Nursing Metaparadigm
Nursing Metaparadigm
Nursing Metaparadigm
NURS 1-9
Theorist Nursing Person Health Environment
According to For her, a person The environment is
Florence Nightingle,nursing is the For her, people should not feel any important for Nightingale
She stated that Lydia hall said She describe health She developed the
Lydia hall
nursing must that to be patient is more on concept of lobe
(Care,Core,Cure behavioral,she said
have participation an individual center in the
Theory) that every individual reason that nurses
in her care,core must be 16 years
is capable to take should be focusing
and cure theory of age and above
care theirselves to the individual
to her,theIn ther theory, this She stated that
main concern of the is about the nurse nursing is the
Jean Orlando
nursing is to help and client Not discussed
(The Nursing initiator who
the individual’s need relationship it
Process) deals with the
immediately that means that nurse
requires proper should focus in the needs of the
training human needs patient
In her theory, She stated that
According to
person is the health is the This is where the
Faye Glenn her,nursing is the all-
inclusive service that beneficiary of care purpose of nursing care and
provide the patients
that corresponds care but she does interpersonal
(21 Nursing their needs and serves
not fully addresses communication
Problem) to them sick or well to the 21 nursing
the definition of happen
health In her theory
Theorist Nursing Person Health Environment
For her,nursing care is
According to her, In her theory, the She stated that
depend in the
Jean Watson nursing is the one person is the most health is the environment since the
combination of characteristic of an
(Theory of who knowledgeable important above all. individual is not
Human Caring) when it comes to To be cared for and physical, social, transmittable. Different
health holistic care also receive respect, mental, and way of caring will depend
on the culture and
always understood. spiritual environment
According to