Nation2009 COLISTIN
Nation2009 COLISTIN
Nation2009 COLISTIN
approaches to optimizing therapy, colistin, Gram-negative infections
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536 Antimicrobial agents
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Colistin in the 21st century Nation and Li 537
For example, the half-life of the active antibacterial intravenously and/or by inhalation to manage infections
colistin formed in vivo from its prodrug, CMS, is about or colonization with P. aeruginosa in pediatric and adult
4 h in CF patients [25,39,40] but is longer in critically ill patients with CF. In the last decade, it has been used to
patients ([41,42,43,44], unpublished data). A recently treat a range of infections [e.g. ventilator-associated
reported population pharmacokinetic study, though with pneumonia (VAP), bacteremia] caused by MDR Gram-
a small number of patients (n ¼ 18), provided useful new negative bacteria, in particular P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii
insights into the disposition of CMS and formed colistin and K. pneumoniae, in critically ill adult patients; most
in critically ill patients [42]. Patients received CMS typically, it is administered intravenously. Although
intravenously (as a 15-min infusion) at a dose of 3 million generally considered to be efficacious and well tolerated
IU (equivalent to 240 mg CMS) every 8 h; the dose was in this setting [6,8], there is a paucity of randomized
reduced empirically to 2 million IU (160 mg CMS) controlled trials; many studies are retrospective in nature
every 8 h in two patients with a creatinine clearance less and other antibiotics are often used in combination (e.g.
than 50 ml/min. Mean creatinine clearance was 82.3 ml/ [6,8,46]). In addition, small sample sizes and resultant
min (range 41–126 ml/min) and none of the patients lack of power substantially compromise the usefulness of
required renal replacement therapy. CMS and colistin many studies; for example, a recent prospective cohort
plasma levels were measured after the first and fourth study on adult critically ill patients intended to compare
doses. The predicted Cmax of formed colistin (0.60 mg/l) high-dose ampicillin/sulbactam versus CMS intravenous
after the first dose was substantially lower than that at monotherapy for treatment of MDR A. baumannii VAP
steady state (2.3 mg/l after the fourth dose) because of a had a power of 6% [47].
slow rate of formation of colistin from CMS and accumu-
lation of formed colistin over the first several doses, in Inhalation of CMS has been used in CF over the last two
keeping with its estimated half-life of 14.4 h. The plasma decades and in Greece is now being used in critically ill and
binding of colistin was not considered in this study. Even ICU patients for treatment of VAP [48,49]. The rationale is
so, the plasma concentrations of colistin, which was appealing: delivery of antibiotic directly to the infection
administered at a daily dose 50% higher than that recom- site with the intention of achieving selective targeting (i.e.
mended by the manufacturer, were well below (first dose) effective concentrations in lung fluid, while minimizing
or modestly above (fourth dose) the Clinical and Labora- systemic exposure and potential adverse effects such as
tory Standards Institute (CLSI) and European Commit- nephrotoxicity) [50]. Aerosolized CMS [2.2 0.7 million
tee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) IU per day (equivalent to 176 56 mg CMS per day), for
MIC breakpoint (2 mg/l) for P. aeruginosa and A. bauman- a mean duration of 16.4 days] was examined prospectively
nii. This prompted the authors to question the appro- in 60 critically ill patients requiring treatment for VAP
priateness of the current dosage regimens. In view of the caused by MDR P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii or K. pneumo-
delay in attainment of plasma colistin concentrations in niae. Bacteriological and clinical response of VAP was
this study [42] and the known importance of initiating observed in 83.3% of patients; no adverse effects were
appropriate antimicrobial therapy as quickly as possible recorded and all-cause hospital mortality was 25% [49]. It
[45], the authors also suggested that it may be advan- should be noted that all but three of the 60 patients
tageous to administer a loading dose of CMS (e.g. 9 received concomitant intravenous treatment with CMS
million IU, equivalent to 720 mg CMS) with a main- or other antibiotics. In a retrospective case series (five
tenance dose of 4.5 million IU (equivalent to 360 mg patients), the same group examined inhaled CMS as
CMS) every 12 h [42], though such regimens remain to ‘monotherapy’ (meaning no concurrent intravenous
be tested clinically. This study [42] highlights the need CMS) for treatment of nosocomial pneumonia caused
for a large population pharmacokinetic study, incorporat- by P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii and/or K. pneumoniae [48].
ing pharmacodynamic endpoints (e.g. bacterial eradica- Although no intravenous CMS was administered, patients
tion, clinical cure, development of resistance) together did receive other intravenous antibiotics (to which the
with toxicodynamic endpoints (e.g. nephrotoxicity) and isolated pathogens were resistant). Although it was con-
involving patients with a wider range of renal function cluded from these studies that inhaled CMS may be well
(including those requiring renal replacement therapy) tolerated and effective for treatment of VAP [48,49], the
and other comorbidities. A National Institute of Health confounding influences (e.g. concomitant administration
(NIH)-funded project (grant number 5R01AI070896-02) of intravenous CMS or other antibiotics), small sample
that addresses these requirements in various categories of sizes and lack of control groups complicate interpretation
critically ill patients is currently underway. of the data. Other factors that require consideration are
the appropriateness of the inhaled dose (i.e. dose-ranging
studies are required) and pharmaceutical formulation (e.g.
Current clinical uses of colistin does the current inhalational formulation, which is largely
The resurgence in the use of CMS/colistin began in the based upon the parenteral formulation, maximize delivery
late 1980s and early 1990s, when it was administered of appropriately sized droplets to the airways?). In addition,
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538 Antimicrobial agents
the conversion of CMS to colistin within the lung fluid used outside this group, as an important last-line anti-
would be a prerequisite for antibacterial activity, but there biotic for treatment of MDR Gram-negative infections
is no information regarding this or indeed other aspects of [59,60].
the disposition of CMS and colistin following pulmonary
administration (e.g. effective half-life in lung fluid,
absolute systemic bioavailability). Potential for nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity
Nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity are the most common
Inhalational administration of CMS is not approved by adverse effects of intravenous administration of CMS.
the FDA [51] but, as discussed above, is common in CF Neurotoxicity is rare [6,8,22,61,62]. Nephrotoxicity is
clinics throughout the world and increasingly so in some more common and is of most concern to prescribing
ICUs [52–54]. Recently, the purported formation of clinicians. A recent retrospective cohort study [22] com-
colistin in a solution of CMS (reconstituted from the paring the safety and efficacy of CMS/colistin and tobra-
CMS parenteral formulation, Coly-Mycin M) was impli- mycin for treatment of MDR A. baumannii infections in
cated in the death of a patient with CF following inhala- ICU patients found that the risks of nephrotoxicity were
tion [55] and this led to the issuing of an FDA Alert similar. The authors acknowledged a number of limita-
( tions of this small study [22].
htm). Unfortunately, virtually no information relating to A retrospective study conducted at the Walter Reed
the death has been made publicly available (e.g. the Army Medical Center involving personnel injured in Iraq
concentration of CMS in the solution and the transpor- and Afghanistan assessed the incidence of nephrotoxicity
tation and storage conditions for the solution). However, a associated with intravenous administration of CMS
stability study conducted on a CMS Solution for Inhala- [63]. In that study, the majority of patients were young
tion (77.5 mg CMS per ml) specially prepared by a and previously healthy, without underlying risk factors
hospital pharmacy department found that the conversion for kidney dysfunction. CMS was administered intrave-
of CMS to colistin was highly concentration-dependent; nously in a mean (SD) dose of 4.3 1.2 mg/kg/day of
less than 0.1% colistin was formed over a 1-year period ‘colistin base activity’ (equivalent to 11.5 3.2 mg
when the CMS Solution for Inhalation was stored at CMS/kg/day) for 15.8 9.2 days. The authors used the
either 4 or 258C [17]. Despite the low level of colistin well validated RIFLE system of criteria (risk, injury,
observed in that study, it is prudent to reconstitute failure, loss and end-stage kidney disease [64]) to
lyophilized CMS as close as possible prior to adminis- categorize acute kidney injury (AKI, as opposed to acute
tration by inhalation (or parenteral injection) to minimize renal failure) from mild renal dysfunction to the need for
the potential for in-vitro formation of colistin in these renal replacement therapy. The incidence of AKI (cate-
CMS dosing solutions [17]. As noted above, colistin is gorized at the R, I or F level as defined by RIFLE) while
formed in vivo after inhalational [56] or intravenous receiving CMS at the time of the peak serum creatinine
[39,41,42,44] administration of CMS. was 45% in the 66 patients who met inclusion criteria
(18 years, received intravenous CMS for >72 h and not
The intrathecal or intraventricular administration of CMS on renal replacement therapy prior to the initiation of
to treat central nervous system (CNS) infections has been CMS). No patient was categorized at the L or E level of
reviewed previously [6,8,57] and reports continue to RIFLE at the time of the peak serum creatinine and no
accumulate [19,58]. Administration via these routes is patient required renal replacement therapy, despite the
usually instituted when there is concern whether intra- fact that several had evidence of acute tubular necrosis on
venous CMS will adequately penetrate into the site of urine microscopy. Patients who received CMS for more
infection or when intravenous administration has actually than 14 days had a 3.7-fold increased risk of nephrotoxi-
been shown to be ineffective. Recently, it has been city. This risk did not appear to be related to daily dose of
suggested that intraventricular administration of CMS CMS, but rather the total cumulative dose. This indicates
is effective for the treatment of ventriculitis caused by the need to carefully monitor kidney function in patients
MDR A. baumannii [19,58]. It is interesting that this requiring prolonged therapy with CMS [63] and to
treatment appears to be remarkably well tolerated, avoid prolonged treatment courses, whenever possible.
though chemical ventriculitis, chemical meningitis and Importantly, at 1 month after cessation of CMS, serum
seizures have been reported in some patients [19]. creatinine concentrations had returned to baseline, with a
Clearly, the potential for publication bias needs to be mean (SD) difference of 0.04 0.3 mg/dl (P ¼ 0.34).
kept in mind when considering the apparent efficacy and
safety of this form of treatment. It is important to place in perspective the potential for
nephrotoxicity caused by CMS/colistin. First, the over-
Although CMS/colistin has been used in pediatric whelming evidence from studies reviewed previously
patients with CF for decades, only recently has it been [6,7,8] and from the recent Walter Reed study [63]
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Colistin in the 21st century Nation and Li 539
reveals that renal injury caused by CMS/colistin is rela- ance to colistin in P. aeruginosa biofilms is linked to
tively mild and almost always reversible over weeks to metabolically active cells and controlled by the pmr
months after ceasing therapy. Second, CMS/colistin is not and mexAB-oprM genes [80].
the only antibiotic that is potentially nephrotoxic. Inter-
estingly, in relatively recent studies conducted on people Although the mechanisms of resistance to colistin are still
with CF, the potential for nephrotoxicity from CMS/ to be fully elucidated, there are signs of increasing rates of
colistin compared favorably with that from the aminogly- resistance in clinical isolates [10,11,12,13]. A recent
cosides [65,66]. Finally, as with many other areas of investigation of risk factors for isolation of colistin-resist-
patient management, risk : benefit must be considered. ant bacteria identified, from a multivariate statistical
The use of CMS/colistin to treat a life-threatening infec- model used to explore possible covariates, that CMS/
tion caused by a Gram-negative pathogen that is resistant colistin use was the only independent risk factor [81].
to virtually every other currently available antibiotic must This highlights the importance of using CMS/colistin
be weighed against the potential for drug-induced mild, judiciously and optimizing its dosage regimens based
reversible kidney injury. on yet to be completed population pharmacokinetic,
pharmacodynamic and toxicodynamic studies.
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540 Antimicrobial agents
Using static time-kill methods, synergy was shown with (70%) of 10 patients benefited from the combination
meropenem (1 MIC) and polymyxin B (0.25, 0.5 and 1 therapy, six of whom were cured microbiologically and
MIC) against eight genetically unique meropenem- one complicated by superimposed infection after clinical
resistant (MICs 24 mg/l) A. baumannii isolates [85]. improvement. Although hypomagnesemia or mild
Although synergy was observed with the combination hepatitis was observed in two patients, modification of
of colistin and tigecycline against MDR A. baumannii the therapeutic regimen was not required and renal
isolates using chequerboard methods, time-kill studies dysfunction did not develop during treatment. This study
did not confirm the synergy [86,87]. Caution is required indicated that 7–11 days of combination therapy with
when interpreting fractional inhibitory concentrations of CMS and rifampicin was well tolerated without serious
antibiotic combinations, including those with colistin. adverse events in patients without underlying renal dis-
Recently, the phenomenon of colistin heteroresistance ease [94].
has been reported in A. baumannii clinical isolates
[88,89,90,91]. Colistin heteroresistance is the existence It should be noted that, due to practical and ethical
of colistin-resistant subpopulations within an isolate considerations, a major limitation of most clinical studies
that is susceptible based upon MIC. The proportion of on antibiotic combinations is the lack of control groups
colistin-heteroresistant isolates was significantly higher without the combination treatment. In addition, no phar-
among those collected from patients treated with colistin macokinetic information is available to confirm concen-
[91]. When colistin-heteroresistant isolates were exposed trations of formed colistin and the second antibiotic
to colistin alone in vitro, resistance rapidly emerged [92]. at infection sites. Considering the potential for rapid
These findings highlight the potential for emergence of development of resistance to colistin or polymyxin B
resistance with use of CMS/colistin monotherapy against [91,92,95], further preclinical and clinical investigations
A. baumannii. A recent report demonstrated substantially on rational combinations with CMS/colistin are urgently
increased susceptibility of the colistin-resistant subpopu- required in order to increase the usefulness of this last-
lation to antibiotics that are inactive (e.g. those normally line antibiotic against Gram-negative ‘superbugs’.
considered active only against Gram-positive bacteria) or
have borderline activity against the parent colistin-
heteroresistant clinical isolates [89], and this has been Conclusion
confirmed [93]. This unexpected finding raises the pro- It is remarkable that colistin, a 50-year-old antibiotic, is
spect of investigating rational combinations to increase increasingly being used in the 21st century for the treat-
colistin efficacy against A. baumannii while minimizing ment of life-threatening infections. The diversity in
potential for emergence of resistance. Such an approach labeling and dosage recommendations of the pharmaceu-
may be different from conventional synergy concepts; tical formulations requires urgent attention for inter-
rather it may rely on colistin targeting its susceptible national harmonization. Studies reported in the past 1–
subpopulation, while the second antibiotic (e.g. rifampi- 2 years have progressed our understanding of the phar-
cin) targets the colistin-resistant subpopulation [89]. macokinetics and pharmacodynamics of this ‘last-line’
antibiotic. There is still much to be achieved, however, to
Two recent clinical studies indicated that the combi- allow its use to be optimized. One of the most important
nation of intravenous CMS and rifampicin is effective aspects currently being addressed is elucidation of the
and well tolerated in severe infections caused by MDR A. population pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and tox-
baumannii [62,94]. In a prospective uncontrolled case icodynamic relationships that will form the basis for
series, Bassetti et al. [62] observed clinical and micro- dosage regimen recommendations for various categories
biological responses in 22 of 29 critically ill patients (19 of patients. In addition, a systematic investigation of
nosocomial pneumonia and 10 bacteremia due to MDR colistin combination therapies warrants greater attention
A. baumannii) treated with intravenous CMS [2 million IU as an additional means to increase efficacy while mini-
(160 mg CMS) three times a day] and intravenous rifam- mizing the potential for emergence of colistin resistance.
picin (10 mg/kg every 12 h). No renal failure was observed
in patients with normal baseline renal function, whereas
three patients who had previous renal failure developed The work described was supported by Award Number R01AI079330
nephrotoxicity when treated with CMS. No neurotoxicity and Award Number R01AI070896 from the National Institute of
was observed. In a retrospective study, Song et al. [94] Allergy and Infectious Diseases. The content is solely the responsibility
of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views
evaluated the effectiveness and safety of the combination of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases or the
of CMS and rifampicin in 10 patients with VAP due to National Institutes of Health. This work was partially supported by the
MDR A. baumannii strains (only susceptible to colistin Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC,
grant 546073). J.L. is an NHMRC R. Douglas Wright Research
based upon MICs). After treatment with intravenous Fellow.
CMS (150 mg ‘colistin base activity’ every 12 h, i.e.
400 mg CMS/12 h) and rifampicin (600 mg daily), seven The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Colistin in the 21st century Nation and Li 541
18 Falagas ME, Kasiakou SK. Use of international units when dosing colistin will
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of special interest Acinetobacter baumannii ventriculitis: successful treatment with intraventri-
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Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
542 Antimicrobial agents
40 Ratjen F, Rietschel E, Kasel D, et al. Pharmacokinetics of inhaled colistin 61 Falagas ME, Kasiakou SK. Toxicity of polymyxins: a systematic review of the
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62 Bassetti M, Repetto E, Righi E, et al. Colistin and rifampicin in the treatment of
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nate and colistin in a critically ill patient receiving continuous venovenous mother 2008; 61:417–420.
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formed colistin in 18 critically ill patients. It indicates plasma concentrations before This retrospective clinical study indicates a relatively high incidence of acute,
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