E-Plastic Waste Management System
E-Plastic Waste Management System
E-Plastic Waste Management System
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstarct:- Plastic waste is a major environmental municipality would then collect the plastic waste and recycle
problem. Every year, millions of tons of plastic end up in it.
landfills, oceans, and other waterways. This plastic can
take hundreds of years to decompose, and it can harm The proposed system would have a number of
wildlife and pollute the environment. Recycling plastic is advantages over traditional methods of recycling plastic
one of the most efficient ways to reduce plastic waste. waste. It would be more convenient for users, as they would
When plastic is recycled, it can be reused to make new not have to travel to a recycling center. It would also be
products. This helps to reduce the amount of new plastic more efficient for the municipality, as they would be able to
that needs to be produced, which can help to protect the collect more plastic waste. We believe that the proposed
environment. In this paper, we propose a new system for system has the potential to be a major breakthrough in the
managing plastic waste. The system would use a web- fight against plastic pollution. The system could be
based platform and a mobile app to allow users to implemented in cities and towns around the world, and it
register their plastic waste and receive payment for it. could help to reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up
The municipality would then collect the plastic waste and in landfills and oceans.
recycle it.The proposed system would have a number of
advantages over traditional methods of recycling plastic II. RELATEDWORK
waste. It would be more convenient for users, as they There are a number of existing systems for managing
would not have to travel to a recycling center. It would plastic waste. However, these systems have a number of
also be more efficient for the municipality, as they would limitations. For example, they are often not user-friendly or
be able to collect more plastic waste. We believe that the efficient. The proposed system would address these
proposed system has the potential to be a major limitations by being designed to be user-friendly and
breakthrough in the fight against plastic pollution. The efficient.
system could be implemented in cities and towns around
the world, and it could help to reduce the amount of One existing system is the Recyclebank system.
plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans. Recyclebank is a website and mobile app that allows users
to earn points for recycling. These points can then be
Keywords:- Plastic, Waste, Recycling, Efficient Method, redeemed for discounts or other rewards. However, the
Global Warming, Sustainability, Environmental Impact, Recyclebank system is not as user-friendly as the proposed
Waste Management, Innovation, Technology. system. It is also not as efficient, as it does not allow the
I. INTRODUCTION municipality to collect plastic waste directly from users.
Plastic is required for all of this. It is more than just a Another existing system is the TerraCycle system.
convenience. Modern technological products, for example, TerraCycle is a company that collects and recycles hard-to-
would be impossible to manufacture without plastic; plastic recycle waste, such as plastic bags and straws. However, the
packaging saves product weight, transportation costs, and TerraCycle system is not as convenient for users as the
the usage of fossil fuels. And most medical equipment, such proposed system. Users have to mail their plastic waste to
as the ventilators that saved so many lives during the Covid- TerraCycle, which can be inconvenient and time-consuming.
19 outbreak, is made of plastic. Plastic has become a The proposed system would be a significant
fundamental part of our daily lives. It is used in everything improvement over existing systems for managing plastic
from food packaging to clothing to electronics. Plastic has it waste. It would be more user-friendly, efficient, and
alsoa significant environmental impact.Plastic waste is a convenient for users. It would also be more environmentally
major problem worldwide. Every year, millions of tons of friendly, as it would help to reduce the amount of plastic
plastic end up in landfills, oceans, and other waterways. This waste that ends up in landfills and oceans.
plastic can take hundreds of years to decompose, and it can
harm wildlife and pollute the environment. III. PROPOSEDSYSTEM
Recycling plastic is one of the most efficient ways to The proposed system would consist of the following
reduce plastic waste. When plastic is recycled, it can be components:
reused to make new products. This helps to reduce the A web-based platform for users to register their plastic
amount of new plastic that needs to be produced, which can waste.
help to protect the environment. In this paper, we propose a A mobile app for users to upload photos of their plastic
new system for managing plastic waste. The system would waste.
use a web-based platform and a mobile app to allow users to A system for the municipality to collect and recycle the
register their plastic waste and receive payment for it. The plastic waste.
From Fig1, It illustrates the system architecture that The proposed system has the potential to be a major
the communication of user and the admin(municipality) breakthrough in the fight against plastic pollution. The
with the EPMS -web application .And in Fig2,illustrating system could be implemented in cities and towns around the
that how user gives the amount of plastic waste that he/she world, and it could help to reduce the amount of plastic
is having through EPMS,and He/She can able to see the waste that ends up in landfills and oceans.
status of their request whether it is accepted or not and
previous transaction details are also visible to the user if The system could also be expanded to include other
applicable. types of recyclable materials, such as paper, metal, and
glass. This would make the system even more
X. CONCLUSION environmentally friendly and would help to reduce the
amount of waste that is sent to landfills.
The proposed system would be a new and innovative
way to manage plastic waste. The system would be user-
friendly, efficient, and profitable. The system would also be
environmentally friendly, as it would help to reduce the
amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans.