2023-04-17 - 2023207 - SWMP Report
2023-04-17 - 2023207 - SWMP Report
2023-04-17 - 2023207 - SWMP Report
May 2023
Copyright vests in this document and no use or reproduction or duplication thereof may occur without the written consent of ZAI Consultants
(Pty) Ltd.
1. Project Description
The client, Mr. Mark Ridl, owns two properties in Zimbali Estates, Ballito. The properties,
namely, Ptn 1 and Ptn 2 of Erf 415 are approximately 1735 m² and 1998 m² in extent,
respectively and are located virtually along the boundary of Zimbali Estates and the town of
Ballito, at the following coordinates: Ptn 1 29° 32’ 30.5” S /31°12’06.12” E and Ptn 2 29° 32’
30.8” S/31° 12’ 05.9” E. The two properties abut one another.
The proposed development is for residential use and approximately the lower half of each
property is treated as a wetland with the attendant restrictions on development. The area of
the wetland does not change between the current and the post development situation and
thus this area is excluded from this assessment.
Although the sites are similarly sized, and identical dwellings are to be erected on each of, the
sites, individual calculations were carried out for each site. The requirements for attenuation
for both sites will be determined by using the larger site, Ptn 2, outcomes.
2. Existing Conditions
The sites are undeveloped, with the full area covered in thick vegetation. The sites fall toward
the eastern boundary in a sheet of overland flow at right angles to Sandwedge Road. See the
development layout in Appendix A.
There is a side inlet catchpit in Sandwedge Road near the middle point of Ptn 2, which
discharges near the centre point of this site. This pipe and the discharge structure is to be
relocated by ZEMA, to discharge down the existing servitude in Ptn 2, abutting Ptn 3 along
the southern boundary of Ptn 2.
An existing sewer main is laid along the eastern cadastral boundary of Portions 1 to 3,
discharging into a manhole located at the low point of Ptn 2.
Design Considerations
2.1. Objective
The SANRAL Design Manual, 6th Edition, dated September 2013 was used. The manual works
on the basis that the design of a stormwater drainage system is based on the requirement that
the pre-development run-off from the site is not to be exceeded by the post development run-
off. This requirement is to be implemented for up to and including the 50 year recurrence
interval flood. For residential considerations, only the 10 and 50 year storm return periods
were investigated and catered for.
3. Methodology
3.1. Runoff Coefficient (C)
The rational method was used to determine both the pre-development and post-development
10 and 50 year recurrence interval flood peaks. The steps taken to determine the peak runoff
and attenuation required are set out in the following manner:
3.1.1. Pre-development
The pre-development runoff coefficient for the site was calculated as a weighted average,
considering the varying surfaces within the site and the different proportions of the site that
each surface covers. The pre-development catchment areas were defined using the following
parameters: steepness, soil permeability and vegetation. Both sites are treated as having a
uniform catchment area, depicted in a layout in Appendix C. The runoff coefficient for each
catchment area is outlined in Appendix D. The average site pre-development runoff coefficient
was 0.28.
3.1.2. Post-development
The sites are split into two post-development catchment areas. The western portion comprises
half of the site and will be developed for residential use. The remaining half, on the eastern
boundary, will remain undeveloped, vegetated land, accounting for the wetland area.
The post-development runoff coefficient was set as C=0.60 for all areas (applied in Appendix
D), as called for in the SANRAL Drainage Manual. The post-development catchment areas
are shown in Appendix C.
3.2.2. Post-development
The longest estimated flow path to the attenuation pond is 30 m, and the velocity estimated
between 1.5-2.5m/s, hence the time of concentration (Tc) was calculated to be <10min.
Therefore, the minimum Tc of 15 min was adopted.
10 years 64 mm/hr
𝑄𝑝𝑟𝑒 = 𝐶 × 𝐼 × 𝐴 × 𝑓𝑡
𝑄𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 𝐶 × 𝐼 × 𝐴
The unit hydrograph method was applied to determine the storage volumes for each required
return interval. The equation used to calculate the storage volumes required is shown below:
𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 2 × {2 × 𝑇𝑐 × (𝑄𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡 − 𝑄𝑝𝑟𝑒 )}
Contemporary applications suggest that ‘the static water head generated in the attenuation
tank when the 50-year post development calculated storage volume is reached should not
result in a greater discharge from the attenuation tank than the 50 year pre-development
runoff calculated.
This rule was applied to determine the configuration of the 3 no. outlet manholes for the tanks.
The outlet manholes are designed to ensure that the total post-development Q50 site runoff
is attenuated to the total pre-development Q50 site runoff.
To achieve this, a flood routing exercise was carried out. Orifices of varying dimensions were
positioned at specific heights within the outlet manholes. The first orifice drains the 10-year
predevelopment flow; the second and third, in conjunction with the first orifice, progressively
drain the 50-year predevelopment flow. The top weir also provides an outlet in the event that
the orifice outlets become blocked or inundated by flows exceeding a Q50. These calculations
are shown in Appendix D. To minimize the volume of water discharged directly into the
wetland, the bottom of the tanks will be provided with a layer of geotextile laid directly on the
natural earth, with a 75 mm thick layer of “No-fines” concrete forming the base of the tank.
4. Summary
All runoff from the development will be collected by a network of pipes and catchpits that run
around the building and ultimately discharge into an underground stormwater attenuation tank.
The stormwater reticulation network proposed has sufficient capacity to accommodate the flow
rates and velocities resulting from a 1 in 10 year storm event (Q10) without flooding.
The design of the tanks provides sufficient attenuation to ensure that the total site post-
development runoffs is limited to pre-development runoffs for a storm with recurrence interval
up to 50 years.
Therefore, by implementing the above management plan, the total post-development site
runoff will not exceed the total pre-development site runoff for the 1:10 and 1:50 recurrence
intervals storms, as required by the Local Municipality
Drawings and calculations to this effect are presented in Appendices A, B, C, D, and E of this
Alastair Johnston
Pr Eng 691190
May 2023