2207 Space Technology

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JULY 2022

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2 Designing for Space and Other 25 Modular Artificial-Gravity Orbital
Extreme Environments Refinery Spacecraft

25 Propulsion System for Hypersonic Flight

7 Fueling the Emergence of a
New Space Economy 26 Power Processing Unit for Small
Spacecraft Electric Propulsion
12 Space Industry Test Challenges 27 Simulations Provide Understanding of
Spacecraft Landing Dynamics

18 T
 o the Moon and Beyond with Additive ON THE COVER
Manufacturing A fully configurable processing platform
designed for satellites enables
development of on-board computers.
21  Configuring Spacecraft’s On-Board Based on programmable logic and
modular construction, the platform
Computing Systems reduces the engineering effort involved,
leading to faster completion times and
lower associated overhead costs. Learn
22 Measuring Aggressive Launch Loads on more about the technology on page 21.
(Image: Harwin)

23 E
 liminating Vibration Emissions
Aboard Satellites


Designing for Space and
Other Extreme Environments

n aerospace and defense, applications of space (-455 °wF / -270.6 °C), can bulky clothing. If possible, eliminate
rely on mission-critical components cause materials to become brittle or electrical power sources by relying on
to ensure proper functioning in render them inoperable. Moveable mechanically operated substitutions.
extreme environments. In the components become stiff, batteries When batteries must be used, ensure
many instances in this field where slow down or shut off, and temperature- they are fully insulated from the cold
“mission-critical” means that lives based components become unable or temperature regulated by ambient
depend on successful operation, harsh to reach their operating range. heat or an included heat source. For
conditions present certain development While the conditions of space are heat influenced devices, keep vital
challenges that engineers must be certainly more extreme than Earth- components heated within an active
aware of and factor into their designs. based environments, the same design range to ensure operation during
principles apply to an extent. thermal variation. For elastic materials
Extreme Cold For devices that are handled (such as the ubiquitous O-ring), select
Extremely cold environments, ranging by humans, you should design materials with the widest temperature
from arctic at the Earth’s poles (-90.4 °F / buttons that are larger and easier range, such as fluorosilicone, that are
-68 °C) to cryogenic in the vacuum to move, even when hampered by compatible with the environment.

Dima Zel/Shutterstock.com


For applications where water designers should ensure minimal that is in your kitchen right now is 1
must be supplied to critical systems, access points into a device’s interior lb.) Designers must do all they can
such as onboard dry-docked ships, and an IP rating of at least IP66, to keep payload weight down. This is
additional components should be otherwise known as “dust tight.” primarily achieved by swapping out
used to prevent freeze-ups that could Death Valley is not overly hot raw materials for lighter ones, such as
interrupt systems or damage piping. compared to the heat found outside high-strength 7075 forged aluminum
Thermostatic drain valves can be used of our planet’s atmosphere. Without in place of steel and designing
to both prevent lines from freezing the ozone layer as protection to filter components as compactly as possible.
and conserve water usage in areas out the Sun’s heat, those directly in Next, service life: Unless it is a rocket
that are either continuously frigid, or its rays can expect temperatures to being used for a joyride into space,
simply susceptible to cold weather. reach 250 °F (121 °C). As outer space’s most systems sent up are intended
These mechanically operated valves are ambient temperature can quickly to stay in the atmosphere for more
normally closed. Once temperatures vary from extreme cold to extreme than 24 hours – think satellites, the
dip towards freezing, the valve will heat, devices and ships must be International Space Station, and
automatically open to bleed off the cold well insulated from all temperatures the Mars Rover – so they must be
water from the supply lines and prevent depending on whether one is facing designed with a long service life in
freezing. The valve will close again once the Sun or not. Design engineers mind. Designers should include high-
it senses the warmer backfilled water, should include thick, insulated walls quality parts that have extensive cycle
conserving the supply. These valves and a temperature regulation unit for tests to withstand many modulations
will keep operating systems running human-operated vehicles to avoid and constant operation over years
and minimize system interruptions, potentially damaging thermal variation. or even decades. In addition, for
no matter how cold it gets. eventual human-crewed long-haul
Outer Space space voyages, vital components
Extreme Heat We’ve already discussed the should be designed to be easily
On the other end of the Kelvin extreme temperatures found in space swapped out with a spare, without
scale are environments with extreme and how designers can prepare for having to dissect and disassemble
heat. Death Valley is the hottest place them, but the intricacies of space the entire system in which it resides.
on Earth, with a highest recorded travel are not limited to extreme Finally, batteries: Electricity in space
temperature of 134 °F (56.6 °C). Most thermal variation. For systems sent is generated from a single source that
machinery will be able to operate into the upper atmosphere and is consistently available – solar power
normally in these conditions, with little beyond into the stars, considerations via the Sun. Like on Earth, this is
requirements for design modifications. must be made for reducing payload collected via solar panels and is stored
The main consideration for Earth-based weight, prolonging service life, in a normal, albeit large, battery. These
deserts is in relation to small particles and minimizing battery drain. systems do not have an infinite lifespan.
of dust and sand entering systems and First, weight: As a rule of thumb, Solar panels crack, and batteries
causing component degradation. To the cost to launch 1 lb. of anything eventually refuse to hold a charge.
avoid shortened operating lifespans, into space – food, medical supplies, Designers should consider using
etc. – is $1,000. (To put this into mechanically operated thermostatic
perspective, a single block of butter valves in their temperature regulation

HAT/FP thermostatic
drain valve.


Designing for Space

product or machinery to be used on an overall round shape to equalize

or near water must be designed with pressure and avoid undue stress
the damaging effects of wet and salty central to any one or various exterior
conditions in mind or risk severely points. Any observation windows
shortened operating life spans. should be small, circular, and feature
Saltwater’s corrosiveness can be extremely thick plexiglass.
mitigated by using the proper metals For unmanned deep-sea excursions,
on any water-based systems that come the use of electrical devices can also
directly into contact with it. Designs pose design issues. Batteries can
should use corrosive-resistant metals malfunction due to cold deep-sea
and steer away from iron, as it is temperatures, wires can become
especially prone to immediate rusting. loose and — of course — the threat
While the use of unique, high-grade of even a tiny hair-line leak can
materials that resist the effects of salt introduce board-destroying water
water are often costly, their inclusion into the system. Minimizing the
extends operating life and reduces inclusion of electrical components
maintenance rates. For example, most can reduce overall complexity and
boats use a sacrificial zinc anode increase long-term reliability for
Thermostatic block (due to its low nobility on the devices that may stay underwater
temperature galvanic series chart) to counteract for weeks or months at a time.
control valve. the effects of corrosion of other metal One such case for thermostatic
components exposed to the elements. deep-sea design features an
systems to reduce strain on critical For products used around water, instrumentation pod, used to locate
power supplies. These valves operate it is vital to protect internal electrical oil and gas deposits underneath the
with no power source, based solely on components. To prevent unnecessary ocean floor using sonar technology.
thermal variations, and thus do not put replacement costs each time one is Instead of attaching a floating buoy
a strain on central power sources. Unlike dropped in a puddle or off the side to the sunken pod where it could be
electrical components, thermostatic of a ship, designs should be rated spotted by competitors or damaged
actuators monitor and respond to to IP65 or above, depending on its by passing ships, the buoy was
temperature variations in media such exposure rates or submersion needs.
as air, water, glycol, steam, and others.
An example of thermal actuator High Pressure
technology in action would be a space While corrosion is the primary
vehicle that uses a self-powered concern of water-based operation
mixing valve to regulate cabin air at sea level, high pressure is a more
temperatures. When the circulated pressing matter when operating
air temperature is below the valve’s well below it. The deepest portion
“set-point,” the internal spool adjusts of the recorded ocean is found in
to maintain the desired setting. This is the Western Pacific Ocean - the
accomplished by the valve’s internal Marianas Trench. Reaching 11,034
actuator, which senses the change meters (36,201 feet) deep in
and adjusts accordingly via a phase some places, the water pressure
change technology incorporated into is more than 16,000 PSI at the
the thermal actuator. By utilizing bottom. Water pressure crushes
a self-contained thermal actuator from all sides at these depths, and
triggered by real-time and continuous underwater vehicles not appropriately
temperature variations, power needs designed would be crushed like a
for cabin air temperature regulation soda can. For deep sea explorers,
are eliminated, thereby reducing these are deadly conditions.
overall strain on onboard batteries. For remote operated and human-
occupied expeditions, designers’
Wet and Salt-Wet primary method of ensuring a
Both fresh and salt water are successful voyage is wall thickness Therm-O-Mix
notorious for quickly rusting metals and vehicle shape. Designs should tepid water
and degrading all other materials. Any include extremely thick walls and supply station.


Designing for Space

tepid water for emergency fixture

use. This typically allows for a more
cost-effective solution and one-step
“plug and play” operation by cutting
out the additional insulating step.

Rough Handling
Extreme environmental conditions
extend to user interaction with
products. While a design may function
perfectly in prototyping and factory
Thermostatic valve design QA conditions, full functionality relies
for deep sea buoy release. on successful operation during normal
and intended daily use. Engineers
sunken to the sea floor along with operating in an explosion-risk area. should expect and prepare the
the instrumentation pod. Once sonar In that case, the interior of the device products they design to withstand
testing was completed, a nearby ship must either be fully insulated to prevent the factors of its daily use including
released an ultrasonic activation signal, sparks or the electrical energy inside of compressive forces, abrasions,
triggering a battery pack to apply it capped so that the device is incapable vibration, thermal variation, humidity,
power to a PTC resistive foil heater, of releasing enough energy to generate potentially corrosive liquids, and more.
heating up a thermostatic actuator a spark. However, these contingencies While accounting for every
which quickly modulated to release can be difficult to achieve due to the potential real-life interaction is
a latch, thus sending the buoy to the heavy costs of the former and the virtually impossible, engineers can
surface where it could be retrieved. By engineering challenge of the latter. plan ahead. Rugged designs should
designing the buoy release mechanism To eliminate spark risks and avoid have thick walls, reinforced bosses, be
around a heat-activated thermostatic the design challenges above, non- made of tough materials (either thick
actuator triggered by a remote signal, electrical products may be selected plastics or metal), use appropriate
the need for additional electronic in place of electrical devices. seals, and avoid adhesives that are
components was eliminated. There These devices should be entirely prone to failing over time — choose
was no need for large batteries to mechanical and not draw on any form sturdier screws, bolts, and ties
retrieve the pod that could have died of power to operate effectively. instead whenever possible. Take extra
before activation, leaving the pod In many environments and time prototyping to treat a product
to be lost to the depths of the sea. processes, thermostatic actuator roughly, recreating potentially trying
For designers with similar deep-sea technology can be used in place of environments to test for weak points
devices, attempts should be made electrically controlled devices. These that can be engineered out or around
to minimize the use of substantially actuators monitor and respond to to ensure a product that can keep up.
sized and continuously switched-on temperature variations and operate Extreme conditions require extreme
battery packs that may die before 100% mechanically. As heat rises, creativity on the part of design
activation, as well as overcomplicated the actuator expands, acting on a engineers, making sure to account for
circuitry that could fail due to piston and producing precise and unusual factors found in the depths
defects or the entrance of liquids. repeatable movement. As heat falls, of the sea or the upper reaches of
the actuator contracts, closing the our atmosphere and beyond. While
Explosive Atmospheres valve again. Thermostatic technology no designer can account for every
Industrial environments, especially does not rely on electricity to function possible future their products may
oil and gas manufacturing facilities, and thus is incapable of producing encounter, by factoring in and planning
often have gas levels that pose an a spark, making it the ideal solution for common hazards associated
explosion hazard and make operating for explosive environments. with certain operating ranges and
electrical devices an inherent risk. This is particularly relevant to situations, they can give their systems
For products that must function in emergency safety shower and face/ a best shot for successfully operating
these temperamental environments, eyewash stations in manufacturing under mission-critical conditions.
designers must either ensure they are facilities that can rely on pressure This article was written by Anna
fully insulated from sparks or remove activation when delivering tepid water Johnson, Marketing Content Manager,
the electrical components entirely. supply to point of use fixtures and ThermOmegaTech (Warminster, PA). For
Suppose a product must have an use only a facility’s existing steam more information, visit http://info.
electrical component inside of it while and cold-water supply to produce hotims.com/82322-500.


Fueling the
Emergence of a
Digital twin gives insights into
survivability of the re-entry phase.
(Image: Siemens)
New Space Economy

he evolution of Space 4.0 changed the playing field Innovative companies like Astra Space with leaders
of space exploration from early seeds planted with like Kemp are responding to evolving dynamics in
the Communications Satellite Act of 1962, through the space value chain in our data-driven economy.
deregulation with the Commercial Space Launch Act Instead of an upstream push of applications where
of 1984, to the first successful launch of the SpaceX Falcon 1 downstream markets follow, ground-based applications
system on May 6, 2002. Instead of existing as an expensive require the development of additional space systems
geopolitical instrument, space exploration is transitioning in response to a downstream pull of services.
into an economic activity driven by technical innovation, When tech entrepreneurs enter the space industry, it is
competition, and human ingenuity. The space industry is not just because they can. It is also because they see value
experiencing accelerated privatization, dropping launch in extending their scope vertically up the value chain. New
prices and movement toward a demand-driven economy. business models can lower the entry barrier, like ground
As people, businesses and governments compete for segment as a service (GSaaS), in which activities that require
superiority in space, the race for the planets is in a different lots of expertise, resources, and infrastructure are shared.
geopolitical context. Many relatively new players and private We Are on the Cusp of the Democratization of Space
companies are taking part, although a sizeable portion of The accelerated privatization that catalyzed Space
space activity is still related to defense. Moreover, institutional 4.0 changed the entire space industry landscape in a
actors have an ongoing role in defining, updating, and brief time. Space exploration has been invigorated with
implementing space policies that foster economic growth entrepreneurial energy, revitalizing public interest and
and manage challenges associated with the sustainability of investment. This movement opened opportunities for new
the space environment and interconnectedness with Earth. applications and ambitions — bringing celebrity status to
business personalities like Elon Musk, Richard Branson,
Digital Technology is Fueling Emerging and Jeff Bezos as space pioneers like Yuri Gagarin,
Space Economy John Glenn, and Neil Armstrong were once revered.
Several Space 4.0 entrepreneurs have a foundation The arrival of imaginative yet profit-minded private
in the tech industry. Companies with experience organizations brought a shift in approach to reusable,
combining multiple digital technologies such as cloud, efficient launch methods and changing engineering priorities.
artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, and For example, SpaceX provided launch price transparency
blockchain can leverage this expertise as a competitive — a game-changer in the industry. Price per launch has
advantage to foster more scalable and innovative been on a downward trajectory since, from $200 million to
business models with customer-oriented approaches. $60 million, and projected to drop as low as $5 million.
For example, Astra Space is a startup founded by In addition to ongoing privatization, public spending
Chris Kemp, a computer scientist with a background on space programs has been growing globally. The
in e-commerce and open-source software for significant wider societal and economic impacts of the
cloud computing and IT. This company aims to space sector justify this spending. For example, satellite
capitalize on the expected trend of launching smaller data and services will play a crucial role in reaching the
payloads, such as compact satellites, into space. goals set in the EU Green deal, a set of policy initiatives


New Space Economy

by the European Commission to

make Europe climate-neutral by
2050. Direct and indirect funding
from the deal’s investment plans
will go to the space industry.
The drop in launch cost, cost
per seat and a positive outlook
suggest that the dream of space
tourism — spaceflight by civilians for
recreational purposes — is edging
closer to reality. Whereas space was
the frontier of astronauts, cosmonauts
and taikonauts, specially trained for
the rigors of space, now companies
are preparing to offer wealthy clients
a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
People are interested in personal
space travel, from simply enjoying
the thrill of weightlessness to orbiting
around the Moon to spending a week
in a space hotel. Several companies
are already actively working on
developing the necessary infrastructure
to achieve these goals. Among them
are major players including Blue
Origin, SpaceX, and Virgin Galactic,
plus other initiatives and startups
like Inspiration4 and Axiom Space.
Space democratization will become
a reality when space tourism becomes
more accessible — not just catering to Price per launch has been on a downward trajectory, from $200 million to $60 million and projected
wealthy individuals. The technology to drop as low as $5 million. (Image: Siemens)
is there, and the space economy is
getting ready. Although the cost per and Virgin Galactic, for example, would defense efforts, as well as feed our
seat on spacecraft is diminishing, it is suffer a lot in the event of failures, so hunger to form a better understanding
still far out of reach for the masses. the scrutiny on making space-flight safe of the universe and our place in it.
is extremely high and costly. All man-
Cost and Risk Need to Decrease rated spacecraft development has been Digitalization Enables
As a society, we will not accept under detailed scrutiny since the 1960s, Innovation to Advance the New
that civilians who go to space for and with the growth of space tourism Space Economy
leisure will be subjected to similar we see greater risk, more scrutiny, Space programs often involve
risk levels as astronauts today. One and higher costs to ensure safety. intense collaboration among many
big challenge may be to develop a In addition to the exciting stakeholders in different constellations,
regulatory framework that assures developments in space tourism and such as alliances, partnerships, and
everything will happen safely and exploration, public and private space subcontracting — each bringing various
securely, in line with the Outer Space program development is underway data systems, processes, methods, and
Treaty of 1967. Optimizing cost and to meet the demand for satellite tools. Without proper integration in a
risk, two seemingly contradictory communication from the mobility unified digital platform that manages
requirements, will be crucial for market and other terrestrial markets all that data and sets user privileges,
companies to succeed in this segment. that will benefit from 5G technology. such collaborations are prone to errors.
Despite emerging priorities, including Visionaries look ahead to the possibility To avert disaster, aerospace and
time and cost, the overall quality of colonizing other planets and seeking defense organizations increasingly
perception of space products will depend resources beyond the bounds of Earth. rely on digital threads and digital twin
on safety and reliability (technical risk). Space pursuits advance our ability technology to manage the extraordinary
Certain business models like Blue Origin in science and technology, support amount of data related to their


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2700 Halkey-Roberts Place North Target Markets
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Halkey Roberts Logiest is worldwide for our entire product valve

line. All products are produced in the USA.

New Space Economy

Seamless, multi-discipline integration between design,

analysis, and manufacturing enabled the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) to meet the thermal challenges posed by
the Mars Science Laboratory. (Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

products and services. One of the many upon past successes while driving toward Curiosity, onto the surface of Mars.
advantages of digitalization to future new destinations. In these efforts to JPL put together a technology
space missions is data management develop new and different products and infrastructure aimed at meeting more
within an integrated environment processes, engineers routinely require aggressive schedules and leaner budgets
where stakeholders have the exact the ability to test the untestable while it had started to experience. A key
information they need precisely when maintaining regulatory compliance. Of element was establishing seamless
they need it. These technologies course, any space-bound system must software interfaces from conceptual
help companies use data to generate meet a stringent qualification process. design through manufacturing
valuable insights, improve decision- While physical testing plays a crucial role, to minimize transcription errors,
making and reduce development, the combination of simulation and test manual processes, and interpolations
manufacturing, and maintenance costs. can de-risk and accelerate that process. between meshes. Minimizing errors
The value of this integration becomes Digitalization is fueling innovation in and rework was critical to maintaining
clear when you consider the fate of the space through advanced data integration, design and fabrication schedules.
1998 Mars Climate Orbiter. Due to a digital twin simulations, and the ability To address such issues, JPL
navigation error, the spacecraft was lost to model dynamic complexity. As space implemented software from Siemens
on arrival, presumed destroyed in the organizations continue to push the Digital Industries Software as an end-
planet’s atmosphere. An investigation limits of what is known and possible, to-end mechanical design platform.
attributed the failure — at the cost of managed, connected data for all With NX and Simcenter 3D, JPL had
$327.6 million — to a measurement program stakeholders makes innovation a fully integrated computer-aided
mismatch; NASA used metric units, possible — reducing time, cost, and risk design, engineering, and manufacturing
while spacecraft builder Lockheed with digital simulation technology. system (CAD-CAE-CAM). This is
Martin used imperial units. Proper Seamless, multi-disciplinary the system JPL used to develop the
data management in an integrated integration between design, analysis, mechanical portions of the MSL,
digital environment can prevent this and manufacturing enabled the including the thermal control system.
costly outcome for future missions. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to Curiosity isn’t the first or last rover
Program developers are still meet the thermal challenges posed JPL has sent to Mars. Previous rovers,
experimenting and innovating to build by the Mars Science Laboratory, the Spirit and Opportunity were sent to
safer, more efficient means of improving mission to put a mobile laboratory explore regions on opposite sides of


The development and performance of
Mars rovers are great examples of how
digital technology enables human
ingenuity and the future of Space 4.0.
(Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

that planet. While the experience with thermostats, thermal control coatings, Curiosity’s social media presence
those rovers undoubtedly played a and thermal blankets) that maintain the and NASA’s website provide engaging
role in the development of the MSL’s payload and the spacecraft subsystems ways to keep the public informed of
thermal control system, there were within their allowable temperature new developments and discoveries
major differences in this project that requirements, for all operating modes through images and data. This high
posed many new challenges. and in the wide range of thermal level of visibility on another planet
Curiosity’s power generator, the Multi- conditions the MSL will experience is sure to inspire the next generation
Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric throughout the mission lifetime. of exploration and innovation.
Generator (MMRTG), is constantly The highest temperature that This article is written by Thierry
generating a substantial amount of heat, portions of the MSL flight system Olbrechts, Director, Simcenter
so JPL had to add more capability to the would experience was estimated to Aerospace Industry Solutions, Siemens
heat rejection system to accommodate be 1,447 °C during entry into the Mars Digital Industries Software (Plano,
it during the cruise phase. Also, this atmosphere. The coldest was deep space TX). For more information, visit
rover’s payload is larger than that of (2 Kelvin/-271 °C) during the cruise phase www.sw.siemens.com/en-US/.
previous rovers, with much higher heat to Mars. The thermal environment on the
dissipation. This larger heat load on the Mars surface ranges from -135 °C to 50 °C. REFERENCES
1. “Spacecraft design with a digital twin,” Siemens,
rover influenced the need to add a rover The development and performance https://resources.sw.siemens.com/en-US/
heat rejection system. Another difference of Mars rovers are great examples white-paper-spacecraft-design-digital-twin
2. “Heading back to Mars with a thermal control
is that Curiosity’s heat rejection system of how digital technology enables system developed using NX and Simcenter,”
has to operate on the surface of Mars. human ingenuity and the future of Siemens, https://www.plm.automation.siemens.
While the cruise heat rejection system Space 4.0. Curiosity is among five com/global/en/our-story/customers/jpl/15463/
3. Mars Curiosity Rover, NASA, https://
operates in a single mode to remove currently operating rovers on the mars.nasa.gov/msl/home/
waste heat, the rover heat rejection surface of Mars. Fitted with a science 4. “Software is Key for Deep Space Exploration,”
system must perform both heating lab to explore the planet, Curiosity Siemens, July 2019, https://new.siemens.com/
and cooling on the Martian surface. landed inside Gale Crater on August is-key-for-deep-space-exploration.html
The design of the MSL’s thermal control 6, 2012, with a mission to search 5. To boldly go where no digital twin has gone
before, Scott Salzwedel, December 2021,
system involved more than just the areas for past or present conditions https://blogs.sw.siemens.com/thought-
heat rejection system. It included all the favorable for life and conditions leadership/2021/12/16/to-boldly-go-where-
typical thermal control hardware (heaters, capable of preserving a record of life. no-digital-twin-has-gone-before/


Space Industry
ow did we get to the point that four civilians can pilot a craft
into space, orbit the planet, and re-enter the atmosphere
with only a matter of months to train for the journey?
SpaceX, and specifically the Inspiration4 mission,
are an example of how the market forces of higher volumes
of space launches and lower cost of space vehicles resulted in
significantly more automation and sophistication in spacecraft.
New technologies like smaller, lower-cost communications
satellites and reusable launch vehicles mean there can be more


Test Challenges
launches with a higher yield of payloads delivered to orbit.
Those innovations have come about largely due to the
entrance of private companies to the space launch services
industry. With private industry comes the desire to reduce
cost through, once again, reusable launch vehicles, but also
smaller engineering teams, vertical integration, in-house
component design, and more aggressive delivery schedules.
To achieve these goals, space companies are using
computers that can make more automated decisions to


Test Challenges

these electrical and physical scenarios

is to hook up real hardware and
make them happen in a safe, non-
destructive manner. This type of test
is called hardware-in-the-loop (HIL).
Hardware-in-the-loop testing allows
engineers to create any set of single or
multiple controllers, or line-replaceable
units (LRUs) as they are called in much
of the industry, to pass actual signals, or
actual catastrophes, to the embedded
software generated in the digital realm.
In a May 14, 2021 tweet, Elon Musk
responded to a question about end-to-
end integrated avionics and software
testing by saying that “hardware-
in-the-loop testing is essential.”
This means that HIL systems are
generally made up of these components:
• Connectivity, switching, and signal
conditioning: These systems often
depend on the controller or system
under test and can include any
number of mass interconnects,
cables, resistor networks, and more.
These are also the components
that technicians and test operators
spend hundreds of hours adjusting,
reconnecting, disconnecting,
and reconfiguring to account for
different controller configurations
and in-flight scenarios.
• Signal measurement and generation
Figure 1. Space flight avionics have undergone a monumental evolution in the last 50 years. instrumentation: LRUs tend to
have a standard array of signal
control the launch vehicle than have controllers is with digital modeling. types including general purpose
ever been used in space technologies The embedded software of a digital ports, analog sensor input
before. These controllers can now controller can be rendered in the and output, and communications
act on tens of thousands, hundreds digital realm and given simulated busses, while also often having
of thousands, and, maybe soon, inputs to test the outcomes of the unique signaling requirements.
millions of input scenarios to make installed firmware. This method is It’s common that small variations
split second decisions that could called model-in-the-loop testing. in instrumentation are required
only be made by humans in the Model-in-the-loop testing can only from one controller to the next
craft or on the ground before. go so far as testing the software, even on the same vehicle.
The side-effect of all this decision- however. Imagine a life support control • Power supplies and load
making power is the need for test system receiving odd voltage levels management: All controllers and
methods that can simulate millions that it would never expect to receive subsystems have power needs, but,
of scenarios for the computers. To through the avionics communication more importantly, must behave
ensure that the controllers always bus because two cables that shook out as expected when the power they
make the expected decision, they of place are now affecting one another. require is affected by anomalies
must be put into the scenarios in as It could even be that a power surge elsewhere in the vehicle. These
real an environment as possible. has happened elsewhere in the craft tests systems need to include
One way that design engineering and there is now a fluctuation on the sophisticated power distribution,
teams are running these thousands, power rail or a complete disconnection loading, and switching equipment
or millions of scenarios on their on a line. The only way to simulate to simulate these incidents.


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Test Challenges

• Test management software: Each (GPU), and sensor technologies. So, enables a core design to be created
run of a full test script could include imagine the number of subroutines, and readily updated as requirements
thousands, or tens of thousands of signals, and unexpected scenarios change, reducing risk while enabling
separate routines for the equipment each controller has and must account early development of test programs.
and software packages in the test for in the test process to ensure Additionally, choosing an HIL solution
system. Test management software it is ready for flight. Also, imagine that includes significant documentation
orchestrates all this instrumentation changing test inputs and scenarios like well-defined signal paths,
communication and model constantly as the firmware of the standardized system components,
integration to ensure that tests LRU is changing and new signals are and step-by-step software startup
are repeated exactly and executed required as a product of constant instruction will save these teams
completely on every test run. Ideally, change throughout the vehicle. hundreds or even thousands of hours.
this software can also log all test Taking advantage of cutting-edge • Software-defined: There are
outcomes to a remotely accessible technology in controllers makes several levels of programmability
database, manage access and user building test systems that can when it comes to modern test
data for engineers and operators, handle this pace of change difficult. instrumentation. The minimum level
as well as tracking instrumentation Engineering teams that want to of flexibility required is the ability
health data like calibration dates, meet today’s fast-paced schedules, to be controlled and to collect data
firmware versions, and more. lower budgets, and rate of design by way of automated software
• Digital modeling and simulation iteration should be considering test commands. Instruments that give the
software: Perhaps the most systems that are simple to design user access to lower-level functions
critical component of an HIL and deploy, software-defined, and instrument states to change
test system are the real-time modular, and maintainable. the behavior of the instrument
models of the other components, •S
 imple to design and deploy: can allow engineers to solve even
controllers, and subsystems that Engineering teams that are designing more complex measurement
surround the LRU under test in controllers shouldn’t be spending challenges. The ultimate in
the actual deployed system. most of their effort on configuring instrument programmability is
Modern LRUs are largely and deploying the test system used allowing engineers building HIL
reconfigurable and defined by to validate their product. An HIL test systems access to the firmware
software thanks to advanced and system design approach based on of the test instruments to make
affordable field-programmable gate signal-engineering using modular fundamental changes that allow an
array (FPGA), graphics processor hardware and software subsystems instrument to act in a completely

Figure 2. Elon Musk has emphasized the importance of hardware-in-the-loop testing to the success of new technology at SpaceX.


Figure 3. Space flight avionics HIL test systems can be incredibly complex with many different components from different vendors. Simplifying this
system diagram can save engineering teams hundreds or thousands of hours when designing and deploying new test capability.

new way to test a new signal or can be as easy as sliding a new Avionics engineering teams should
technology. One way that modern module into a chassis, connecting minimize the time they spend on test
instruments have achieved this it via standard cables, connectors, to accelerate the pace of innovation
level of customizability is by way of and pinouts, and installing a driver needed to reach the next era of space
FPGAs on board the instruments. with little to no need for additional exploration. Investing in HIL test
• Modular: As new requirements and concern over size, power, or heat. systems that are software-defined,
signals are added to the collection • Maintainable: HIL systems that modular, and simple to design
of inputs and outputs an HIL system comprise commercial-off-the-shelf and deploy will keep technology
must accommodate, teams will often software and hardware components moving forward instead of miring
need to add new instrumentation, are easier to maintain in the long engineering teams in tasks that are
power supplies, loads, or signal run as the maintenance of these not their primary calling. Achieve
conditioning to the system. To components is generally handled an even faster pace of HIL test
maintain budget, mobility, and by the vendor. That is especially deployment by seeking the expertise
schedule, these new capabilities true in the case that vendors offer of organizations that have deployed
must be easy to add to the system long-term service and maintenance standardized test systems for LRUs
without adding significant size, contracts. On top of that, modular across the industry with design
power draw, and heat. Modular systems reduce maintenance by tools that automate configuration
test system platforms abstract the allowing the engineering team to and reduce lead times by months.
power management, displays, and change and upgrade the system This article was written by Ben
cooling systems of the instruments piece by piece. Replacing an end- Robinson, Solutions Marketer;
to minimize the changes a system of-life component could be handled Aerospace, Defense and Government
must undergo to gain new capability. with a single module and driver B.U.; NI (Austin, TX). For more informa-
In the case of some modular using software abstraction to avoid tion, visit http://info.hotims.
platforms, adding a new signal type impact on test execution programs. com/82318-502.


To the Moon and Beyond with Additive Manufacturing

B eginning in 2022, NASA

will place unmanned Orion
spacecraft into lunar orbit, followed
working on chemical, electric, and
nuclear propulsion to support NASA’s
deep space exploration efforts,
become one of the many internal
research and development (IRAD)
projects intended to optimize the
by crewed landings, construction the Artemis project included. systems required for the Artemis
of lunar habitats and supporting According to him, metal AM, when program and other commercial lunar
infrastructure, and ultimately, used in conjunction with advanced projects. In the case of the RCS,
preparation for a visit to Mars. design and simulation software, gives they looked for ways to reduce the
Additive manufacturing (AM), or today’s aerospace engineers “an entire number of engine parts, increase its
3D printing, is one of the technologies buffet of solutions that were completely reliability, and make assembly and
that enables such ambitious plans. unavailable to their predecessors, serviceability easier, all of which
“As with any complex endeavour, providing the unparalleled ability to would decrease project costs while
the more affordable you can make innovate without compromise.” enhancing spacecraft performance.
it, the greater the chance that you One recent example of this is Metal AM checked all these boxes.
will ensure its completion, and a critical subsystem that Apollo They also wanted to take advantage
the Moon is no different,” said engineers knew as a “quad” reaction of rocket fuel advancements. As Horton
James Horton, Aerospace Engineer control system (RCS). The Apollo explained, propulsion engineers had
and Mission Architect at Aerojet RCS included four individual R-4D learned over the years that adding
Rocketdyne. “Metal AM plays a key bipropellant thrusters, originally 25 percent nitric oxide to the fuel
role in achieving these goals.” designed by Marquardt Corp., that used oxidizer mentioned previously —
hypergolic (spontaneously igniting) nitrogen tetroxide — would reduce
Building on a Legacy nitrogen tetroxide and hydrazine its freezing point from −9 °C (16 °F)
Aerojet Rocketdyne has a long as propellants. Every lunar lander to −55 °C (−67 °F). Since this reduces
history in metal AM. The aerospace and service module had four quads, the mass and power consumption
manufacturer has been able to each of which generated more than of the heating systems needed to
successfully design and integrate 100 pounds of thrust to control the prevent frozen fuel lines in space,
3D-printed end-use components for spacecraft’s roll, pitch, and yaw during it presented Aerojet Rocketdyne
a variety of projects, among them flight. Following a series of acquisitions, with a significant opportunity. There
the massive RS-25 engines that will Aerojet Rocketdyne eventually took was just one problem: the MON-
carry the Artemis mission into space. ownership of the R4-D, intending to use 25 fuel just described is unstable, a
Horton has been there for much of what is now called the “reaction control condition that Horton suggested is
it. Since 2008, he has held lead roles system” (RCS) on the future spacecraft. a “bad thing to have in rocketry.”
in rocket engine design, development, Given that the original RCS design
and test flight operations for NASA is more than 60 years old, Horton and Proving the Concept
and the DOD. His advanced propulsion his team recognized an improvement Here again, metal AM was the
team at Aerojet Rocketdyne is currently opportunity and began what would answer, as it allowed the team to print

Apollo SM / LM
RCS R-4D Bi-prop

ISE-100 Bi-prop

(Left and right) Even the first 3D-printed version of the revamped R-4D reaction control system was a huge improvement over its predecessor. (Image:



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special injector geometries that could

burn the fuel in a stable manner. They
soon designed and built a concept
model from the nickel-based superalloy
Inconel 718, but unfortunately, ran into
limitations with their metal 3D printer.
“We had to build the RCS injector
body at a 45-degree angle, due to
overhang concerns, and also add in
a series of large support structures
to prevent thermal warping during
the build process,” Horton said.
“The supports would need to be
machined away afterward, adding
cost to the product, while the
orientation angle created less than nTopology’s implicit modeling function was
desirable surface quality. There was able to quickly “shell and fill” the injector The final version of Aerojet Rocketdyne’s “Mk.
definitely room for improvement.” body’s first design iteration, increasing its II” RCS injector block, shown in its as-built
At the same time, they realized there strength and printability while greatly reducing orientation. (Image: Velo3D)
was room for substantial light­weighting weight. (Image: nTopology)
and topology optimization. Horton Velo3D’s facility. It was there that
noted that they’d eliminated “large blocky structure, leaving consistent the metal AM solution provider gave
chunks” of unnecessary material dur­ wall thicknesses around the complex Horton some good news. Due to the
ing the redesign, but it was far from fluid ports and channels while company’s mastery of 3D-printed
perfect. “Every single pound of material eliminating stress concentration titanium, the RCS injector body would
you can remove from a spacecraft areas. They then filled the resultant weigh much less than its Inconel
saves money on launch costs,” he said. void with a thin lattice structure, counterpart. And as Velo3D technical
“That’s why we turned to nTopology increasing its strength and stiffness sales engineer Gene Miller noted,
for help with optimizing the design, while adding only minimal weight; there would be no need to build it
and then Velo3D to build it for us.” because of its “implicit modelling” at an angle or use the big, blocky
Technicians from New York-based capabilities, nTopology was able to supports as in the first iteration.
engineering and design software cut the quad injector’s mass in half. Aerojet Rocketdyne now has an
company nTopology were quickly The Aerojet Rocketdyne team RCS thruster that is 1/5 the mass,
able to “shell out” the injector body’s sent the optimized part file to 1/2 the size, and 1/3 the cost of
a conventionally manufactured
version. And since it contains far
fewer components, it’s also easier
to assemble, with much less chance
of failure during operation.
“We’ve shown that by leveraging
additive manufacturing and advanced
software technology, we’re able to
interject affordability, reduce lead
times, and greatly improve upon
system performance compared
to the way we built parts in the
past,” said Horton. “Our next step
is to demo this proof of concept,
bringing it into actual field testing
and, hopefully, final qualification.
From there, it’s headed into space.”
This article was contributed by Velo3D
(Campbell, CA). For more information,
The titanium thruster shown here was 3D printed on Velo3D’s Sapphire system. It is lighter, smaller, visit http://info.hotims.com/82322-
and more cost-effective to build. (Image: Velo3D) 123.


Configuring Spacecraft’s On-Board Computing Systems

F or decades, space exploration

remained exclusive to large-scale
international agencies, such as NASA
and ESA. In more recent years, though,
things have changed considerably.
Now numerous commercial enterprises
and academic institutions are
entering this sector, which has led
to the ‘New Space’ phenomenon.
Among the fundamental dynamics
driving this has been access to
more affordable technology and the
emergence of open-source reference
designs. These have helped lower
the engineering barriers to entry,
making it possible for smaller players
to place the equipment they have
designed and created into orbit.
Based in Buckinghamshire, 4Links
plays an essential role in ‘New Space’
development. The company, founded in
2000, provides the engineering know- can be reprogrammed before launch the overall weight of the hardware had
how and consultancy services SMEs or even updated once in flight. An to be kept to an absolute minimum.
need to complete their space projects. I/O carrier board manages all the In addition, the cost-sensitive nature
A recent focus for the 4Links team interfacing. Acting as a gateway, it of most ‘New Space’ projects had
has been to produce a platform for covers communication with the different to be recognized, which means
both software and hardware that would satellite subsystems and the input for that using MIL-SPEC custom-built
make space-bound systems quick, easy, powering the FPGA mezzanine. components in the design would not
and cost-effective to develop. Named The ability to put the mezzanine be feasible. Highly resilient commercial-
Loki, after the Norse god, who was onto carrier boards with different off-the-shelf alternatives had to be
known for being disruptive, the platform I/O configurations makes it much used instead. On top of this, the parts
encourages design re-use without easier to modify the setup as needed. had to be resistant to damage. All
starting each new venture from scratch. The other key advantage of Loki is the components selected needed to
The objective of Loki is to provide that the board is only required to be function for prolonged periods despite
space customers with a fully configurable qualified once and can then be used exposure to extreme temperatures,
processing platform onto which they for multiple configurations. As a result, mechanical shocks, and vibrations.
can build their on-board computers. everything can be ready for launch in How the carrier board would interface
It is designed for satellites using a dramatically shorter time frame. with each of the subsystems presented
the increasingly popular SpaceWire “The carrier/mezzanine approach the 4Links development team with
network infrastructure methodology. makes this platform very appealing to
Based on programmable logic and our customers. It is much more agile,
modular construction, Loki reduces resulting in development progressing
the engineering effort involved, at an accelerated pace,” said Spencer
leading to faster completion times and Saunders, Engineering Director at 4Links.
lower associated overhead costs. “Another benefit for users is that they
Loki consists of an Eurocard format can initially get one board qualified
carrier board with a mezzanine board and then reconfigure others. This
attached. The mezzanine board is qualification avoids the need for costly
responsible for all the fixed functionality re-certification for each new project
aspects, including processing, memory, that they embark upon,” he added.
system management. At the mezzanine’s Engineering Considerations The Loki development platform with the
centre is a high-performance Xilinx As Loki is intended for use in subsystem interfacing area shown on the right.
Kintex UltraScale FPGA device. It satellites and other orbiting hardware, (Image: 4Links)



several additional design challenges

to overcome. Moreover, conforming
to all the requirements previously
outlined, there would be very little room
in which the necessary connectors
could be fit. A high pin density
configuration needed to be specified.

Finding an Effective
Interconnect Solution Harwin’s 1.25-pitch Gecko-SL
Conventional connector solutions, connectors offer high reliability
like Micro-D format, would have too needed for mission-critical
large dimensions for this type of systems. (Image: Harwin)
implementation. As a result, the PCB
would take up valuable room. Also, such interconnection is maintained regardless available, was appreciated. It has meant
connectors are heavier due to metal of heavy shocks (50G/100G) and that we do not have to over-specify, as
housings, so another option was needed. vibrations (20G). Gecko-SL connectors connectors with the required number of
Harwin and 4Links started discussions have a temperature range from -65 °C pins can be assigned to each function,
about Loki a little over a year ago. to +150 °C. In addition, they also exhibit without pins being left unused and
After extensive testing on samples, the impressive outgassing properties. space being taken up unnecessarily.”
decision was taken that the Gecko- Gecko-SL connectors come in a wide According to Sanders, the quality of
SL connectors would be an excellent variety of pin count options. It was also the products and the technical backup
choice for the I/O carrier board and all significant for the Loki platform, giving received from Harwin, have been pivotal
its subsystem interfacing capabilities. 4Links’ technical staff greater flexibility in getting the Loki platform to market.
Harwin’s 1.25-pitch Gecko-SL in connection combinations they could The platform is already forming the basis
connectors have clear advantages over successfully fit into the avail- able area on of the on-board computing systems
specifying standard Micro-D components, the carrier board. As a result, very little of numerous LEO satellite missions
being significantly lighter and compact. space would be occupied by unused pins. used in weather monitoring, Earth
As with all parts of the Gecko family, “Harwin’s Gecko-SL offered the high observation, and space debris removal.
they offer the extremely high reliability pin density we needed, in a far better This article was contributed by Andy
needed for mission-critical systems. way than we could get from competing Brayford, Business Development
The screw locking mechanism allows solutions, with only minimal board area Manager, Northern Europe, Harwin
retention even when subject to intense needing to be allocated,” said Saunders. (Portsmouth, UK). For more informa-
torsion forces. The 4-finger Beryllium “Also, the greater pin count versatility, tion, visit http://info.hotims.
Copper contact design ensures that through all the different versions com/82321-123.

Measuring Aggressive Launch Loads on Spacecraft

W hat began as a research tool

to collect aerodynamic data
from research aircraft is now solving
measuring liquid fuel levels, as well
as monitoring strain on spacecraft.
FOSS uses up to a 40-foot, hair-
collects and transmits data, and
the technology’s easy-to-integrate
elements now complement and add
technical challenges within the agency like optical fiber that provides up color to existing instrumentation.
and beyond. NASA’s Fiber Optic to 2,000 data points each. The FOSS enables researchers to
Sensing System (FOSS) technology state-of-the-art system processes verify finite element models to a
combines advanced strain sensors information every quarter inch high degree of spatial resolution. It
and innovative algorithms into a along the fiber at rates up to 100 also allows researchers to identify
robust package that accurately and times per second to measure strain, unexpected phenomena in cases
cost-effectively monitors a host of shape deformation, temperature, where a model is not completely
critical parameters in real time. It liquid level, and operational loads. accurate or does not contain enough
is being widely used throughout Through the years, the FOSS degrees of specificity. The system
NASA to support research projects team has optimized the technology enables both validation and discovery,
as varied as investigating next- to refine the infrastructure and making the entire research process
generation flexible wings and speed with which the system more effective and efficient.


Commercial rocket providers are
using FOSS in their laboratories and
companies in a variety of industries
are exploring how FOSS can improve
their operations. The FOSS team
continues to refine algorithms to
support additional applications, with
the goal of adding FOSS to the suite of
instrumentation on NASA aircraft, as
well as other assets across the agency.
Armstrong and NASA’s Kennedy Space
Center researchers have collaborated for
years to ruggedize the FOSS so it can be
used to measure aggressive launch loads
on spacecraft. Further collaborations
with industry partners have resulted in
durable instrumentation and Armstrong
researchers are now readying a new
combination of mechanical enclosure
and instrumentation for launch within
the next year on several rocket launches.
The goal is for this “rocket box” to fly on
Vulcan Centaur, United Launch Alliance’s next-generation American rocket, lifts off in this artist’s
NASA’s Low-Earth Orbit Flight Test of an rendering. (Image: United Launch Alliance)
Inflatable Decelerator and United Launch
Alliance’s Vulcan rocket, as well as with launch conditions. Next steps are to provide critical parameter measures
other commercial launch providers. complete electrical testing in preparation (e.g., strain, load, temperature, shape)
The FOSS team has assembled five for shipment to NASA’s Langley Research in aggressive launch environments.
rocket boxes and completed early-stage Center for final environmental testing. For more information, visit
environmental testing to simulate rocket The goal is to validate that FOSS can http://info.hotims. com/82319-123

Eliminating Vibration Emissions Aboard Satellites

I n the field of space technology,

Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de
Microtechnique (CSEM) has been a
of their joint research is eliminating
vibration emissions originating from
components aboard satellites. In
micro-vibrations lead to higher
energy consumption and (in the
case of imaging missions) cause
partner of the European Space Agency addition to limiting the precision of deterioration of image quality.
(ESA) for many years. One focus attitude control for satellites, these There are different ways to counter
unwanted vibrations either at the
source or the payload. As part of its
exploration of different approaches,
CSEM currently has several projects
focusing on numerical models, active-
passive mitigation, and algorithm-
based notching. In one of these
projects, CSEM and its partners are
working with an innovative technology
based on magnetic levitation.
“With support from Kistler
measurement technology, we examined
a reaction wheel prototype with a
magnetic bearing,” said Leopoldo
Advanced satellite testing focuses on preventing micro-vibrations caused by onboard actuators Rossini, who heads the micro-
which could, for example, reduce the quality of camera images. (Image: Kistler) vibration facility at CSEM. “This



Leopoldo Rossini (left) and Guzmán Borque

Gallego, the two scientists from CSEM in Neuchâtel,
with the multi-component dynamometer and a
complete measuring chain from Kistler for space
technology testing. (Image: Kistler) The 5080A multichannel laboratory charge amplifier from Kistler delivers high signal quality over a
wide measuring range, making it ideal for complex dynamometer applications. (Image: Kistler)
technology from Celeroton, a Swiss
company, offers many advantages measurements, the effect of the control
such as no friction, a virtually infinite algorithm can be clearly identified.
lifetime, the possibility of actively Although the researchers initially
suppressing unwanted vibrations intended to use the modern LabAmp
by control, and the opportunity 5167A with a digital output, they
to achieve higher performance at finally opted for the 5080A charge
higher speeds,” Rossini added. amplifier from Kistler, which allows
The CSEM engineers use a measuring even more accurate measurements
chain from Kistler to examine the and has higher real-time capability
vibrations of the reaction wheel due to analog signal transmission.
prototype. The custom dynamometer At the CSEM facility in Neuchâtel, a magnetic “We’re pleased to have new
comprises four three-component bearing reaction wheel is tested on a highly Kistler technology here, because our
force sensors sandwich-mounted sensitive, custom multi-component dynamometer partners at ESA and in Germany also
between two steel plates — a design from Kistler that includes four piezoelectric force use it for qualification purposes,”
that achieves maximum mechanical sensors. (Image: Kistler) Rossini added. “This equipment is
stiffness. This measuring instrument is very robust and did not break down
mounted on a granite block suspended according to Guzmán Borque Gallego, even when stressed beyond the given
over four pneumatic isolators so an R&D Engineer at CSEM. “It leaves constraints. Now that it has proven its
that environmental influences are us almost free to position the rotor abilities, we will definitely use it for
eliminated as far as possible. in such a way that the vibrations are future projects in the field of vibration
Because the micro-vibrations occur minimized — for instance, by letting characterization — where we already
in the millinewton range, a highly the rotor rotate about its main axis of operate accelerometers from Kistler.”
sensitive measuring chain with very low inertia to suppress any vibration related “The advantages of magnetic
noise is required. Actuators such as a to the rotor unbalance, which reduces bearing reaction wheels are obvious:
stepper motor and a cryo-cooler can these emissions to near zero,” he said. they can generate far lower vibrations
be placed on the instrumentation table “The equipment from Kistler and rotate faster than conventional
to perform the desired measurements. is ideal, and it provided us with wheels — which means improved
For the magnetically levitated results of very high quality,” Borque performance as well as reduced
reaction wheel prototype, a speed Gallego said. “We’re measuring size and weight. And thanks to the
range of –20,000 to 20,000 rpm rather small forces in the millinewton absence of friction, there is no wear
was covered. This allowed full range — but even in micronewtons, and the wheel’s lifetime is virtually
characterization of the effectiveness we can still see differences. This unlimited,” Borque Gallego said. “This
of a multiple-harmonic force rejection allows comfortable judgment of is a fascinating project, and we hope
algorithm capable of suppressing all the measurements, leading to to move ahead to the next steps:
the main vibrations generated during high-quality data in the process.” practical use, testing, and maybe even
operation. “The lack of physical contact Data acquisition is handled by validation together with our partners.”
due to magnetic levitation opens up a rapid prototyping system at 20 For Free Info Visit http://info.
some very interesting opportunities,” kHz and thanks to the accurate hotims.com/82320-123


Modular Artificial-Gravity Orbital Refinery Spacecraft
A new approach to space mining and in-situ resource utilization.
Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

T he Modular Artificial-Gravity Orbital

Refinery Spacecraft (MAGORS) is a
technology from NASA Ames Research
(undocks as needed)

Refinery Ring 2
Storage Ring Segment Segment
Center for in-situ refining or recycling (rotates as needed to zero
total angular momentum)
(rotates counter-clockwise)

of materials in space, including mass

from asteroids, Mars moons, orbiting Refinery Ring 1
“space junk” debris, and for in-situ Excavator Segment (rotates counter-clockwise)
(with legs for anchoring)
creation of products from operations
in low or microgravity environments.
There has been considerable
interest in the exploration and mining Asteroid surface

of asteroids with spacecraft as well

Subsurface Boring
as mitigating the growing threat of Element
(creates tunnel as it
space debris. Refining operations, excavates material
transported to Excavator)
such as centrifugal refining processes,
introduce challenges for operating
in space that are not relevant on An illustration of the MAGORS system overview deployed on an asteroid surface. (Image: NASA)
Earth, including the need for gravity
to refine operations to function the rotating rings are combined on the well as products too large to launch from
properly. This technology provides spacecraft platform, however, they have Earth, such as construction of orbiting
an effective and efficient approach to a net near-zero angular momentum space habitats, large spacecraft, solar-
address these needs and challenges. such that the spacecraft can change power stations, and observatories.
The spacecraft is coupled with its attitude with minimal propellant NASA is actively seeking licensees to
refining modules for refining and or rotate at the rate of the object the commercialize this technology. Please
recycling different types of materials. spacecraft platform is attached to. contact NASA’s Licensing Concierge at
It generates artificial gravity for The spacecraft platform can self- Agency-Patent-Licensing@mail.nasa.gov
operation in low-gravity environments. balance to accommodate different sized or call at 202-358-7432 to initiate licens-
The spacecraft is comprised of modules and modules with moving ing discussions. For more information,
rotating rings, each generating artificial loads. The refined and recycled materials visit https://technology. nasa.gov/
gravity and angular momentum. When can be used to create products in-situas patent/TOP2-299.

Propulsion System for Hypersonic Flight

The system could allow for flight speeds of Mach 6 to 17 and would have applications in air
and space travel.
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL

R esearchers developed a propulsion

system that could pave the way
for hypersonic flight, such as travel
for hypersonic and supersonic flight
that would allow flight through the
atmosphere at very high speeds and
more than 4,600 to 13,000 miles per
hour. The technology harnesses the
power of an oblique detonation wave
from New York to Los Angeles in less also allow efficient entry and exit from that was formed using an angled ramp
than 30 minutes. They developed planetary atmospheres. Stabilizing a inside the reaction chamber to create
a way to stabilize the detonation detonation — the most powerful form of a detonation-inducing shock wave for
needed for hypersonic propulsion intense reaction and energy release — propulsion. Unlike rotating detonation
by creating a special hypersonic has the po­tential to advance hypersonic waves that spin, oblique detonation
reaction chamber for jet engines. propulsion and energy systems. waves are stationary and stabilized.
There is an intensifying effort to The system could allow for air travel The technology improves jet propulsion
develop robust propulsion systems at speeds of Mach 6 to 17, which is engine efficiency so that more power



is generated while using less fuel than due to the chemical propellants used to study and impractical for use. The
traditional propulsion engines, thus or the ways they were mixed. Previous researchers, however, were able to
lightening the fuel load and reducing work by the research team overcame sustain the duration of a detonation
costs and emissions. In addition to this problem by carefully balancing wave for three seconds by creating
faster air travel, the technology could the rate of the propellants hydrogen a new hypersonic reaction chamber,
also be used in rockets for space and oxygen released into the engine known as a hypersonic high-enthalpy
missions, making them lighter, travel to create the first experimental reaction (HyperREACT) facility. The
farther, and burn more cleanly. evidence of a rotating detonation. facility contains a chamber with
Detonation propulsion systems The short duration of the detonation, a 30-degree-angle ramp near the
have been studied for more than half often occurring for only microseconds propellent mixing chamber that
a century but had not been successful or milliseconds, makes them difficult stabilizes the oblique detonation wave.
Next steps for the research are
the addition of new diagnostics and
measurement tools to gain a deeper
understanding of the phenomena.
The team will continue exploring
more experimental configurations to
determine in more detail the criteria
with which an oblique detonation
wave can be stabilized. If successful in
advancing this technology, detonation-
based hypersonic propulsion could be
implemented into human atmospheric
and space travel in the coming decades.
For more information, contact
A conceptual hypersonic aircraft powered by an oblique detonation wave engine. (Image: Rachel Williams at Rachel.Williams@
Background image courtesy of NASA; aircraft and composite image by Daniel Rosato, UCF) ucf.edu; 321-443-3284.

Power Processing Unit for Small Spacecraft Electric Propulsion

This scalable power processing unit (PPU) is for use with low-power Hall effect thrusters.
John H. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH

I nnovators at NASA Glenn developed

a suite of small spacecraft electric
propulsion (SSEP) technologies
critical to enabling new, ambitious
missions into deep space. Advanced
SSEP technologies are based on the
use of exceptionally fuel-efficient
electrostatic Hall effect thrusters with
optimized magnetic shielding, achieving
massive reductions in propellant
mass relative to traditional chemical
propulsion systems. The low-power,
high-throughput SSEP technology
dramatically increases the capabilities
of small spacecraft while maximizing
reliability and reducing launch costs.
The PPU conditions and supplies
power to the thruster and propellant
flow control (PFC) components. It The PPU can be used for small satellite constellations, spacecraft servicing, and missions beyond
operates from an input voltage of 24 to low earth orbit/geosynchronous equatorial orbit. (Image: NASA)


34 VDC to be compatible with typical PPU and must process high voltage to voltage and current regulation controls
small spacecraft with 28 V unregulated accelerate thrust-generating plasma. allow for any of the common thruster
power systems. The PPU provides fault Each discharge power module in this startup modes (hard, soft, or glow).
protection to protect the PPU, thruster, PPU design is capable of processing NASA is actively seeking licensees to
PFC components, and spacecraft. It up to 500 W of power and output up commercialize this technology. Please con-
is scalable to accommodate various to 400 VDC. A full-bridge topology tact NASA’s Licensing Concierge at
power and operational requirements operating at switching frequency of Agency-Patent-Licensing@mail.nasa.gov
of low-power Hall effect thrusters. 50 kHz is used with a lightweight foil or call at 202-358-7432 to initiate licensing
An important subsystem of a PPU is transformer. Two or more modules discussions. For more information, vis-
the discharge supply, which processes can operate in parallel to scale up the it https://technology.nasa.gov/patent/
up to 95 percent of the power in the discharge power as required. Output LEW-TOPS-157.

Simulations Provide Understanding of Spacecraft Landing Dynamics

The simulations provide insight on the models needed to simulate a full-scale landing event.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

F uture spacecraft bound for the

Moon or beyond will benefit from
high-powered computer simulations
based on data that is, in some cases,
40 to 50 years old. Much of the
available data used in the design
The team is developing physics-
based models that can be incorporated
into codes used by NASA to help
that model the particulate mayhem stage, including for the Mars 2020 predict what will happen when a
set in motion by rocket thruster- mission, is based on Apollo-era data. spacecraft attempts to land millions
powered landings. During descent, Landing-relevant data is very of miles from home. These include
exhaust plumes fluidize surface difficult to generate because such “messy turbulent flows” and simulating
soil and dust, forming craters and an ex­periment cannot be run on the behavior of fluids made of two
buffeting the lander with coarse, Earth. Existing mathematical models phases of matter — in this case,
abrasive particles. This action presents break down in these more extreme solid particles suspended in a gas.
a host of variables that can jeopardize conditions when particles approach Apollo-era landings showed that
a landing. A current understanding supersonic speeds. The new numerical disturbed surface material can spread
of those millions of interactions is algorithms enable such simulations. up to half a mile, posing hazards not
only to the lander itself, but also for
neighboring vehicles or landing sites.
Despite ad­vances made in the years
since, landings remain fraught with
potential hazards. Eight years ago,
a wind sensor on the Curiosity rover
was damaged during its Mars landing.
As NASA moves toward new crewed
missions under the Artemis Program,
this work becomes more vital. Not
only do humans onboard raise the
stakes, they mean larger payloads and
subsequently, stronger exhaust plumes
interacting with the planet’s surface.
The team uses models — best guesses
based on all available data — to provide
a framework NASA can use to better
predict how different designs will impact
the ground and the landing and adjust.
Watch the simulation on Tech Briefs
TV at www.techbriefs.com/tv/mars-land-
Simulation showing shock waves (black/white) and wakes (color) past solid particles in a fluid flow. ing. For more information, contact Jim
(Image: Capecelatro Research Group, Michigan Engineering) Lynch at lynchja@umich.edu.


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