This document provides instructions and questions for a risk management project on Stora Enso, a forest industry company. It includes:
1) Identifying 5 risks to Stora Enso through a risk heat map.
2) Calculating risk scores for each risk.
3) Prioritizing the risks and justifying the order.
4) Listing 4 aggravating factors impacting the forest products industry.
5) Providing 4 mitigation strategies to reduce risks from aggravating factors.
6) Identifying risks that should be accepted and justifying one risk to accept.
This document provides instructions and questions for a risk management project on Stora Enso, a forest industry company. It includes:
1) Identifying 5 risks to Stora Enso through a risk heat map.
2) Calculating risk scores for each risk.
3) Prioritizing the risks and justifying the order.
4) Listing 4 aggravating factors impacting the forest products industry.
5) Providing 4 mitigation strategies to reduce risks from aggravating factors.
6) Identifying risks that should be accepted and justifying one risk to accept.
This document provides instructions and questions for a risk management project on Stora Enso, a forest industry company. It includes:
1) Identifying 5 risks to Stora Enso through a risk heat map.
2) Calculating risk scores for each risk.
3) Prioritizing the risks and justifying the order.
4) Listing 4 aggravating factors impacting the forest products industry.
5) Providing 4 mitigation strategies to reduce risks from aggravating factors.
6) Identifying risks that should be accepted and justifying one risk to accept.
This document provides instructions and questions for a risk management project on Stora Enso, a forest industry company. It includes:
1) Identifying 5 risks to Stora Enso through a risk heat map.
2) Calculating risk scores for each risk.
3) Prioritizing the risks and justifying the order.
4) Listing 4 aggravating factors impacting the forest products industry.
5) Providing 4 mitigation strategies to reduce risks from aggravating factors.
6) Identifying risks that should be accepted and justifying one risk to accept.
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Question 1. Plotting of risks in the heat map (in the template excel file)
Please attach a screenshot of the "Likelihood - impact table" sheet of
the template Ans - 1
The four risks been identified are:
1. Data hacking which could lead to a breach and loss of DataRisk. 2. Use of old Technology says which leads to 15% raw materialwastage risk. 3. Pandemic induced market depression which could lead toreduced sales. 4. New regulations on working shifts that could lead to shuttingdown of night shift working in factories. 5. End customers preferring biodegradable plastic packagingwhich may impact the current product line. Question 2. Calculation of risk scores
Please attach a screenshot of the "Risk register" sheet of the template
Ans - 2
Risk Score CalculationData
Hacking: 4 Use of Old Technology: 16 Declining Sales: 20 New Regulations: 12 Consumer Preferring Biodegradable Plastic Package: 3 Question 3. Prioritisation of the risks and justification for the order
P1 4 Laying off workforce will affect the
company all around, especially Operations
P2 1 Protecting data is crucial to the survival of
the company and its core components
P3 3 Lack of sales and visibility could ruin
market value
P4 2 As the company holds high standards for its
innovative and inventive mindset, upgrading and staying abreast with efficient equipment is necessary
P5 5 Using plastic to protect all its products will
lower brand value and trust in customers Question 4. Four aggravating factors for the forest produce industry creating an impacton their revenue generation
Please attach a screenshot of the "Risk register" sheet of the template
Ans - 4
- Fluctuations in foreign exchange and interested rates.
- Natural disasters or pandemic. - Changing market segments. - Restrictions on trade has increased on imports in Asian Countries. Question 5. Four mitigation strategies to reduce the risk posed by the aggravating factors
Please attach a screenshot of the "Risk register" sheet of the template
Ans - 5
Mitigation Strategies:
Data Hacking: Create an infrastructure security management. Form a
committee especially for Cybersecurity management and Supervision.This would help the company to identify security threats, risk of hardware and software failure. Use of Old Technology: New technologies should be adopted, employees should be trained too. Regular maintenance of servers shouldbe carried out. The Downtime should be reduced. Declining Sales: Work on supply chain. Focus on tissue and packaging materials to increase sales and thus the revenue. New Regulations: Create/Use analytical frameworks, economic theoriesand methodologies which provide the background for regulatory actions, focus on direct and indirect regulations by government or other relatedbodies. Also, focus on the set of requirements, like price regulations, tariffs, etc. Consumer preferring biodegradable plastic packaging: The strategicand sustainability them should focus on the needs of the consumers and make innovations based on those which are eco-friendly, biodegradable, and sustainable for future needs. To create a value in the forest-product industry, low cost will be a critical factor for high performance.
Question 6. Risks that should be accepted with their justification
Ans - 6
The company should accept the “New Regulations” risk,
o This risk cannot be avoided as it is not managed internally.
o The cost to mitigate or avoid these risks are too great to justify giventhe small probabilities of a hazard. o The government bodies decide for the new regulations, and not following so would lead to loss of market share, tariffs and greater damage to the company's reputation. The company should reserve the money for the risk and then prioritizethe risk based on the likelihood and impact.