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simulations. Our results will provide more information for the design of drug superfamily. P-gp is an ATP-dependent efflux pump with broad substrate
and novel therapeutic methods. specificity responsible for effluxing xenobiotic substances such as toxins
or drugs from the cell. Absorption by the body of orally administered drugs
281-Pos is reduced by the presence of P-gp, which facilitates their elimination from
Structural Studies of Membrane Proteins using Pulsed EPR Spectroscopy the body. P-gp consists of two transmembrane domains and two nucleotide-
Gary A. Lorigan1, Indra D. Sahu1, Daniel L. Drew1, Gunjan Dixit2, binding domains. Our laboratory has extensively characterized this protein
Tanbir Ahammad1. biochemically using a variety of systems, including native membranes, pu-
Dept Chem/Biochem, Miami Univ, Oxford, OH, USA, 2Cell Molecular and rified in detergent micelles or in proteoliposomes. Here we demonstrate the
Structural Biology, Miami University Ohio, Oxford, OH, USA. advantages of using nanodiscs for studying and characterizing P-gp. Nano-
Solid-state NMR and EPR spectroscopy are important biophysical techniques discs are synthetic membrane model systems that have been widely used
that are being using to study membrane proteins. CW and pulsed EPR spec- to study membrane proteins. They are structurally similar to high-density
troscopic techniques coupled with site-directed spin-labeling (SDSL) can lipoproteins and are composed of a belt or membrane scaffolding protein
provide important structural information on complicated biological systems derived from apolipoprotein-A1 and phospholipids. Nanodiscs are consid-
such as membrane proteins. Strategically placed spin-labels alter relaxation ered optimal membrane mimetic systems because size, composition,
times of NMR active nuclei and yield pertinent structural information. EPR and specific functional modifications can be controlled on the nanometer
techniques such as Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER) and Elec- scale. The incorporation of P-gp into nanodiscs was optimized to achieve
tron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM) are powerful structural highly homogenous preparations. We demonstrate that the nanodiscs
biology tools. The DEER technique can be used to measure distances between better resemble the behavior of P-gp in membranes when compared to
2 spin labels from 20 to 70 Å. However, the application of DEER spectros- protein purified in detergent micelles. Finally, P-gp nanodiscs were used
copy to study membrane proteins can be difficult due to short phase memory to study conformational changes associated with the ATP hydrolysis cycle.
times (Tm) and weak DEER modulation in more biologically relevant proteo- The UIC2 antibody, which binds to the extracellular region of
liposomes when compared to water soluble proteins or membrane proteins in P-gp, was found to dissociate during ATP hydrolysis, indicating that the
detergent micelles. The combination of these factors often leads to broad dis- extracellular loops change in conformation as the molecule hydrolyzes
tance distributions, poor signal to noise, and limitations in the determination ATP on the opposite side of the protein. All in all, we demonstrate that
of longer distances. The short phase memory times are typically due to un- upon optimization, nanodiscs are a valuable platform for studying P-
even distributions of spin-labeled protein within the lipid bilayer, which cre- glycoprotein.
ates local inhomogeneous pockets of high spin concentrations. Approaches to
overcome these limitations and improve the quality of DEER measurements 284-Pos
for membrane proteins will be discussed: lipodisq nanoparticles, bi- Structural Study for Membrane Protein using Solution X-Ray Scattering
functional spin labels (BSL), and Q-band pulsed EPR spectroscopy. ESEEM Contrast Variation
data will be used to probe the secondary structure of membrane proteins. Xiaobing Zuo.
ESEEM can be thought of as EPR detected NMR. CW-EPR spectra of X-ray Science Divison, Argonne Natl Lab, Lemont, IL, USA.
spin-labeled membrane proteins will be used to investigate dynamics and Membrane protein often needs lipid bilayer membrane to stabilize its struc-
the immersion depth in a lipid bilayer. A variety of different membrane pro- ture and to fulfill its functions. However, the presence of lipid bilayer mem-
teins will be probed with these state-of-the art magnetic resonance brane makes the structural study on the protein very difficult. Here
techniques. we proposed to use X-ray scattering contrast variation method in which
282-Pos membrane protein (with lipid membrane) samples will be measured in a se-
Structural and Functional Role of the Surface-Exposed Loops of Ail Dur- ries of solutions with various sucrose concentration. X-ray scattering
ing Complement-Mediated Evasion by Y. pestis intensity measures the scattering length/capability difference between sam-
Luz Marina Meneghini, Chandan Singh, Kyungsoo Shin, L. Miya Fujimoto, ple/solute and buffer solution/solvent. Since X-ray scattering lengths of pro-
Ye Tian, Francesca M. Marassi. tein and lipid are different and scattering length of sucrose buffer changes
Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Inst, La Jolla, CA, USA. along with its concentration, the ratio of X-ray scattering contribution
Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, promotes its proliferation in the from protein part and lipid part varies along with the sucrose concentration.
host by expressing various bacterial proteins that inhibit the host innate im- In such way, we can separate the scattering contribution of protein part from
mune system. One of these is attachment invasion locus (Ail), which is an that of lipid. We also simultaneously fit the data sets collected from the
eight-stranded b-barrel outer membrane protein with four surface exposed sucrose concentration series measurements and obtain the 3-D low re-
extracellular loops. Ail is essential for Y. pestis pathogenesis and proliferation solution structure for the protein and the lipid at the same time. Comparing
as it recruits host serum proteins to inhibit the complement-dependent bacte- to neutron scattering contrast variation method, this X-ray contrast method
riolysis and inflammatory response, and regulates host cell attachment and is less expensive and can provide wider q range due to the availability
delivery of Yersinia outer proteins to host tissue. Recently, we demonstrated of high flux X-ray sources. A few membrane protein examples will be
that Y. pestis can also recruit vitronectin (Vn) from the human serum in Ail- presented. Figure. SAXS data for membrane protein in various sucrose
dependent manner. Vn is a 459-residue multi-domain protein that interacts solution.
with various molecules to promote cell adhesion and migration, and inhibits In this presentation, I will also discuss the capabilities of beamline 12-ID-B of
formation of the membrane attack complex, indicating that the interaction be- the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory.
tween Ail and Vn may be responsible for promoting Y. pestis survival and Acknowledgement: Use of the Advanced Photon Source, an Office of Science
pathogenesis. Notably, previous works have indicated that serum proteins User Facility operated for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of
such as Vn are recruited by Ail via its extracellular loops. Thus, we hypoth- Science by Argonne National Laboratory, was supportedby the U.S. DOE un-
esized that Ail’s extracellular loops may also be responsible for binding to der Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.
Vn. To characterize this interaction, amino acids in each extracellular loop
of Ail were substituted for alanine to individually characterize the loops 285-Pos
for Vn binding. The structure and function of each Ail loop mutant was char- Structure and Mechanisms of an Anion Transporter Family
acterized in a native like environment inside membrane (detergent micelle Robert M. Stroud, Jonathan Leano, Samir Batarni, Robert Edwards.
and nanodiscs) by solution state NMR and ELISA binding assays. These Dept Biochem/Biophys, Univ Calif San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.
studies identify specific extracellular loops of Ail that are important for bind- Members of the solute carrier 17 family use divergent mechanisms to
ing to Vn, which will guide future developments of therapeutics aimed at concentrate organic anions. Membrane potential drives uptake of the prin-
combating Y. pestis infections. cipal excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate into synaptic vesicles, whereas
closely related proteins use electroneutral cotransport to drive efflux from
283-Pos the lysosome. To identify the common features of ionic coupling by the
Nanodiscs as a Platform for the Study of Human P-Glycoprotein in a SLC17 family, we determined the structure of E. coli D-galactonate/Hþ
Membrane Environment symporter DgoT in two states: one open to the cytoplasmic side, and the
Sabrina Lusvarghi, Suresh Ambudkar. other open to the periplasmic side with substrate bound. The structures
LCB/CCR/NCI/NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA. identify a proton translocation pathway conserved from bacteria to mam-
Multidrug resistance of cancer cells and pathogens is a significant clinical mals. Functional analysis suggests that a transition in the role of Hþ
problem. A major contributor to drug resistance in cancer cells is overex- from flux coupling to allostery may underlie the divergence in energy
pression of P-glycoprotein (P-gp), a member of the ATP-binding cassette source.