Sustainable Futures
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Smart manufacturing is the technology utilizing the interconnected machines and tools for improving manufactur-
Industry 4.0 ing performance and optimizing the energy and workforce required by the implementation of bigdata processing,
Smart manufacturing artificial intelligence and advanced robotics technology and interconnectivity of them. This paper defines and dis-
Cyber-physical system
cusses the smart manufacturing system and states it current implementation status and analyzes the gap between
Internet of things
current manufacturing system and the predicted future smart manufacturing system, discusses the technologies
Future industry
associated with it and their contribution in smart manufacturing technology. Also, to realize this rapidly growing
technology and cover its all dimensions a survey of the latest developments in this field and its impacts were
analyzed and presented along with the challenges of implementation, opportunities and the future directions for
smart manufacturing system.
Correspondence author.
E-mail address: sudipphuyal@gmail.com (S. Phuyal).
Received 25 March 2020; Accepted 27 March 2020
2666-1888/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
S. Phuyal, D. Bista and R. Bista Sustainable Futures 2 (2020) 100023
Germany Industry 4.0 [9] The first country in the world to begin industrialization is the United
China Made in China 2025 [16] Kingdom, which began the development of the cotton industry from a
Japan Society 5.0 [25] worker based cottage industry into the machine-based economy in the
United States Industrial Internet Consortium [26] first half of the 18th century [27]. With this beginning to the new man-
ufacturing process, the period between about 1760 to 1820 is known
for the first industrial revolution in Europe and America. In this period,
nations as the next-generation technology for revolution in industrial textile industries were the large industries in terms of capital invest-
sector. The emerging strategies declared by the different countries are ment, output and the number of employments offered and also the first
listed in Table 1. industry to use modern production technologies [28, 29]. The discov-
This study briefly explains the scope and necessity of smart man- ery of the spinning jenny (which produced multiple spools of threads at
ufacturing systems and the future directions of the smart manufactur- once) in 1764 by James Hargreaves boosted the generation of machin-
ing system in different aspects. It is focused on discussing current prac- ing and invention of coal, the iron, railroads and textiles were the key
Table 2
Developments in Control System [35-38].
Year Achievements
1769 James Watt’s steam engine and governor developed. The watt steam engine is often used to mark the beginning of the industrial revolution
1771 Richard Arkwright invented the first fully automated spinning mill driven by water power
1800 Eli Whitney’s concept of interchangeable parts manufacturing in the production of muskets. It is considered to be the beginning of mass production
1868 J C Maxwell formulated the mathematical model for governor control of a steam engine
1913 Henry Ford’s mechanized assembly machine introduced for automobile production
1927 H.S. Black conceives of the negative feedback amplifier and H.W. Bode analyzes feedback amplifiers
1932 H. Nyquist develops a method for analyzing the stability of systems
1941 Creation of first anti-craft gun with active control
1952 Numerical Control (NC) developed at Massachusetts Institute of Technology for control of machine tool axes
1954 George developed ‘programmed article transfer’, considered to be the first industrial robot design
1957 Sputnik launches the space age leading in time to miniaturization of computers and advances in automatic control theory
1960 The first Unimate robot introduced, based on Devol’s designs. Unimate installed in 1961 for tending die-casting machines
1970 State-variable models and optimal control developed
1980 Robust control system design widely studied
1983 Introduction of the personal computer (and control design software soon thereafter) brought the tools of design to the engineer’s desktop
1990 Export-oriented manufacturing companies emphasize automation
1994 Feedback control widely used in automobiles. Reliable, robust systems demanded in manufacturing
1997 First-ever autonomous rover vehicle, known as Sojourner, explores the Martian surface
1998-2003 Advances in micro- and nanotechnology. First intelligent micromachines are developed and functioning nanomachines are created
2003-present Cyber-physical control systems featuring artificial intelligence technology are rapidly growing
developments in the first industrial revolution. It is time when mecha- and implementation in the industrial automation system [31, 32]. The
nization commenced, a process that replaced agriculture with industry third industrial revolution appeared with the emergence of a new type
as the foundations of the economic structure of society. Mass extraction of energy whose potential surpassed its predecessors i.e. Nuclear en-
of coal along with the invention of the steam engine created a new type ergy. This revolution witnessed the growth of the transistor and micro-
of energy that thrusted forward all processes thanks to the development processors but also the rise of telecommunications and computers. This
of railroads and the acceleration of economic, human and material ex- new technology led to the production of miniaturized material which
changes. would open doors, most notably to space research and biotechnology.
The third revolution used electronics and information technology to au-
(b) Second Industrial Revolution tomate production.
The time between 1830 to 1914 is the period of the second indus- (d) Fourth Industrial Revolution
trial revolution and is also known as technological revolution [30]. New
technological advancements initiated the emergence of a new source of In 2011, a group of business politics and academic experts intro-
energy: electricity, gas and oil which give rise to the different inven- duced the term Industry 4.0 as the fourth industrial revolution to
tions. As a result, the development of the combustion engine set out to enhance the German competitiveness in the manufacturing industry
use these new resources to their full potential. Furthermore, the steel [33,34]. which focuses heavily on interconnectivity through IoT, ma-
industry began to develop and grow alongside the exponential demands chine learning and focuses more on the processing of real-time data.
for steel. Chemical synthesis also developed to bring us synthetic fabric, Industry 4.0 connects internet of things and industrial internet to the
dyes and fertilizer. Methods of communication were also revolutionized manufacturing system to interact with the machines to share their in-
with the invention of the telegraph and the telephone and so were trans- formation and make intelligent decisions based on the system algorithm.
portation methods with the emergence of the automobile and the plane Industry 4.0 basically includes artificial intelligence, automated robots,
at the beginning of the 20th century [29]. All these inventions were made flexible manufacturing automation systems, additive manufacturing and
possible by centralizing research and capital structured around an eco- augmented reality [29]. Migrating to I4.0 is a gradual process and takes
nomic and industrial model based on new “large factories”. Chemistry time to upgrade everything from the existing system. Physical infrastruc-
also began its road toward the supply of new artificial materials like tures, adoption of new technologies, being familiar with it and availabil-
Disinfectants and antiseptics, particularly phenol and bromines, role of ity of technical manpower are necessary to be upgraded into the modern
microbes in the infection of wounds, salicylic acid etc. Electric genera- systems.
tors, vacuum pumps, gas lighting systems, transformer are the electric
systems developed during this revolution. Electricity was recognized to 2.2. Developments in Control Systems
be a general system of energy transmission. Railways have compara-
tively become faster, diesel engines, clipper ships were developed in the Throughout various practices on making different controllers or tools
field of automobiles. Steel implements, drainage- and irrigation pipes, to regulate the system performance in desired manner. In the past,
steam-operated threshers, seed drills, and mechanical reapers were some most of the controllers were mechanical systems operating based on
contributions in the field of agriculture. By changing the relationship be- the classes of levers, pulleys and gravitational forces to take any action
tween knowledge of nature and how it affected technological practices, to the ongoing process. Gradually, fully mechanized controllers were
it irreversibly changed the way technological change itself occurs. replaced by the sequential circuits of switches and electromechanical
relays and then by the digital electronics and intelligent control sys-
(c) Third Industrial Revolution
tems. Table 2 summarizes the major inventions in the control systems
The world economy and the development were also affected by the from its evolution to the present scenario.
world war I and II and the industrial developments were again resumed
after the second world war and the time period after 1969 is called 2.3. Technologies associated with Smart Manufacturing
as the third industrial revolution. The electromechanical systems were
upgraded into computer-based control systems, where Programmable Smart manufacturing integrates various technologies related to man-
Logic Controllers (PLC) and industrial robots were the great inventions ufacturing, computing, virtualization, connectivity, data handling etc.
S. Phuyal, D. Bista and R. Bista Sustainable Futures 2 (2020) 100023
Table 3
Technologies and their roles in smart manufacturing.
1 Virtual Reality [22,39–43] Virtual Reality (VR) provides the facility for experiencing the computer-generated images and videos simulating
into real-world activities. VR is a wearable device containing video device, audio device, positioning systems such
as GPS, external connectivity to other devices and hardware to make the user experience his physical presence in
the virtual environment created in simulation. VR has been used in the manufacturing systems for training the
young engineers and technical graduates who are not well-prepared to deal with the industrial processes are
introduced to the manufacturing process, mechanization processes, troubleshooting and maintenance systems
through the application of VR which have been more beneficial than the theoretical learning. It also helps to reduce
the prototyping and testing cost of any product by visualizing the design without making it physically. Also, it helps
in the digital manufacturing process to visualize and test the products in a simulated environment for the end
customers, which expands more options for product customization, renovation and rapid testing of product design.
2 Augmented Reality [11,44,45] Artificial environment created across the real-world using computer simulation and can be realized through
wearables and mobile devices. They use the technology of combining the real physical environment along with the
computer-generated graphics to visualize artificially added components to the existing real-world scenario for
training, simulation or validation purpose of some of the manufacturing designs before going for real
manufacturing. This integration of simulated computer graphics to real-world scenarios helps to realize the product
in an existing environment. Training to new employees and product testing with a demonstration of various
conditions in the augmented environment has been found more efficient and time-saving.
3 Cyber-Physical Systems The industrial processes can be directly monitored and controlled through the use of the internet by the industrial
[4,13,46-49] manufacturing engineers, which enables the control engineer to access the control system of the industry from
anywhere through cloud computing. Cyber-Physical System (CPS) collaborates the computational entities to the
physical world and its ongoing processes utilizing data processing services available directly on the internet. The
cloud-based SCADA system can also be defined as the CPS where the sensors, actuators and hardware devices fall
under the physical devices and the software, communication system and information exchange through the
internet falls under the cyber layer. The major application areas of CPS are implemented in aerospace, automotive,
transportation and civil infrastructure.
4 Additive Manufacturing The Additive Manufacturing (AM) also known as 3D printing technology creates new horizons towards smart
[12,14,43,50–53] manufacturing technology. AM technology is flexible for customization, rapid prototyping, making spare parts
quickly and on-site manufacturing which also saves huge time of production and cost in machine tools
replacements and raw materials. AM also facilitates reverse engineering of any parts or product through 3D
scanning and allows reconfiguration in design and quick reproduction for testing and validation is the major
contribution of AM in smart manufacturing. AM technology is also being widely used in medical science for
implants in dentistry and orthopedics for the replacement of injured body parts. In civil and architectural
engineering, AM is utilized in prototyping and design testing of structures for cost-effectiveness and customer
5 Big Data Analytics The collection and analysis of data from various sources like production unit, enterprise, customer feedback and
[43,47,54–56] product request system, etc. help in real-time decision making for smart manufacturing. Today’s manufacturers
want their customers to share their feedback and personal view in the products they are using or intend to use,
and from that information, manufacturers intend to focus their product design to address the wide range of
customers. Big data analysis will benefit the manufacturer in the identification of current state and causes of
product failures in real-time, driving the customers to buy their products by understanding their buying habits and
requirements, and also, learn the potential of data-driven marketing for predictive manufacturing.
6 Flexible and Reconfigurable Manufacturing system capable of adopting any variations occurred in built-in priority and functions due to the
Manufacturing Systems market demand changes or due to reconfiguration of product. They are focused on cost-effectiveness and quick
(FRMS) [4,57] response to rapid system changes. It is capable of production in small batch size and easily reconfigured for
manufacture different variety of products which can be divided into two types; routine flexibility allows the
manufacturing plant to produce new types of product in the same production line while machine flexibility allows
to schedule the manufacturing routines of different machining stations, share the machining activity between
them, replace the machining parts automatically. The deterministic characteristics of FRMS in smart manufacturing
are modularity, integrability, flexibility, scalability and diagnosability.
7 Artificial Intelligence For better human-robot collaboration and reduce the human workforce in risk zones, to improve the maintenance
[46,58,59] system of the manufacturing system and detection of any failures in the machinery and the product, artificial
intelligence is adapted in new generation manufacturing system. The artificial intelligence system is capable of
self-decision, self-optimizing and automatic response to physical changes such as changing the production
schedules, stopping or running of any machining units, machine tools automatic replacement and warning of any
uncontrollable situations in time.
8 IoT and IIoT [5,15,48–51,60] IoT is being used in common domestic applications like smart homes, transportation, logistics, healthcare,
agriculture, human pets and vehicle tracking applications and IIoT is focused on the Industrial application of IoT
connecting every physical entity with each other through the internet. In industries, the IIoT connects the physical
entities like sensors, actuators and the entire process monitoring and control system into the internet cloud,
enabling the interaction and cooperation of each entity together to reach the common goals. These interactions
between each component help in production planning, predictive maintenance and faults localization, better
human-machine interaction, intelligent process control for resource, tools and materials optimization. IIoT also
allows the digital presentations of products, processes and factories to the customers for marketing and informative
purposes too.
9 Simulation [46,61–63] Simulation of plant operations to optimize the machine settings for preceding production line in a virtual
environment without testing in physical world would save time and money in testing the production system.
Simulations are used to mirror the physical world in a virtual model which can be used for production planning
and scheduling according to obtained simulation results. Moreover, simulation has been implemented in SMS
system these days which helped to analyze the design errors, production time, workforce and energy required for
the entire production and facilitated the preparation of cost estimation, profit loss analysis, preparation of bill of
quantity before proceeding into real manufacturing process.
S. Phuyal, D. Bista and R. Bista Sustainable Futures 2 (2020) 100023
Table 4
Components related to NIST’s smart manufacturing ecosystem.
Components Description
PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) Managing entire lifecycle of the product from inception through design and manufacture to the
SCM (Supply Chain Management) Management of the flow of materials, final products and related information within suppliers,
resellers and end customers
DFSCM (Design for Supply Chain Management) Designing products to take advantage of and strengthen supply chain
CPI (Continuous Process Improvement) An ongoing process involving engineering and management system redesign and optimization
CCX (Continuous Commissioning) An ongoing process of diagnosis, prognosis and performance improvement of production
DFMA (Design for Manufacturing and Assembly) The design for ease of manufacture of the parts and design for easy assembly of the product
FMS/RMS (Flexible/Reconfigurable Manufacturing System) Flexible machining for reconfigurable production types without changing the entire process
Manufacturing Pyramid The hierarchical structure of an existing manufacturing system
Fast Innovation Cycle To improve new product Introduction cycle by anticipating trends through gathering data from
product usage and feeding it back into product ideation
As the name suggests, Industry 4.0 is the digital transformation spe- initial period was Incubation years until 1991 in which the structural ref-
cially focused for next level of industrial revolution declared by Ger- ormation and special economic zones were established and private firms
many in 2011 which has defined six fields of priority; digital economy were allowed to participate in manufacturing and production business.
and society, the sustainable economy and society, the innovative work- The next period was Navigation period until 2001 and most of the in-
place, healthy living, intelligent mobility and civil security [34,75-77]. frastructural developments, financial special zones were established and
As I4.0 is targeted to combine manufacturing technology with informa- access to WTO was also achieved in 2001. The recent age of manufactur-
tion technology and service sectors, its performance is highly affected ing and industrialization falls under Dynamic year and is now focused
by the reliable internet connectivity and efficient algorithms [45,73,77]. in development of global manufacturing supply chain and established
I4.0 targets to utilize the IoT in the manufacturing industry to enhance china as a leading country in the world in manufacturing and also be-
the supply chain and focuses on competition to produce high value- came world’s 2nd largest economy in the world. Made in China aims to
added products and distribution of the modules and machine tools re- replace the foreign technology with all the Chinese technology and be-
quired for manufacturing all over the world [78]. come the leading manufacturer in the world targeting to produce 40%
The RAMI4.0 illustrated in Figure 5 shows three dimensional be- of mobile phone chips, 70% of industrial robots and 80% of renewable
tween the layers, life cycle stream and the hierarchy levels in I4.0 en- energy equipment of the world population in China by 2025 [81]. But
vironment [79]. This shows the relationship of every components of still now, most of the Chinese industries are lacking automation tech-
I4.0 in comprehensive presentation. Asset, Integration, Communication, nology and are mostly dependent on labor-oriented manufacturing and
information, functional and business characters of industry are listed Made in China 2025 aims to implement more automated technology in
under layers category. Similarly, product, field device, control device, their manufacturing systems and migrate into the theme of smart man-
station, work centers, enterprise and connected world falls under the ufacturing technology with in the year of 2025.
hierarchy levels which defines how the information and workflow takes Society 5.0 was launched in January 2016 [82] and was identified as
place in I4.0. the development and maintenance system are categorized one of the growth strategy for Japan and this concept is also known as a
under life cycle value stream in the RAMI4.0 reference model. super-smart society. Society 5.0 was initiated as the political agenda in
Made in china 2025 was introduced in 2015, targeting to grow Japan addressing the 12 different service platforms for creating a super
china’s industrial market as the manufacturing hub for the global mar- smart society includes smart manufacturing systems, smart food chain
ket. Made in China 2025 is also inspired by the industry 4.0 revolution systems, intelligent transportation systems, energy value chains, new
initiated by Germany and is specially targeted for the implementation of manufacturing systems, regional inclusive care systems, infrastructure
digital manufacturing technologies to compete with the global industrial maintenance and updates, society resilient against natural disasters, new
market [80]. Manufacturing history in china has three basic periods. The business and services, hospitality systems, global environment informa-
S. Phuyal, D. Bista and R. Bista Sustainable Futures 2 (2020) 100023
Table 5
Characteristics of newly introduced smart technologies.
Focus area SME Worldwide Industries of China Smart Society primarily in Industries worldwide
Japan and rest of the world
Major Contribution to Digitization of manufacturing Making China as leading Digitization of society in 12 Digitization of Industries
the field industries worldwide country in manufacturing in major fields through internet
the world
Introduced 2011 2015 2016 2012
Base Technology Internet and Interconnected Internet and Interconnected Internet and Interconnected Internet and Interconnected
devices devices devices devices
Table 6
Design Considerations for IoT in industries [67, 90].
Goals Explanation
tion platform, integrated material development systems [83]. Society generation of robotic industrial automation system which is also termed
5.0 is the fifth version of “new society” going through the hunting so- as the cyber-physical system or the IoT [89].
ciety, the agrarian society, the industrial society and the information The architecture of IoT is basically divided into 4 layers. The first
society in the past [84]. The technological background of Society 5.0 layer includes sensors and actuators which are integrated into hardware
is the integration of Cyber-Physical System (CPS) with Information and to collect the information from them. After that, the networking layer
Computer Technology (ICT) in the background and the value creation for the transmission of collected data from sensors to control units and
of this technology would be boosted by AI robots based in CPS [78, 85]. control units to the actuators. To access the services based on user needs
Society 5.0 originated in Japan and is targeted its implementation to and to interact with the control units service layer and interface layer
contribute the world. are defined.
Industrial Internet Platform (IIP) was proposed by General Electric The design considerations for IoT in industries has been presented in
in the USA as Software as a Service model, and is now the use of inter- Table 6 and its working mechanism has been presented in the Figure 6.
net in the industry is being expanded for internet integrated production The information from the physical system is collected through the use of
and control mechanism [78]. The IIP manages the interaction between sensors and different machine learning tools. These collected informa-
the physical components and the cyber components of the industry. tion through the sensors are then managed systematically and processed
The current IIP is mainly concerned about the maintenance of intelli- in the local smart devices/perception devices as shown in the figure,
gent products and fault detection and localization [49]. Wang et. al. then this information are sent to the application layer through network
[49] also proposes the Ind-OS as the Industrial Operating System for su- layer for the implementation in their respective fields. The application
pervision of manufacturing system through IIP, which integrates the En- layer decides to take necessary action to the IoT integrated system.
terprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), The IoT architecture as shown in Figure 6 illustrates the relation-
Human Resource Management (HRM), Customer Relation Management ship between physical system or things that are responsible to interact
(CRM) and Manufacturing Executive System (MES). The industrial in- with the physical entities like temperature, humidity, speed, pressure,
ternet covers the 5C architecture in which Connection layer is located in velocity etc. through the sensors and respond them through the actua-
the base layer for condition monitoring, second layer is conversion layer tors and controllers based on the type of deployment in the system. The
for translation of data from connection layer into the information which IoT is applicable for smart buildings, smart home, smart health, smart
would be utilized by the cyber layer in third layer. The information form transportation, smart industry etc.
cyber layer is utilized by technicians in cognition layer and is supervised In the past, the internet was the medium to connect people through
by configure layer by the decision makers based on the information and email, social forums and later through social networks. According to
interpretation by the technicians [86]. The comparative table showing Evans [92], Cisco Technology claims that IoT was born between 2008
the relations between these emerging technologies has been shown in and 2009 when the number of connected devices exceeded the world
Table 5. population (Figure 7) although the term IoT was coined by Kevin Ash-
ton, a British technology pioneer in 1999 [93].
Cisco has also presented an example in infographics [94], which
describes how things working independently communicate with each
3.2. Application of IoT in Process Industries
other to make valuable results by the use of the internet of things. This
demonstrates the alarm of the end-user lets him sleep 5 minutes more
The use of IoT has been adopted widely in the field of industrial
by getting information that meeting is postponed for 45 minutes, the
automation in developed countries. Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs)
train is delayed by 20 minutes and traffic systems that there is accident
are used for the purpose of unmanned transportation especially for mov-
in road causing to take diversion which takes 15 minutes to reach the
ing goods from one location to another with self-loading and unloading
train station and alerts coffee maker to turn on 5 minutes later and sig-
capacity. AVG follows the lines on the floor or uses vision cameras, ra-
nals the car to start in 5 minutes to melt the accumulated ice in overnight
dio waves or laser for navigation [87]. AGVs are also used in cleaning,
snow storms. This example clearly explains the working mechanism of
assistance to deliver peoples, etc. and they can be centrally controlled
systems-of-systems as they were working independently and when they
from the cloud-based server [88]. As the technological revolution in the
need to work together or make a common decision it can be said to fea-
industrial automation systems, industry 4.0 has been introduced as the
S. Phuyal, D. Bista and R. Bista Sustainable Futures 2 (2020) 100023
System (GIS) to locate the consumers and based on their categories i.e.
residential, industrial or corporate offices.
hicle charging, operating washing machines, etc. can be automatically security, load dispatch and control along with development of smart
scheduled to operate in the off-peak hours. urban cities [110,112].
The development of smart meters is the advancement of the previ- The electric power distribution system is an important part of elec-
ously in use electromechanical energy meters and its working mecha- trical power systems in the delivery of electricity to consumers. For the
nism is presented in Figure 9. The electromechanical meters operate ac- flexible control of distribution systems, distribution system automation
cording to the number of revolutions of an electrically conductive metal- (DSA) has played a vital role which can enhance efficiency, reliability,
lic disc rotating with proportional to the power consumed [108], while and quality of electric supply. Figure 10 shows the basic architecture of
advanced metering infrastructure or smart meters enables two-way com- DSA. Distribution Automation Systems have been defined by the Insti-
munication between supplier and consumer to ensure the reliable power tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) as systems that en-
supply by minimizing the outage and losses, they can optimize the en- able an electric utility to monitor, coordinate, and operate distribution
ergy costs along with remote monitoring and control facility [109]. components in a real-time mode from remote locations [113]. For mak-
Smart energy meters are used to record energy consumption hourly ing distribution automation more intelligent, efficient and cost-effective
or more frequently and reported at least daily to the utility service worldwide research and development are focused on the areas of rev-
provider [110,111]. Smart metering infrastructure also plays a vital role olution of communication technologies and application of IEC 61850
in other applications like detection of electricity theft, improved system protocol in the distribution automation [114]. Until these days, DSA
S. Phuyal, D. Bista and R. Bista Sustainable Futures 2 (2020) 100023
technology is established not just as remote operation and control of smart manufacturing systems are considered to be faced by security is-
substation and feeders, but it is transforming into a self-healing power sues, lack of system integration, lack of return of investment in new
system that responds immediately to real-time appropriate actions, in- technology and financial issues during the erection of new smart manu-
telligent load forecasting, and demand side management. facturing systems and/or during the upgrade of existing industries with
Different electricity authorities have also put forward the plan to smart manufacturing technology. The challenges faced by the smart
prepare Geographic Information System (GIS)-based inventory to track manufacturing systems and their possible solutions are described below.
its poles, transformers, cables, consumers’ connections to each trans-
former to know all the data & their existences in the distribution sys- 5.1. Security Issues in Smart Manufacturing
tem as a pathway to the development of DSA. This system would also
help the system engineers to get actual data of poles, transformers, and The smart manufacturing system means the use of an integrated net-
consumers’ capacity and also to balance the transformer’s load as per work system in a manufacturing system for sharing information between
connection to the consumer [103, 115]. The additional benefits of this manufacturing or machining units to the end customers. For this pur-
system would be a quick assessment of fault detection and localization pose, it requires network connectivity and is arranged especially through
which supports the No-light/Customer Care section to troubleshoot the the internet. Sharing information through the internet requires security
faults in a quick and easier way. of data and information throughout the system in various points with
global unique identification and end to end data encryption [122]. And
4. Standardizations related to Smart Manufacturing Technology hence, every node of the network should be protected against external
attacks and data misuse. The thing that is most importantly considered
Smart manufacturing technology is the collaborative output of in- while designing the networked systems such as smart manufacturing
formation technology, industrial manufacturing technology and human systems is to ensure the security of the system and the overall process.
creativity leading into a rapid revolution of manufacturing system. “Cur-
rent Standards landscape for Smart Manufacturing Systems” published 5.2. System Integration
by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in February
2016 [20], “German Standardization Roadmap Industry 4.0” published Another challenge of the implementation of a smart manufacturing
by German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Tech- system is the integration of new technology equipment with the exist-
nologies of DIN and VDE in 2015 [116], “National Smart Manufacturing ing ones [61]. The compatibility of existing devices to the new devices
Standards Architecture Construction Guidance” published by Ministry of causes various problems in the implementation of smart manufactur-
Industry and Information technology of China (MIIT) and Standardiza- ing technologies. The old machinery which is being controlled by some
tion Administration of China (SAC) in 2015 [117] are the leading stan- communication protocols might be outdated and new devices may have
dardizations published for the implementation of smart manufacturing a different protocol. Also, the machine to machine communication and
system in the various parts of the globe. the interconnectivity of the system requires the better communication
Besides these, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), In- system. The recent manufacturing systems require IPv6 connectivity to
ternational Society of Automation (ISA), International Standards Orga- support more devices connected at the same time.
nization (ISO), American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has also
published the standardization in different aspects of smart manufactur- 5.3. Interoperability
ing system. The various published standardizations and their major role
in smart manufacturing system has been tabulated in Table 7. The interoperability is the ability of different systems to understand
and access each other’s functions independently [123]. This feature sup-
5. Characteristics and Challenges of Smart Manufacturing ports the data and information exchange between them independent of
Systems the manufacturer of their hardware or software. There are four levels
of interoperability of I4.0, namely operational, systematical, technical
The smart manufacturing systems are capable to cope up with var- and semantic. The operational interoperability correlates CPS with I4.0
ious challenges and complexities faced by the existing industries, but and concerns with the conceptual structure of I4.0. Systematical interop-
there still exists some of the challenges during the implementation of erability concerns with standards, guidelines, principle methodologies
smart manufacturing systems. Based on various dependent variables, and models. The technical interoperability distinctly establishes tools
S. Phuyal, D. Bista and R. Bista Sustainable Futures 2 (2020) 100023
Table 7
List of Standards related to SMS [118-121].
IEC 61131 Standards set for programmable logic controllers, defines the hardware and software requirements, programming
languages and fuzzy logic control, functional safety, a communication interface for industrial system
IEC 61850 Defines communication protocols for intelligent electronic devices at electrical substations
IEC 62443 (ISA99) Gives the guideline for implementation of secured industrial automation systems
IEC 62541 Cross-platform Machine to machine communication protocol with service-oriented architecture for industrial
automation focusing on secured communication of industrial equipment.
IEC 62591 Wireless sensor networking technology for industrial automation based on Highway Addressable Remote
Transducer Protocol (HART)
IEC/PAS 62030 Designed to support the requirements of data distribution systems in industrial automation systems
ISO 15704 Industrial automation systems — Requirements for enterprise-reference architectures and methodologies
ISO 19439 Standard for enterprise modelling and enterprise integration
ISO 19440 Computer integration of the information aspects of manufacturing, including the management and control
technology and the required human tasks
ISO 20140 Concerns with the environmental influence of manufacturing processes
ISO 50001 Concerns with energy management in the industries.
ISO 9000 This addresses the standard for consistent quality assurance of the products
PackML (Packing Machines Language) Industrial automation standard for packaging machines
ISO 15926 The standard for data integration, sharing, exchange, and hand-over between computer systems.
IEC 62890 Life-cycle management for systems and products used in industrial-process measurement, control, and automation
IEC 62453 Used for integrating the HART technology into the Field Device Tool standard
SysML (Systems Modeling Language) General-purpose modeling language supporting specification, analysis, design, verification and validation of
IEC 61499 Standardization of function blocks for industrial process measurement and control systems
IEC 61804 Function blocks for process control and electronic device description language
IEC 61508 Functional Safety of Electrical, Electronic, Programmable Electronic safety-related Systems
IEC 61511 Ensuring the safety of industrial process through the deployment of instrumentation tools
ISO 13849 Applicable for the safety of machinery control systems related parts
IEC 62714 Engineering data exchange format for use in industrial automation systems engineering
ISO 18828 Describes the production planning along with production order management, early-stage product design, inventory
management, resource visualization and process simulation
ISO/IEC 27001 Specifies a management system intended to bring information security under explicit management control
EN 50170 General purpose field communication system
IEC 61158 Digital data communications for measurement and control - Field bus for use in industrial control systems
ANSI/ISA-88.01 Batch Control
ANSI/ISA-95.00.01 Enterprise-Control System Integration
ISO/DIS 15745-1 Industrial automation systems and integration – Open systems application integration frameworks
and platforms for technical and ICT environment and related software. human language into the machine language to instruct the machine for
Semantic interoperability deals with information exchange among dif- the desired operation [127]. To make the term smart manufacturing to
ferent levels of institutions and people [50]. be realistic and implement AI and advanced technologies in manufac-
Without proper matching of the communication protocols and stan- turing system, it should be able to get the instructions directly from the
dards, the feature of interoperability may not be achieved efficiently. operator either in voice or in text format.
The dissimilarities between the communication bandwidth, operational
frequency, mode of communication, hardware capabilities etc. deter- 5.6. Return of Investment in New Technology
mine the limitations of interoperability of the system.
While shifting into another advanced technology in an existing man-
5.4. Safety in Human-Robot Collaboration
ufacturing system, the financial analysis and return of investment are
analyzed very carefully [61]. The additional investment that should be
A cobot or lightweight robot is a particular type of robot which can
made to adopt newer technology would be compared with the losses in
safely and physically interact with humans in the workspace and can
production during an upgrade and the time acquired to recover the re-
work together by introducing new paradigms from Human-Machine in-
turn of investment with the income with existing system influences the
teraction(HMI) [124,125]. The international federation of Robotics de-
adaption of newer technology.
fines Human-Robot collaboration as the ability of the robot to coordinate
with the workers in the industrial environment to perform the special-
ized tasks [126]. The main considerations should be done with occupa- 6. Opportunities and Future Directions of Smart Manufacturing in
tional health and safety of personnel working in the site, any hazardous the Global Market
environment should be avoided and necessary occupational health and
safety should be maintained. The main attention should be given while Referring to the various research outcomes and the reports of differ-
implementing the CPS system or industrial robotic systems to minimize ent organizations, the smart manufacturing system has a huge market
any types of mechanical, electrical, thermal, noise, vibration, radiation, opportunity and is being widely adopted in the manufacturing system
material/substance, work environment caused any hazards in the work- throughout the world. Zhengxin et al. [128], illustrated the small and
place in an industry [124]. medium enterprises are prone to adopt intelligent manufacturing. Ac-
cording to McKinsey & Company report presented by Manyika [22],
5.5. Multilingualism the accommodation and food services have a tendency to automate by
73%, manufacturing, transportation, and warehousing industries have
The smart manufacturing systems should be handling multilingual the potential of 60% to automate. Since these sectors have the highest
operations which should be able to interpret any instructions given in possibility for automation, they are now being the center of study for
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