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International Journal of Rotating Machinery

Volume 2017, Article ID 9509212, 18 pages

Research Article
Flow Control by Slot Position and Noise Baffle in a
Self-Recirculation Casing Treatment on an Axial Fan-Rotor

Xiangjun Li,1,2 Stephen Spence,2 Hua Chen,3 Wuli Chu,1 and Lee Gibson2
School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK
National Laboratory of Engine Turbocharging Technology, Tianjin, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Wuli Chu;

Received 11 August 2016; Revised 29 November 2016; Accepted 13 December 2016; Published 11 January 2017

Academic Editor: Jechin Han

Copyright © 2017 Xiangjun Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

To address the situations where the casing treatment needs to be used to stabilize axial compressors through strong recirculation,
this paper initiated a CFD study to investigate how the flow could be suitably controlled in the casing treatment to minimize the
efficiency penalty and increase the flow range. A counter-swirl self-recirculation casing treatment was first designed on a low speed
axial fan rotor as a baseline case. Then three different slot positions and the influence of including the noise baffle were numerically
studied. Based on the understanding of their coeffects, the shorter noise baffle was considered and it was found that the highest
efficiency was achieved in the case of the upstream slot when the length of baffle was suitably adjusted to balance the incoming flow
and recirculation. The largest flow range was achieved by locating the slot at the most downstream position and using a 50% length
baffle since it suitably controlled the recirculating flow and relieved the separation at the low-span region. An optimization study
showed that the optimum length of the baffle for efficiency was always larger than for the flow range. Both of the two optimum
values reduce as the slot moves downstream.

1. Introduction shock waves (in high-speed cases) are widely accepted as

the reason why casing treatment can improve the stability of
In aeroengine and other applications where a wider flow compressors.
range is required, casing treatments are commonly employed The self-recirculation casing treatment is a type of casing
on compressors for their cost-effectiveness in improving the treatment employed in both axial compressors and centrifu-
system stability. The concept of casing treatment is not new gal compressors. The idea of “self-recirculation” initiated
and the earliest experiments date back to the 1960s when the from the combination of bleeding and blowing, where the
NASA Lewis Research center conducted tests of bleeding and air is recirculated by bleeding from a downstream port and
blowing through the casing for their influences on the stall reinjecting it into the upstream flow field [2]. Different from
range of a high-speed single stage axial-flow compressor [1]. the commonly used slot type [3] and groove type [4], the self-
In the decades since then, numerous research investigations recirculation casing treatment is designed with an isolated
have been conducted in this area. Different types of casing recirculation flow path which prevents the recirculation flow
treatments were developed, tested, and applied. Although the from directly interacting with the tip flow field of rotor.
initiation of the instability of compressors is still not fully Therefore, the system has the potential to produce stronger
understood, the results of previous studies have confirmed recirculation; the bleed and injection can be more effectively
the effectiveness of casing treatments in controlling the onset controlled by utilizing the steam-wise pressure gradient.
of stall and system surge. Commonly, the improvement in The literature from previous studies shows that, when
flow range is accompanied by an efficiency penalty. The applied in axial-flow compressors, the amount of recircu-
influences on the tip leakage vortex, span-wise blockage, and lation air was empirically minimized to less than 5% of
2 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

overall mass flow rate due to its detrimental impact on the Table 1: Blade elements of fan-rotor [14].
performance. The questions of where and how much to bleed
Profile 𝑟/mm 𝛽1/∘ 𝛽2/∘ 𝜉/∘ 𝜃/∘ 𝑆/𝑐
and blow can be critical to the balance that is achieved
Hub 127.00 34.900 −18.800 8.000 53.500 0.611
between flow range improvement and efficiency penalty [2].
1 129.54 35.400 −16.900 9.200 52.400 0.623
The work reported in previous papers by Hathaway [5, 6]
employed a moderate speed axial fan-rotor to investigate 2 158.24 40.900 2.200 21.600 38.600 0.761
how the bleed and injection contribute to the performance 3 185.42 45.700 16.100 30.900 29.600 0.898
and how to determine suitable positions for each. Later 4 190.50 46.100 17.500 31.800 28.600 0.917
studies focused in more detail on the understanding of the 5 216.15 49.900 26.600 38.300 23.300 1.040
flow mechanisms present. Yang [7] studied how the leakage 6 246.38 53.500 36.600 45.000 17.000 1.180
vortex and inlet flow angle were influenced by the bleed and Shroud 254.00 54.200 38.800 46.400 15.500 1.216
injection. Another study [8] showed the influence of self-
recirculation casing treatment on the shock-vortex interac-
tion. The recent research of Guinet et al. [9] employed a 1.5- 2. Rotor Geometry and CFD Method
stage transonic test rig and a carefully designed recirculation A low speed axial fan-rotor was chosen for this study, which
duct to study the influence of the tip gap on the stall margin follows the geometry used in reference [14]. The design speed
improvement and efficiency penalty of the casing treatment. of the rotor was 1500 rev/min, with 27 blades, a 508 mm outer
A detailed parametric study of the recirculation duct was then tip diameter, and a 1.2% span tip clearance. The geometry
conducted to investigate the interaction between casing flow of the blade is given in Table 1. All the span-wise elements
and rotor tip flow [10]. employed the C4 circular arc profile family and were designed
In centrifugal compressors, the concept of self-recircu- with a blade loading coefficient of almost unity. According
lation is employed in the widely used “ported shroud” casing to the hotwire measurements of Kang et al. [15], the stall
treatment [11]. Compared with the applications in axial-flow originated from the tip region of the rotor and the range of
compressors, distinct differences can be found in centrifugal reverse flow occupied about 20% of the span near the tip
compressors where the casing treatment is typically designed end wall at the deep stall point, therefore indicating that the
to produce much higher levels of recirculation (even over 30% operation of this rotor near stall was “tip-critical.”
of the inlet flow) [12]. Additionally, because of the significant The grid for the CFD study was generated using the
variation of positive or negative pressure differential along the NUMECA AutoGrid5 software, as shown in Figure 1. To
shroud line of compressors, the casing treatment is designed predict the development of the tip leakage flow, the single
passage domain contained 17 layers of grids in the tip
to suck in flow near choke point while recirculating tip flow
clearance and extended axially to 4.5 axial chord lengths
near the stall point to achieve a wider flow range, as explained
upstream of the tip leading edge. The outlet was located 2
by Fisher [13]. It is obvious that the position of the slot is the
axial chord lengths downstream of the trailing edge to predict
most critical parameter. the dissipation of vortex and shear flow after the blade. The
In the casing treatment of axial-flow compressors, the overall grid number for a single blade passage was 650,000.
above-mentioned variation between suction and recircu- The 𝑦+ value of the first grid layer was less than 2.
lation is seldom considered in design, which is probably The flow field of the rotor was calculated using the RANS
because of their low blade load and strict limitation in method within ANSYS CFX. The inlet condition was defined
recirculation mass flow rate and efficiency penalty. How- as the total atmospheric pressure and temperature at standard
ever, to consider the situations where the casing treatment conditions. The mass flow rate was specified at the outlet
needs to be used to stabilize compressors through strong boundary. The convergence criterion was set to a value of
recirculation, such as tip-critical compressors with significant 1𝑒 − 4 for the RMS residual values. Considering the transient
SS separation or reverse flow, the control of recirculation effects of stall and the complexity of the flow field near the
should be taken into account for minimum detriment. The stall point, more strict criteria were used here than in the
objective of this study is thus to identify the suitable method previous publications [12, 16] to discern the predicted point
of controlling the recirculation flow for a larger flow range of instability; that is,
and minimum losses in axial compressors. In this paper, (a) the simulation does not reach convergence;
a numerical study of self-recirculation casing treatment
was applied to a low speed axial fan-rotor. After a brief (b) the perturbation of efficiency is larger than 0.2%;
introduction of the CFD method in Section 2, a counter- (c) the reverse flow exceeds 10% of the span from the tip
rotating self-recirculation casing treatment, which is typical end wall;
in centrifugal compressors and able to strongly suck and (d) the outlet static pressure begins to fall with decreasing
inject air at different operating points, was designed and mass flow rate.
studied as a baseline case in Section 3. Then, to improve
the efficiency and flow range of the rotor, the influence of The flow was defined as stall flow if one of the four listed
the slot position and the noise baffle was further studied in criteria was reached. Then the nearest point with a larger mass
Section 4. flow rate was defined as the near stall point of the simulation.
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 3

1.2% span


Test station: D1
for P and Pt

Test station: U2
for V

Test station: U1
for P and Pt

Figure 1: The computational grid developed for the rotor model.

Table 2: Grid independence study.

𝑚 = 0.61 𝑚 = 0.33
Grids Refine method Number of meshes
𝜓 𝜂 𝜓 𝜂
G1 Baseline 650,000 0.315 0.885 0.0852 0.24
G2 Span-wise 917,000 0.304 0.889 0.0651 0.221
G3 Span-wise & blade-to-blade 1,443,000 0.319 0.885 0.0678 0.228

Figure 2 compares the predicted performance with the in the span-wise direction and the overall number reached
experimental data presented by Kang et al. [15]. Note that about 900,000. The G3 grids were refined in both the span-
although the near stall point is at 𝜙 = 0.61, the simulation wise and the blade-to-blade directions, so the overall number
results at lower mass flow rates are also presented for some reached about 1,440,000. According to Table 2, the only
cases that still reached convergence. The CFD study tested major difference between the three grids was in the predicted
two types of turbulence model for their accuracy in predicting efficiency at 𝜙 = 0.33. However, because of the discrepancy in
the separation flow; these were the SST model and 𝑘-𝜔 the prediction of the axial flow between 20% and 50% span, as
model with automatic wall function. In Figure 2(a), the shown in Figure 2, neither of the two refined grids predicted
predicted total performance is in good agreement with the better result than the baseline mesh. Therefore, the solution
experimental data in the important NS point, except for of the G1 grids was judged as grid independent.
the efficiency after stall. The reason may be connected to
a discrepancy in the prediction of the axial flow between
20% and 50% span, which is influenced by the reverse 3. Compressor Performance due to Counter-
flow in the tip region, as shown by the pitch-averages 𝑉𝑡 Swirl Self-Recirculation Casing Treatment
and 𝑉𝑎 in Figure 2(b). However, the characteristic shape of
the experimental profiles, especially the axial and tangential 3.1. The Geometry of Baseline Casing Treatment. Figure 3(a)
component of reverse flow from 60% span to tip end wall, shows the sketched geometry of the baseline counter-swirl
is accurately predicted. Compared with the SST turbulence casing treatment. The outer radius of the casing treatment
model, the 𝑘-𝜔 model predicted the outlet static pressure rise was 40 mm larger than the rotor. The recirculation duct
with higher accuracy, as shown in Figure 2(c). So the 𝑘-𝜔 was designed with an inner ring in the bottom, 27 leaned
model was selected for the remainder of the study in this guide vanes that were straight in the axial direction, and a
paper. circumferentially continuous slot covering the first 2/3ca of
Table 2 provides the result of the grid independence the rotor tip. The noise baffle was also considered because
study. The G1 grids were the baseline grids employed in of its aerodynamic influence. A comparison of the compu-
the current simulation. The G2 grids were further refined tational meshes is presented in Figure 3(b). For the case
4 International Journal of Rotating Machinery



Experimental stall
0.3 mass flow


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

𝜂 ex. 𝜓 ex.
𝜂 cal. (k-𝜔) 𝜓 cal. (k-𝜔)
𝜂 cal. (SST) 𝜓 cal. (SST)
(a) Total performance
1 1
0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 Impact of the 0.4
Impact of the
reverse flow reverse flow
ex. ex.
0.2 0.2

0 0
−20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Va (m·s−1 ) Vt (m·s−1 )

exp. 𝜙 = 0.61 exp. 𝜙 = 0.33 exp. 𝜙 = 0.61 exp. 𝜙 = 0.33

cal. 𝜙 = 0.61 (k-𝜔) cal. 𝜙 = 0.33 (k-𝜔) cal. 𝜙 = 0.61 (k-𝜔) cal. 𝜙 = 0.33 (k-𝜔)
cal. 𝜙 = 0.61 (SST) cal. 𝜙 = 0.33 (SST) cal. 𝜙 = 0.61 (SST) cal. 𝜙 = 0.33 (SST)
(b) Inlet velocity (at test station U2)





−1 −0.6 −0.2 0.2 0.6 1

exp. 𝜙 = 0.61 exp. 𝜙 = 0.33

cal. 𝜙 = 0.61 (k-𝜔) cal. 𝜙 = 0.33 (k-𝜔)
cal. 𝜙 = 0.61 (SST) cal. 𝜙 = 0.33 (SST)
(c) Outlet static to total pressure rise coefficient (at test
station D1)

Figure 2: Comparison between simulation results and experiment data [13].

International Journal of Rotating Machinery 5

Guide vane
Guide CT
vane Inner ring
Noise baffle Slot
Inner ring

Inlet Frozen rotor
passage interface


Section view A

(a) Sketched view of casing treatment


Guide vane Guide vane

Smooth casing CT CT

Inlet passage Rotor Inlet passage Rotor

Baseline CT CTbaffled
(b) Grids

Figure 3: Geometry and grids of the counter-swirl self-recirculation casing treatment.

with casing treatment (labeled with “CT”), the rotor uses the reduced the peak efficiency and flow range of the fan-rotor by
same grids as in the baseline rotor simulation except for a comparison with the previous short inlet case. The flow range
shorter inlet block in the rotor domain. The grids of the casing improvement was evaluated using the following equation:
treatment were generated as an extension of the inlet passage
by applying the same 𝑦+ criterion as was used in the rotor. 𝑚NS,SW
Both of them were set as stationary domains and connected Δ𝑚 = ( − 1) × 100%. (1)
to the rotor domain using the Frozen Rotor interface. For
the case with noise baffle (labeled with “CTbaffled ”), the cells It can be seen that both casing treatments increased the
included in the noise baffle block were excluded from the mass flow range by reducing the mass flow rate for the near
meshes thus forming the solid wall of the baffle. The stator stall point. CTbaffeld achieved a greater Δ𝑚 (19.2%) than CT
domain extended axially to over 10.0ca upstream of the (15.4%), but both of them decreased the peak efficiency by
leading edge, because the extent of the recirculation could be about 6.5%.
significantly influenced by the duct when there is no noise The reason for the flow range improvement can be seen
baffle. in Figure 5 which shows the flow field at 𝑚 = 3.4 kg/s, where
the simulation of the SW case is judged as stalled according to
3.2. Influence of Recirculation Flow in Baseline Cases. Figure 4 the listed criteria (thus not shown on the map) even though
shows the simulated total performance of the smooth wall it still reached convergence. Figure 5 shows the pitch-wise
casing (SW), nonbaffled casing treatment (CT), and baffled averaged axial velocity at the leading edge test station (U2,
casing treatment (CTbaffled ) in the stable flow range. In this indicated in Figure 1). The simulated streamlines are also
figure, 𝑚 = 4.2 kg/s corresponds to 𝜙 = 0.61 and 𝑚 = illustrated for each geometry case. Two contours of 𝑉𝑎 in the
3.4 kg/s corresponds to 𝜙 = 0.34. Compared with the recirculation duct indicate the flow direction: red color means
simulation in Section 2, the longer inlet passage generated a positive flow and blue means reverse flow (recirculation). At
thicker annular boundary layer at inlet to the blades and thus 𝑚 = 3.4 kg/s, CT and CTbaffled both showed a similar impact
6 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

1.05 1

Pt rise coefficient


𝜂 0.8



0.8 0.6
2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8
m (kg s−1 ) m (kg s−1 )

CTbaffled CTbaffled

Figure 4: Overall performance of the baseline casing treatments.

V (ms−1 )
1 50.00

0.8 40.00

0.6 CT 30.00

Va < 0

0.4 Va > 0 20.00

0.2 10.00

0 0.00
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Va (m s−1 )


Figure 5: Inlet axial velocity at 𝑚 = 3.4 kg/s and the corresponding three-dimensional flow field.

on the flow field. The recirculation flow in both cases removed axial momentum than the nonbaffled casing treatment, as
the significant tip blockage that was present in the SW case. evident in the span-wise plot of 𝑉𝑎 .
The noise baffle was found to intensify the recirculation in the The reduction of the peak efficiency is a more complex
duct, as shown by the 𝑉𝑎 contours and streamlines. The tip matter because efficiency is influenced by both work and loss.
region of the baffled casing treatment thus possessed higher A quantitative analysis is given here to judge which of the two
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 7

8000 8000



edge of slot
Φ (W m−3 )

Φ (W m−3 )
edge of slot
6000 6000
4000 4000
2000 2000
0 0
−0.5 −0.3 −0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 −0.5 −0.3 −0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5
ca ca

CTbaffled CTbaffled
(a) Loss generated below 80% span (b) Loss generated from 80% span to the casing


Φ (W m−3 )


edge of slot
−0.5 −0.3 −0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5

(c) Loss generated in the recirculation duct

Figure 6: Stream-wise distribution of loss generation at peak efficiency point (𝑚 = 4.2 kg/s).

factors makes the major contribution. The definition of the The distribution of loss sources was determined using
isentropic efficiency is the dissipation function (B). The physical interpretation of
this function is the production of loss in specific time and
𝜋(𝛾−1)/𝛾 − 1 volume. The stream-wise area-averaged dissipation function
𝜂SW = . (2)
𝜏−1 (Barea ) for SW, CT, and CTbaffled is plotted in Figure 6 and
According to its physical interpretation, the impact of recir- the corresponding flow fields are shown in Figure 7. The loss
culation should change both 𝜋 and 𝜏. Assume total tempera- generated from hub to 80% span was almost unaffected by the
ture ratio becomes 𝜏𝑓𝑤 and the total pressure ratio is changed flow through the casing treatment, as shown by Figure 6(a).
to 𝜋(𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝑙 )𝛾/(𝛾−1) , where 𝑓𝑤 and 𝑓𝑙 correspond to the change Illustrated by the bleed (red arrow) and injection (blue arrow)
of input of work and loss. Then the efficiency can be expressed flows through the slot in Figures 7(b) and 7(c), the interaction
as between the duct flow and the main flow blocked the tip
region in both the CT and CTbaffled cases. The shear flow
𝜋(𝛾−1)/𝛾 𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝑙 − 1 around the leading edges was thus intensified close to the
𝜂CT = . (3)
𝜏𝑓𝑤 − 1 PS (labeled (i) in Figures 7(b) and 7(c)) and significantly
The 1st-order difference of 𝜂CT is thus given by increased the Barea between 80% span and 100% span, as
shown by Figure 6(b). In the flow field of CT, the injection
𝑑𝜂CT of duct flow separated the leakage vortex into two branches
and induced a new tangential-axial swirling flow in the rear
𝜋(𝛾−1)/𝛾 𝑓𝑤 passage (labeled (ii)). For CTbaffled , the interaction between
= 𝑑𝑓𝑙
𝜏𝑓𝑤 − 1 (4) duct flow and tip flow in the rear edge of the slot caused strong
shear flow (labeled (iii)) and high dissipation in Figure 6(b).
𝜋(𝛾−1)/𝛾 𝑓𝑙 (𝜏𝑓𝑤 − 1) − (𝜋(𝛾−1)/𝛾 𝑓𝑤 𝑓𝑙 − 1) 𝜏 Additionally, the dissipation in the recirculation duct also
+ 2
𝑑𝑓𝑤 . contributed to the overall increase of losses, as shown by
(𝜏𝑓𝑤 − 1)
Figure 6(c). The stronger recirculation in CTbaffled generated
The values of 𝑓𝑤 and 𝑓𝑙 were calculated from the simulation higher loss in the duct than for CT.
results for the SW, CT, and CTbaffled cases. 𝑑𝜂CT was evaluated It can be seen that the additional flow range and the
using 𝜂CT − 𝜂SW . Then the contribution of 𝑓𝑤 and 𝑓𝑙 could be reduction of peak efficiency are mainly associated with the
estimated, as shown in Table 3. interaction between the duct flow and tip flow. Therefore, in
According to Table 3, at peak efficiency point, the growing the next section, a series of numerical simulations will be
loss made a major contribution to the drop of efficiency in applied to the CT and CTbaffled cases in order to investigate the
both the CT and the CTbaffled cases. possibilities for increasing the peak efficiency and flow range
8 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

Table 3: The contribution of change of loss and work input to efficiency.

Δ𝜂 due to loss Δ𝜂 due to input of work

Value Contribution in percentage Value Contribution in percentage
CT −0.0703 116.7% 0.0101 −16.7%
CTbaffled −0.0658 98.5% −0.0001 1.5%

Tip leakage flow (ii)


2 branches
Vortex core of vortex

LE shear flow (i) duct
Φ (W·m−3 ) Φ (W·m−3 )
(a) SW (b) CT


(i) Recirculation

Φ (W·m−3 )
(c) CTbaffle

Figure 7: The tip flow field at peak efficiency point (𝑚 = 4.2 kg/s).

by suitably controlling the interaction between the duct flow treatment remained unchanged except for the position of
and tip flow field. the bleed slot and its corresponding duct wall and guide
vanes. The subscripts “D” and “U” represented the fact
4. Improvement of Rotor Performance by that the slot was moved 1/3ca downstream/upstream of the
baseline position considered in Section 3. The simulated
Duct Flow Control overall performance is plotted in Figure 9. It is demonstrated
4.1. Slot Position. The first step of the performance improve- that the slot position had significant influence on the peak
ment focused on the slot position rather than the profile of the efficiency of the baffled cases but had almost no influence on
duct because the former had the most significant influence on the nonbaffled cases. As for the flow range, the downstream
the intensity of recirculation and the interaction between duct slot position helped to increase Δm; CTD produced higher
flow and tip flow. peak efficiency and larger flow range than the CTD,baffled case.
The section view for three configurations of slot position The variation of efficiency is explained in Figure 10
is shown in Figure 8. The conceptual geometry of the casing with the Barea plot at 𝑚 = 4.2 kg/s, which corresponds
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 9

CTU /CTU,baffled

CTD /CTD,baffled

1 1
− ca LE ca
3 3

Figure 8: Different slot positions.

1.05 0.9


Pt rise coefficient


𝜂 0.75



0.8 0.6
2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8
m (kg s−1 ) m (kg s−1 )

SW CTbaffled SW CTbaffled
CT CTD,baffled CT CTD,baffled
CTD CTU,baffled CTD CTU,baffled

Figure 9: Total performance of different slot position.

approximately to the efficiency point. The flow field in tip the CTU case and resulted in higher overall loss than for
region is also presented here to illustrate the tip leakage flow CT. In CTD , the leakage vortex extended to the upstream
(black streamlines), the reverse flow (transparent light green region and reached the pressure side of the adjacent blade
isosurface of 𝑉𝑎 = −0.1 U), and the slot flow (the contour of near the leading edge because of the interaction. The LE shear
𝑉𝑟 ). For the nonbaffled casing treatments, the intensity and flow was thus intensified and Barea increased significantly
direction of the flow in the recirculation duct (bleeding or as a consequence. Compared with the nonbaffled cases, the
injecting) depended on the position of the slot and where it baffled casing treatments all generated recirculation flow in
interacted with the main flow in the blade passage. However, the duct and consequently the distribution of dissipation in
neither CTD nor CTU showed a satisfactory result. Dissipa- the casing treatment represented a higher proportion of the
tion from 80% span to 100% span made a major contribution losses. Because of the weaker recirculation flow, CTU,baffled
to the variation of loss. At the peak efficiency point, CTU generated the lowest dissipation in the recirculation duct,
suppressed the leading edge shear flow but induced a strong both in value and range. The peak efficiency of CTU,baffled
swirling flow in the rear part of the passage (labeled by showed a very notable increase of about 3%.
the red dashed ellipse). The value of Barea was therefore To explain the difference in flow range, Figure 11 compares
increased around the downstream edge of slot (0.7ca) for the pitch-averaged velocity near the leading edge plane at
10 International Journal of Rotating Machinery


Φ (W m−3 )




edge of slot

edge of slot

in CTD , TE
edge of slot
in CTU

in CT
−0.5 −0.2 0.1 0.4 0.7 1 1.3

80% span tip In recirculation duct


The Vr
Tip leakage


−40 −28 −16 −4 8 20 32 −40 −28 −16 −4 8 20 32 −40 −28 −16 −4 8 20 32

Vr (m·s−1 ) Vr (m·s 1 ) Vr (m·s−1 )
(a) Dissipation function and tip flow field without noise baffle
Φ (W m−3 )




edge of slot

edge of slot

in CTD , TE
edge of slot
in CTU

in CT

−0.5 −0.2 0.1 0.4 0.7 1 1.3

80% span tip In recirculation duct

CTD,baffled CTD,baffled
CTU,baffled CTU,baffled

CTU,baffled CTbaffled CTD,baffled

−40 −28 −16 −4 8 20 32 −40 −28 −16 −4 8 20 32 −40 −28 −16 −4 8 20 32

Vr (m·s−1 ) Vr (m·s−1 ) Vr (m·s−1 )
(b) Dissipation function in baffled cases

Figure 10: Distribution of loss source in different slot position at 𝑚 = 4.2 kg/s.
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 11

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 45 55 65 75 85
Va (m s−1 ) Relative inflow angle (degree)

CT CTbaffled CT CTbaffled
CTD CTD,baffled CTD CTD,baffled
CTU CTU,baffled CTU CTU,baffled

Figure 11: Pitch-average velocity near LE at 𝑚 = 3.4 kg/s.


CTU,baffled m = 3.10 kg/s CTbaffled m = 3.0 kg/s CTD,baffled m = 2.83 kg/s CTU m = 3.22 kg/s CT m = 3.10 kg/s CTD m = 2.75 kg/s
(a) (b)

Figure 12: Limiting stream lines and separation on the SS at the NS point of each case.

𝑚 = 3.4 kg/s. Figure 12 gives the flow field of the NS point of with lower relative flow angle, and thus the lower
each case, in which the isosurface of 𝑉𝑎 = −0.1 U is illustrated incidence.
to show the separation. The following should be noted. (ii) For the baffled casing treatments, the downstream slot
position achieved a lower flow rate at the NS point
(i) Different intensity of recirculation leads to different and therefore produced a larger flow range. At the
span-wise distribution of velocity at the LE. Since the same mass flow rate of 𝑚 = 3.4 kg/s, the downstream
recirculation is guided by the vanes and reinjected slot position resulted in higher 𝑉𝑎 in the rotor passage
into the inflow in a fixed direction in the 𝑡-𝑟 plane, (Figure 11), thus indicating a stronger recirculation
the higher value of 𝑉𝑎 is therefore always associated flow in the duct of casing treatment.
12 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

(iii) The SS flow at the NS point of the baffled cases

showed similar characteristics, regardless of their 0.25l
0.5l l
differences in reverse flow region and mass flow rate 0.75l
(Figure 12(a)). The downstream slot position resulted Bezier curve 0.85l
in a more significant separation area in the low-span
region of the blade, but it relieved the reverse flow in
the tip region at the NS point.
(iv) The nonbaffled casing treatments showed a consistent
relationship between the low-span 𝑉𝑎 and the position
of the slot at 𝑚 = 3.4 kg/s. However, tip 𝑉𝑎 did not Figure 13: The geometry of different noise baffle length.
show a consistent variation as in the baffled cases.
(v) The SS flow at the NS point of nonbaffled cases
showed distinct features (Figure 12(b)). But the same 4.2. Length of the Noise Baffle. Knowing the significance of
correlation between slot position and span-wise sep- the noise baffle and its influence in controlling the recircu-
aration was found as for the baffled cases. lation flow, the study progressed to focus on the length of
the baffle. The main objective was the improvement of peak
For the baffled casing treatments, the flow range was efficiency, so the upstream casing treatment was used as the
limited by the span-wise transport of separation and reverse baseline case since the highest peak efficiency was achieved
flow over the full-span of the SS. The recirculation increased with CTU,baffled . Figure 13 illustrates the variation of the noise
as the slot moved downstream. With the same overall mass baffle. The length of baffle was measured from the outer wall
flow rate, the stronger recirculation would enhance the tip of the duct to the inner radius of baffle, as shown. A Bezier
and mid-span axial flow, 𝑉𝑎 . Therefore, the SS separation curve was employed to generate the inner edge of the baffle
was relieved because of the lower incidence, which also to achieve a smooth shape for the solid wall. A total of 6
suppressed the radial transport of low energy separation different baffle lengths (including CTU , i.e., zero length) were
flow and its accumulation in the tip region. Consequently, investigated, as shown in Figure 13.
the rotor was able to operate stably at a lower mass flow Figure 14 presents the overall performance of all these
rate, in which the flow distribution at low-span and the cases. The highest peak efficiency was achieved with a baffle
tip reverse flow developed to a new level associated with length of 0.75𝑙, which further improved the peak efficiency of
the change of full-span incidence and the intensity of the CTU by 2.3% with a slightly higher Δ𝑚 of 17.3%. The baffle of
recirculation. Sheltered and guided by the noise baffle, the 0.85𝑙 had a lower peak efficiency than the baffle of 0.75𝑙 but
upstream extent of the recirculation and the direction of further improved the flow range by 4.0%.
reinjection were similarly restricted, as shown in Figure 12. Figure 15 shows the flow field inside the casing treatment
The reinjected recirculation flow in turn influenced the span- duct at 𝑚 = 4.2 kg/s. The high dissipation region is shown
wise distribution of inflow and thus showed a similar flow using the grey isosurface of B = 104 W/m3 with red curves
pattern at the NS point for CTbaffled , CTD,baffled , and CTU,baffled . and blue curves representing the inlet flow and slot flow,
For the nonbaffled casing treatment, the flow range was respectively. The baffle of 0.75𝑙 achieved the highest peak
also limited by the span-wise transport of separation and efficiency because of the balance between inlet flow and the
reverse flow over the full-span of the SS, the same as the recirculation. The 0.75𝑙 baffle almost stopped the inlet flow
baffled casing treatment. However, the recirculation flow was from getting into the duct, thus avoiding the high dissipation
exposed to the inflow and influenced by both the slot position of the upstream inner ring, as shown in Figure 15(b). On
and the momentum of the upstream flow field. The upstream the other hand, the momentum of the inlet flow was strong
extent of the recirculation and the direction of reinjection in enough to suppress the development of the slot flow. The
𝑧-𝑟 plane were thus altered depending upon the intensity of intensity of recirculation and the corresponding dissipation
the recirculation. With the same overall mass flow rate, the of slot flow in the 0.75𝑙 case was thus not as significant as for
distribution of 𝑉𝑎 at the tip in relation to the slot position the 0.85𝑙 baffle.
showed different characteristics from the baffled cases. At the It is known from the previous section that the flow range
NS point, the SS separation of CTU showed a similar flow of the CTU and CTU,baffled cases was limited by both the span-
pattern to the baffled cases, while CTD tended to reduce the wise transport of separation and the reverse flow in the full-
low-span separation more than all the other cases (this can span of the SS. The reason for the flow range improvement
be seen from the area of isosurface or the position of the SS achieved by different baffle lengths can be explained using
separation line), even though it operated at the lowest overall the leading edge pitch-averaged velocity at 𝑚 = 3.4 kg/s,
mass flow rate. It is thus inferred that CTU should have the as shown in Figure 16. Again the higher 𝑉𝑎 is found to be
same stall mechanism as the baffled cases, while the more associated with the lower relative flow angle and thus the
intense recirculation flow in CTD can be extended to a lower lower incidence, just the same as Figure 11. With the upstream
span without the constraint of the baffle. Since CTD achieved slot position, the pitch-averaged 𝑉𝑎 of the case with the 0.85𝑙
the most favorable reduction in the stall flow rate, Δ𝑚, this baffle was not the largest in full-span range. Below 80% span,
further extent of the recirculation helped to balance the span- 𝑉𝑎 of 0.85𝑙 baffle was larger than for the 0.25𝑙, 0.5𝑙, and 0.75𝑙
wise distribution of 𝑉𝑎 better for the flow range improvement. baffles but smaller than for the CTU,baffled ; above 80% span,
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 13

1.05 0.9

1 0.85
Pt rise coefficient

0.95 𝜂 0.8

0.9 0.75

0.85 0.7
2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8
m (kg s−1 ) m (kg s−1 )

SW 0.75l SW 0.75l
CTU 0.85l CTU 0.85l
0.25l CTU,baffled 0.25l CTU,baffled
0.5l 0.5l

Figure 14: Total performance of different baffle length.

Slot flow
Shear effect of
inner ring Shear effect of
slot flow
Shear effect of
slot flow

Inlet flow
Shear effect of
inlet flow
(a) 0.5𝑙 (b) 0.75𝑙 (c) 0.85𝑙

Figure 15: The dissipation in the recirculation duct.

𝑉𝑎 of 0.85𝑙 baffle is only larger than for the 0.25𝑙 and CTU . increases the mass flow rate in the rotor passage over the full-
Since the casing treatment with the 0.85𝑙 baffle achieved the span range. However, because the reinjected flow in the tip
largest flow range, it indicates that the 0.85𝑙 baffle has a more region typically possesses higher axial momentum than the
balanced control of the tip flow and the low-span inlet flow tip blockage but lower than that of the main flow, the increase
than all the other cases. of axial velocity at about 90% span is slightly suppressed.
As a result, more mass flow rate was concentrated in the tip
4.3. A Further Flow Range Improvement. The above analysis region and the lower-span region, as shown in Figure 17(a).
shows the significance of the redistribution of span-wise This explains the distribution of inlet 𝑉𝑎 for the baffled cases
velocity on flow range improvement. The influence of slot in Figure 11. The influence of baffle length was associated
position and baffle length is summarized and sketched in with the intensity of recirculation. For a weak recirculation,
Figure 17. The analysis is based on the same overall mass flow the shorter baffle introduced the high-speed inlet flow to the
rate. rotor tip and further suppressed the recirculation, as shown
For the baffled casing treatments, moving the slot in the by the red arrow and curves. The two effects both helped
downstream direction intensifies the recirculation and thus to decrease the mass flow rate in the lower-span region but
14 International Journal of Rotating Machinery




0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Va (m s−1 ) Relative flow angle (degree)

CTU 0.75l CTU 0.75l

0.25l 0.85l 0.25l 0.85l
0.5l CTU,baffled 0.5l CTU,baffled

Figure 16: The distribution of inlet velocity for different baffle lengths at 𝑚 = 3.4 kg/s.

led to differing results in the tip region; the lower-span mass shown in Figure 19(b), which shows the entropy at the same
flow rate will be definitely reduced, as shown in Figure 16. U2 station considered in Figure 19(a). CTD produced a higher
For the case with much stronger recirculation, the inlet flow loss above 60% span at its NS point (𝑚 = 2.75 kg/s). The high
and recirculation were changed in the opposite way, as shown entropy was generated by the interaction between the inlet
by the blue curve and arrow. The shorter baffle therefore flow and the recirculating flow which extended significantly
distributed more mass flow rate to the lower-span region. upstream without the limitation of the baffle. Since the stall
The different baffle length in Section 4.2 shows a surpris- flow was judged by a strict criterion which took into account
ing result that flow range can be improved using a suitable the outlet static pressure rise and high entropy is associated
length along with higher peak efficiency than CTU and with lower pressure, the reason why CTD,baffled resulted in
CTU,baffled with almost the same or larger flow range. This improved Δ𝑚 compared to CTD should lie in its suppression
section describes the investigation of different baffle lengths of the upstream extent of the recirculation flow and the
for the downstream slot case to see if there is further flow corresponding reduced loss near the stall point.
range improvement.
The overall performance is shown in Figure 18. For the 4.4. The Coupled Effect of Baffle Length and the Slot Position
downstream slot position, the best baffle length for improved on Peak Efficiency and Flow Range. To study the coupled
flow range was found to be 0.5𝑙. Δ𝑚 reaching 37.6% with a effect of the baffle length and the slot position on the peak
peak efficiency of 84.1%. The reason for the slightly improved efficiency and flow range, more different values of baffle
efficiency compared to CTD and CTD,baffle is the same as in length were simulated to optimize the peak efficiency and
Section 4.2 and is not repeated again here. Since the span-wise the flow range achieved for each slot position. The result was
distribution of 𝑉𝑎 in Figure 19(a) shows the second type of given in Figure 20.
influence of baffle length defined in Figure 17(b), it is inferred According to Figure 20(a), the downstream slot generally
that, at 𝑚 = 2.83 kg/s, the casing treatments in all three achieved a larger flow range than the upstream cases. The
downstream slot cases generated stronger recirculation than optimum length of the baffle for improving the flow range
could be suppressed by the inlet flow and CTD possessed a decreased as the slot moved downstream. In the cases with the
much higher level of recirculation than CTD,baffled and the 0.5𝑙 downstream slot, the remarkably high value of 𝑚NS adjacent
baffle. The flow range achieved with the 0.5𝑙 baffle was larger to the optimum 𝑚NS condition indicates that the high-
than CTD,baffled because of its higher mid-span axial velocity. speed recirculation flow due to the downstream slot would
According to the discussion in Section 4.1, this relieved the reduce the flow range if not suitably controlled. Figure 20(b)
separation and thus suppressed the tip blockage. Compared shows that the upstream slot generally achieves higher peak
with the case of the 0.5𝑙 baffle, CTD showed higher 𝑉𝑎 over efficiency than the downstream slot, and the optimum length
the full-span but achieved a smaller flow range. The reason is of baffle decreases as the slot position moves downstream.
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 15

Stronger recirculation
and lower inlet flow
Stronger recirculation

Tip acceleration Weaker recirculation

and higher inlet flow

r r


Va Va
(a) Influence of slot position (b) Influence of baffle length

Figure 17: The influence of slot position and baffle length on the distribution of inlet velocity.

1.1 0.95


Pt rise coefficient

0.95 𝜂



0.8 0.6
2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4 4.4 4.8
m (kg s−1 ) m (kg s−1 )

SW 0.5l SW 0.5l
CTD CTD,baffled CTD CTD,baffled
(a) (b)

Figure 18: Total performance of downstream slot with different baffle length.

Comparing with the plots of 𝑚NS , it can be seen that the value the stall margin by suitably controlling the duct flow in the
of the optimum baffle length for peak efficiency is always casing treatment.
greater than the baffle length for best flow range in each slot The influence of the slot position and the interaction
position. of the noise baffle was found to be significant for the
5. Conclusion For the baffled cases, the duct flow was sheltered and
guided by the noise baffle and thus produced recirculation
This research applied a counter-swirl self-recirculation casing and similar reinjection of flow regardless of the slot position.
treatment to a low speed axial fan-rotor to investigate the Moving the slot further downstream increased the intensity
possibility of reducing the efficiency penalty and improving of the recirculation. The flow range was thus extended but
16 International Journal of Rotating Machinery

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5
Va (m s−1 ) Increase of entropy (J (kg K)−1 )

0.5l 0.5l
(a) Inlet 𝑉𝑎 at the NS point of CTD,baffled (𝑚 = 2.83/kg/s) (b) Outlet entropy at the NS point of CTD (𝑚 = 2.75/kg/s)

Figure 19: Distribution of the pitch-average parameters for CTD , 0.5𝑙 baffled case, and CTD,baffled .

4 0.9

Mass flow rate at NS point (kg s−1 )

Peak efficiency





2 0.7
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized length of baffle Normalized length of baffle

Downstream Downstream
Baseline position Baseline position
Upstream Upstream
(a) (b)

Figure 20: The coupled effect of slot position and the baffle length on efficiency and flow range.
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 17

incurred more efficiency penalty. The stall condition in all 𝜙 : Mass flow coefficient
three cases was similarly induced by the accumulation of full- 𝜓: Static to total pressure rise coefficient
span separation flow in the tip region of the blade. Φ: Dissipation function.
For the nonbaffled cases, the direction of the flow in
the recirculation duct was found to be associated with the
position of the slot. At the peak efficiency point, the slot
flow would be in the inward direction when the slot was 𝑎, 𝑡, 𝑟: Axial, tangential, and radial
placed at the upstream location, but flow was bled out of D, U: Upstream and downstream.
the slot when it was placed at the downstream location; both
positions induced additional efficiency penalty. At the NS
point, in the absence of the noise baffle, the upstream extent
of the recirculation and the direction of reinjection in the CT: Casing treatment
𝑎-𝑟 plane were altered depending upon the intensity of the SW: Smooth wall casing
recirculation. The downstream slot position showed much NS: Near stall
larger flow range than the baseline case and the upstream case PS: Pressure side
due to its stronger recirculation. SS: Suction side
Knowing the significant influence of the noise baffle, SST: Shear stress transport.
a study of the baffle length was conducted for further
performance improvement. Based on the upstream slot Competing Interests
position, four more different baffle lengths were simulated
The authors declared no potential competing interests with
and it was found that penalty in peak efficiency was further
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
reduced by 2.3% (although this was still 1.9% lower than
the smooth casing) by using a part-length baffle of 0.75𝑙. In
this configuration the inlet flow and the recirculation almost
reached a balance point and no strong flow was formed in the Acknowledgments
recirculation duct at the peak efficiency point. Investigating This work was funded by National Natural Science Founda-
the effect of baffle length for the downstream slot position tion of China (Grant nos. 51576162 and 51536006) and Doc-
showed that, compared with the full-length baffle and the torate Foundation of Northwestern Polytechnical University
nonbaffled cases, the inlet velocity profile over the full-span (CX201519).
was best controlled with the 0.5𝑙 noise baffle. The flow range
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