Grade 6 Term 2 Portions23-24

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ENGLISH (Literature and Language)



1. To enjoy a lyrical poem rich in imagery and to
1. Poem- The Flower School note how the poem appeals to all the five senses.
2. Poem- The Inchcape Rock 2. To note a piece of poetry based on cause and
3. Play- Scrooge Learns His Lesson effect.
4. Prose- An Escape 3. To comprehend the play on four levels: factual,
interpretive, critical and personal.
4. To be able to discern and analyse the context in
which this story was written.

ENGLISH LANGUAGE 1. To analyse the different kinds of tenses.

2. To comprehend and use different kinds of
1. Tenses (Simple, Progressive and conjunctions in spoken and written
Perfect) communication.
2.Conjunctions 3. To be able to correctly identify the different
3. Adverbs types of adverbs and construct sentences that
4. Subject- Verb Agreement (5 Rules) correspond with each type.
5. Reported Speech 4. To analysedifferent kinds of adverbs.
6. Writing & Composition- Essay 5. To analysedirect and indirect speech and its
Writing usage in both spoken and written form.
7. Formal Letter Writing 6. To observe various kinds of rules for subject
8. E-mail Writing verb agreementused in oral and written
9. Picture Composition communication.
10. Reading- Comprehension Passages 7. Follow conventions of a formal letter with
respect to layout, solutions, etc.
8. To analyse and comprehend the layout of an
9. Analyse written texts to use in their own
writing, features of simple descriptive composition
about people, objects and places. 10. To evaluate
and discuss ideas, events and information about
the reading passage.

कविता :-
1.हम ऩॊछी उन्मुक्त गगन के  कविता का ऱयबदध गायन सीखाना ।

ऩाठ :-  शुदध उच्चारण ि शब्दाथव सीखाना ।

2. विशेष पुरस्कार (कहानी)  ऩक्षऺयों के माध्यम से स्ितॊत्रता की भािना का

व्याकरण :- महत्त्ि सीखाना।

1. सिवनाम  ऩऺी प्रेम, जीओ और जीने दो, सहानुभूनत की

2. विशेषण भािना का विकास करना सीखाना।

3. कारक  शब्द कोश में िद

ृ धध।
4. अऩठठत गदयाॊश  बाऱ मन में उठने िाऱी सच्चाई,प्रेम,दया तथा

5. भाििाचक सॊऻा ईमानदारी का जैसे सदगुणों का विकास करना।

(ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्या 64; मानि से भक्क्त )  सिवनाम शब्दों से दोहरान से बचना और

6. विऱोम िाक्यों को समझने में आसान बनाना सीखाना ।

(ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्या33; एकता से यश)  सॊऻा या सिवनाम को सॊशोधधत करना

7. िचन सीखाना।

(ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्या; ऱता से झाड़ियाॉ)  एक शब्द के समानाथी शब्द सीखना।

 ननयमों के अनुसार लऱॊग ि िचन शब्द बनाना
8. लऱॊग
(ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्या69;मालऱक से सेठानी)
 अनेक शब्दों के लऱए एक शब्द सीखना।
9. िाक्ाांश
 सॊऻा,सिवनाम शब्दों से भाि िाचक सॊऻा शब्द
(ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्या 37; नागररक से कृतऻ)
बनाना सीखाना।
10. प्ाा्िाची शब्द  मुहािरों के अथव से ऩररधचत करिाना ।
(ऩष्ृ ठ 30; नया से मग
ृ )  ननयमों के अनस
ु ार व्यिहाररक ऻान को ननबॊध के
11.मुहािरे (ऩष्ृ ठ सॊख्या-143; माध्यम से लऱखना सीखाना। ननबॊध दिारा अऩने
छक्के छु़िाना से ऱट्टू होना) विचारों को सही तरह से अलभव्यक्त करने की ऺमता को
12. ननबॊध ऱेखन बढ़ाना ।

13. ऩत्र (औऩचाररक ऩत्र)  ऩत्र के प्रारूऩ से ऩररधचत करिाना


Unité 5- Des fêtes et des festivals

Unité 6- Qu’est-ce que tu fais ?
Unité 7- En ville

Grammaire : Apprendre de la grammaire [avec les règles et des

1.Les directions
2. Le prepositions de lieu
3. Le Temps – le présent, le passé récent, le
Appliquer le format approprié et développer la
passé composé “être et avoir”, le futur pièce d’écriture.
proche, le futur simple
4. Les verbes pronominaux
5.Les articles contractés (à,de)
6. Les articles partitifs
Être capable de comprendre et d’analyser le
Expression écrite : contenu
1.Composition – 80-100mots Traduire les phrases
2.Lettre- 90-100 mots
3.Dialogue- 8 échanges
4. La compréhension
5. La traduction [anglais-français/français-

‫انذرص األول ‪ :‬وسائم انًىاصالث]‬ ‫يتعزف انتالييذ عهى أسًاء انًىاصالث‬
‫انذرص انثاَي ‪ :‬رحهتي إنى انهُذ‬
‫تصريف الفعل المضارع الماضي مع‬
‫الضمائر المختلفة وهي ‪ :‬أنا نحن أنت أن ِ‬ ‫ـ أٌ يستُبط انًفزداث انجذيذة يٍ خالل انفقزاث‬
‫أنتن هو هي هما هم هن‬‫ّ‬ ‫ّّانتما أنتم‬ ‫‪.‬وانحىاراث‬
‫استخدام أدوات االستفهام في الجمل مثل‬ ‫‪.‬ـ أٌ يًييش بيٍ انًىاصالث انًختهفت ‪3‬‬
‫‪: .......‬لماذا ‪ .‬و ماذا ‪ .‬و أين ‪.‬‬
‫‪4‬‬ ‫‪ 4 .‬ـ أٌيحهم انفقزة تحهيالً نغىيا شايال‬

‫بعض أدوات العطف مثل ثم ‪ ,‬و‪ .‬لكن‬

‫‪.‬ـ أٌ يىظف انتزكيب في تكىيٍ جًم طىيهت‬
‫‪.‬التراكيب اللغوية‬

‫أفضل –الأفضل –في رأيي‬ ‫ـ أٌ يكتب قائًت انًىاصالث‬

‫الروابط‪:‬لكن‪-‬بينما‪ -‬بينما‪ -‬ـ لكي‬ ‫‪.‬أٌ يقتزح عهى سيالئه أسًاء انًىاصالث ‪-‬‬
‫ـ أٌ يستخذو انتزاكيب انهغىيت انًختهفت في سياقاث‬
‫‪ .‬يختهفت‬
‫ـ أٌ يستخذو نى في سياقاث يؤنىفت و غيز يؤنىفت‬
‫‪.‬ـ أٌ يقارٌ بيٍ يىصالث يختهفت ‪10‬‬

1.Fractions 1.To compare and order fractions.

2.To apply four operations on fractions.
3.To solve word problems of fractions.

2.Decimals 1.To compare and order decimal numbers.

2.To convert decimal numbers to fractions and vice
3.To apply four operations on decimals.
4.To solve word problems of decimals.

3.Ratio and Proportion. 1.To introduce the concept of ratio and proportion.
2.To find Equivalent ratios.
3.To divide quantity in given ratio.
4.To find percentage of given quantity.
5.To calculate speed, time and distance when any
two quantities are given.

4.Understanding elementary shapes. 1. To identify different plane and solid figures.

2. To visualize solid shapes and the nets of 3-D

5.Mensuration. 1. To differentiate between area and perimeter.

2. To find the perimeter and area of square /
rectangle on grid and without grid.
3. To calculate Area and perimeter of compound
shapes using grid and without using grids.
4. To investigate the impact of change in area on
perimeter and vice versa.

6.Data handling. 1. To interpret the data from the given graphs.

2. To represent the data in the form of tally mark
table, pictograph and bar graphs
3.To calculate mean and median of the given data.



1. Friction  To learn the types of friction,

advantages and disadvantages and alsoits


2. Light
 To investigate the sources of light.
To compare luminous and non-

luminous objects and its types.

 To learn the properties of light and its


 To investigate the types of shadow and its


 To explain the different types of eclipses

and applications of shadow.

3. Magnestism
 To compare the magnetic and non-magnetic

 To explain the types and properties of


 To compare the temporary and

permanent magnets and its application.

 To investigate the evidences for the

existence of the Earth’s magnetic field.

 To explain the different methods of

magnetization and demagnetization.
 To define elements and compounds.
Chemistry-  To discuss in groups the different
characteristics of pure substances.
1)Elements and Compounds
 To analyze the major differences
between elements and compounds and
classify them with daily life examples.
 To list Dalton’s symbols of elements.
 To analyse the molecules of elements
and compounds.
 To predict the formulae of elements
and compounds.

 To interpret the difference between

pure and impure substance.
 To differentiate between homogenous
and heterogeneous mixtures with
 To analyze the difference between a
mixture and a compound
 To interpret the major differences
between air and water.
 To investigate the major solid- solid
separation techniques
 To compare the major solid- liquid
separation techniques.
 To separate the components of the
given mixtures and state the principle
behind the method.
BIOLOGY - To classify the types of respiration
- To explain the structure and function of lungs
1. Respiration -To identify and describe the parts and the
function of respiratory system.
-To discuss the process of respiration.
- To describe the mechanism involved in
breathing with the help of ribs and diaphragm
-To discuss the various causes of diseases
related to respiration and to identify the ways
to prevent them.

-To identify the different parts and the types of

- To discuss and identify the different
2. The Leaf arrangement of veins in leaf
-To explain the functions of leaf
-To analyse the modifications in leaves to
perform special function.
- To discuss vegetative propagation and how
insectivorous plants feed on insects

-To explain the different parts and types of

- To identify the various types of pollination
-To discuss the external agents helpful for
3. The Flower
- To explain the process involved in

- To describe how fruits are formed from seed

-To identify and discuss the parts, its types-
dicot and monocot seeds in detail
- To explain the process involved in


1. Advanced HTML options To learn to insertlists and types of lists

To learn to use adding background color, to

use html color codes,
2. Editing page properties
To insert images on webpage and to add
marquee of text and other objects.

3. Adding images and marquee

SOCIAL STUDIES(ICSE SST &Moral , Social and Cultural studies)


 To identify and locate Janapadas and

ICSE SST Mahajanapadas
 To analyse the impact of Alexanders invasion.
 To infer and illustrate the features of the Mauryan
1. Rise of kingdoms and Republics empire through the sources of Indica and

2. The Mauryan Empire Arthashastra and list the notable rulers

 To analyze the features of Mauryan administration
 To identify the features of Local self-government at
1. The Rural Local Self-Government(Pg-84- Block Level: Characteristics and Functions of Block
87) samiti
 To identify the features of Local self-government at
District Level: Characteristics and Functions of

GEOGRAPHY ZilaParishad.
 To differentiate between metallic and nonmetallic
1. Minerals minerals;
 To locate important minerals on the world map.
2. North America: Location, Political
 To locate North America on the world map and in the
Divisions and Physical Features

Moral Social and Cultural Studies  To locate and identify the physical features of North
America – Appalachian Mountains and Central lowlands
Unit 1: Respect and Tolerance in a Diverse  To identify the reasons why it is important to respect
Community the beliefs, values and traditions of others.
 To articulate some of their own prejudices and offer
1.Tolerance and Its Relation to Diversity
strategies to overcome them.
2. Recognizing Prejudice in Society?  To explore the role that museums play in maintaining
Unit 2: How the UAE Grew into the Diverse,
 To examine the achievements and impact of the
Inclusive Society That It Is Today Museums
Renaissance on European society
in the UAE
 To identify how the printing press was invented and
1. Museums in the UAE
 To understand the social and economic causes of the
2. Cultural Change
Age of Discovery
Unit 3: Impacts of Transitions in Europe  To identify the economic causes of the fur and spice
1. The Renaissance
 To identify economic issues involved with using gold as
2. The Printing Press currency.

3. The Age of Discovery

4. The Fur and Spice Trades

5. Gold


Patience and Certainty (Surat As-Sajdah- 23- Explain the verses of the Surat As-Sajdah.
Describe the importance of patience in
The Rule of Blending Islam.

(Idgham) Explain the concept of blending or idgham

and its letter

Explain the situation of the believer in good

The Believer Between Gratitude and Patience
and bad time.
Few Signs of the Hour
Discuss the relationship between the end of
the universe and belief in the Day of
Imam Malik bin Anas(RA).
Describe the important role of scholars in
their societies.
Explain the meaning of Qura’nic

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