Is 455 1989
Is 455 1989
Is 455 1989
( Reall"armed 1995)
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)
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UOC 666"943
( Fourth Re"i.ion J
( Page 3, clause ) - Insert (he following new clauses aft ... ,
1&9.2.2 When cement is intended for export and if the put eh-",- r ~n
requires, packing or cement may be done in bags with an aver a~(: '1'"
mass per bag as agreed to by the purchaser and the manufacturer. For this purpose the permission of the cert ifyiru; authority sh al l
be obtained in advance for each export order. The words cFOR EXPORT' and the average net mac;. (II
cement per bag shall be clearly marked in indelible ink on each hag. The packing material shall be al agreed to between the supplier
and the purchaser.
9.2.2.f The tolerance requirements for the mass of cement packe-d in
bags shall be a, given in except the average net mass which
shall be equal to or more than the quantity in 9.2.2."
(CEO 2)
Reprolnphy Unit. 81S. New lklbi.IDd.,
IS 455 : 1989 PORTlAND SlAG CEMENT -
( FourthRevision)
I Page 3, clause ( see also Amendment No.1) ) - SU~lllute tbe
following for the exisnng clauses 9.1.1 to
"'.2.1 When cement I~ Intended for export and If the purchaser so requires,
packrng of cement may be done In bags or In drums with an average net nla~~ of
cement per bag or drum as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer,
9.Z.l.1 For tlns purpose the pemussion of tbe certifying autbonty shall be
obtained In advance for each export order.
9.2.2.Z The words 'FOR EXPORT' and the average net mass of cement per
bag/drum sball be clearly marked In Indelible Ink on eacb bag/drum.
9.1.Z.3 The packing material shall br a~ agreed to between the manufacturerand
the purchaser The tolerance requirements for the mass of cement packed In bags/drum
sball be a~ given In 9.Z.1.1 except the average net mass whlcb shall be equal to or
more than the quantity In 9.Z.2 "
(CEO 2)
Repl'OIraphy Unit, BIS.NewDeihl, India
( Fourth Revuioll)
Substitute 'net mass' for 'average net mass' wherever it appears in the
( Page 1, clause 4.1, last sentence ) - Substitute '70 percent' for
'65 percent'.
(CEO 2)
Reproeraphy Unit, BIS,NewDelhi,India
( f"ollrth Revision )
( Page 1, clause 5.2 ) - Substitute '10.0 percent, Max' for 48.0 percent,
Max' against Magnesium Oxide (MgO):
( Page 1. clause 5.2, Notes) - Substitute the following for the existing:
(CED 2)
Rcprography Unit, 81S,NewDelhi.India
( Fourth Revision )
‘The net mass of cement per bag may also be 25 kg, 10 kg, 5 kg, 2 kg or 1 kg subject to tolerances as given
in and packed in suitable bags as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.’
(Page 3, clause, last sentence) ― Substitute the following for the existing:
‘However, the average of net mass of cement in a sample shall be equal to or more than 25 kg, 10 kg, 5 kg,
2 kg or 1 kg, as the case may be.’
(CED 2)
This Indian Standard (Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards OD
30 October 1989. after the draft finalized by tbe Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee had been
approved by 1he Civil Engineering Division Council.
Portland slag cement is obtained by mixing Portland cement clinker, gyplum and Ifanulated sla, in
suitable proportions and grinding the mixture to get I thorough and intimate mix between the consti-
tuents. It may also be manufactured by separately grinding Portland cement clinker, gypsum and
granulated slag and then mixing them intimately. The resultant product is a cement which hal
physical properties similar to those of ordinary Portland cement. In addition, it has Jow heat of
hydration and is relatively better resistant to soils and water containing excessive amounts of sulphate.
of alkali metals, alumina and iron, as wen as to acidic waters, and can, therefore, be 'used for marine
works with advantage.
The manufacture of Portland slag cement has been developed primarily to utilize blastfumace slag, a
waste product from blast furnaces. The development of manufacture of this type of cement will
considerably increase the total output of cement production in the country and will, in addition. pro-
vide a profitable use for an otherwise waste product. The slags obtained from other types of furnaces,
but having identical properties 8S those of granulated blastfurnace slag conforming to this standard,
may also be used for manufacture of Portland slag cement.
This standard was first published in 1953 and subsequently revised in 1962, 1967 and 1976. This fourth
revision incorporates the modification. required as a result of experience gained with the use of this
specification and to bring the standard in line with tt e present practices followed in the production
and testing of cement.
Since publication of the third revision of this standard. large number of amendments have been issued
from time to time in order to modify various requirements based on the experience gained with the
use of the standard and the requirements of the users and also keeping in view the raw materials and
fuel available in the country for manufacture of cement. The important amendments include incorpo-
rating a value of 28 day compressive strength, increasing the requirement regarding loss on ignition
from 4'0 to S·O, increasing the insoluble residue content from 2'5 to 4 percent, making autoclave
soundness test compulsory, incorporating a provision for retest in respect of autoclave soundness test
after aeration of the cement, incorporating a clause on false set of cement and permitting packalio.
of cement in 2S kg bags. In view of these large number of amendments. the Sectio.ral Committee
decided to bring out the fourth revision of the standard incorporating all these amendments so 88 to
make it more convenient for the users. The desirable requirements of granulated slag suitable for the
manufacture of Portland slag cement have been deleted from this revision and reference has been made
to IS 12089 : 1987 'Specification for granulated slag for the manufacture of Portland slag cement'.
This standard contains clauses 5.1 and 11.4.1 which ~rrnit the purchaser to use his option and clauses
6.5, 9.2.1 and 9.3 which call for agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
In the formulation of this standard considerable assistance has been rendered by National Co.v-cil for
Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi as many of these modifications are based on studies carried
out by them.
The composition of the committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex C.
Mass of cement packed in bags and the tolerance requirements shan be in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 1977 and B-I.2
( see Annex B for information). Any modification in these rules in respect of tolerance on mass of
cement would apply automatically to this standard.
for the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 = 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values (rivised)'. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value ill
this standard.
IS 455:.911
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)
1 SCOPE granulated slag. 10 that the resultant mixture
would produce a cement capable of complying
1.1 This standard covers the manufacture and with this specification. No material shaJJ be
chemical and physical requirements for Portland added other than gypsum (natural or chemical)
slaB cement. or water or both. However, when Iypsum IS
added It shall be In such amounts that the sulphur
2 REFERENCES tnoxide (SO,) In the cement produced docs not
1.t Tbe Indian Standards listed In Annex A are exceed the limits specified In 5.2. Besides. not
necessary adjuncts to this standard. more than one percent of air-entraining agents or
surfactants which have proved not to be harmful.
3 TEllMINOLOGY may be added. The slag constituent shall be not
less than 25 percent nor more than 6S percent of
3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the defini- the Portland slag cement.
tion. liven in IS 4845 : 1968 and the following
3.1 Port..... SI8I CemeDI S.l Portland cement clinker used In the manu-
An intimately interground mixture of Portland facture of Portland slag cement shall comply in all
cement clinker and granulated slag With addition respects with the chemical requirements specified
of gypsum and permitted additives or an Intimate for the 33 grade ordinary Portland cement ill
and uniform blend of Portland cement and finely IS 269 : 1989, and the purchaser shall have the
ground granulated slag. right, If he so desires, to obtain samples of the
clinker used In the manufacture of Portland slag
3.3 Port"" eliaker cement
Clinker, consistmg mostly of calcium sihcates, 5.2 The PortJand slag cement shall comply With
obtained by beatlns to inciprent fusron a predeter- the following chemical requirements when tested
mined and homogeneous mixture of matenals In accordance With the methods given 10 IS 4032 :
prmcrpally containing lime (CaO) and srhca 1985:
( SIO.) with a smaller proportion of alumina
( AI 20 J ) and Iron OXide ( FeID. ). Percent, Max
Magnesium OXIde ( MaO) 8·0
3.4 Grnul.ted Sllg
Sulphur trioxide ( SO, ) 3·0
Slag In granulated form IS used for the manuf-c- Sulphide sulphur ( S ) 1·5
ture of hydraulic cement. Slag IS a non-metallic
product consisting essentially of glass containing Loss on igmtron 5'0
srhcates and alummo-sihcates of lame and other Insoluble residue 4'0
bases, as In the case of blastfurnace slag, which IS
developed simultaneously With Iron 10 blastfurnace NOTI::S
or electrrc pig Iron furnace. Granulated slag IS I Total chlorrde content In cement ,ban not exceed
obtained by further processing the molten slag hy o OSpercent by maa (or cemenl used In prestressed
rapidly chilhng or quenching It With water or steam concrete structures and 10DI spaD reinforced eon-
crete structures. (Method of test for determrnatron
and au. of chlorade content aD cement IS liven in IS 1242) :
1988. )
4 MANUFACTURE .1 The limit of total chloride content In cement for
4.1 Portland slag cement shall be manufactured use in plaan and other reinforced eonereie structures
IS berng reviewed. Till that time, the limit may be
either by Intimately mtergrindmg a mixture of mutually _arced to between tbe purchaser and tbe
Portland cement clinker and granulated Sldg With manufacturer
addition of gypsum (natural or chemical) or 3 Granulated sla. conformln. to IS J2089 1987 baa
calcium sulphate, or by an intimate and uniform been found suuable for the manufacturo of Portland
blending of Portland cement and finely ground sial cement.
IS 455 : 1919
9.1.1 The average net mass of cement per bag may 1J.2 Temperature for Testin.
also be 25 kg subject to tolerances as given The temperature at which the physical tests may
an and packed In suitable bags as agreed be earned out shall, as far as possible, be 27 ±2°C.
to between the purchaser and the manufacturer, The actual temperature dunng the testmg shall be
recorded The number of bags In cl sample taken for
weighment showin g a minus error greater than 11.3 Consistency of Standard Cement Paste
2 percent of the specified net mass shall be not
more than 5 percent of the bags In the sample. The quantity of water required to produce a paste
Also the minus error an none of such bags an the of standard consistency, to be used for the deter-
sample shall exceed 4 percent of the specified net mmauon of the water content of mortar for the
mass of cement 10 the bag. However, the average compressive strength test and for the determi-
net mass of cement In a sample shall be equal to nation of soundness and settmg time, shall be
or more than 25 kg. obtained by the method descnbed In IS 4031
( Part 4 ) : 1988.
9.3 Supplies of cement In bulk may he made by
agreement between the purchaser and the supplier 11.4 Indepeoclent Testing
( manufacturer or stockist ) 11.4.1 If the purchaser or his representative re-
NOTE - A single bag or container contalOlng quires independent test. the samples shall be taken
J 000 kg or more net m t!)fOi of cement sha ll be const before or immediately after delivery at the option
dered as bulk supply of cement Supplies of cement of the purchaser or hIS representative, and the
may also be made In mterrnedrate cornamers, for
example drurr-s of 200 kg, by agreement bet" een the tests shall be carried out In accordance With thiS
purchaser and the manufacturer. standard on the wntten Instructions of the pur-
chaser or his representative.
11.4.2 Cost of Testing
10.1 Samples for Testing
The manufacturer shall supply, free of charge, the
A sample or samples for tcstmg may be taken by cement required for testing Unless otherwrse
the purchaser or his representative, or by any specified m the enquiry and order, the cost of tests
person appointed to supenntend the work for the shall be borne as foUows:
purpose of which the cement IS required. or by the a) By the manufacturer if the results show that
latter's representative. the cement does not comply w:th this
standard; and
10.1.1 The samples shall be taken Within three
weeks of the dehvery and all the tests shall be b) By the purchaser jf the results show that
commenced within one week of sampllng. the cement compiles with this standard.
11.4.3 After a representative sample has been
10.1.2 When It I~ not possible to test the samples drawn and hermetically sealed, tests on the sample
Within one week, the samples shall be packed and shall be carried out as expedinously as possible.
stored In air-ught containers till such time that
they are tested. 12 REJECTION
10.2 In addition to the requirements of 10.1. the 12. t Cement may be rejected If It does not comply
methods and procedure of samplmg shall be In With any of the requirements specified In thu
accordance With IS 3535 : 1986. specificanon.
10.3 Facilities for SampUag aDd IdeDtiryiol 12.2 Cement remauung 10 bulk storage at the mIll,
pnor to shipment, for more than SIX months, or
The manufacturer or supplier ~hdU afford every cement an bags In local storages In the hands of a
faciluy, clod shall provide all labour and matenals vendor for more than three months after comple-
for takmg and packing the samples for tesnna the tion of tests, may be retested before usc and may
cement and for subsequent idenuhcanon of the be rejected If It falls to conform to any or tbe
cement sampled. requirements In this speeificanon.
IS 455: 1989
( Clause 2.1 )
( Clause 9.2 )
B-1 The average net mass of cement packed in net mass ( 50 kg ) shall be not more than 5 per-
bags at the plant in a sample shall be equal to or cent of the bags in the sample. Also the minus
more than 50 kg. The number of bags in a sample error 111 none of such bags in the sample shall
shall be as given below: exceed 4 percent of the specified net mas of
cement in the bag.
Batch Size Sample Size NOTE - The matter given in B-1 and B-I.1 are
extracts based on the Standards 01 Wet'ghts a.nd
100 to 150 20 Measures (Pt4ckc/~('d Commodities r Rules, /977 to
151 to 280 32 which reference shall be made for full details. Any
modificanon made in these Rules and other related
281 to 500 50 Acts and Rules would apply automatically.
501 to I 200 80 B-I.Z In case of a wagon/truck load of 20 to 25
1 201 to 3 200 125 tonnes, the overall tolerance on net mass of cement
shall be () to -t 0·5 percent.
3 201 and over 200
NOl E - The mass of a jute sackina bag confer-
The bags in a sample shall be selected at random mini to IS 2580: 1982 to hold 50 kg of cement in
531 8. the mass of a double hessian bituminized
( see IS 4905 : 1968 ). ( CR I type) bag to hold 50 kg of cement is 630 g, the
mass of a 6·ply paper bag to hold SO kg of cement is
approximately 400 I and the mass of a polyethylene
B·1.1 The number of bags in a sample showing a Iined ( <. RI type) jute bag to hold 50 kg of cement
minus error greater than 2 percent of the specified is approximately 480 g.
IS ..55 : a,.,
( Foreword)
Chair""''' R.prtle"ti"l
Dil H. C. VIIVEIVARAYA National Council for Cement and Suildinl Materials. New Dclbl
SHIU K. P. BANERJEI Larsen and Toubro Limited, Bombay
SHill HAJU!H N. MALANI ( Altemat« )
SHIU S. K. DANIAJEI National Test House, Calcutta
CHIE' ENOIN!I!R ( BD ) Bhakra Beas Management Board, Nanlal Township
SHRI J. C. BASUR ( Atternat« )
CHIE' ENGINEER ( DESIONS ) Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
( Alt ernat« )
CHIEr ENGINEER ( RUIA.CH-CUM- Irrigation Department, Government of Punjab
TE.CHNOLOGY ) ( Alternate)
DIRECTOR A. P. Engineering Research Laboratories, Hyderabad
JOINT DIRECTOR ( Alternate )
DIRECTOR Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi
CHIE' ReSEARCH OfFICER ( Alternate )
DIRECTOR ( C & MDD-II ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
( Alternate)
SHill V. K. GHANEKAR Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR ), Obaziabad
-SHal S. GOPINATH The India Cements Limited, Madras
SHRI A. K. GUPTA Hyderabad Industries Limited, Hyderabad
SHRI J. SI!N GUPTA National Buildings Organization, New Delhi
SHRI P. J. JAOUS The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
DR A. K. CHAlTFRJ!E ( Alternate )
JOINT DIRECTOR STANDARDS ( B &: S )/CS-I Research, Designs and Standards Orlanizatlon ( Ministry of
Ra ilways ), Lucknow
CB-II ( Alternate)
SHRI N. G. JOSHI Indian Hume Pipes Co Limited, Bombay
SHRI R. L. KAPOOR Roads Wing (Ministry of Transport), Department of Surface
Transport, New Delhi
SHIU R. K. SAXENA ( Alternate )
DR A. K. MULllCK National Council for Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi
SflIU O. K. MAJuttCDAR Hospital Services Consultancy Corporation ( India) Ltd,
New Delhi
SHill P. N. MEHTA Geologtcal Survey of India, Calcutta
SHRI S. K. MATHUR ( Alternate)
SHill N IRMAL SINOH Development Commissioner for Cement Industry (Ministry of
Industry), New Delhi
SHRI S. S. MIOLANI ( Alt emat« )
SHRI S. N. PAL M. N. Dastur and Company Private Limited, Calc.utta
SHill BIMAN DASOU.TA ( Alternate)
SHill R. C. PARATI Engineer-in-Chief's Branch, Army Headquarters
Lr-COL R. K. SINOH ( Alternate)
SHIU H. S. PASRICIfA Hindustan Prefab Limited, New Delhi
SHRI Y. R. PHULL Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi. and Central Road Researcb
Institute ,< CSIR), New Delhi
SHRI S. S. SEEHRA ( Alternate ) Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR), New Delhi
Da MOHAN RAJ Central Buildioa Research Institute ( CSIR). Roorkee
DR S. REHsl ( Alternate)
SHRI A. V. RAMANA Dalmia Cement ( Dharat ) Limited, New Delhi
Da K. C. NARANO ( Atternat« )
.!'\HRI G. RAMDAI Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals. New Deihl
SHill T. N. SUBBA RAO Gammon India Limited, Bombay
SHRI S. A. Rt:DDI ( Alternet« )
IS_: 1919
M~IfIb." lf~ pr.,.",''''
Da A. O. MADHAVA RAO ( .4lt.,,,.,. ) Structural £nainecrinl Relearcb Centre ( CSIR ), Maetr••
Joint Director (Civ Ena.), DIS
IS 455: 1'"
Memberl Repres,,,,lnl
SHltI K. P. MOIIIDDN Central Warehousinl Corporation, New Delhi
SHRI NIaMAL SINOH Development Commissioner for Ccment Induatry ( Ministry 01
SHRI S. S. MIOLANI ( Alternate)
SHal Y. R. PHULL Central Road Research Institute (CSIR). New Delhi
SHR. S. S. SEEHRA ( Allerna/et
SHIU A. V. RAMANA Dalmia Cement ( Bharat ) Ltd, New Delhi
DR K. C. NAilANO (Alternal, )
COL V. K. RAO En.incer-in-Cbief·s Branch, Army Headquarters
SHRI N. S. GALANDI! ( Altemat« )
8HIt. 8. A. REDD. Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
n. S. S. REHSI Central Buildiol Research Institute ( CSIR ), Roorkee
DR IRSHAD MASOOD ( Alternat« ~
SHIll A. U. RUHS1NOIIANJ Cement Corporation of India Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI M. P. SINOH Federation of Mini Cement Plants, New Deihl
SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (D) Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu
( GENERAL) ( AI/ernate )
SHRI L. SWAROOP Orissa Cement Ltd, New Delhi
SaRI H. BHAlTACHAI.YA ( Aiternot« )
SHR. V. M. WAD Bhilai Steel Plant. Bbilai
Bure... or Indl •• Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Sta,.dD,ds Act, t 986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connectedmatters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiriesrelating to copyright be addressed to the Director(Publication),BIS.