Astm D4060 19
Astm D4060 19
Astm D4060 19
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D4060 − 19
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
2.2 Other Standards:
ISO 7784–2 Paints and varnishes—Determination of resis-
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mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. tance to abrasion—Part 2: Rotating abrasive rubber wheel
1.5 This international standard was developed in accor- method4
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the 3. Terminology
Development of International Standards, Guides and ASTM D4060-19
Recom- 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical 3.1.1 Abrasion resistance can be expressed as one or more
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. of the following terms:
3.1.2 wear index, n—the average loss in weight in milli-
2. Referenced Documents grams per thousand cycles of abrasion.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 3.1.3 weight loss, n—the loss in weight in milligrams,
D16 Terminology for Paint, Related Coatings, Materials, and determined at a specified number of cycles.
Applications 3.1.4 wear cycles per mil, n—the number of cycles of
D823 Practices for Producing Films of Uniform Thickness abrasion required to wear a film through to the substrate per mil
of Paint, Coatings and Related Products on Test Panels (0.001 in.) of film thickness.
D968 Test Methods for Abrasion Resistance of Organic
Coatings by Falling Abrasive 3.2 For definitions of other terms used in this standard, refer
to Terminology D16.
4. Summary of Test Method
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paint
and Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications and is the direct responsibility of 4.1 The organic coating is applied at uniform thickness to a
Subcommittee D01.23 on Physical Properties of Applied Paint Films. plane, rigid panel and, after curing, the surface is abraded using
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2019. Published October 2019. Originally
approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2014 as D4060 – 14. DOI:
2 3
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
the ASTM website. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
D4060 − 19
rotary rubbing action under controlled conditions of pressure ment bubbles could alter the mass loss during comparison tests.
and abrasive action. The test specimen, mounted on a turntable Coatings that include dense fillers may result in greater mass
platform, turns on a vertical axis, against the sliding rotation of loss but have less change in coating thickness. Coatings that
two abrading wheels. The wheels shall be mounted in such a include silica, metal oxides or other extremely dense
way that when they are in contact with the rotating test particulates, may wear the abrasive wheel. Wear debris that
specimen, they rotate in opposing directions. One abrading includes extremely dense particulates may cause three-body
wheel rubs the specimen outward toward the periphery and the abrasion that contributes to the break-down of the coating if not
other, inward toward the center. The resulting abrasion marks removed by the vacuum suction system. Coatings that have a
form a pattern of crossed arcs over an area of approximately hardness value or coefficient of friction greater than the
30 cm2. abrasive wheel may cause the abrasive wheel to break down
4.2 Abrasion resistance is calculated as loss in weight at a faster. Coatings that have different coefficient of friction
specified number of abrasion cycles, as average loss in weight ratings, must be taken into consideration during comparison
per thousand cycles of abrasion, or as number of cycles tests. Examples of coatings that may be impacted include, but
required to remove a unit amount of coating thickness. are not limited to; epoxies, polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA),
polyurethane-methacrylate (PUMA), methyl-methacrylate
5. Significance and Use (MMA), and carbon resin.
5.1 Coating on substrates can be damaged by abrasion NOTE 1—Example—A urethane coating of 20 mil thickness, embedded
during its service life. This test method has been useful in with 1.2 µm titanium particles resulted in a 2.1 mil loss in coating
evaluating the abrasion resistance of coatings. Ratings pro- thickness and 110 mg mass loss. A similar urethane coating without
titanium particles, resulted in a 2.9 mil to 3.1 mil loss in coating thickness
duced by this test method have correlated well with ratings and 44 mg mass loss.
produced by the falling abrasive values in Test Method D968.
5.2 For some materials, abrasion tests utilizing the Taber 6. Apparatus
Abraser may be subject to variation due to changes in the 6.1 Taber Abraser5 (Fig. 1), as described in Guide G195
abrasive characteristics of the wheel during testing. Depending and consisting of the following elements:
iTeh Standards
on abradant type and test specimen, the wheel surface may
change (that is, become clogged) due to the adhesion of debris
6.1.1 A horizontal turntable platform; comprised of a rubber
pad, clamp plate, and nut to secure the specimen to the
generated during the test and must be resurfaced at more turntable. A clamping ring is provided to secure the resurfacing
frequent intervals as agreed upon by the interested parties. To
determine if more frequent resurfacing is required, plot the
6.1.2 A motor capable of rotating the turntable platform at a
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total weight loss every 50 cycles. If a significant negative
change in slope is observed prior to 500 cycles, the point at
speed of either 72 r/min 6 2 r/min for 110v/60Hz or 60 r/min
6 2 r/min for 230v/50Hz.
which the slope changes determines the resurfacing frequency. 6.1.3 A pair of pivoted arms, to which the abrasive wheels
and auxiliary masses may be attached; loads of 250 g, 500 g,
5.3 When evaluating resistance to abrasion of twoASTM D4060-19
or more
coatings, other factors may need to be considered for an
accurate comparison. Flexible coatings that include air entrain- 5
Available from Taber Industries, 455 Bryant St., North Tonawanda, NY 14120.
D4060 − 19
or 1000 g on each wheel may be obtained by use of these 8. Calibration
changeable masses. Counterweight attachments of 125 g or
8.1 Verify calibration of the Taber Abraser as directed by the
175 g are available to reduce the load against the specimen, and
equipment manufacturer (see Appendix X1).
can be used with or without the auxiliary masses.
NOTE 2—Without auxiliary masses or counterweights, each arm will 9. Standardization
apply a load against the specimen of 250 g per wheel (exclusive of the
mass of the wheel itself). 9.1 To ensure that the abrading function of the wheels is
maintained at a constant level, prepare the abrading wheels
6.1.4 A vacuum suction system and vacuum pick-up nozzle
prior to each test and after every 500 cycles unless otherwise
to remove debris and abrasive particles from the specimen
agreed to by the interested parties.
surface during testing. The height of the vacuum pickup nozzle
shall be adjustable, and the nozzle openings shall be 8 mm in NOTE 7—Inorganic coatings do not require the abrasive wheels to be
diameter. The vacuum system shall operate when testing resurfaced after every 500 test cycles.
commences. 9.1.1 Mount the selected abrasive wheels on their respective
6.1.5 A counter to record the number of cycles (revolutions) flange holders, taking care not to handle them by their abrasive
made by the turntable platform. surfaces.
6.2 Abrasive Wheels6—Resilient Calibrase wheels CS-10 or 9.1.2 A load of 1000 g (per wheel) shall be used, unless
CS-17, as required, shall be used unless otherwise agreed upon otherwise agreed upon by the interested parties.
by the interested parties. Because of the slow hardening of the 9.1.3 Mount the resurfacing medium (S-11 abrasive disk) on
bonding material, resilient wheels shall not be used after the the turntable and secure in place with the clamp plate, nut and
date marked on them. clamping ring. Lower the pivoted arms carefully until the
NOTE 3—The CS-17 wheels produce a harsher abrasion than the CS-10 wheels rest squarely on the abrasive disk. Place the vacuum
wheels. pick–up nozzle in position and adjust it to a distance of 3 mm
6 1 mm, or as agreed upon between the interested parties,
6.2.1 The wheels shall be cylindrically shaped, have a
above the abrasive disk.
iTeh Standards
diameter between 52.4 mm and 44.4 mm, a width of 12.7 mm
6 0.3 mm, and an axial hole 16.0 mm 6 0.1 mm in diameter 9.1.4 Set the vacuum suction force to 100. The vacuum
to allow the wheel to be mounted to the flanged holder on the suction force may be decreased if agreed upon by the interested
pivoted arms.
6.3 Resurfacing Medium, an S-11 abrasive disk, used for
9.1.5 Resurface the wheels by running them 25 or 50 cycles
against the resurfacing medium. Each S-11 resurfacing disk is
silicon carbide coated abrasive with an average particle size of Preview
resurfacing the abrasion wheels. The resurfacing disk shall be good for one resurfacing operation, after which it shall be
discarded. Warning—Do not brush or touch the surface of the
92 µm (150 grit CAMI-grade), approximately 102 mm diam- wheels after they are resurfaced.
eter with a 7 mm center hole.
ASTM D4060-19 NOTE 8—If resurfacing did not refresh the wheels sufficiently, it may be
necessary to resurface the wheels a second time using a new S-11
Test Specimens resurfacing disk.
7.1 Apply a uniform coating of the material to be tested to
a rigid panel having both surfaces substantially plane and 10. Conditioning
parallel. Specimens shall be a disk or a square plate with a 10.1 Cure the coated panel under conditions of humidity
6.5 mm hole centrally located on each panel. Typical dimen- and temperature as agreed upon between the interested parties.
sions for a test panel are 100 mm in diameter or 100 mm by For additional information, reference Specification D3924.
100 mm. Thickness of the specimen should be no greater than
10.2 Unless otherwise agreed upon between the interested
6.5 mm unless an S-21 extension nut5 or arm height extension
parties, condition the coated panel for at least 24 h at 23 °C 6
kit5 is utilized.
2 °C and 50 % 6 5 % relative humidity. Conduct the test in the
NOTE 4—The coatings should be applied in accordance with Practices same environment or immediately on removal therefrom.
D823, or as agreed upon between the interested parties.
NOTE 5—The thickness of the dry coatings should be measured in
accordance with Test Method D1005 or Practice D7091.
11. Procedure
NOTE 6—For those materials greater than 6.3 mm but less than 12.7 mm 11.1 Weigh the test specimen to the nearest 0.1 mg and
thick, the S-21 extension nut may be used to affix the specimen to the record this weight if either the wear index or the weight loss is
turntable. This requires a 9.5 mm center hole in the specimen.
Alternatively, an arm height extension kit will permit testing of specimens to be reported.
up to 40 mm thick and requires the center hole to be 14.5 mm. NOTE 9—When comparing the wear resistance of coatings that have
different specific gravities, a correction for the specific gravity of each
coating shall be applied to the weight loss to give a true measure of the
comparative wear resistance. Calculate the wear index as shown in 12.1 or
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time weight loss as shown in 12.2, then divide the result by the coating’s
is Taber Industries, 455 Bryant Street, North Tonawanda, NY 14120. If you are specific gravity as determined by D1475. The use of this correction factor
aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Interna- provides a wear index or weight loss relative to the loss in volume of the
tional Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting material to which it is applied. When comparing coatings of different
of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend. specific gravities, the test parameters shall be the same.