Aca 22 1439 - R1
Aca 22 1439 - R1
Aca 22 1439 - R1
Hang Li
Tianrun Xu
Fujian Zheng
Chunxiu Hu
Xianzhe Shi
Abstract: Single cell metabolomics can obtain the metabolic profiles of individual cells and reveal
cellular heterogeneity. However, high-throughput single-cell mass spectrometry (MS)
analysis under physiological conditions remains a great challenge due to the presence
of complex matrix and extremely small cell volumes. Herein, a serpentine channel
microfluidic device which was designed to achieve continuous cell separation and
inertial focusing, was coupled with a pulsed electric field-induced electrospray
ionization-high resolution MS ( PEF-ESI-HRMS ) to achieve high-throughput single
cell analysis. The pulsed square wave electric field was applied to realize on-line cell
disruption and induce electrospray ionization. Single cells were analyzed under near-
physiological conditions at a throughput of up to 80 cells min -1 . More than 900
features were detected and approximately 120 metabolites were tentatively identified
from a single cell. Further, by continually analyzing more than 3000 MCF7 and HepG2
cells, discrimination of different cancer cells based on their individual metabolic profiles
was achieved by using the principal component analysis. The PEF-ESI-HRMS method
was also applied for the analysis of single yeast cells, and more than 40 metabolites
were annotated. This method is versatile and has good robustness, which is promising
for high-throughput single cell metabolomics analysis.
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Cover Letter(including Novelty Statement)
Dear Editor
Thank you for giving us the chance to improve our manuscript (Ms. No.: ACA-22-1439). Now we
have finished the revision based on the comments and suggestion from reviewers and you. I hope
Best regards
2.The title is not catchy and does not reflect essential contents.
Response: We have modified the title to be “High Throughput Single Cell Metabolomics and
Cellular Heterogeneity Exploration by Inertial Microfluidics coupled with Pulsed Electric
Field-Induced Electrospray Ionization-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry”.
4. Check the grammar throughout the article and correct it. Proofread the article as many language
errors were identified.
Response: We have checked the grammar throughout the article and corrected the errors.
5.The introduction needs to be further revised to highlight the purpose of the study, you need to
introduce what others have studied and what needs further research. Besides, the following all of
references are recommended to be cited:
Green synthesis of DyBa2Fe3O7. 988/DyFeO3 nanocomposites using almond extract with dual
eco-friendly applications: Photocatalytic and antibacterial activities// Synthesis, characterization
and application of Co/Co3O4 nanocomposites as an effective photocatalyst for discoloration of
organic dye contaminants in wastewater and antibacterial properties///Photo-degradation of
organic dyes: simple chemical synthesis of Ni(OH)2 nanoparticles, Ni/Ni(OH)2 and Ni/NiO
magnetic nanocomposites/// Dy2BaCuO5/Ba4DyCu3O9.09 S‐ scheme heterojunction
nanocomposite with enhanced photocatalytic and antibacterial activities///Green sonochemical
synthesis of BaDy2NiO5/Dy2O3 and BaDy2NiO5/NiO nanocomposites in the presence of core
almond as a capping agent and their application as photocatalysts for the removal of organic dyes
in water///Control sonochemical parameter to prepare pure Zn0.35Fe2.65O4 nanostructures and
study their photocatalytic activity///Hydrothermal synthesis of DyMn2O5/Ba3Mn2O8
nanocomposite as a potential hydrogen storage material///A new nanocomposite superionic system
(CdHgI4/HgI2): synthesis, characterization and experimental investigation///Hydrothermal
synthesis of nickel hydroxide nanostructures and flame retardant poly vinyl alcohol and cellulose
acetate nanocomposites.
Response: We have revised the introduction, and highlighted the purpose of our study as suggested.
To the best of our knowledge, the important studies that are relevant to our work were cited in our
manuscript. However, the recommended references are not related to our study, therefore, we will
not cite them.
10. The potential outliers identified by Random Forest should be discussed. Please more explain
the details.
Response: Thank you for this suggestion, we have further implemented the outlier detection and
data visualization by using the unsupervised learning algorithm Isolated Forest, which is a
well-studied and widely used outlier detection method in machine learning [ X. Chen, F.X. Wu, J.
Chen, M. Li, DoRC: Discovery of rare cells from ultra-large scRNA-seq data, 2019 IEEE
International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2019, 111-116]. The
detailed discussion is added in the manuscript (Page 18, line 20-59 and Page 19, line 1-7).
Reviewer #2: To achieve high-throughput single cell analysis, the authors successfully designed
to achieve continuous cell separation and inertial focusing coupled with a pulsed electric
field-induced electrospray ionization-high resolution MS. The pulsed square wave electric field
was applied to realize on-line cell disruption and induce electrospray ionization. Single cells were
analyzed under near physiological conditions at up to 80 cells min-1 of throughput. More than 900
features were detected and approximately 120 metabolites were tentatively identified from a single
cell. The manuscript shows favorable organization, language arrangement, and references. All the
data were analyzed and interpreted appropriately. The manuscript contains sufficient data to
support its conclusion. The analytical method shows great novelty in high-throughput single-cell
metabolomics research for future biological studies.
Minor comments:
1: The authors could use more accurate description in main text of the discovered compounds like
ornithine (m/z 133.0972, [M+H]+), creatine (m/z 132.0768, [M+H]+) and lysine (m/z 147.1128,
Response: Thank you for this suggestion, we have added more description of the important
metabolites in the manuscript (Page 20, line 1-10).
2: The authors could consider to transfer important data from supporting information to the main
text for better understanding.
Response: As suggested by the reviewer, we have transferred the simulation results of streamlines
of cells with the same diameter to main text. The simulation results of the cells with different
diameters have been moved to supporting information. The information of Figure S3 has been
merged into Figure 5c to demonstrate the stability of our method.
3: If the tip of the nanospray emitter tended to be blocked during on-line cell disruption?
Response: For the nanospray emitters that worked for more than 3 hours under optimized
conditions, we did not find any clogging of the nozzles by microscopic observation. Recently we
have also performed experiments with continuous analysis for 5 hours and no clogging was
observed. The reason for this phenomenon may be due to the self-cleaning ability of the
electric-field-induced electrospray [G. Huang, G. Li, R.G. Cooks, Induced Nanoelectrospray
Ionization for Matrix-Tolerant and High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry, Angewandte Chemie
International Edition, 50 (2011) 9907-9910].
Graphical Abstract
More than 900 MS features and 120 metabolites were detected and identified
This method was validated to be suitable for large-scale single cell analysis
Declaration of Interest Statement Click here to view linked References
Declaration of interests
☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered
as potential competing interests:
Credit Author Statement Click here to view linked References
original draft, Visualization. Hang Li: Instrument. Tianrun Xu: Analysis. Fujian Zheng:
Software. Chunxiu Hu: Investigation. Xianzhe Shi: Methodology, Writing - review &