I I I-Final-Zutsū
I I I-Final-Zutsū
I I I-Final-Zutsū
belief in something beyond the self. It strives to answer questions about the
meaning of life, how people are connected to each other, truths about the
includes the beliefs, values, mental, models, and ethics one hold.
Anye 2013, and Musa 2015 cited in tandfonline (2016), the relationships
social support provided from different sources (families, friends, and significant
others) and life satisfaction. In the previous studies or research in the University
of Jordan majority of the university students moderate their high level of spiritual
well-being. It is reported that 64% of the University of Jordan students had high
among university students were associated with greater spiritual beliefs and
practices. Furthermore, Kneipp (2009) cited tandfonline (2016), also reported that
positive outcome that is meaningful for people and for many sectors of society,
because it tells us that people perceive that their lives are going well. Good living
these conditions is important for public policy. However, many indicators that
measure living conditions fail to measure what people think and feel about their
lives, such as the quality of their relationships, their positive emotions and
resilience, the realization of their potential, or their overall satisfaction with life—
prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of
meaning or purpose, and the ability to manage stress. More generally, well-being
is just feeling well. That it is something sought by just about everyone because it
includes so many positive things — feeling happy, healthy, socially connected,
and purposeful.
being spiritually healthy can make them more knowledgeable and there is a
significance in terms of dealing or handling with their attitudes and beliefs. Also,
it is important to study the spirituality among the senior high school because there
is a bigger chance that they may be able to easily handle their attitudes and lastly,
spirituality is the one whom should they care or treasure the most in their lives
because according to the bible, Mark 8:36 “For what does it profit a man to gain
the whole world and forfeit his soul”. Which it means that having a wealthy life is
There is rare research about spiritual wellbeing of a person or student. Thus, the
researchers sought to study the spirituality among the students and its effects to
their well-being. The contribution of the study to the school includes the
can also be used to discover if or student needs spiritual assistance. Aside from
the subject and from the teaching of the teachers. The school contributes or helps
the students by conducting masses that is held every now and then every
Thursday’s. And this said mass has already started among the automotive students
Conceptual Framework
The study is based on the concept that if the spirituality of the students is
healthy, the wellbeing of the students is as well healthy. This chapter presents the
concepts in the research. It also shows the scope and direction of the research.
includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or
purpose and the ability to manage stress. It provides students with more
Students Well-being
student has a very stable and healthy well-being, they can be highly motivated on
doing schoolwork’s along with a strong, supportive relationships that provides the
students with the emotional resources to step out of their intellectual “comfort
zone” and to work along with different groups. Well-being improves teachers'
ability to interact with students, teach concepts, face challenges, and avoid
burnout. Which it means that a stable well-being can motivates each student while
something bigger than us, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life.
healthy way, it can be connected to not only to those in a much higher power, but
to those around us and they are accurate when it comes to making everyday
choices and the actions becomes more consistent with their own belief and value.
religiosity and includes the beliefs, values, mental models, and ethics we hold
teachintheterritory (2018).
Spirituality and Students
such as composure, ethical caring and ecumenical worldview; to which its extents
the interest in different religions tradition, seeks to understand other countries and
Figure 1 shows the diagram about the relation of the well-being of the
students to spirituality which it means that the researchers will know the
relationship of the well-being of the senior high to their spirituality that it includes
the determining what is the important of spirituality to the senior high students to
their spirituality and the challenges they encountered as well as to the contribution
of the senior high students in Sto. Tomas National High School. It sought to
high students?
the enhancement of their spiritual life inside and outside the school
This chapter describes the research design and methods that the
researchers used to conduct the research. It includes the population and locale of
Research Design
collects the data from the different respondents that are based on numerical
figures and data obtained is then analyzed for obtaining the results using different
where the researchers will just give it to the person who is available to be
method where the first available primary data source will be used for the research
without additional requirements which it means that the researchers would only
use the first main data that was gathered or focuses only to the target respondents
of the research.
The participants in this research are the Senior High School students in
Sto. Tomas National High School, where there are 2 tracks Technical-Vocation-
Livelihood Track (TVL) and Academic which includes the following: 11 and 12
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) which it had 36 and 41 students per
strand; 11 and 12 Home Economics (HE) which it had 23 and 22 students per
The formula:
The study was conducted at Sto. Tomas National High School, Baguio
City. Inside STNHS, there are a total of 8 buildings, but the researchers senior
high school respondents are in the 4 buildings which in building’s 3,4,6 and 7,
where the Plate. 1 shows Sto. Tomas National High School. A public secondary
school located at Apugan, Barangay Sto. Tomas, Baguio City, Philippines.
According to wikimapia (2013), Sto. Tomas National High School is one of the
annexes of Baguio City National High School, but it now has become an
the first floor in building 6 where the grades 11 and 12 automotive takes their
spirituality to the well-being of the students will be calculated. The first part of
the survey is the profile of the subjects, the second part is the importance of well-
being to the spirituality of the students, the third part is the challenges that the
school campus, and the contribution of the school to the enhancement of student’s
spiritual life.
to the respondents personally and it was answered according to their will. The
Treatment of Data
This chapter discusses the results of the study. Below are the results and
findings after the survey questionnaires were gathered, tallied, and interpreted. It
discusses the importance of spirituality to the well-being of the SHS students, the
outside the school campus and the contributions of the school to the enhancement
being of the students enhances the students' academic achievement and personal
the senior high school students in Sto. Tomas National High School. Among the
achievements of the students which gained 63.41%. Which shows that students
being spiritually well are highly motivated on learning and highly active on
highly spiritual students are associated with high learning motivation. The second
highest is spiritual health and important to the student’s well-being which gained
59.75%, which indicates that students are aware that having a healthy spirituality
can affect their well-being in which it has a protective effect and acts against
stress and leads to gain physical and psychological healthy life and supportive
behaviors, having goal and meaning in life, hopefulness, optimism and improves
individuals psychological.
The Challenges that the Senior High Students Encounter in Relation to the
Enhancement to their Spiritual Life Inside and Outside the School Campus
The challenges that the senior high students encounter in relation to the
enhancement to their spiritual life inside and outside the school campus is their
college students had one of the spiritual problems that has received considerable
attention is spiritual problems. This means that major life stressor affects people
not only psychologically, socially, and physically, but spiritually as well. Spiritual
with whatever they hold sacred, including the connection to God/Higher Power,
their spiritual identity, and the connections to a religious community. The table 2
shows the results of the challenges encountered by the senior high school
students. Among the listed challenges the highest challenges that student’s
encounter is the differences in discussion about their own faith or beliefs which
gained 60.97%. This indicates that whenever there are discussions about a certain
belief others tend to seem to be knowledgeable than the believer itself, hence it
highest challenge among the students is the misunderstanding of religion sect that
Muslims and Christians or Hindus and Buddhists have been framed as wars for
strife, however, is often not. Although some religions are fighting over doctrinal
differences, most conflict stems from more secular causes a desire for political
power, a struggle for resources, ethnic rivalries, and economic competition which
1. Hard to find a church goer friend. 32 (39.02%) 50 (60.97%) 3
2. Bullied because majority of the 10 (12.19%) 72 (87.80%) 5
students is not in the same religious
3. Misunderstanding of religions. 46 (56.09%) 36 (43.90%) 2
4. Verbal bullying(clothing). 17 (20.73%) 65 (79.26%) 4
5. Differences when you discuss your 50 (60.97%) 32 (39.02%) 1
faith or beliefs to others.
Table 2. The challenges that the senior high students encounter in relation to the
enhancement to their spiritual life inside and outside the school campus.
spiritual lives starts with the lesson taking part from elementary to the secondary
level wherein there is the Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP) subject. There is also
in the senior high level in the strand of HUMSS which we have the World
Religion subject. Also, there are activities that are conducted by the Supreme
Student Government and the other clubs like scrapbooking, sharing of bible
verses which spirituality is well understood into their well-being, which it means
that the research of the researchers helps to know the different activities that was
conducted, and it helps the senior high school students improve their spiritual
well-being. Table 3 shows the given suggestion by the respondents that the school
contributes to the enhancement of the student’s spiritual lives of the senior high
Thursdays 3:00-4:00 P.M with 19. 51%, which indicates that the senior high
school students engage in activities which help the students in enhancing their
spiritual lives. And the least suggested is sharing of Bible verses with 3.65%
which is where some of the students are being informed and aware in the sharing
of bible verses every flag ceremony and shared through social media that was
spiritual lives.
Based on the gathered data from the study, the following conclusion were
1. Most of the senior high students were aware of their spiritual well-
3. The researchers recommend that the teachers must also read this
spiritual state of their students and for them to guide their learners
well-being of students.
EPRA JORNALS (2022). How does being spiritual well affect academic
achievement? Retrieved from
https://eprajournals.com/IJMR/article/9737. Accessed on June 5, 2023
HOLY BIBLE: The New Testament, Book of Mark. (70 CE). Rome: St. Mark the