PetGuard - Your Complete Puppy Guide
PetGuard - Your Complete Puppy Guide
PetGuard - Your Complete Puppy Guide
Everything you need
to know to help you
get started
Buying a puppy 3
What to consider? 4
Is there room for a puppy in your home and your life 5
Looking for a puppy 6
Golden Retrievers 8
Labrador Retrievers 8
English Bulldogs 8
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels 8
French Bulldogs 8
Adopting a puppy 9
Buying a puppy 11
What is socialisation? 32
Puppy insurance 40
Puppy guide |
Buying a
Buying a puppy
What to
Bringing a puppy home is an
exciting time for any household
(who doesn’t want to hear the
pitter-patter of tiny paws?), but it’s
important to make sure you’re fully
prepared and informed on what to
expect when they walk through
your front door for the first time.
4 Puppy guide |
Buying a puppy
Is there room
for a puppy in
your home and
your life?
If you want a
puppy, you should
think about whether
you can give them
your TLC
Time Lifestyle Cost
Puppies need a lot Can you fit in a puppy It’s not just the one-off
of attention and this around your current cost of buying a puppy
doesn’t change as lifestyle? Remember that that’s expensive. It’s also
they get older. Can different breeds have vet bills, kennelling costs
you give them different temperaments, so and food costs. Are you
enough time? you need to find a breed able to provide what your
that will work for you. puppy needs?
A puppy needs You should only consider You also need to provide
regular feeding, buying a puppy if you veterinary care for your
regular exercise have enough room in puppy, as well as training
and a comfortable your home (and garden and socialisation with
space to sleep if you have one) and the other dogs and humans.
and play. time to care for them. Make a puppy plan to help
schedule play time, short
walks, feeding and the all-
important toilet training!
5 Puppy guide |
Buying a puppy
Where to
start when
looking for
a puppy?
• Dogs Trust
• All Dogs Matter
• Battersea Dogs & Cats Home
Due to a
landmark piece of
legislation known as
‘Lucy’s Law’, since April 2020,
puppies and kittens can no
longer be sold by third-parties.
Lucy’s Law means that you
can now only adopt puppies
from rescue centres or
buy them direct from
the breeder.
6 Puppy guide |
Dog breeds
with health
Dog breeds with health issues
8 Puppy guide |
Adopting a
Adopting a puppy
a puppy
If you’ve decided to adopt a puppy
from a shelter, you will most likely
have to complete a screening
process to ensure you meet the
requirements as a pet owner.
10 Puppy guide |
Buying a
Buying a puppy
Buying a puppy
12 Puppy guide |
How to puppy
proof your
How to puppy proof your house
How to puppy proof your house
8 tips
If you want
more information
about what to look
out for around the
home, then check
out our article on how
to puppy-proof your
house right here!
15 Puppy guide |
How to puppy proof your house
first few
16 Puppy guide |
Training your
Training your puppy
your puppy
As soon as you’ve
brought your puppy
home, you can get
stuck-in and start
18 Puppy guide |
Training your puppy
If you wish to socialise your puppy with problems before they start and the
others and teach your puppy commands trainer will be able to provide you with
around real-life distractions, then you specialist advice. You will get to meet
could consider taking your puppy to other owners and witness the behaviour
training classes. Attending these classes of their puppies as well.
will help you learn how to prevent
19 Puppy guide |
Training your puppy
A misbehaving puppy
Naughty puppies can be quite
testing at times, but you should How much time
make an effort to avoid punishing should I spend
a young dog. training my puppy?
20 Puppy guide |
Training your puppy
Crate training
Crate training is a great way to teach your puppy good behaviours from
a young age. Teaching your dog when to use their crate can be useful for
everything from mealtimes, bedtime and keeping them safe. Here’s a few
steps on how to successfully crate train your puppy!
Step 3 Step 4
21 Puppy guide |
How to puppy proof your house
Being consistent is the key
to toilet training your puppy
– that and being able to predict
the future!
22 Puppy guide |
Why do
Why do puppies chew?
Why do
24 Puppy guide |
Why do puppies chew?
How can
chewing be
1 Chew toys
2 Rope toys
valuable objects that you
don’t want your puppy to
chew are kept out of reach in
the early stages. Puppies also
chew because they’re nervous
or over-tired, so let them have
Kong toys filled some time in their crate to
3 with treats rest where you can keep
an eye on them.
25 Puppy guide |
Feeding your
Feeding your puppy
Puppies will be
dependent on their
mother’s milk until
they are around
7 or 8 weeks old.
Your puppy will
then begin the
process of feeding
themselves, known
as weaning.
27 Puppy guide |
Feeding your puppy
Your puppy will grow up fast! Growing pups will have at least
double the nutritional requirements of a full-grown adult dog, so
you need to make sure that your puppy is getting what it needs.
How much you should feed your puppy will depend on their size and breed. Be careful not to overfeed your
puppy and make sure that they’re getting the right food and nutrients that they need to grow into a healthy
dog. Your vet will be able to advise you on how much and what type of food you should be giving your pup.
When you first take As your puppy approaches At the 6-month stage, your
your puppy home, you the 6-month stage, you puppy’s growth will start to
should be feeding them should be able to take them slow. Some small breeds of dog
at least four times a down to three meals a day, will even be close to finishing
day. Puppies at this age although the quantity of each growing. At this point, it should
grow rapidly, so they meal can be larger. Again, be fine to put your puppy onto
need a diet of special consult with your vet about a twice daily diet which they
puppy food to support what your puppy should be should be able to maintain
that growth. eating and how much. for the rest of their life.
28 Puppy guide |
When can
I take my puppy
When can I take my puppy outside?
When can I
take my puppy
You may be quite nervous about
taking your puppy outside before
they’re fully vaccinated and that’s
perfectly understandable.
Most vets will recommend that you These maternal antibodies help protect
wait until two weeks after their last the young pup from illness and diseases.
vaccination booster until they can However, this immunity wears off over
go outside. time, meaning your young dog will
need to be fully vaccinated before they
When your puppy is born, they receive integrate with unfamiliar dogs and explore
some passive immunity from their mother. the outside world.
30 Puppy guide |
When can I take my puppy outside?
31 Puppy guide |
What is
What is socialisation?
What is
is crucial in the early
stages of a dog’s life
and helps form their
overall temperament
and personality.
33 Puppy guide |
What is socialisation?
With that said, don’t put too Your puppy may show signs
much pressure on yourself to of anxiety at first when they’re
socialise your puppy. In those meeting new people and much
first few months, it won’t do any older dogs. Try to comfort
harm to meet other dogs, pets them when they do by stroking
and people in short periods. A and soothing them and if this
new puppy always seems to doesn’t work, then take them
bring household visitors, so away for a while. They can
use this chance to get your pup always try again another time!
used to being around people.
If your puppy
is happy making
new friends, then
make sure that you
give them plenty
of praise.
34 Puppy guide |
What is socialisation?
35 Puppy guide |
your puppy
Vaccinating your puppy
your puppy
What diseases
will my puppy be
protected against?
• Canine Distemper
• Kennel Cough
• Canine parvovirus
• Parainfluenza
• Leptospirosis
37 Puppy guide |
Vaccinating your puppy
continued >
38 Puppy guide |
Vaccinating your puppy
• ‘Scooting’ or dragging
Puppies can be wormed for the first time their bottom
when they are about five weeks old. Puppies
should then be wormed at eight weeks and 12 • Loss of fur
weeks old and then every three months from
that point forward to help prevent them from • Loss of weight
picking up worms.
• Visible worms or eggs
around their fur
• Diarrhoea or vomiting
The main types of worms that your puppy can pick up are
roundworms, tapeworms and lungworms.
These look like spaghetti and can sometimes be transmitted before puppies are even
born if the mother is already infected.
The most common type of tapeworm uses fleas to transmit to their host. Puppies and
dogs can pick up these worms while they’re nibbling or grooming for fleas.
These live in your puppy’s respiratory system and can be caught by dogs after eating
grass or playing with toys that have been left outside for a long time.
39 Puppy guide |
Puppy insurance
41 Puppy guide |
Puppy insurance
42 Puppy guide |
Good luck!
From everyone at petGuard, we hope
you enjoy your new puppy
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