2207 Space Technology
2207 Space Technology
2207 Space Technology
JULY 2022
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18 T
o the Moon and Beyond with Additive ON THE COVER
Manufacturing A fully configurable processing platform
designed for satellites enables
development of on-board computers.
21 Configuring Spacecraft’s On-Board Based on programmable logic and
modular construction, the platform
Computing Systems reduces the engineering effort involved,
leading to faster completion times and
lower associated overhead costs. Learn
22 Measuring Aggressive Launch Loads on more about the technology on page 21.
(Image: Harwin)
23 E
liminating Vibration Emissions
Aboard Satellites
n aerospace and defense, applications of space (-455 °wF / -270.6 °C), can bulky clothing. If possible, eliminate
rely on mission-critical components cause materials to become brittle or electrical power sources by relying on
to ensure proper functioning in render them inoperable. Moveable mechanically operated substitutions.
extreme environments. In the components become stiff, batteries When batteries must be used, ensure
many instances in this field where slow down or shut off, and temperature- they are fully insulated from the cold
“mission-critical” means that lives based components become unable or temperature regulated by ambient
depend on successful operation, harsh to reach their operating range. heat or an included heat source. For
conditions present certain development While the conditions of space are heat influenced devices, keep vital
challenges that engineers must be certainly more extreme than Earth- components heated within an active
aware of and factor into their designs. based environments, the same design range to ensure operation during
principles apply to an extent. thermal variation. For elastic materials
Extreme Cold For devices that are handled (such as the ubiquitous O-ring), select
Extremely cold environments, ranging by humans, you should design materials with the widest temperature
from arctic at the Earth’s poles (-90.4 °F / buttons that are larger and easier range, such as fluorosilicone, that are
-68 °C) to cryogenic in the vacuum to move, even when hampered by compatible with the environment.
Dima Zel/Shutterstock.com
HAT/FP thermostatic
drain valve.
Rough Handling
Extreme environmental conditions
extend to user interaction with
products. While a design may function
perfectly in prototyping and factory
Thermostatic valve design QA conditions, full functionality relies
for deep sea buoy release. on successful operation during normal
and intended daily use. Engineers
sunken to the sea floor along with operating in an explosion-risk area. should expect and prepare the
the instrumentation pod. Once sonar In that case, the interior of the device products they design to withstand
testing was completed, a nearby ship must either be fully insulated to prevent the factors of its daily use including
released an ultrasonic activation signal, sparks or the electrical energy inside of compressive forces, abrasions,
triggering a battery pack to apply it capped so that the device is incapable vibration, thermal variation, humidity,
power to a PTC resistive foil heater, of releasing enough energy to generate potentially corrosive liquids, and more.
heating up a thermostatic actuator a spark. However, these contingencies While accounting for every
which quickly modulated to release can be difficult to achieve due to the potential real-life interaction is
a latch, thus sending the buoy to the heavy costs of the former and the virtually impossible, engineers can
surface where it could be retrieved. By engineering challenge of the latter. plan ahead. Rugged designs should
designing the buoy release mechanism To eliminate spark risks and avoid have thick walls, reinforced bosses, be
around a heat-activated thermostatic the design challenges above, non- made of tough materials (either thick
actuator triggered by a remote signal, electrical products may be selected plastics or metal), use appropriate
the need for additional electronic in place of electrical devices. seals, and avoid adhesives that are
components was eliminated. There These devices should be entirely prone to failing over time — choose
was no need for large batteries to mechanical and not draw on any form sturdier screws, bolts, and ties
retrieve the pod that could have died of power to operate effectively. instead whenever possible. Take extra
before activation, leaving the pod In many environments and time prototyping to treat a product
to be lost to the depths of the sea. processes, thermostatic actuator roughly, recreating potentially trying
For designers with similar deep-sea technology can be used in place of environments to test for weak points
devices, attempts should be made electrically controlled devices. These that can be engineered out or around
to minimize the use of substantially actuators monitor and respond to to ensure a product that can keep up.
sized and continuously switched-on temperature variations and operate Extreme conditions require extreme
battery packs that may die before 100% mechanically. As heat rises, creativity on the part of design
activation, as well as overcomplicated the actuator expands, acting on a engineers, making sure to account for
circuitry that could fail due to piston and producing precise and unusual factors found in the depths
defects or the entrance of liquids. repeatable movement. As heat falls, of the sea or the upper reaches of
the actuator contracts, closing the our atmosphere and beyond. While
Explosive Atmospheres valve again. Thermostatic technology no designer can account for every
Industrial environments, especially does not rely on electricity to function possible future their products may
oil and gas manufacturing facilities, and thus is incapable of producing encounter, by factoring in and planning
often have gas levels that pose an a spark, making it the ideal solution for common hazards associated
explosion hazard and make operating for explosive environments. with certain operating ranges and
electrical devices an inherent risk. This is particularly relevant to situations, they can give their systems
For products that must function in emergency safety shower and face/ a best shot for successfully operating
these temperamental environments, eyewash stations in manufacturing under mission-critical conditions.
designers must either ensure they are facilities that can rely on pressure This article was written by Anna
fully insulated from sparks or remove activation when delivering tepid water Johnson, Marketing Content Manager,
the electrical components entirely. supply to point of use fixtures and ThermOmegaTech (Warminster, PA). For
Suppose a product must have an use only a facility’s existing steam more information, visit http://info.
electrical component inside of it while and cold-water supply to produce hotims.com/82322-500.
he evolution of Space 4.0 changed the playing field Innovative companies like Astra Space with leaders
of space exploration from early seeds planted with like Kemp are responding to evolving dynamics in
the Communications Satellite Act of 1962, through the space value chain in our data-driven economy.
deregulation with the Commercial Space Launch Act Instead of an upstream push of applications where
of 1984, to the first successful launch of the SpaceX Falcon 1 downstream markets follow, ground-based applications
system on May 6, 2002. Instead of existing as an expensive require the development of additional space systems
geopolitical instrument, space exploration is transitioning in response to a downstream pull of services.
into an economic activity driven by technical innovation, When tech entrepreneurs enter the space industry, it is
competition, and human ingenuity. The space industry is not just because they can. It is also because they see value
experiencing accelerated privatization, dropping launch in extending their scope vertically up the value chain. New
prices and movement toward a demand-driven economy. business models can lower the entry barrier, like ground
As people, businesses and governments compete for segment as a service (GSaaS), in which activities that require
superiority in space, the race for the planets is in a different lots of expertise, resources, and infrastructure are shared.
geopolitical context. Many relatively new players and private We Are on the Cusp of the Democratization of Space
companies are taking part, although a sizeable portion of The accelerated privatization that catalyzed Space
space activity is still related to defense. Moreover, institutional 4.0 changed the entire space industry landscape in a
actors have an ongoing role in defining, updating, and brief time. Space exploration has been invigorated with
implementing space policies that foster economic growth entrepreneurial energy, revitalizing public interest and
and manage challenges associated with the sustainability of investment. This movement opened opportunities for new
the space environment and interconnectedness with Earth. applications and ambitions — bringing celebrity status to
business personalities like Elon Musk, Richard Branson,
Digital Technology is Fueling Emerging and Jeff Bezos as space pioneers like Yuri Gagarin,
Space Economy John Glenn, and Neil Armstrong were once revered.
Several Space 4.0 entrepreneurs have a foundation The arrival of imaginative yet profit-minded private
in the tech industry. Companies with experience organizations brought a shift in approach to reusable,
combining multiple digital technologies such as cloud, efficient launch methods and changing engineering priorities.
artificial intelligence, additive manufacturing, and For example, SpaceX provided launch price transparency
blockchain can leverage this expertise as a competitive — a game-changer in the industry. Price per launch has
advantage to foster more scalable and innovative been on a downward trajectory since, from $200 million to
business models with customer-oriented approaches. $60 million, and projected to drop as low as $5 million.
For example, Astra Space is a startup founded by In addition to ongoing privatization, public spending
Chris Kemp, a computer scientist with a background on space programs has been growing globally. The
in e-commerce and open-source software for significant wider societal and economic impacts of the
cloud computing and IT. This company aims to space sector justify this spending. For example, satellite
capitalize on the expected trend of launching smaller data and services will play a crucial role in reaching the
payloads, such as compact satellites, into space. goals set in the EU Green deal, a set of policy initiatives
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New Space Economy
products and services. One of the many upon past successes while driving toward Curiosity, onto the surface of Mars.
advantages of digitalization to future new destinations. In these efforts to JPL put together a technology
space missions is data management develop new and different products and infrastructure aimed at meeting more
within an integrated environment processes, engineers routinely require aggressive schedules and leaner budgets
where stakeholders have the exact the ability to test the untestable while it had started to experience. A key
information they need precisely when maintaining regulatory compliance. Of element was establishing seamless
they need it. These technologies course, any space-bound system must software interfaces from conceptual
help companies use data to generate meet a stringent qualification process. design through manufacturing
valuable insights, improve decision- While physical testing plays a crucial role, to minimize transcription errors,
making and reduce development, the combination of simulation and test manual processes, and interpolations
manufacturing, and maintenance costs. can de-risk and accelerate that process. between meshes. Minimizing errors
The value of this integration becomes Digitalization is fueling innovation in and rework was critical to maintaining
clear when you consider the fate of the space through advanced data integration, design and fabrication schedules.
1998 Mars Climate Orbiter. Due to a digital twin simulations, and the ability To address such issues, JPL
navigation error, the spacecraft was lost to model dynamic complexity. As space implemented software from Siemens
on arrival, presumed destroyed in the organizations continue to push the Digital Industries Software as an end-
planet’s atmosphere. An investigation limits of what is known and possible, to-end mechanical design platform.
attributed the failure — at the cost of managed, connected data for all With NX and Simcenter 3D, JPL had
$327.6 million — to a measurement program stakeholders makes innovation a fully integrated computer-aided
mismatch; NASA used metric units, possible — reducing time, cost, and risk design, engineering, and manufacturing
while spacecraft builder Lockheed with digital simulation technology. system (CAD-CAE-CAM). This is
Martin used imperial units. Proper Seamless, multi-disciplinary the system JPL used to develop the
data management in an integrated integration between design, analysis, mechanical portions of the MSL,
digital environment can prevent this and manufacturing enabled the including the thermal control system.
costly outcome for future missions. Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to Curiosity isn’t the first or last rover
Program developers are still meet the thermal challenges posed JPL has sent to Mars. Previous rovers,
experimenting and innovating to build by the Mars Science Laboratory, the Spirit and Opportunity were sent to
safer, more efficient means of improving mission to put a mobile laboratory explore regions on opposite sides of
that planet. While the experience with thermostats, thermal control coatings, Curiosity’s social media presence
those rovers undoubtedly played a and thermal blankets) that maintain the and NASA’s website provide engaging
role in the development of the MSL’s payload and the spacecraft subsystems ways to keep the public informed of
thermal control system, there were within their allowable temperature new developments and discoveries
major differences in this project that requirements, for all operating modes through images and data. This high
posed many new challenges. and in the wide range of thermal level of visibility on another planet
Curiosity’s power generator, the Multi- conditions the MSL will experience is sure to inspire the next generation
Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric throughout the mission lifetime. of exploration and innovation.
Generator (MMRTG), is constantly The highest temperature that This article is written by Thierry
generating a substantial amount of heat, portions of the MSL flight system Olbrechts, Director, Simcenter
so JPL had to add more capability to the would experience was estimated to Aerospace Industry Solutions, Siemens
heat rejection system to accommodate be 1,447 °C during entry into the Mars Digital Industries Software (Plano,
it during the cruise phase. Also, this atmosphere. The coldest was deep space TX). For more information, visit
rover’s payload is larger than that of (2 Kelvin/-271 °C) during the cruise phase www.sw.siemens.com/en-US/.
previous rovers, with much higher heat to Mars. The thermal environment on the
dissipation. This larger heat load on the Mars surface ranges from -135 °C to 50 °C. REFERENCES
1. “Spacecraft design with a digital twin,” Siemens,
rover influenced the need to add a rover The development and performance https://resources.sw.siemens.com/en-US/
heat rejection system. Another difference of Mars rovers are great examples white-paper-spacecraft-design-digital-twin
2. “Heading back to Mars with a thermal control
is that Curiosity’s heat rejection system of how digital technology enables system developed using NX and Simcenter,”
has to operate on the surface of Mars. human ingenuity and the future of Siemens, https://www.plm.automation.siemens.
While the cruise heat rejection system Space 4.0. Curiosity is among five com/global/en/our-story/customers/jpl/15463/
3. Mars Curiosity Rover, NASA, https://
operates in a single mode to remove currently operating rovers on the mars.nasa.gov/msl/home/
waste heat, the rover heat rejection surface of Mars. Fitted with a science 4. “Software is Key for Deep Space Exploration,”
system must perform both heating lab to explore the planet, Curiosity Siemens, July 2019, https://new.siemens.com/
and cooling on the Martian surface. landed inside Gale Crater on August is-key-for-deep-space-exploration.html
The design of the MSL’s thermal control 6, 2012, with a mission to search 5. To boldly go where no digital twin has gone
before, Scott Salzwedel, December 2021,
system involved more than just the areas for past or present conditions https://blogs.sw.siemens.com/thought-
heat rejection system. It included all the favorable for life and conditions leadership/2021/12/16/to-boldly-go-where-
typical thermal control hardware (heaters, capable of preserving a record of life. no-digital-twin-has-gone-before/
• Test management software: Each (GPU), and sensor technologies. So, enables a core design to be created
run of a full test script could include imagine the number of subroutines, and readily updated as requirements
thousands, or tens of thousands of signals, and unexpected scenarios change, reducing risk while enabling
separate routines for the equipment each controller has and must account early development of test programs.
and software packages in the test for in the test process to ensure Additionally, choosing an HIL solution
system. Test management software it is ready for flight. Also, imagine that includes significant documentation
orchestrates all this instrumentation changing test inputs and scenarios like well-defined signal paths,
communication and model constantly as the firmware of the standardized system components,
integration to ensure that tests LRU is changing and new signals are and step-by-step software startup
are repeated exactly and executed required as a product of constant instruction will save these teams
completely on every test run. Ideally, change throughout the vehicle. hundreds or even thousands of hours.
this software can also log all test Taking advantage of cutting-edge • Software-defined: There are
outcomes to a remotely accessible technology in controllers makes several levels of programmability
database, manage access and user building test systems that can when it comes to modern test
data for engineers and operators, handle this pace of change difficult. instrumentation. The minimum level
as well as tracking instrumentation Engineering teams that want to of flexibility required is the ability
health data like calibration dates, meet today’s fast-paced schedules, to be controlled and to collect data
firmware versions, and more. lower budgets, and rate of design by way of automated software
• Digital modeling and simulation iteration should be considering test commands. Instruments that give the
software: Perhaps the most systems that are simple to design user access to lower-level functions
critical component of an HIL and deploy, software-defined, and instrument states to change
test system are the real-time modular, and maintainable. the behavior of the instrument
models of the other components, •S
imple to design and deploy: can allow engineers to solve even
controllers, and subsystems that Engineering teams that are designing more complex measurement
surround the LRU under test in controllers shouldn’t be spending challenges. The ultimate in
the actual deployed system. most of their effort on configuring instrument programmability is
Modern LRUs are largely and deploying the test system used allowing engineers building HIL
reconfigurable and defined by to validate their product. An HIL test systems access to the firmware
software thanks to advanced and system design approach based on of the test instruments to make
affordable field-programmable gate signal-engineering using modular fundamental changes that allow an
array (FPGA), graphics processor hardware and software subsystems instrument to act in a completely
Figure 2. Elon Musk has emphasized the importance of hardware-in-the-loop testing to the success of new technology at SpaceX.
new way to test a new signal or can be as easy as sliding a new Avionics engineering teams should
technology. One way that modern module into a chassis, connecting minimize the time they spend on test
instruments have achieved this it via standard cables, connectors, to accelerate the pace of innovation
level of customizability is by way of and pinouts, and installing a driver needed to reach the next era of space
FPGAs on board the instruments. with little to no need for additional exploration. Investing in HIL test
• Modular: As new requirements and concern over size, power, or heat. systems that are software-defined,
signals are added to the collection • Maintainable: HIL systems that modular, and simple to design
of inputs and outputs an HIL system comprise commercial-off-the-shelf and deploy will keep technology
must accommodate, teams will often software and hardware components moving forward instead of miring
need to add new instrumentation, are easier to maintain in the long engineering teams in tasks that are
power supplies, loads, or signal run as the maintenance of these not their primary calling. Achieve
conditioning to the system. To components is generally handled an even faster pace of HIL test
maintain budget, mobility, and by the vendor. That is especially deployment by seeking the expertise
schedule, these new capabilities true in the case that vendors offer of organizations that have deployed
must be easy to add to the system long-term service and maintenance standardized test systems for LRUs
without adding significant size, contracts. On top of that, modular across the industry with design
power draw, and heat. Modular systems reduce maintenance by tools that automate configuration
test system platforms abstract the allowing the engineering team to and reduce lead times by months.
power management, displays, and change and upgrade the system This article was written by Ben
cooling systems of the instruments piece by piece. Replacing an end- Robinson, Solutions Marketer;
to minimize the changes a system of-life component could be handled Aerospace, Defense and Government
must undergo to gain new capability. with a single module and driver B.U.; NI (Austin, TX). For more informa-
In the case of some modular using software abstraction to avoid tion, visit http://info.hotims.
platforms, adding a new signal type impact on test execution programs. com/82318-502.
Apollo SM / LM
RCS R-4D Bi-prop
ISE-100 Bi-prop
(Left and right) Even the first 3D-printed version of the revamped R-4D reaction control system was a huge improvement over its predecessor. (Image:
Find out what increased automation and digitalization can do for you.
Finding an Effective
Interconnect Solution Harwin’s 1.25-pitch Gecko-SL
Conventional connector solutions, connectors offer high reliability
like Micro-D format, would have too needed for mission-critical
large dimensions for this type of systems. (Image: Harwin)
implementation. As a result, the PCB
would take up valuable room. Also, such interconnection is maintained regardless available, was appreciated. It has meant
connectors are heavier due to metal of heavy shocks (50G/100G) and that we do not have to over-specify, as
housings, so another option was needed. vibrations (20G). Gecko-SL connectors connectors with the required number of
Harwin and 4Links started discussions have a temperature range from -65 °C pins can be assigned to each function,
about Loki a little over a year ago. to +150 °C. In addition, they also exhibit without pins being left unused and
After extensive testing on samples, the impressive outgassing properties. space being taken up unnecessarily.”
decision was taken that the Gecko- Gecko-SL connectors come in a wide According to Sanders, the quality of
SL connectors would be an excellent variety of pin count options. It was also the products and the technical backup
choice for the I/O carrier board and all significant for the Loki platform, giving received from Harwin, have been pivotal
its subsystem interfacing capabilities. 4Links’ technical staff greater flexibility in getting the Loki platform to market.
Harwin’s 1.25-pitch Gecko-SL in connection combinations they could The platform is already forming the basis
connectors have clear advantages over successfully fit into the avail- able area on of the on-board computing systems
specifying standard Micro-D components, the carrier board. As a result, very little of numerous LEO satellite missions
being significantly lighter and compact. space would be occupied by unused pins. used in weather monitoring, Earth
As with all parts of the Gecko family, “Harwin’s Gecko-SL offered the high observation, and space debris removal.
they offer the extremely high reliability pin density we needed, in a far better This article was contributed by Andy
needed for mission-critical systems. way than we could get from competing Brayford, Business Development
The screw locking mechanism allows solutions, with only minimal board area Manager, Northern Europe, Harwin
retention even when subject to intense needing to be allocated,” said Saunders. (Portsmouth, UK). For more informa-
torsion forces. The 4-finger Beryllium “Also, the greater pin count versatility, tion, visit http://info.hotims.
Copper contact design ensures that through all the different versions com/82321-123.
Refinery Ring 2
Storage Ring Segment Segment
Center for in-situ refining or recycling (rotates as needed to zero
total angular momentum)
(rotates counter-clockwise)
is generated while using less fuel than due to the chemical propellants used to study and impractical for use. The
traditional propulsion engines, thus or the ways they were mixed. Previous researchers, however, were able to
lightening the fuel load and reducing work by the research team overcame sustain the duration of a detonation
costs and emissions. In addition to this problem by carefully balancing wave for three seconds by creating
faster air travel, the technology could the rate of the propellants hydrogen a new hypersonic reaction chamber,
also be used in rockets for space and oxygen released into the engine known as a hypersonic high-enthalpy
missions, making them lighter, travel to create the first experimental reaction (HyperREACT) facility. The
farther, and burn more cleanly. evidence of a rotating detonation. facility contains a chamber with
Detonation propulsion systems The short duration of the detonation, a 30-degree-angle ramp near the
have been studied for more than half often occurring for only microseconds propellent mixing chamber that
a century but had not been successful or milliseconds, makes them difficult stabilizes the oblique detonation wave.
Next steps for the research are
the addition of new diagnostics and
measurement tools to gain a deeper
understanding of the phenomena.
The team will continue exploring
more experimental configurations to
determine in more detail the criteria
with which an oblique detonation
wave can be stabilized. If successful in
advancing this technology, detonation-
based hypersonic propulsion could be
implemented into human atmospheric
and space travel in the coming decades.
For more information, contact
A conceptual hypersonic aircraft powered by an oblique detonation wave engine. (Image: Rachel Williams at Rachel.Williams@
Background image courtesy of NASA; aircraft and composite image by Daniel Rosato, UCF) ucf.edu; 321-443-3284.
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