Mpower Issue 1
Mpower Issue 1
Mpower Issue 1
Editor in Chief
Contributing Editor
Nina Dubinsky
Contributing Author
Victor Gutenmacher
Amusements 2 KEY
Grades 2 & up
Grades 4 & up
Nutty Math Grades 6 & up
Master Solver
...there was a princess who was locked up in a tower guarded by a dragon with
five heads and three tails. The king was desperate to get the princess back. He
declared, “He who slays the dragon and rescues the princess will be rewarded. Is
there anyone brave enough?”
A knight stepped forward and said, “I will slay the dragon and rescue the
The king was pleased. “You are very brave,”he said, “but take heed,—this is no
ordinary dragon! If you cut off one of its heads, two heads will immediately grow
back. If you cut off two heads at once, one new tail will grow. If you cut off one tail,
two new tails will immediately grow in its place; but if you cut off two tails at once,
no new heads or tails will grow in its place. To slay the dragon, you must cut off all
of its heads and all of its tails. Though,” he warned, “if you cut off more than two
heads or two tails in one strike of your sword, then the dragon cannot ever be killed.”
With that, the knight set off to rescue the princess. As soon as he approached the
tower, the dragon appeared...
1 1 1 = 3
2 2 2 = 3
3 3 3 = 3
4 4 4 = 3
5 5 5 = 3
6 6 6 = 3
7 7 7 = 3
8 8 8 = 3
9 9 9 = 3
Amusements 4
Nutty Math 5
Nutty Math
Sammy was a very responsible squirrel.
He gathered and stored enough acorns to last through the winter. One day his
friend Perry came to visit him. Perry was a lazy, yet clever squirrel. He had not
gathered any acorns, but he knew how to get some without much effort.
“I’ve been far too busy to gather acorns. I’ll start soon. In the meantime, can I have
one of your acorns?” Being a good friend, Sammy agreed to give Perry an acorn.
The next day, Perry visited Sammy. “I was too busy to gather acorns today.
I’ll start soon. In the meantime, can I have two of your acorns?” Sammy agreed to
give Perry two acorns. On the third day, Perry asked for four acorns. Sammy once
again agreed to give Perry the acorns.
Perry continued to visit Sammy every day. During each visit he asked for twice as
many acorns as he had asked for the day before. After Perry left on the tenth day,
Sammy noticed that he had only one acorn left.
There is a well-known, funny story that camels (9 + 6 + 2 = 17) according to their father’s
instructions. Grateful for his help, the brothers
poses the problem of dividing an old
returned the wise man’s camel. He then continued
man’s property of 17 camels among on his way.
his three sons. This story originated
many centuries ago; and although The three brothers were happy with the outcome
since they each got more camels than they
the characters and settings may differ
expected. (See Problem 1.)
in the various retellings, the basic
premise of the story remains the same. An explanationof the wise
man’s trick
An ancient story retold
We first remark that the sum of the fractions is less
Once upon a time, there was an old man who had
than 1: 1
+ 13 + 19 = 17
18 , and thus, either the father
three sons. One day he gathered his sons together
and said: “My sons, I’m about to die. I leave to you was bad at math or he had something else in mind.
my herd of 17 camels, which you are to divide in In the above equality we see the number 18—it
the following way: You, my eldest son, take one is the least common denominator of the fractions.
half of the herd; you, my second son, take one The wise man actually divided the 17 camels in the
third of the herd; and you, my youngest son, take correct proportion
1 1 1
: :
2 3 9 . In fact, the proportions
one ninth of the herd.” With these words the man
are the same: 12 : 13 : 19 = 9 : 6 : 2 since 12 : 13 = 9 : 6 ,
died. Soon after, the sons began to divide the 1 : 1 = 6:2
3 9 , and 19 : 12 = 2 : 9 .
inheritance. However, they quickly realized that
17 camels could not be divided according to their
father’s instructions without harming any camels.
Unit Fractions
A fraction that has a numerator of one and a
So, they began to argue.
denominator that is a positive integer is called a
unit fraction.
Magic Solution
At this time, a man traveling with his one camel 1
Let the fractions p
, 1q , and 1r represent the shares
came across the brothers. It just so happened
that this wise and quick-witted man had some of the brothers’ inheritance, and the herd consists
experience with settling conflicts. Upon hearing of the s – 1 camels. After the wise man adds one
the brothers arguing, he said, “Allow me to help! camel,the new number of camels s must be
s s s
Please, take my camel.” divisible byp, q, and r, and p + q + r = s − 1 .
We divide both sides of the equality by s:
hey now had 18 camels, which could be divided
T 1 1
+ q
+ 1r = 1 − 1s .
as instructed by their father. So, the eldest son
took one half of the herd, or 9 camels, the second
son took one third of the herd, or 6 camels, and
the youngest son took one ninth of the herd,
or 2 camels. Thus, they divided the herd of 17
Kittens in the RSM Pets Corner have 15 One morning Ginger found a Magic Candy
tails and ears together. How many paws Box with 15 candies in it. The box was magic
do these kittens have? because for every candy taken out of the
box, 3 more candies magically appeared in
the box. Once a candy was taken out of the
box, it could not be put back into the box. In
the evening Ginger showed the box with 37
candies to her friends. How many candies
had Ginger taken out of the box before she
showed it to her friends?
A 5×5 square is cut into 25 unit (1×1) squares. A cow and a goat have eaten a bag of dry
Then letters R, S, and M were written in the unit food in 2 hours. By herself, a cow would
squares as shown on the diagram. have done it in 3 hours. In how many hours
would a goat have eaten the bag of dry food
R R R R R by herself? Assume that a cow eats with the
R S S S R same speed/rate/productivity regardless of
R S M S R the presence of a goat, and a goat eats with
R S S S R the same speed/rate/productivity regardless
R R R R R of the presence of a cow.
The measure of the angle between the hour and Rosa, Sara and Mira have 2013 apples
minute hands of an analog clock is 13 degrees. altogether. Rosa and Mira together have twice
What is the least possible measure of the angle as many apples as Sara has alone. Sara and
(in degrees) between these hands 6 hours later? Mira together have 10 times as many apples
Make sure the answer is a positive number. as Rosa has alone. How many apples do Rosa
and Sara have together?
If the sum of the 3-digit numbers RSM, SMR, and A pentagon has side lengths 4, 14, 14, 2014,
MRS is equal to 1998, compute R + S + M. and X, where X is an integer. Find the least
possible value of X.
The Euclidean Algorithm 11
You already know that 6 divides both 24 and 60. In We start by tiling the rectangle with the largest
other words, 6 is a common divisor of 24 and 60. squares that will fit: squares with sides of 141
The other common divisors of 24 and 60 are 2 , 3, units. We tile the rectangle with as many squares
4, and 12. The largest of these divisors, 12, is called as will fit until we are left with a rectangle with one
the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 24 and 60. side shorter than 141 units. We then tile this new
rectangle with smaller squares that have sides equal
In general, the GCD (a, b), where a and b are to the shorter side of this rectangle. We continue
positive integers, is the largest integer divisor of a this process until the entire rectangle is tiled with
and b. For instance, GCD (4, 12) = 4, GCD (21, 91) = squares:
7, and GCD (15, 28) = 1.
Let us find the length of the side of the smallest
To find the GCD of two numbers, you can: first, square by retracing our steps:
list all the divisors of each number; then, identify
15 =15 12
= 112 +1 +3 3
To describe it, let’s start with a seemingly unrelated
with withshortershorter
2 squares
2 squares
sides 12 side of side
units12 units newof new
Tiling a rectangle with squares rectanglerectangle
324 Units
The Euclidean Algorithm 12
We see that the side length of this smallest square Proof of (2): Let b and r be divisible by m. Then,
is 3 units. In fact, this smallest square will tile all bq is divisible by m; and it follows that a = bq + r is
of the larger squares; and, therefore, it is the divisible by m.
largest square that will tile the entire rectangle
(108 squares along the length and 47 squares Let’s use this statement to show how fast we can
along the width). compute the GCD.
Problem #2
Let a = bq + r. Then In our algorithm of tiling the 324 × 141 rectangle,
GCD(a, b) = GCD(b, r). we used squares of 5 different sizes (see figure).
Find numbers a and b such that our tiling of the
rectangle a × b will have squares of 6 different sizes.
To prove this statement, we need to prove the
following: (1) each common divisor of a and b is
also a divisor of r, and (2) each common divisor of
b and r is also a divisor of a.
Problem #3
Use a ruler to tile the 234 mm by
143 mm rectangle with squares to
determine the GCD of 234 and 143.
At the RSM Foundation, we believe that
there is no such thing as a “math person.”
When introduced logically, slowly, and with excitement,
all children can learn math and appreciate its beauty
and importance in the world around them.
But what is math? It’s more than numbers and calculation. From identifying the
fastest line in the supermarket to helping a knight slay a dragon with instantly
regenerating heads, math is a pathway to higher-level thinking and reasoning. It
provides the
tools you need to analyze, understand, and solve complex problems. It plays a
critical role in the development of logical thinking in young minds.