Iso 1817 2022

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Seventh edition

Rubber, vulcanized or
thermoplastic — Determination of the
effect of liquids
Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique — Détermination de
l'action des liquides


ISO 1817:2022

Reference number
ISO 1817:2022(E)

© ISO 2022
ISO 1817:2022(E)


ISO 1817:2022


© ISO 2022
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be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
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ISO 1817:2022(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Apparatus..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
4.2 Apparatus for method A.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.3 Apparatus for method B.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.4 Apparatus for method C.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.5 Apparatus for method D.................................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.6 Apparatus for method E.................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.7 Additional equipment........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5 Calibration................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
6 Test liquids.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
7 Test pieces.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7.1 Preparation................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5

7.2 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Time interval between vulcanization and testing.................................................................................................. 6

Conditioning.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Immersion in the test liquid ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
8.1 Temperature.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
8.2 Duration.........................................................................................................................................................................................................
ISO 1817:2022 6
9 Procedure ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
9.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................
1817-2022 7
9.2 Replacement of test liquid............................................................................................................................................................. 8
9.3 Change in mass........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
9.4 Change in volume.................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
9.5 Change in dimensions....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
9.6 Change in surface area.................................................................................................................................................................. 10
9.7 Change in hardness.......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
9.8 Change in tensile stress-strain properties.................................................................................................................. 11
9.9 Testing with liquid on one surface only......................................................................................................................... 11
9.10 Determination of extractable matter............................................................................................................................... 12
9.10.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
9.10.2 By weighing the dried test piece........................................................................................................................ 12
9.10.3 By evaporating the test liquid.............................................................................................................................. 12
10 Precision..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
11 Test report................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Annex A (normative) Reference liquids......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Annex B (normative) Calibration schedule................................................................................................................................................. 17
Annex C (informative) Precision............................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25

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ISO 1817:2022(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to
the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber products,
Subcommittee SC 2, Testing and analysis.
ISO 1817:2022
This seventh edition cancels and replaces the sixth edition (ISO 1817:2015), which has been technically
revised. 1817-2022
The main changes are as follows:
— Clause 2, normative references, has been updated;
— methods A to E have been defined and the apparatus to be used has been updated in Clause 4;
— the question about liquid replacement or not has been clarified in 9.2.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at

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ISO 1817:2022(E)

The action of a liquid on vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber can generally result in:
a) absorption of the liquid by the rubber;
b) extraction of soluble constituents from the rubber;
c) a chemical reaction with the rubber.
The amount of absorption [a)] is usually larger than that of extraction [b)] so that the net result is
an increase in volume, commonly termed “swelling”. The absorption of liquid can profoundly alter
physical and chemical properties and hence change tensile strength, extensibility, and hardness of the
rubber, so it is important to measure these properties after treatment of the rubber. The extraction
of soluble constituents, especially plasticizers and antidegradants, can likewise alter the rubber's
physical properties and chemical resistance after drying (assuming the liquid to be volatile). Therefore,
it is necessary to test these properties following immersion and drying of the rubber. This document
describes the methods necessary for determining the changes in the following properties:
— change in mass, volume and dimensions;
— extractable matter;
— change in hardness and tensile stress-strain properties after immersion and after immersion and
Although in some respects these tests may simulate service conditions, no direct correlation with
service behaviour is implied. Thus, the rubber giving the lowest change in volume is not necessarily
the best one in service. The thickness of the rubber needs to be taken into account since the rate of
penetration of liquid is time-dependent and the bulk of a very thick rubber product may remain
unaffected for the whole of the projected ISOservice life, especially with viscous liquids. Moreover, it is
known that the action of a liquid on rubber, especially at high temperatures, can be affected by the
presence of atmospheric oxygen. The tests described in this document can, however, provide valuable
information on the suitability of a rubber1817-2022
for use with a given liquid and in particular, constitute a
useful control when used for developing rubbers resistant to oils, fuels, or other service liquids.
The effect of a liquid may depend on the nature and magnitude of any stress within the rubber. In this
document, test pieces are tested in an unstressed condition.

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ISO 1817:2022

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of

the effect of liquids
WARNING 1 — Persons using this document should be familiar with normal laboratory practice.
This document does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its
use. It is the responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to
determine the applicability of any other restrictions.
WARNING 2 — Certain procedures specified in this document may involve the use or generation
of substances, or the generation of waste, that could constitute a local environmental hazard.
Reference should be made to appropriate documentation on safe handling and disposal after

1 Scope
This document describes methods of evaluating the resistance of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers
to the action of liquids by measurement of properties of the rubbers before and after immersion in test
liquids. The liquids concerned include current service liquids, such as petroleum derivatives, organic
solvents and chemical reagents, as well as reference test liquids.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of ISO
the referenced
1817:2022document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 37, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of tensile stress-strain properties
ISO 48-2, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of hardness — Part 2: Hardness between
10 IRHD and 100 IRHD
ISO 18899:2013, Rubber — Guide to the calibration of test equipment
ISO 23529:2016, Rubber — General procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces for physical test
ASTM D5964, Standard Practice for Rubber IRM 901, IRM 902, and IRM 903 Replacement Oils for ASTM
No. 1, ASTM No. 2, and ASTM No. 3 Oils

3 Terms and definitions

No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://​w ww​.iso​.org/​obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https://​w ww​.electropedia​.org/​

4 Apparatus

4.1 General
Five different methods are defined, all with different equipment.

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ISO 1817:2022(E)

Method A – Glass vessel with glass lid. Suitable for test with non-volatile and volatile liquids, below
the boiling point. Examples of non-volatile liquids are different type of oils (mineral or synthetic), e.g.
engine, gearbox and hydraulic oils.
Method B – Glass vessel with stopper or lid, in order to prevent and minimize evaporation of the test
liquid and the ingress of air. Suitable for test with non-volatile and volatile liquids, below the boiling
Method C – Glass vessel with reflux condenser. For test with high volatile liquids, near the boiling point.
Method D – Pressure vessel with hermetically closed lid, allowing for test at overpressure. For test e.g.
above the boiling point, with flammable liquids, or where evaporation of the liquid and ingress of air
shall be completely hindered.
Method E – Apparatus for testing one surface only.
In method A, the liquid to test piece volume ratio shall be (80 ± 10):1 and the amount of air above the
liquid shall be 10 % ± 2 % of the total vessel volume. If the test deviates from this, it shall clearly be
stated in the report. This means that the size of the vessel depends on the size and the amount of test
pieces to be tested.
In method B to D, the volume of liquid shall be at least 15 times the combined volume of the test pieces
and the volume of air above the liquid shall be kept to a minimum.
The test pieces in methods A to D shall be mounted hanging on a rod or wire and separated from any
adjacent test piece.
The materials of the hanger, as well as of the apparatus, shall be inert to the test liquid and to the rubber;
for example, materials containing copper shall not be used.
Stirring of the liquid is not permitted except in method C.
ISO 1817:2022
Heating of the vessels shall be done by storing the vessel in an air heated oven, except for method C
where a heating mantle is recommended.
Example on apparatus for methods A to D are shown in Figure 1.

4.2 Apparatus for method A

The glass vessel shall be of flange type with ground surface. The lid shall have a ground surface where
it seals to the vessel flange, and shall be clamped by suitable means, e.g. by a wire/steel bracket. The
size of the vessel shall be so that the liquid to test piece volume ratio is (80 ± 10):1. Greasing or use of
rubber sealant on the flanges is not permitted.

4.3 Apparatus for method B

A glass vessel with stopper or lid shall be used.

4.4 Apparatus for method C

A glass vessel fitted with a reflux condenser shall be used.

4.5 Apparatus for method D

A pressure vessel of suitable quality for the liquid to be tested shall be used. The lid shall be
hermetically closed by suitable type of sealing and clamping. The vessel shall be designed to withstand
the temperature and pressure it will be exposed to.

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ISO 1817:2022(E)


ISO 1817:2022
1 apparatus for method A 1817-2022
2 apparatus for method B
3 apparatus for method C
4 apparatus for method D

Figure 1 — Apparatus for methods A to D

4.6 Apparatus for method E

An apparatus for testing one surface only, which holds the test piece in contact with the liquid on only
one of its surfaces shall be used.
A suitable apparatus is illustrated in Figure 2. It comprises a base-plate (A) and an open-ended
cylindrical chamber (B), which is held tightly against the test piece (C) by wing nuts (D) mounted on
bolts (E). A hole of approximately 30 mm diameter is allowed in the base-plate for examination of the
surface not in contact with the liquid. During the test, the opening on the top of the chamber shall be
closed by a close-fitting plug (F).

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ISO 1817:2022(E)

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 2 — Apparatus for method E (testing one surface only)

4.7 Additional equipment (

4.7.1 Balance, accurate to 1 mg.

ISO 1817:2022
4.7.2 Instrument for measuring the thickness of the test piece, consisting of a micrometre dial
gauge, of adequate accuracy, firmly held in a rigid 1817-2022
stand over a flat base-plate. The instrument shall
comply with the requirements given for such apparatus in ISO 23529:2016, method A.

4.7.3 Instrument for measuring the length and width of the test piece, having a scale graduated
in divisions of 0,01  mm and preferably operating without contact with the test piece, for example
using an optical system complying with the requirements given for such apparatus in ISO 23529:2016,
method D.

4.7.4 Instrument for measuring the change in surface area, capable of measuring the lengths
of the diagonals of the test piece. It shall have a scale graduated in divisions of 0,01  mm and should
preferably operate without contact with the test piece, for example using an optical system complying
with the requirements given for such apparatus in ISO 23529:2016, method D.

5 Calibration
The requirements for calibration of the test apparatus are given in Annex B.

6 Test liquids
The choice of the test liquid shall depend on the purpose of the test.
When information is required on the service behaviour of a vulcanized or thermoplastic rubber in
contact with a particular liquid, then this liquid shall, if possible, be chosen for the test. Commercial
liquids are not always constant in composition, and the test shall, whenever practicable, include a
reference material of known characteristics. Any abnormal results due to unexpected variations in the

4  © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved

ISO 1817:2022(E)

composition of the commercial liquid will thus become apparent. It can then be necessary to set aside a
bulk supply of the liquid for a particular series of tests.
Mineral oils and fuels are liable to vary considerably in chemical composition even when supplied at a
recognized specification. The aniline point of a mineral oil gives some indication of its aromatic content
and helps to characterize the action of the oil on rubber, but the aniline point alone is not sufficient to
characterize a mineral oil; other things being equal, the lower the aniline point, the more pronounced
the action. If a mineral oil is used as test liquid, the test report shall include the density, refractive index,
viscosity and aniline point or aromatic content of the oil.
Service oils having similar fluid characteristics to the reference liquids (see Clauses  A.1 to A.3) will
not necessarily have the same effect on the material as the reference liquids. Some fuels, particularly
gasoline, vary widely in composition and, for some possible constituents, minor variations can have
a large influence on the effect on rubber. Complete details of the composition of the fuel used shall
therefore be included in the test report.
As commercial liquids do not always have a constant composition, a standard liquid consisting of
well-defined chemical compounds or mixtures of compounds, according to Annex A, shall be used as
reference liquid for the purpose of classification of vulcanized or thermoplastic rubbers or quality
When testing to determine the effect of chemical solutions, the concentration of the solution shall be
appropriate to the intended use.
Depending on the temperature, the composition of the test liquid can change significantly during
immersion. The ageing of the test liquid and any interaction with the test pieces shall be taken into
consideration. If there are chemically active additives in the liquid, or if there is a significant change in
composition by extraction, absorption or reaction with the rubber, either the volume shall be increased
or the liquid shall be replaced with fresh liquid at specified intervals, see 9.2 for more information.
Some liquids are sensitive to oxidation.ISO
Thus, they will change significantly when exposed to air at
elevated temperature, which may be the case in method C.
NOTE It has been shown that when using commercial oils containing additives, it is not necessarily the
entry of air that is important to prevent, but also the escape of volatiles from the immersion vessel (degradation
products of the oil or its additives can be very aggressive).

7 Test pieces

7.1 Preparation
Test pieces shall be prepared in accordance with ISO 23529.

7.2 Dimensions
Data obtained on test pieces having different original thicknesses are not always comparable. Therefore,
where possible, test pieces shall be of uniform thickness of (2 ± 0,2) mm.
Test pieces cut from commercial articles may be used. For products thinner than 1,8  mm, use the
original thickness. If the material is thicker than 2,2 mm, reduce the thickness to (2 ± 0,2) mm.
Test pieces for the determination of the change in volume and mass shall have a volume of 1  cm3 to
3 cm3.
Test pieces for the determination of the change in hardness shall have lateral dimensions of no less than
8 mm.
Test pieces for the determination of the change in dimensions shall be quadrilateral with sides between
25 mm and 50 mm in length, or circular with a diameter of 44,6 mm (internal diameter of type A test
piece in ISO 37). This type of test piece can also be used for the determination of mass and volume.

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ISO 1817:2022(E)

Test pieces for the determination of the change in surface area shall be rhomboid, with the sides cut
cleanly and at right angles to the top and bottom surfaces. This can be achieved by two consecutive
cuts at approximately right angles to each other, with a cutter consisting of two parallel blades, suitably
spaced. The length of the sides shall be nominally 8 mm.
NOTE For the determination of the change in surface area, it can be convenient to use smaller or thinner test
pieces, for example when cut from products or when rapid attainment of equilibrium is required. However, the
results can differ from those obtained using the specified thickness. Smaller test pieces will reduce the precision
of the results.

Test pieces for the determination of tensile properties shall be in accordance with ISO 37. Type 2 dumb-
bells are preferred because their size makes them more convenient to immerse in liquid than type 1.
The type 2 test piece can also be used when determining the change in mass, volume, or hardness.
For tests with liquid contact on one surface only, the test piece shall consist of a disc with a diameter of
about 60 mm.

7.3 Time interval between vulcanization and testing

Unless otherwise specified for technical reasons, the following requirements, in accordance with
ISO 23529 for time intervals, shall be observed.
For all test purposes, the minimum time between vulcanization and testing shall be 16 h.
For non-product tests, the maximum time between vulcanization and testing shall be four weeks and,
for evaluations intended to be comparable, the tests shall be carried out using, as far as possible, the
same time interval.
For product tests, whenever possible, the time between vulcanization and testing shall not exceed
three months. In other cases, tests shall be made within two months of the date of receipt of the product
by the customer.
ISO 1817:2022
7.4 Conditioning
Test pieces for test in the “as received” condition shall be conditioned for not less than 3  h at one of
the standard laboratory temperatures specified in ISO  23529. The same temperature shall be used
throughout any test or any series of tests intended to be comparable.

8 Immersion in the test liquid

8.1 Temperature
Unless otherwise specified, the immersion shall be carried out at one or more of the temperatures
listed in ISO 23529:2016, 10.2.2.
As elevated temperatures can greatly increase the oxidation of the rubber, volatilization or
decomposition of the immersion liquid and the effect of any chemically active additives in the liquid (for
example in service liquids), appropriate selection of the test temperatures is very important.
If necessary, heating cabinets with explosion protection shall be used.
In tests intended to simulate service conditions and using the actual liquid with which the rubber will
be used, the test conditions shall approximate to those found in service, using the closest standard
temperature equal to or higher than the service temperature.

8.2 Duration
Since the rate of penetration of liquids into rubbers depends on the temperature, the type of rubber
material and the type of liquid, the use of only one standard period of immersion is precluded. For

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