Application of Image Fusion To Wireless Image Transmission: Liane C. Ramac and Pramod K. Varshney

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Application of Image Fusion to Wireless Image Transmission

Liane C. Ramac and Pramod K. Varshney EECS Department, Syracuse University 121 Link Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244 Email:,

Abstract - Image fusion is proposed as a method to

combat errors during transmission of images on wireless channels. For images represented in the wavelet domain, diversity is used to obtain multiple data streams corresponding to the transmitted image at the receiver. These individual image data streams are fused to form a composite image with higher perceptual quality. Diversity combining methods using image fusion exploit the characteristics of the wavelet transform. Simulation results demonstrate that the perceptual quality of the received image can be significantly improved. Key Words: image fusion, diversity combining, image transmission

1. Introduction
The use of multiple images in fields such as remote sensing, medical imaging and automated machine vision has increased in the past decade. As a result of this, several image fusion techniques have been developed to produce a composite image with more useful information content for automatic computer analysis tasks as well as for human perception [1,2]. This paper applies image fusion concepts to a new area, namely to image transmission systems that employ wireless channels. For image transmission over wireless channels, several methods have been proposed in the literature [3-8] that use different types of error-correction coding, ARQ, or post-processing to deal with the channel errors. The goal of this paper is to introduce a novel image transmission method based on image fusion that can produce an image of high perceptual quality at the receiver. Before an image is transmitted over a wireless channel, it is desirable to implement a method for representing the image that is resilient to channel errors. For an error resilient representation, wavelet based decomposition will be utilized for transmitting the image in its uncompressed state. During transmission, the image will be subject to bursty channel errors. Therefore, a technique is needed at the receiver to correct or conceal any errors that may degrade the perceptual quality of an image beyond

acceptable limits. Diversity is a communication method used to improve wireless transmission that utilizes independent (or highly uncorrelated) communication signal paths to combat channel noise. The independent signal paths provide the receiver with multiple signals for appropriate diversity processing of the received signals. For image transmission, a diversity technique has been employed in conjunction with ARQ [4]. This approach involves switched antenna diversity that operates in the data domain. Unlike data domain diversity combining methods, the diversity combining method we propose here operates in the image domain by using the properties of the original image or its wavelet transform. Our novel approach to wireless image transmission combats the effects of fading and other channel impairments by employing a diversity combining method that attempts to directly improve image quality. This diversity combining method was inspired by the image fusion work of Burt [9] where he produced one composite image from multiple source images with different information content. Burt implemented his fusion method by taking a Laplacian pyramid transform of each source image, combining the transforms based on measures in the transform coefficient neighborhoods, and performing the inverse transform to obtain the composite image. Later, Li et al [10] used this same image fusion methodology but with the wavelet transform. For image transmission over wireless channels, two or more diversity channels can be utilized to obtain multiple bit streams at the receiver, with each bit stream independently representing the image data. Then these bit streams can be fused in the image domain to improve the perceptual quality of the received image. Due to the random nature of radio propagation, we expect the errors on the individual channels to be independent or at least highly uncorrelated. This allows for a fusion method that yields excellent quality images in the presence of wireless channel errors. The organization of the rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 briefly describes the channel model used for simulations. Our diversity combining method based on image fusion is discussed in Section

3 along with some results and conclusions are given in Section 4. 2. Channel Model
p 0



Wireless channels are corrupted by errors that are bursty in nature. Modeling of the physical channel is a complex problem that depends upon the movement of the transmitter, receiver, and other objects in the signal path. While a number of models that characterize the physical phenomena have been proposed in the literature, here we employ an channel model to generate error sequences that attempts to represent the input-output relationships of the wireless channel. One popular input-output error model is in terms of a finite state Markov chain. In this model, each state represents a different channel condition and the associated error behavior. These models are specified in terms of transition probabilities between the individual states and the corresponding error probability for each state. The model we use for our simulations is a two-state Gilbert-Elliott channel [11, 12]. The two-state Gilbert-Elliott channel has one good state and one bad state, represented by 0 and 1 respectively as shown in Figure 1. This channel can also be described by its burst error length and error rate parameters, which are related to the transition probabilities between states and the error probabilities of the individual states. The average error rate is the proportion of errors to the total number of transmitted bits and the average burst error rate is the time spent in the bad state. While in the good state the bits are transmitted incorrectly with probability Pe(0), and while in the bad state the bits are transmitted incorrectly with probability Pe(1). For this model it is assumed that Pe(0) << Pe(1). The two-state channel model can be described by the binary Markov process n with the following transition matrix:

Figure 1. Two-state Gilbert-Elliott channel random variable with mean 1/(1-p). The steady state probability of the channel being in a bad state is 1 = (1 p ) (r + 1 p ) . Also, the steady-state error rate is given as = (Pe (0) r + Pe (1) (1 p) ) (r + 1 p ) [13]. This model will be used to generate errors to corrupt the images in our simulations in order to evaluate the performance of our diversity combining method. 3. Image Fusion for Diversity Combining Our diversity combining method for uncompressed images involves computing the twodimensional wavelet decomposition of the source image and quantizing the resulting wavelet coefficients. The coefficients are then transmitted as a bit stream over a wireless communications system employing diversity without any error control. Diversity is used to obtain multiple copies of the decomposed image data at the receiver. At the receiver, the individual decomposed images are fused to form a composite wavelet decomposition and then the final received image is reconstructed. This diversity combining method based on image fusion is depicted in Figure 2. The first step in wireless image transmission is to consider how the image will be represented for transmission. The two-dimensional wavelet decomposition of an image is implemented with traditional subband filtering [14] using one-

P( n = 0 n 1 = 0) P( n = 1 n 1 = 0) P = P( n = 0 n 1 = 1) P( n = 1 n 1 = 1) p 1 p = r 1 r
where n=0 if the channel is in the good state at time n, and n=1 if the channel is in the bad state at time n. The average burst length L is a geometric random variable with mean 1/r, and the average time the channel is in the good state is also a geometric

Source Image

Wavelet Transform


Wireless Channel Received Image Inverse Wavelet Transform

Image Fusion

Figure 2. Image transmission method.

dimensional low-pass (H) and high-pass (G) quadrature mirror filters. First, the input image is convolved with H and G in the horizontal direction and then the output rows are down-sampled by two. Then the two resulting sub-images are further filtered along the vertical direction followed by down sampling of the columns. At the output, the source image at resolution k is decomposed into four subimages: an image at lower resolution level k-1, a horizontally oriented detail image, a vertically oriented detail image, and a diagonally oriented detail image. The filtering can be repeated by using the low-resolution image as the source image until the desired decomposition level is reached. The image at resolution k is reconstructed from the four subimages at resolution k-1 using reconstruction filters H and G. The rows are up-sampled by two (one row of zeros is inserted between each row) and filtered in the vertical direction. Then the same procedure is followed in the horizontal direction. At the output, a reconstructed image at resolution k is obtained. Repeating the same procedure, the original level at which the decomposition was started can be reached. In this paper, we use images transformed in the wavelet domain with uniform scalar quantization of the coefficients. The results obtained will help demonstrate the usefulness of image domain diversity combining for image transmission over wireless channels. For images without compression, the wavelet representations are obtained from the bit streams received on the individual diversity channels. In general, the low-resolution subband is more important perceptually and a large error in pixel intensity can seriously affect image quality. An error in the high frequency subband is not as important to the overall image quality. Because the characteristics of the subbands are different, the diversity-combining rule for the low-resolution subband differs from the combination rule for the high frequency subbands. After obtaining the composite decomposed image from fusing the individual transformed images, the inverse wavelet transform is performed to obtain the final image. The idea behind diversity combination is to significantly reduce visible errors in the received image without necessarily using techniques such as ARQ or error correction coding. The diversity combining method is demonstrated here using two independent channels, channel one and channel two, but the idea can easily be extended to more channels. When the bit streams containing the decomposed images are received, a decision is made as to whether to take the data from channel one, channel two, or from a combination of both. Depending upon the channel state the two received bit streams will contain the same values for many of the coefficients.

The low frequency subband and high frequency subbands have different sensitivities to bursty channel errors. Therefore, the rules for the two types of subbands are different. For both of the different subband types there are two combination modes: selection and coefficient combining. In the selection mode, one coefficient is selected from the two decomposed images and placed in the composite. In the coefficient-combining mode, groups of coefficients from neighborhoods of both decomposed images are examined and a value is placed in the composite decomposed image based on measures from both coefficient neighborhoods. The combination method is similar to using both image averaging and spatial filtering to remove channel noise. Since the low-resolution subband is more perceptually important to the image, more care must be taken when dealing with detected channel errors in the low-resolution subband. First, the coefficients from the two diversity bit streams are compared as they arrive at the receiver. If the received wavelet coefficient values are the same, we assume that the value is correct and select the coefficient from either channel to place in the combined transform. If the coefficient values are different, the receiver waits until an m by n neighborhood of coefficients surrounding the coefficient of interest is available from both channels. Small neighborhoods (i.e. 3 by 3) of an image are generally smooth. Therefore, the intensity values usually do not vary significantly within these neighborhoods. When the two received coefficients at location (i, j) are different, the m by n neighborhoods of coefficients around them are grouped into a set of 2mn values. Then the median value is chosen as the coefficient to place in the combined low-resolution sub-image at location (i, j). In general, this median-based method tends to be more robust to large channel errors than averaging the coefficients in order to obtain a combined coefficient value. Therefore, for each (i, j), the coefficient placed in the combined low resolution subband image is defined as follows (assuming m and n are odd):

cLc(i,j) =

if c (i,j) = c (i,j) R(i,j) |c S lc (k,l)qc (k,l)q if c (i,j) c (i,j) ,l |med T

L1 L1 L1 L2 L2 L1 L2


(k , l)

Fi m 1 ,K, i + m 1U j n 1 ,K, j + n 1U I R R ,S G 2 S V 2 V J H K 2 W 2 W T T

where c Lc represents the wavelet coefficients in the low-resolution subband of the combined transform,

and c L1 and c L 2 are the low-resolution coefficients obtained from two diversity channels. An error in the high frequency subbands does not affect the quality of the final reconstructed image as much as in the low frequency subbands. Also, most of the coefficients have magnitudes close to zero. Therefore, the errors in the detail subbands are processed differently when the received wavelet coefficients are not the same. Again, if the received wavelet coefficient values are the same, we assume that the value is correct and place this value in the combined transform. However, if the received coefficients are different, the coefficient with the minimum absolute value is chosen and placed in the final combined transform. The idea behind this selection method is that a coefficient that implies a strong edge where one does not exist will visually degrade the image more than a coefficient that implies no edge where one really exists. Since most of the coefficients in the high frequency subbands are near zero, there is a better chance that the coefficient with the minimum absolute value will be correct. Even if we set the coefficients to zero in the high frequency subbands, the quality of the final image will still be acceptable. The combined coefficient values for each location (i,j) in the high frequency subbands are given as follows:

500 bits and various bit error rates (.0001, .0005, .001, .005, .01). The error probabilities within the individual states were set to Pe(0) = 0.0 and Pe(1) = 0.5. Performance is measured using peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR):
2552 1 N ( p(i, j ) p(i, j ))
i j 2

PSNR = 10 log 10


R (i , j ) c | c (i , j ) (i , j ) = S | c (i , j ) T
H1 H1 H2

image and p(i, j ) are the pixel values of the received image. For our simulations we tested our diversity combining method on the two images shown in Figure 3. Both are 8-bit graylevel images with 256 by 256 pixels. First, the source images were decomposed to two levels using the wavelet transform. Then the wavelet coefficients were uniformly quantized to 8 bits per pixel in order to maintain the same number of bits as in the original image. But for the bit stream with BCH coding, the total number of transmitted bits is greater than 8 bits per pixel. For uncompressed images we did not attempt to match bit rates for performance comparisons. The given PSNR results were averaged over twenty runs.

where p(i, j ) are the pixel values of the original

if cH 1 (i , j ) = cH 2 (i , j ) if cH 1 (i , j ) < cH 2 (i , j ) if cH 2 (i , j ) < cH 1 (i , j )

where c Hc represents the wavelet coefficients in the detail subbands of the combined transform, and c H 1 and c H 2 are the detail subband coefficients obtained from two diversity channels. In order to show the feasibility of using diversity combination for wireless image transmission, simulations were performed using uncompressed images. The results are compared to a system that uses error control coding for error protection. In our experiments, images were transmitted using a BCH(255, 179) code with error correction capability of 10 bits. For each simulation, two bit error patterns were generated using the twostate Markov model described in Section II. Both error patterns were applied to the image data bit streams for the diversity combination method and one of the error patterns was used for the error coding method. The parameters used for generating the bit error patterns were an average burst error length of
(a) (b)

Figure 3: Original test images for wireless image transmission: (a) Peppers and (b) Lenna. Table 1 gives the PSNR results for the Peppers image using image fusion versus BCH(255, 179). In this table, we see that the PSNR results for image fusion are about 11 to 13 dB higher than error coding. Examples of the received Peppers images are shown in Figure 4 for bit error rates of 0.005 and 0.01. Table 2 gives the PSNR results for the Lenna image using image fusion versus BCH coding where the image fusion method exceeds the error coding by about 15 to 16 dB. Examples of the received Lenna images are shown in Figure 5 for bit error rates of 0.005 and 0.01. These examples demonstrate that

image fusion can significantly improve performance compared to using BCH error correction coding. Table 1: PSNR (dB) for Peppers
Bit error rate .0001 .0005 .001 .005 .01 Image Fusion 31.5507 31.8934 32.2498 32.8253 30.2323 BCH(255, 179) 20.2975 19.9742 20.8729 20.3403 17.0615



Table 2: PSNR (dB) for Lenna

Bit Error Rate .0001 .0005 .001 .005 .01 Image Fusion 34.1783 35.5003 35.5044 35.0813 33.0693 BCH(255, 179)

20.7307 20.8015 19.6481 20.3599 17.5477


Figure 5: Received images for BER = 0.005 (a) BCH coding, (b) image fusion and BER = 0.01 (c) BCH coding and (d) image fusion. 4. Conclusions An image domain diversity method has been presented for the transmission of images over wireless channels. For images represented in the wavelet domain, diversity is used to obtain multiple data streams of the image at the receiver where these data streams are fused to obtain a composite image. The methods proposed here use some of the properties of the wavelet transform to significantly improve the perceptual quality of the received image. Our results showed that image domain diversity could be used to improve performance for images transmitted over wireless channels. We have also implemented similar image fusion methods for compressed images to improve image quality and have obtained excellent results [15]. 5. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Mucahit Uner, Mark Alford and Dave Ferris for their help and support during this research. This work was supported by Air Force Research Laboratory, Air Force Materiel Command, USAF, under grant number F30602-95-1-0027. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright annotation thereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily





Figure 4: Received images for BER = 0.005 (a) BCH coding, (b) image fusion and BER = 0.01 (c) BCH coding and (d) image fusion.

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