ EDC
under assistance of RMU and maintained by JFMC/EDC led by RMU of the Project. The revolving fund
of JFMC/ EDC shall be used for the operation and maintenance.
Tripura has extremely erosive soil with intensive rainfall. Due to this condition, the earthen part of the
check dams, especially downstream slope of embankment, will deteriorate. Therefore, periodical
maintenance works are indispensable to maintain the function of the check dams. Required repair works
of the periodical maintenance will be once in every two years with repair of embankment slope and its
27 | P a g e
vegetation cover, especially downstream slope of the check dam, and removal of sediment in the
impound. Design of the maintenance works of all models shall be prepared by RMU. The periodical
maintenance works for the check dams of Model 1 and Model 2 shall be conducted by JFMC/EDC under
the technical assistance of RMU and those of Model 3 by JFMC/EDC led by RMU of the target
catchment/beat. In addition to the periodical maintenance works of the check dams, repair of the
vegetation cover of the embankment slope shall be conducted at any time.
Technical assistance for the preparation of detailed design, cost estimate and timeline will be provided
by DMU, PMU, PMC and resource agencies within the government, especially PWD.
28 | P a g e
The design drawings shall be compiled in the next revised version through implementation of the Project.
For the time being the standard drawings in Annex 4, “Manual on small earth dams”, FAO will be helpful
and are attached hereunder;
29 | P a g e
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Fig:• 1 Cross·s ct iun of dam
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30 I Page
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311 Page
4. Link:-
32 | P a g e
Design and Published
Project Management Unit, SCATFORM Project
Gandhigram, Hatipara, Tripura Website: