Hamm Raco 350 WWW - Ito Germany - de
Hamm Raco 350 WWW - Ito Germany - de
Hamm Raco 350 WWW - Ito Germany - de
Raco 350
Technical specification
Technical specification
Dimensions in mm
Basic mechanical design operator’s platform. The milling and to drive the hydraulic system for both
mixing rotor is supported by the rear the travel and the milling drive. The air
The Hamm Raco 350 is a soil stabiliz-
part of the machine. The two parts are drawn into the engine passes through
er with hydrostatically driven milling
interconnected by an articulated oscil- a multi-stage filter. The engine meets
and mixing rotor.
lating joint. All components are readily the stringent standards of the US En-
Chassis accessible for maintenance work. vironment Protection Agency (EPA)
and of the European Union.
The welded machine frame is made up
of two parts. The front part accommo-
dates the diesel engine with drive sta- The Hamm Raco 350 has a Deutz
tion for the hydraulic pumps and the diesel engine rated at 370 kW / 503 PS The Hamm Raco 350 has hydraulical-
Travel drive The position of the rotor housing
remains unchanged, thus enlarging
All-wheel drive is a standard feature of
the mixing area in proportion to the
the soil stabilizer. The front axle has a
working depth. The set working
limited-slip differential to ensure opti-
depth can be read off on large,
mum traction. The two rear wheels are
clearly legible displays on the right
driven via hydraulic motors fed by a
and left of the rotor housing.
common pump. The large tyres with
deep tread additionally ensure a high
A wear-resistant crusher bar can al-
speed of advance, even on difficult
so be integrated into the drum
housing if required.
The travel speed can be infinitely var-
ied from zero to maximum in both driv- Milling and mixing rotor drive
ing and milling gear.
The milling and mixing rotor is driv-
Power control en hydrostatically on both sides.
The speed can be infinitely varied
The feed rate is controlled as a func- between 120 and 145 rpm. The hy-
tion of the engine speed by the auto- draulic lines for the rotor drive are
matic motor monitoring system. The enclosed in a well sealed housing
655 power distribution between travel and to protect them against damage
milling drive can be varied, depending and fouling.
on the type of job concerned. Auto-
matic power control can be deactivat- Soundproofing
ed for manual adjustment of the feed
Soundproofing is a standard fea-
ture to reduce noise levels for both
Brakes the operating personnel and the
Braking is achieved through interlock-
ing of the hydrostatic drive. A multiple Operator’s platform
disk brake is additionally installed on The operator’s platform is located
each wheel as parking brake. at the front of the machine and can
easily be accessed from both the
Milling and mixing rotor right and the left. The operating el-
The milling and mixing rotor operates ements are clearly arranged, easily
in an up-cutting direction. Toolholders legible and within easy reach of the
accommodating the round-shank cut- driver. A shock-absorbent seat of
ters are welded onto the drum body as adjustable height and position en-
a standard feature. Special, bolted sures maximum comfort for the
edge segments can be replaced with driver. The height and angle of the
particular ease. steering column can similarly be in-
finitely adjusted. The main operat-
Optionally, the milling and mixing rotor ing data can be read off on clearly
can also be equipped with the tried- laid out displays.
and-tested, patented quick-change
toolholder system HT3. In this case, An air-conditioned cab with all-
the bottom parts of the toolholders are round glazing is optionally available
welded to the drum body. The upper for the soil stabilizer. A slight ex-
parts are secured in the bottom parts cess pressure prevents dust enter-
ly actuated articulated steering with a
by retaining bolts and can be replaced ing the cab. The fresh air is addi-
maximum steering angle of + 30°.
without difficulty. tionally filtered.
The front axle is a rigid axle. The rear
wheels are rigidly suspended from the The rotor housing is made of particu- Hydraulic system
chassis and can be steered. The rear larly wear-resistant special steel and Separate hydraulic systems for the
axle oscillates about an axial joint and equipped with hydraulically adjustable travel drive, milling and mixing rotor
is therefore largely independent of the flaps at the front and rear. drive, control functions and cooling
movement of the front axle. The oscil- system. The hydraulic pumps are
lation angle equals 15° in both direc- The milling and mixing rotor is lowered driven by the diesel engine via a
tions. hydraulically to set the working depth. PTO gear.
Electrical system cuit for work on the rotor. Comprehen-
sive working lights ensure that work
can continue without danger in twilight
24 V system with 3-phase alternator,
and in the dark.
two 12 V batteries and a starter.
A locking mechanism prevents the
Safety and transport
machine buckling during transport.
The soil stabilizer includes an Emer- Clearly marked loading and lashing
gency OFF switch, a reversing horn, a lugs allow the machine to be loaded by
flashing warning light and a safety cir- crane and secured for transport.
Standard Optional
Illustrations are without obligation. Subject to technical changes. Performance data depend on operational conditions. – No. 59-20 EN- 11/00 © by Wirtgen GmbH 2000 Printed in Germany