Generator Set Iso8528!5!2005 Operating Limits
Generator Set Iso8528!5!2005 Operating Limits
Generator Set Iso8528!5!2005 Operating Limits
STANDARDS ISO8528 specifies the performance of reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets. There is a number of performance grades specified: GRADES STEADY STATE Steady state frequency: Steady state voltage: 100% LOAD DECREASE Transient frequency: Transient voltage: SUDDEN LOAD INCREASE Transient frequency: Transient voltage: -15 % -10 % -7 % -25 % -20 % -15% +18 % +12 % +10 % +35 % +25 % +20% 2.5 % 1.5 % 0.5 % 5 % 2.5 % 1 % G1 G2 G3