Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
Major Project
I STUDENT NAME student of B.Tetch (IT) hereby declare that the Project titled
“Employee Management System” which is submitted by me to TEACHER
NAME, COLLEGE NAME, COLLEGE ADDRESS, in partial fulfillment of
requirement for the award of the degree of DEGREE NAME.STREAM, has not
been previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma or other
similar title or recognition. The Author attests that permission has been obtained
for the use of any copy righted material appearing in the Dissertation
/ Project report other thanbrief excerpts requiring only proper acknowledgement in
scholarly writing and all such use is acknowledged.
I hereby certify that the Seminar Report by NAME, student of DEGREE. (STREAM)
SEMESTER Semester ROLLNO with title “Employee Management System” which is
submitted to COLLEGE NAME, COLLEGE ADDRESS in partial fulfillment of requirement
for the award of the degree of Bsc. IT is an original contribution with existing knowledge and
faithful record of work carried out by him/her under my guidance and supervision and to the best
of my knowledge this work has not been submitted in part or full for any Degree or Diploma to
this University or elsewhere.
It is high privilege for me to express my deep sense of gratitude to those entire faculty Members
who helped me in the completion of the project, specially my internal guide Mr. TEACHER
NAME who was always there at hour of need. My special thanks to all other faculty members,
Batch mate & Seniors of COLLGE NAME for helping me in the completion of project work and
its report submission.
Human resource difficulties face all businesses, large and small. Because every organization has
different staff management needs, we create custom employee management solutions that are
tailored to your needs. This is intended to aid strategic planning and guarantee that your firm has
the appropriate degree of human resources to meet your long-term objectives. This approach will
help you to better manage your resources in the long run.
I. Introduction
Everything has been digitised in our age of ever-increasing technology. The human workforce has
grown as a result of the abundance of job options. As a result, a system that can handle the data of
such a vast number of people in a company is required. Because of its user-friendly design, this
project makes the process of keeping records easier. The "EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM" was created to address the issues that plagued the previous manual system. This
programme is designed to eliminate, and in some cases, decrease, the problems that the current
system has.
To eliminate data entry mistakes, the software is kept as simple as possible. When inputting
incorrect data, it also displays an error notice. The user doesn’t require any formal expertise to
operate this system. The admin will be able to add new employees to this project. Employee data
may also be seen and printed by the administrator. Admins can also remove an employee and
change their details.
II. Objective
The objective of this work is to give a complete approach to personnel information management.
This will be accomplished by developing and deploying an HR management system that will result
in a significant shift in the way employee data is managed.
2. For further and a deeper understanding, I even referred to some articles, books, journals,
websites and news articles.
Below are the important concepts on which the work has been done and with the support of these
I was able to work on my project.
JAVA- High-level, Object-Oriented programming language which help programmers to run their
applications efficiently. JAVA is the programming language which comes into our minds when
we talk about android application. By using JAVA as a programming language, programmer can
develop any type of android application easily. JAVA also provides many libraries which also
helps in making efficient android application. Swing is a Java GUI widget toolkit. It's part of
Oracle's Java Foundation Classes (JFC), which provides an API for creating graphical-user-
interfaces for Java programmes.
SWING- Swing is a Java GUI widget toolkit. It's part of Oracle's Java Foundation Classes (JFC),
which provides an API for creating-graphical-user-interfaces for Java programmes. Swing was
created to give a more advanced collection of graphical user interface components than the
previous Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). Swing offers a pluggable look and feel that allows
applications to have alook &feel that is unconnected to the underlying platform, as well as a look
& feel that emulates the look & feel of numerous platforms.
SQL- SQL (Structured Query Language) is a computer language that is used to manage data in a
relational database management system (RDBMS) or for stream processing in a relational data
stream management system (RDSMS). It's especially beneficial for dealing with structured data,
or data that has relationships between entities and variables.
IV. Feasibility Study
In order to do a feasibility study, we must consider the following:
1. Technical Feasibility
The availability of hardware & Software necessary for the creation of the system, as-well-
as the compatibility and maturity of the technology planned to be used, and the availability
of the requisite technical staff to create the system, are all factors to consider.
2. Operational Feasibility
Problems that may develop during operations are the focus of operation feasibility. There
are two parts to this problem to consider:
What are the chances that the solution provided will not be used or will not work?
What is the inclination of-the management and end users towards the solution?
3. Economic Feasibility
The concept of economic feasibility is determining whether or not the potential benefit of
fixing difficulties is worth while. Because member needs &alternative solutions haven’t
been specified at this point, it is difficult to estimate the cost at this level.
Following are the screens of the Employee Management System where you can see all the features
of this system in use and you can also see the GUI of the system:
1. Login frame – This is the login frame of this system where user have to enter the required
credentials to have access for the main dashboard.
Fig. 1
2. Main Dashboard – After login in, user is directed to the main dashboard of
this system where user can perform various operations like adding an
employee, deleting an employee
Fig. 2
3. Add employee – Here user have to enter all the required credentials to add a
new employee to the system.
Fig. 3
4. Remove employee – User has to enter the employee id in order to delete his
information from the system.
Fig. 4
VI. Testing
The goal of the initiative is to digitise personnel databases in businesses and provide administrators
access to computers. Employees and administrators use software as an information system. The
user can store his or her database safe and secure for an indefinite amount of time here. Adding,
deleting, accessing, and changing employee information is simple and easy using the Employee
Management System.
The GUI and the features added to this system are the basic ones. In future, there will be a better
Graphical User Interface and there will be more features added to this system. If Graphical User
Interface is improved then this system will be more user friendly and more features added will
make this system a lot better and HR will be able to perform more operations.
IX. References
1) Renae Broderick, John W. Boudreau, “Human resource management, information
technology, and the competitive edge”, Academy of Management Executive, 1992
Vol. 6 No. 2
2) Julie Bulmash, “Human Resource Management and Technology”, Chapter 3.
3) Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2011.
4) Avison, D. and Fitzgerald, G. (2003).Information systems Development
Methodologies, Techniques and Tools.3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill Education
Limited Bershire
5) Juan Manuel Munoz Palacio, Information systems development methodologies for
Data-driven Decision Support Systems, 2010.
6) Deitel, PJ & Deitel, HM, 2008, Internet & World Wide Web How To
Program,Dorling Kindersley, India.
For the week commencing: 03/01/2022
WPR - 1
Program : DEGREE
WPR - 2
Program : DEGREE
Project planning
Internet downloads
GUI designing
Project Title : GUI based application for HR soution
WPR - 3
Program : DEGREE
GUI designing
Designed GUI
Started working on code
WPR - 4
Program : DEGREE
WPR - 5
Program : DEGREE
Major Project
Daily Diary
Week’s Summary
Decided the project.
Studied overview of the project.
Discussed and finalized it with my guide.
7/01/2022 Analyzing the week’s progress and identifying the objectives of next
(Friday) week.