Numerical Model of An Air-Jet Loom Main Nozzle For Drag Forces Evaluation
Numerical Model of An Air-Jet Loom Main Nozzle For Drag Forces Evaluation
Numerical Model of An Air-Jet Loom Main Nozzle For Drag Forces Evaluation
Weft insertion in air-jet looms is operated by high speed air the acceleration tube exit, respectively, highlighting the
jets emitted by a main nozzle; this device works as an ejec- dependence of these pressure values on the acceleration
tor, sucking the yarn and driving it through the warp shed by tube length [1, 2].1 Influence of flow characteristics on weft
means of air friction forces. In fact, it is known that when drag forces was analyzed by the same authors [3, 4].
any body moves through a fluid, an interaction between the Mohamed and Salama carried out experimental tests on
body and the fluid occurs that can be described in terms of nozzles with various geometries. Relationships among air
wall shear stresses, due to viscous effects, i.e. friction, and velocity, turbulence, flow rate at the nozzle exit and nozzle
normal stresses, due to pressure. The resultant force in the structure parameters, such as air tube length and air tube
direction of the upstream velocity is known as drag force. diameter, were reported. A theoretical analysis, based on
Since the yarn inside the main nozzle can be considered as one-dimensional flow, was also carried out to explain main
a zero thickness body parallel to the upstream flow, the drag nozzle performance [5, 6]. Jeong and others analyzed main
is entirely due to the wall shear stresses, i.e. to air friction nozzle flow characteristics, evaluating the effect of using
forces. different acceleration tubes and of installing a suction hole
Large consumption of air and, consequently, increased on them [7]. A numerical approach to analyze main air-jet
manufacturing costs are the main disadvantage of air-jet loom nozzle flow field was proposed by some authors.
looms. Therefore, many research works were addressed to Adamek reported, for example, results on a main nozzle
optimize main nozzle geometry and its functional parame- two-dimensional numerical model, addressed to the analy-
ters, in order to maximize drag forces, as far as allowed by sis of the mixing zone shape [8]. Kim and Song numerically
the yarn material, with acceptable air consumption. Ishida analyzed the influence of air tank pressure, accelerating
and Okajima experimentally studied main nozzle flow
characteristics. They determined tank pressures corre-
sponding to flow critical conditions at the needle tip and at 1
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Textile Research Journal Vol 79(18): 1664–1669 DOI: 10.1177/0040517508096223 © 2009 SAGE Publications
Figures 1–4 appears in color online: Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore
tube length, and needle tip shape on flow velocity distribu- The main nozzle operation as an ejector is highly influ-
tion [9]. enced by the relative position between the needle and the cyl-
This paper deals with the definition of a numerical model inder. In fact, lowering their distance results in a more intense
able to predict in a reliable way the drag force exerted on suction effect; nevertheless, the device pneumatic resistance
weft yarn by the main nozzle air stream. The developed is increased, so that, at constant supply pressure, supply flow
model was used to analyze the influence of some geometry rate is reduced, together with the drag force on the yarn.
parameters on main nozzle performance. Conversely, if the needle is positioned too far away from the
cylinder, a flux inversion can occur through the hollow nee-
dle to the atmosphere; consequently, yarn insertion would
Air-jet Loom Main Nozzle be more difficult. Therefore, a compromise must be found
between these opposite requirements.
Figure 1 shows the typical structure of a main nozzle used Main nozzle flow field was divided into four regions, as
for weft insertion. The device is mainly made up of four shown in Figure 2. Region 1 includes the supply duct and the
components: a body (1), a hollow needle (2), a cylinder (3), annular flow passage up to the nozzle throat region; region 2
and an acceleration tube (4). includes the nozzle mixing zone, where an interaction occurs
Supply air flows from duct (5) to chamber (6); the polar among the annular main jet, the secondary flow induced by
array of holes (8), manufactured on one of the needle shoul- suction through the hollow needle and the sucked yarn;
ders, acts as a local pneumatic resistance, so that air pressure region 3 includes the hollow needle interior, where yarn inser-
in the chamber (6) can be considered constant. As a conse- tion occurs; region 4 includes the acceleration tube.
quence, the supply flow is redistributed inside the annular In typical main nozzle operation, turbulent flow condi-
passage (7), thus generating an axis-symmetric flow. The tions can be considered, corresponding to high Reynolds
annular passage, bounded by the cone-shaped needle exter- numbers Re. Re is defined as
nal surface and the cylinder internal surface, is convergent
with a minimum cross-sectional area at the needle tip (noz- ρ⋅v⋅d
Re = ------------------
zle throat region). At this region, a strong flow expansion µ
occurs: the accelerated flow sucks the weft yarn (9) through
the hollow needle, pulls it by friction into the acceleration where: ρ = fluid density, v = mean velocity at nozzle
tube and releases freely to the atmosphere, while the weft throat section, µ = fluid viscosity, d = nozzle throat sec-
yarn flies into the warp. tion diameter.
Analysis of an Air-jet Loom Main S Distance from the needle tip to the 0.85
acceleration tube inlet [mm]
Nozzle Rt1 Radius of the acceleration tube inlet 1.65
The commercial finite-volume computational fluid dynam-
ics (CFD) code Fluent was employed to determine numer- Acceleration tube
ically main nozzle flow field and drag force exerted on weft Lt Acceleration tube length [mm] 252
yarn. Since the flow inside the main nozzle is mainly an
axis-symmetric flow, a simplified two-dimensional model α/2 Acceleration tube semi-angle of 0.08
divergence [°]
of nozzle A, rather than a three-dimensional model, was
specified for the flow field, with the exception of the near-
wall region. Near the nozzle wall and the weft yarn, a four-
node quadrilateral boundary layer mesh was provided; the
importance of the boundary layer mesh size will be discuss
in detail below. Mesh density was increased at the nozzle
mixing region and at the weft yarn wall. Grid sensitivity
tests were carried out, evaluating the results trend varying
the mesh size.
The following assumptions were made:
Table 2 Numerical results obtained using different Table 3 Main geometry parameters of nozzles under
turbulence models. study.
Fyarn q3 L Lt RS Rt1 S
Flow model Nozzle
[mN] [g/s] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
Standard k-ε turbulence model with 55 –0.82 A 288 252 1.25 1.65 0.85
non-equilibrium wall functions B 303 280 0.75 1.25 0.65
RNG k-ε turbulence model with 43.5 –0.75
non-equilibrium wall functions
Table 3 allows the comparison of the major geometry
Realizable k-ε turbulence model with 41.8 –0.63
non-equilibrium wall functions parameters of nozzles (see Figure 4).
A constant inlet mass-flow equal to 4.08 g/s was set in
Reynolds stress turbulence model with 36.5 –0.41 all simulations.
non-equilibrium wall functions
Standard k-ε turbulence model with 36 –0.53 Influence of Acceleration Tube Angle of
standard wall functions
Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model 22 –0.29 Initially, the influence of acceleration tube semi-angle of
Experimental data 62 +0.17 divergence, α/2, on drag force was evaluated. In the case of
nozzle B, because of technological difficulties in manufac-
turing small and highly divergent acceleration tubes, only
region 3. Mass flow rate positive values refer to flow enter- the following values of α/2 were examined: α/2 = 0°, α/2 =
ing the hollow needle, while negative values refer to flow 0.2° and α/2 = 0.36°.
exiting the hollow needle. Figure 6 shows drag force, Fyarn, versus acceleration tube
As shown, a satisfactory matching of numerical and semi-angle of divergence, α/2; results from simulations are
experimental results in terms of yarn drag force, Fyarn, was compared with available experimental data. As shown, the
obtained using the standard k–ε turbulence model with influence of geometry modifications on drag force is well
non-equilibrium wall functions. This wall treatment dif- reproduced by the numerical model. For each geometry con-
fers from the standard one in that it takes into account figuration an optimum value of angle of divergence, α, able
pressure-gradient effects in the wall-neighbouring cells; to maximize drag force, can be found. By increasing α, the
for this reason it is recommended in the case of flows acceleration tube pneumatic resistance is reduced, so, tak-
involving separation and reattachment, giving improve- ing constant nozzle consumption, supply pressure is reduced
ment in skin friction forces prediction, as confirmed by to a constant value. Nozzle B exhibited the higher value of
the results herein obtained. Conversely, the flow field was drag force, confirming that reducing nozzle dimensions can
better calculated by means of the Spalart–Allmaras turbu- be an optimization criterion. By increasing α, the accelera-
lence model; in fact, even if suction cannot be calculated tion tube pneumatic resistance is reduced, so, taking con-
with this model, inlet mass flow rate convection toward the stant nozzle consumption, supply pressure is reduced to a
acceleration tube has a better correspondence to the real constant value.
Simulations highlighted that, in the specific case under
study, different models must be used for a reliable predic-
tion of each parameter of interest. Accordingly, all follow-
ing simulations were performed using the k–ε turbulence
model with non-equilibrium wall function, for drag forces
evaluation. Flow characteristics were evaluated using the
Spalart–Allmaras model.
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