News 30
News 30
News 30
Welcome to the 30th issue of the FABIG Newsletter. blast engineering:
FABIG held its 23rd Technical Meeting on the 11th Correction note (leaflet which is enclosed with
and 12th of September on Fire and Blast Issues on this Newsletter) and corrected article that was
Deepwater Platforms. The London meeting coincided previously published as R406 ‘A Workbook
with the tragic events that were caused by the terrorist Approach to Estimating the Flammable Volume
attacks in the United States. Dr Charles Smith of Produced by a Gas Release’ (see Article R416).
the Minerals Management Service (MMS) in the Risk Based Design of Passive Fire Protection,
USA was very kind to continue with the scheduled which incorporates risks, costs and benefits in the
meeting in Aberdeen despite the tragic events of the decision making process (see Article R417).
day before. Our sincere condolences and sympathies Safety Management Offshore: A Systematic
go to him and to the American people. Approach, which is intended to maintain risk
within acceptable range in an organisation’s
Delegates at the above meeting should have operations (see Article R418).
already received copies of the Technical Meeting New Guidelines on Pressure Relief and Blowdown
Review and Certificates of Attendance at the Systems, which report on the results of a Joint
Technical Meeting. Industry Project on safe and optimum design of
such systems (see Article R419).
We have been very busy lately, issuing Technical Note
6 (Design Guide for Steel at Elevated Temperatures The FABIG Steering Committee meeting took place
and High Strain Rates) and organising future FABIG on the 11th of September 2001. Several items were
activities and deliverables that are coming up over discussed including extending our membership to the
the next few months. The December Technical downstream oil and gas industry (see article R414).
Meeting will be on Process Integrity and its Role
in Mitigating Fire and Blast. Speakers from Nova We would like to encourage our members to use the
Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, HSE and Shell search facility on our web site, which allows users to
are expected to contribute at the meeting. Our next search through all past FABIG deliverables including
Technical Meeting tentatively scheduled for the end individual Newsletter Articles. FABIG needs and
of January will be on our forthcoming Technical Note welcomes your feedback on how the search facility may
entitled “Extensions to the BIGGS Method”. Our last be improved further (e.g. additional search keywords).
Technical Meeting for the current year scheduled for
early April 2002 will be on the COMAH Safety Case I look forward to meeting you at future Technical
(See the Steering Committee Article R414). Meetings and other related events. Meanwhile, if you
have any suggestions or comments on any FABIG
We have a series of articles in this issue, which focus deliverable or activity, please do not hesitate to contact
on recent improvements in our knowledge of fire and me (Fadi Hamdan) at the SCI.
Det Norske Veritas AS
Det Norske Veritas Ltd
Det Norske Veritas Principia
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping
Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij B.V.
5737 Network
We are eager to receive your comments on how we can improve
the web site to better serve your needs. 1327 Australia
1262 Norway
137 Brazil
137 Malaysia
Table 415.2 Web access per domain
= f 3 (R )
m ρ s
U L2
v Figure 416.1 Definition of the geometry and orientation
. factor for module type 1
m is the mass flow rate of the release, ρ s is the density the
released material at ambient conditions and L is a characteristic Determining the Flammable Volume
length scale of the module, defined so that L3 = Vm .
For the purposes of the workbook, the flammable volume has
Although a large number of experiments were carried out during been defined as the volume of released material at concentrations
the Joint Industry Project, they were all performed in one between 5% and 15 % contained within the module. Based on
particular module, albeit with different arrangements of perimeter the results for many different release rates, source locations and
confinement. Hence, interpolation and extrapolation, guided by source geometries, Figure 416.2 shows the correlation that was
dimensional and physical arguments, are used in the workbook deduced for the ‘upper limit’ estimation and for the ‘typical’
to extend the applicability of the relationships. A pragmatic flammable volume produced by a release.
approach was adopted, opting for the simplest, operationally
useful technique; only considering more complicated approaches
if subsequent experience shows this to be essential.
Selby, C.A. and Burgan, B.A., Blast and Fire Engineering for
Topside Structures Phase 2, Final Summary Report, Steel
Construction Institute, UK. SCI Publication Number 253, 1998.
Al-Hassan, T. and Johnson, D.M. in 17th International
Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Artic Engineering,
Lisbon, 6-9 July, 1998.
Cleaver, R.P., Buss, G.Y., Tam, V., Connolly, S and Britter, R.E.
Gas Build-up from High Pressure Natural Gas Releases in
Naturally Ventilated Offshore Modules, 7 th Annual
Conference on Offshore Installations: Fire and Explosion
Engineering, Church House Conference Centre, London, 2
December, 1998
Cleaver R.P., Buss G.Y., Tam, V., Connolly S., and Britter R.E.
Analysis of Gas Build-up from High Pressure Natural Gas
Releases in Naturally Ventilated Offshore Modules, 8th Annual
Conference on Offshore Installations: Fire and Explosion
Engineering, Lord’s Conference and Banqueting Centre,
London, 30 November, 1999.
Savvides, C., Tam, V., Cleaver, R.P., Darby, S., Buss, G.Y., Britter,
R.E. and Connolly, S. Gas Dispersion in a Congested, Partially
Confined Volume, International Conference and Workshop on
Modeling the Consequences of Accidental Releases of
Hazardous Materials, San Francisco, 28th September, 1999.
In estimating the risk that a particular level of response will be The event tree technique is used to determine an estimate of the
experienced by the structural system, it is necessary to determine risk related to process leaks. Event trees are simplified models of
the total probability associated with all possible combinations the possible accidents and sequence of events leading to the
of fire intensity and the deviations in the response of a particular accident but they give a reasonably accurate picture of the risk.
design strategy. The event tree identifies all accident scenarios by showing their
path from the initiating event to the terminating event. There are
The total risk is determined by[2,4]: three main categories of leaks, namely blowouts, riser leaks and
∑ P[R E ]P[E ]
process leaks.
P[Ri ] = i j j (1)
all j For each tree a risk contribution is calculated. The sum of these
here P • represents the probability of the event indicated risk contributions gives the total risk related to process leaks.
within the brackets, Ri denotes the event that the state of the To be able to estimate the possible outcome of the identified
structure is i, Ej indicates that the fire size/duration experienced events, each leakage is divided into a number of categories, for
[ ]
is “level” j, and P R i E j denotes the probability that the state instance:
(response) of the structure will be Ri given that the event Ej
takes place. Minor: < 0.05 kg/s
Medium: 0.05 - 1.0 kg/s
In the context of a fire resistant design of a topside structure, Ri Large: 1- 50 kg/s
is the worst post-fire state (or state of damage, response, or Very large: > 50 kg/s
loss) of the installation during its design lifetime. Ej represents Minor leaks would not contribute significantly to the risk.
the entire range of possible fire size/duration which could happen
during the lifetime of the platform. In this case, Ri is a unique The fire frequencies and probabilities may be derived from the
description of the installation condition after each event. analysis of different leak scenarios and paths in the event tree.
The frequency of a fire decreases as the duration increases; i.e.
The form of the total probability Equation (1) emphasises that it short duration fires are more frequent than long duration fires.
couples the two sources of uncertainty and that it accumulates The probability of escalation is a result of considering different
all combinations having the same behaviour or response. In this escalation mechanisms in the paths of the event tree, and
form of the equation the responsibilities of the quantitative risk modelling of this is a time dependent function. In principle such
assessor and structural engineer are also clarified. The risk a diagram should be determined for each leak scenario in each
assessor should compute the values of the fire risk P[E j ] for all segregated compartment, but in practice it is possible to group
j, and the structural engineer must estimate the likelihood of together similar cases. This leads to a discrete representation of
different levels of behaviour Ri given different levels of fire size/ frequency against fire duration.
duration P R i E j . ]
It is usual to also account for the release rate. To do this an
Frequencies of Events estimate of the hole size distribution for each type of component
is made[3]. An example is shown in Table 417.1.
Probabilities and frequencies are used to describe the uncertainty
of the occurrence of an incident such as a leak. This is an attempt
to explicitly account for the most important factors affecting Normalised hole size (% of
0.1 0.2 0.4 1.0
safety. However, this simple model itself is subject to uncertainty. diameter)
Some attempt should be made to explicitly quantify uncertainties
associated with fire risk. Proportion of holes 0.60 0.25 0.10 0.05
The systematic identification of undesirable events is carried Table 417.1 Distribution of hole size
out based on operational experience, the HAZOP study and
experience with similar studies[3]. Leaks and the probability of It is necessary to introduce an additional step in the above
ensuing fires and explosions are one group of undesirable events calculations. After having counted the number of items of a
that will be identified at this stage. particular component and multiplied this by the leakage rate of
that component, the resulting leakage frequency is split into a
Blowout is the main sources of fire for wellhead platforms and all set of frequencies, each specific to a given range of release
floating platform with their own drilling facilities. Most floating rates. Having carried out this calculation for all components and
production facilities are well away from the blowout hazard area. categories involved, all frequencies that belong to a certain
A short duration blowout may last for some hours. Thus, the release rate range are added.
safe evacuation of personnel is the primary concern.
Standard formulae for releases of hydrocarbons from a hole in
Leaks from flexible flowlines or rigid still risers, as well as pipeline pressurised equipment can be used to determine the leakage
leaks, could endanger the safety of the structural system. For a rates and time to depletion of inventory.
full bore rupture of a riser the dimension is quite substantial. In
the case of jacket structures, less of the structure is exposed to An ignition will result in fire or an explosion, depending on the
fire. Process leaks require the most effort. available volume of combustible gas and when the ignition
occurs. The probability of ignition depends on:
1. The probability of the occurrence of a combustible mixture. especially for proprietary materials. It also should be noted that
2. The probability that the combustible mixture reaches a source most countries do not allow any credit to be taken due to water
of ignition. deluge.
The range of fire duration is a continuous variable. This Multiple Damage States
continuous distribution can be divided into five bands
The Damage State, which is assumed here to be the cost of
compatible with five levels of PFP requirement, see Table 417.2
repair or replacement, may be represented in discrete form in a
below, assuming it is possible to have five design strategies.
similar manner to the fire size/duration. Five general states of
These bands would represent the whole spectrum of possible
damage, Ri, are defined in terms of such loss-related factors as
protective measures available to the designers. Within each
level of repair cost, degree of the structural and non-structural
duration band, the fire size is a random variable.
damage and the fraction of personnel injured and killed. This
Fire discrete definition of damage states is described briefly in Table
Duration < 10 10 to 30 30 to 60 60 to 90 90 to 120 417.4. The coefficient of variation for mean values noted in Table
(min) 417.4 are around 0.25. Numbers given in Table 417.4 are only an
indication of what one should expect and their applicability must
Frequencies 6.8E-3 1.86E-3 0.82E-3 0.34E-3 0.15E-3 be verified before use.
Table 417.2 Fire duration frequencies (sample) Due to non-uniform design and construction practices, like
variations of material properties and the distribution of topside
The choice of five bands is adequate, considering all possible equipment, structures that are designed to the same code
measures available to counteract the fire effect. The logic behind specification will not all experience the same level of damage
the above discrete representation of fire size/duration is a even if subjected to identical fire loads. Furthermore, the degree
corollary of the current practice. A topside structure designed of damage is dependent on the fire size and fire duration, which
are also uncertain. Thus, for each level of fire size/duration it is
according to the API-WSD method has enough capacity to
withstand 160 kW/m2 for about 10 minutes. To increase this [
necessary to define a probability distribution function P Ri E j ]
capacity to beyond 10 minutes requires most of the primary for damage. The determination of the damage probability
steel and parts of the secondary steel to be fire coated. As the function is explained in a case study later in this paper.
requirement reaches 120 minutes, the amount of fire coating
increases. The damage probability distribution function can be used to
determine the probability that a structure will find itself with
There are three parameters that together determine a fire, these associated repair cost and injuries or deaths. The first step is to
are fire loads (or intensity), size and duration. All structural calculate the mean annual frequency λ Ri of events in which the
member within a compartment would not experience a uniform structure experiences the Damage State Ri. The mean rate is
fire load. The current UK practice uses a hydrocarbon fire determined by the application of equation (1) modified to apply
temperature curve, which is designed for fire testing. This fire is frequencies.
almost equivalent to 200 kW/m2. Since this curve is used in the
certification of PFP material, 200 kW/m2 became a standard value λ Ri = ∑ P[R | E = I ](λ
i I − λ I +1 ) (2)
for pool fires. For jet fires, the associated heat flux is 350 kW/m2.
NORSOK Technical guidance (NTS, 1996)[5] have specified fire in which (λ I − λ I +1 ) is the annual frequency of events with E = I
loads for the selection of PFP, see Table 417.3. These values are (assuming repair, if necessary). Accumulating the appropriate
lower than those used in the UK. Furthermore, the way fire tables mean annual rates of different states will yield the mean annual
for PFP are produced, these values cannot be used easily, rate of events causing damage of a given level or greater.
Reduced average
Initial heat flux Initial heat flux
inital heat load taking
Type of fire density density
credit for w ater
Maximum point loads Average loads
The ultimate goal of an assessment is to determine the probability during repair, or, in extreme cases, injury or loss of life, and other
of survival for a topside structure. To calculate the installation impacts such as the operator’s standing in the community and
survivability, all the failure mechanisms must be identified. The its stock value. In general, not all of the incident losses can be
load is a function of the amount of combustible material, ignition expressed in monetary terms.
probability and location, topside layout, ventilation and so on.
The resistance is a function of framing, material properties, If it were possible to express all losses in terms of money, then
workmanship, possible and so on. the criterion for selecting the optimal design strategy would be
the minimum present total expected cost, that is a design strategy
Application that minimises the sum of initial costs plus the discounted value
of expected future losses.
The simplest form of a design strategy is the basic design, in
which no PFP is provided to resist the fire effects. As a result,
Most PFP in use are proprietary type whose established
the cost of a fire resistant design is limited to the cost of firewalls
theoretical behaviour in a fire situation is known. In addition, for
for segregation purposes. As PFP is added to delay the
certification purposes fire tests and tables are produced with
degradation of material strength, the cost of enhancing the
discrete time steps, e.g. 30, 60 and so on are. Furthermore
capacity over the basic design starts to rise.
continuos variation of thickness is not practical. Consequently
the choice of thickness is stepwise.
One key step in the calculation of the fire risk is to determine the
probability that a fire of some stated duration would occur during
In heat transfer analysis the temperature time histories of all
a year. Fire severity is expressed as convective and radiative
structural members are calculated[6]. The operational loads are
heat fluxes, or by gas temperatures.
applied in the first step of a two-step non-linear structural analysis.
The temperature time-histories are applied in then the second
The effect of fire on the structure is expressed by a number of
step. In both heat transfer calculation and the structural analysis
Damage Probabilities (DP’s). Each DP is associated with a fire
the effect of random errors can be accounted for using a Monte
size/duration (rise and fall) and a design strategy and gives the
Carlo simulation.
probability that various levels of damage would result from
various levels of fire duration. By combining the fire with the
The process starts with no PFP at all. If the calculated risk is
information in the DP table, the probability that the topside
intolerable or the time to collapse is less than that required for
structure will sustain various levels of damage can be assessed
evacuation, then another strategy, e.g., having 30 minutes PFP
and the future repair costs may be determined.
only on certain members is investigated. The number of members
and the PFP thickness are increased until the calculated risk for
For each damage state there is an incident loss; such incident
each category becomes acceptably low. Often previous
losses include loss of function or loss due to deferred production
experience can be used to reduce the amount of computation.
Minor localised
structural and F ew Minor
2. Moderate (M) (5%)
extensive non (2%) (0.5%)
structural damage.
Major structural
damage; possibly Some F ew
3. Substantial (S) (30%)
total non-structural (5%) (1%)
Severe damage to
Several Up to 10
4. Total (T) parts of platform. (100%)
(20%) (5%)
Structure replaced.
Significant Greater than 20
5. Catastrophic (C) platform damage. (100%)
(100%) (20%)
Total collapse.
* Mean value of material loss as a percentage of installation cost.
** Mean values of injuries or loss of life as a percentage of personnel on board.
NB: These values are dependent on the platform and are shown here for illustration purpose only.
Table 417.4 Description of Damage States
A methodology has been outlined for deciding on the level of
fire protection for the topside of an offshore installation. This
method accounts for all probable fire intensities, their duration
and the strength of the topside to withstand the degradation of
material strength. The method allows the level of protection to
be improved until the residual risk becomes ALARP.
Yasseri, S., Risk-Based Decision Analysis for the Protection
of Marine Pipeline from Dropped Objects, 97-JSC-235, ISOPE
Yasseri, S., Decision Analysis for Target Fatigue Lives,
Presented at SIMoNET inaugural meeting, University College,
March 30th 2000.
Vinnem, J.E., Offshore Risk Assessment: Principal, Modelling
and Applications of QRA Studies, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, London, 1999.
Yasseri, S., Design Decision analysis for Topside Blast loads,
Major Hazard conference, ERA, London 2000.
NTS 1996, NORSOK Technical safety, Design principles,
NORSOK standard S-DP-001, Rev2, January 1996.
SINTEF, Handbook for Fire Calculations and Fire Risk
Assessment in the Process Industries, SINTEF/Scandpower,
Further information
For further details, please contact:
Sirous Yasseri
Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR)
ACS Full Field Development Project- Phase 1
South Point
6-14 Sutton Court Road
Surrey SM1 4TY
United Kingdom
A Systemic Safety Management System Model and opportunities, system 4 can suggest changes to the
organisation’s safety policies. This function may be regarded as
The Systemic Safety Management System (SSMS) model
a part of effective safety planning. System 4 first deals with the
described here is intended to represent a systemic approach
safety policy received from system 5. Second, it senses all
intended to maintain risk within an acceptable range in an
relevant threats and opportunities from the wider physical and
organisation’s operations. This model builds on the Viable System
socio-economic infrastructure of the organisation, including the
Model (VSM) developed and proposed by Beer[1,2,3] and the
safety future environment. Third, system 4 deals with all relevant
Failure Paradigm Method (FPM) proposed by Fortune and
needs of system 1 performance, and its potential future. Finally,
Peters[4] as described elsewhere[5]. A brief description of the
it deals with the confidential or special information communicated
SSMS model is given below.
by system 4*. System 4*, safety confidential reporting, is part
of system 4 and it is concerned with confidential reports or
Recursive SSMS Structural Organisation causes of concern that may require the direct and immediate
The SSMS needs to achieve five functions associated with intervention of system 5. Finally, system 5, safety policy, is
systems 1 to 5. System 1 consists of various operations within responsible for deliberating safety policies and for making
an organisation that deal directly with the organisation’s normative decisions. According to alternative safety plans
production activities. received from system 4, system 5 considers and chooses feasible
alternatives, which aim to maintain an acceptable level of safety
A typical organisation’s operations, for example, power throughout the organisation’s operations. It also monitors the
generation, transport, oil and gas exploration, production, and interaction of system 3 and system 4, as represented by the lines
treatment could form part of system 1, as shown in Figure 418.1. that connect the loop between systems 3 and 4 as shown in
It should be noted that each operation performs five functions Figure 418.1. Also shown on Figure 418.1 is a dashed line directly
namely safety policy, development, functional, co-ordination, from system 1 to system 5, representing a direct communication
and implementation. This means that the SSMS as a whole is or ‘hot-line’ for use in exceptional circumstances; e.g. during an
replicated in each operation of system 1. Systems 2 to 5 facilitate emergency.
the function of system 1, as well as ensuring the continuous
adaptation of the whole organisation. System 2, safety co- The SSMS and its Environment
ordination, co-ordinates the activities of the operations of
The SSMS relies on five functional imperatives and the extent to
system 1. System 2, along with system 1, implements the safety
which the SSMS structural organisation accommodates
plans received from system 3. It informs system 3 about routine
contextual constraints determines its ability to adapt. The
information on the performance of the operations of system 1.
organisational structure of the SSMS is shown as interacting in
To achieve the plans of system 3 and the needs of system 1,
a defined way with its environment through system 1 operations,
system 2 gathers and manages the safety information of the
and through system 4, as illustrated in Figure 418.1. Environment,
system 1 operations. System 3, safety functional, is not only
both socio-economic and physical is understood as being those
responsible for maintaining risk within an acceptable range in
circumstances to which the SSMS response is necessary. The
system 1, but also ensures that system 1 implements the
SSMS also needs to respond to necessary internal matters, e.g.,
organisation’s safety policy. It achieves its function on a day-
inadequate training. System 4 deals with the SSMS’s total or
to-day basis according to the safety plans received from system
wider socio-economic and physical environment into which an
4. Detailed aspects of safety plans are given below. System 3
organisation is embedded. The broken line elliptic symbol
requests from systems 1, 2, and 3* information about the safety
represents the SSMS total environment, as illustrated in Figure
performance of system 1 to formulate its safety plans and to
418.1. System 4 deals also with the safety ‘future environment’,
communicate future needs to system 4. It is also responsible for
which is also embedded into the SSMS total environment. The
allocating the necessary resources to system 1 to accomplish
safety future environment is concerned with threats and
the organisation’s safety plans. System 3*, safety audit, is part
opportunities for the future development of safety. On the other
of system 3 and its function is to conduct audits sporadically
hand, system 1 operations deal with local environments or
into the operations of system 1. System 3* intervenes in the
institutionalised environments with which the organisation’s
operations of system 1 according to the safety plans received
operations must deal. These local environments are embedded
from system 3. System 3 needs to ensure that the reports received
into the total environment of the SSMS as illustrated in Figure
from system 1 reflect not only the current status of the system 1
418.1. For example, organisations are embedded within a wider
operations, but are also aligned with the overall objectives of
socio-economic and physical structure that will constrain the
the organisation. The audit activities should be sporadic (i.e.
way they can develop. There are various important socio-
unannounced) and they should be implemented under common
economic and physical characteristics that need to be taken into
agreement between system 3* and system 1.
account. These characteristics can be segregated thus; first
physical characteristics, such as the geography of the area, for
System 4, safety development, is concerned with safety research
example the North Sea oil and gas fields, weather conditions and
and development (R&D) for the continual adaptation of the
public utilities. Second, economic characteristics such as oil and
organisation. By considering strengths, weaknesses, threats,
gas markets, level of employment, other oil and gas operators
Figure 418.1 A Systemic Safety Management System (SSMS) for an oil and gas organisation
and other types of industry and commerce, and finally, socio- Recursive Structure and Autonomy
political characteristics, such as regulators, and social
According to Beer[1], in a recursive organisational structure any
organisations. The demands and needs inherent in these
viable system contains, and is contained in, a viable system.
characteristics will suggest and condition patterns of structural
This means that the organisational structure of the SSMS for
organisation of the SSMS. Organisations need to pay more
the organisation as a whole is replicated in each operation of
attention not only to these characteristics, but also to the
system 1. That means that the SSMS model is intended to
complexity, stability or uncertainty of changing technologies.
manage safety of an organisation at three levels of recursion, as
shown in Figure 418.1 (The three levels should be seen in the
Apart from confronting demands for its products, an organisation
context of Figure 418.2). The top right hand side broken line
faces an environment upon which it is dependent for finance,
square box is the management unit of system 1 of the next higher
work force and materials, that is, for its resources. The
level of recursion. The operations of system 1, on the other
organisation’s total environment has a certain pattern of resource
hand, represent the SSMS for the level of recursion next below,
availability to which the organisation has to relate. The supply
depicted at 45 degrees in Figure 418.1. The SSMS for the
of resources to the organisation changes over time forcing it to
organisation as a whole is replicated for every operation of system
make organisational adaptations. These adaptations may involve
merging departments, changing the location of decision making,
introducing new procedures, and so on. These changes may
Very little attention has been given by both academe and
have significant impacts on the safety performance of the whole
practitioners to understanding the appropriate degree of
organisation. Similarly, local or institutionalised environments
interdependence amongst the parts that constitute an
also are characterised by the socio-economic and physical
organisation in order to design an effective SMS. In addition,
characteristics of the organisation’s total environment. These
the impact of the organisational structure on the effectiveness
characteristics can be segregated into a) physical characteristics,
of the SMS, as well as on the subsystems of the SMS, is not well
for example a specific oil and gas production field, local weather
understood. The SSMS is organised in recursive levels, which
conditions; b) economic characteristics, for example other oil
may have a significant impact not only in designing a more
and gas field operations, and c) socio-political characteristics,
effective SMS, but also a SMS including health, safety and
such as government regulations, for example, the safety case
environment. The SSMS for the whole organisation is replicated
in each operation of system 1, as illustrated in Figure 418.1. The
SSMS is intended to be able to maintain risk within an acceptable
Whenever a line appears in the Figure 418.1 representing the
range at each level of recursion, but this safety achievement, at
SSMS model, it represents a channel of communication, except
each level, is conditional on the cohesiveness of the whole
for the lines that connect the balancing loop that connects
organisation. The SSMS contains a structure that favours
systems 4 and 3. The zigzag lines connecting the operations of
autonomy and local safety problem-solving capacity. Autonomy
system 1 indicate inter-dependency, which may be strong or
means that each operation of system 1 of the SSMS is responsible
weak according to the degree of interdependence amongst the
for its own activity with minimal intervention of systems 2, 3, 4,
operations. For example, in the case of an oil and gas offshore
and 5. The organisational structure of the SSMS allows decisions
production field, the operations might stand for offshore platforms
to be made at the local level. Decision making is distributed
OIA, OIB and OIC (see Figure 418.2). A succession of processes
throughout the whole organisation. This means that distributed
feeding each other with oil/gas in normal operation may be
decision making involves a set of decision makers in each
regarded as strong physical inter-dependence. A weak inter-
operation of system 1 and at each level of recursion. These
dependence may be the case when the three offshore platforms
decision makers should be autonomous in their own right and
do not feed each other with oil/gas as part of normal operation
act independently based on their own understanding of safety
but there is a physical connection which might allow it. For
and their specific tasks. However, it should be recognised that
example in the Piper Alpha disaster there was a physical
they have interdependence with other decision makers of other
connection between the Piper and Claymore platforms which
operations of system 1. Therefore, each operation of system 1
allowed unintended passage of gas; i.e. during non-normal
should be endowed with autonomy so that the organisational
operation. There is a particular concern in the SSMS about the
safety policy can be achieved more effectively. These aspects
nature of these channels and the information which flows in the
of organisational structure, which have a role in making
communication channels. These channels of communication
organisations more rather than less effective, are poorly
obey four organisational principles. These organisational
understood in safety literature.
principles are understood as responding appropriately to the
weaknesses and strengths, threats and opportunities as
Communication and Control in the SSMS Model
presented in the wider and local environment of the SSMS; the
channels of communication, and the necessary transducers Pro-active Commitment to Safety
translating information when it crosses boundaries of systems An organisation’s safety approach can be reactive or pro-active
must be designed according to the requirements of Ashby’s law and less or more committed to safety. Additionally, organisations
of requisite variety[1,2,3] and these principles must be put into may focus on technical aspects of incidents or accidents. For
effect without time-lags (see Appendix A). The bi-directional example, passive and active fire fighting systems have been
arrows represented in the SSMS total environment indicate the developed with the purpose of controlling and mitigating fire
interactions among the local environments, as well as the incidents. However, the degree of risk in an organisation or system
interaction of these local environments with the total is an emergent property resulting from the interrelated activities
environment. of people who design it, manage it, and operate it. Humans,
individually, in teams and in organisations decide the technical which they are implemented into a particular organisation’s
aspects. People who are involved in the product, service, or operations should be clearly understood. These two aspects
process life cycle, such as product and plant designers, are known here as Internally Committed Systems (ICS) and
constructors or manufacturers, operators or users and Externally Committed Systems (ECS). The distinction between
maintainers make decisions which effectively contribute to these two aspects may be a source of insight into the ways
creating the risk. Furthermore, there is the need to look at the safety can be approached, as well as the ways in which these
people responsible for designing and managing the organisation two aspects differ from each other. Table 418.1 illustrates some
or system itself. These factors, which are the potential, but not characteristics of ICS and ECS.
obvious or explicit causes of incidents or accidents, are known
here as latent factors. It is claimed elsewhere[6] that common (i.e. ECS refers to the safety performance of systems that are
common-place) causal failures form part of an “incubation committed to a particular purpose, function, or objective based
process” in a sequence of disaster development. Moreover, latent on external reasons or motivation. This definition addresses both
factors accumulate unnoticed until a precipitative event or trigger technical aspects and humans. For example, production
leads to the onset of the incident, accident or disaster[7]. (In installations are designed to accomplish a well-defined objective,
addition to latent factors as described above, i.e. in the sense of whilst the production operations’ procedures are formulated by
human/organisational factors, there may also be long-term process designers to be followed by production personnel. Here,
physical factors such as a very slowly developing crack.) the performance of production machines satisfy the purpose of
product designers and the production personnel satisfy the
Traditionally, organisations may not be aware of latent factors, production process designer’s purpose. Traditionally,
but they look for immediate causes of incidents or accidents organisations tend to address safety by seeking the direct or
after they have taken place. Both academe and practitioners immediate causes of incidents or accidents after they have taken
tend to divide them into separate objects and events. This place. An inquiry or assessment process is conducted to
division is, of course, useful and necessary to cope with risk, determine the immediate causes so that the existing
but is not a fundamental feature of a real safety situation. understanding is adjusted to fit the newly gained understanding
Immediate causes of incidents or accidents as readily observed of safety. Goals for improvement are defined to address the newly
or understood are known here as immediate factors. The found failure so that the same failure will not occur again.
“incubation”[6] period of a “latent failure” before the immediate Moreover, very often it is assumed by organisations that the
failure appears is known as the “latent period”. It is contended absence of incidents or accidents or other negative outcomes is
here that all parts that constitute an organisation can be seen as an indication of good safety management. For example, some oil
interdependent and inseparable parts of the organisation as a and gas organisations, like many others, traditionally use lost
whole. Moreover, these constituents are all interconnected, time injuries (LTI) and deaths as the basis to measure the
interrelated and interdependent in that they cannot be effectiveness of their safety management.
understood as isolated entities, but only as integrated parts of
the organisation as a whole. Loss is therefore seen as a systemic Organisations need to address safety pro-actively. However,
failure, not a result of a single cause. Clearly, addressing latent often they still tend to comply with external safety objectives,
failures is as important as focusing on apparent failures or that is, existing regulations, standards or procedures in a narrow
incidents or accidents. way. It is generally accepted that safety is better assessed and
managed by addressing in advance the hazards of the
In addition to latent and immediate factors, the distinction organisation’s operations. This is usually done through i) a
between technical and human factors should be emphasised so systematic identification of hazards, ii) assessment of the
that realistic safety objectives, plans and measures of significance of hazards, and iii) hazard management by
performance can be set. This distinction should replace the prevention, control, and mitigation. However, organisations are
emphasis on unique causes and isolated technical explanations often still only committed to complying with existing regulations,
of failure of systems. This will require knowledge about the degree standards or procedures in a narrow sense and this is basically
to which the technical and human factors are committed to safety reactive mentality. Of course, a regulation may demand or imply
and linked together into a coherent whole. Moreover, the way in a pro-active approach, however only complying with externally
Tasks in the organisation are defined by others Employees participate in defining tasks
Safety performance goals are defined by the Organisation's management and employees jointly
organisation's management or others define safety performance goals
Others define the importance of the safety performance Employees participate in defining the importance of the
goals. goals
Table 418.1 Internally and Externally Committed Systems
A SSMS model for an oil and gas organisation has been created
based on a systemic approach. The model elucidates an
alternative way of managing safety. It is hoped that this approach
will lead not only to more effective management of safety, but
also to more effective management of health and the environment Figure 418.A1 The basic elements of a viable system,
for any organisation. illustrating the 4 key information channels
Further information
For further details, please contact:
Values of discharge coefficients for two-phase flow through
restriction orifices were determined by analysis of the results
obtained in the experiments. These results suggested there is a
weak correlation of discharge coefficients against gas fraction
(or quality). This relationship can been seen in Figure 419.4,
which shows the discharge coefficients calculated for tests on
releases of natural gas and propane mixtures. Thus it can be
suggested that if an average discharge coefficient Cd of 0.93 is
used in a fully-implemented HEM, this will give predictions of
flow rate that agree very well with the measurements. The
discrepancy is never more than 5% and is generally less than
Figure 419.3 Flaring a two-phase hydrocarbon flow
As part of the experiment, investigations were also undertaken
to find out whether or not pre-mixing of the streams had any The experiments indicate that use of the API RP 520 omega
discernible effect. This would be critical to the robustness of method and the API-recommended discharge coefficient Cd of
any calculation methods. 0.85, will give predictions of flow rate that also agree fairly well
with the measurements. Within the range of the experiments the
Results discrepancy is never more than 15% and is generally less than
The main part of the work was the measurement of the discharge 10%. It would be expected the omega method would be less
coefficient for flows of two-phase mixtures through an orifice. accurate the more complex the mixture of fluid involved.
However, as a base position measurements were also obtained
for single phase (gaseous) natural gas releases and these showed However, the advantage of using the omega method over a full
discharge coefficients determined for various flow rates through HEM calculation seems marginal as, for most hydrocarbon
three different orifices as 0.90. mixtures found in practice it would be necessary to use Equation
D.3 of RP520 Part 1. This means that a flash calculation must be
Various comparisons of the data were undertaken, including carried out and performing the full HEM calculation is only
comparing the experimental data against the original (pre 7th marginally more difficult whilst it is certainly more accurate. Thus,
edition) API method and their new methodology. As expected it is recommended that the full HEM method is employed as a
the omega methodology does give results much closer to those standard, and an algorithm for its use is given within the IP
measured. Guideline.
Guidelines for the Safe and Optimum Design of Hydrocarbon
Pressure Relief and Blowdown Systems, published by the IP
in August 2001 may be purchased from Portland Press Ltd.,
Commerce Way, Whitehall Industrial Estate, Colchester CO2
8HP, United Kingdom. Telephone: + 44 (0) 1206 796351;
Facsimile: + 44 (0) 1206 799331; E-mail:
Two-Phase Pressure Relief Sizing – an assessment study, by
G F Hewitt, S M Richardson, G Saville and C Weil. Imperial
College Consultants Limited [MPS/73], June 1995.
Further information
If you require more information on the RaBs project, information
for purchase of the Guideline is included in the references or for
additional information contact:
Sjoerd Schuyleman
Upstream Operations Manager
Institute of Petroleum
61 New Cavendish Street
London W1G 7AR
United Kingdom
Post Seminar Workshop: 2 Jury’s Great Russell Patricia Harris, +44 (0) 1932 893 857
Identifying Human Errors Nov 2001 Street Hotel, London IBC Global Conferences +44 (0) 1932 893 893
Confined Explosions and 6 University of Leeds, Alison Whiteley, +44 (0) 113 233 2494
Detonations Nov 2001 Leeds University of Leeds +44 (0) 113 233 2511
Vapour Cloud Explosions 7 University of Leeds, Alison Whiteley, +44 (0) 113 233 2494
Nov 2001 Leeds University of Leeds +44 (0) 113 233 2511
Blast Prediction and Blast 8 University of Leeds, Alison Whiteley, +44 (0) 113 233 2494
Response Nov 2001 Leeds University of Leeds +44 (0) 113 233 2511
Blast Prediction and Blast 9 University of Leeds, Alison Whiteley, +44 (0) 113 233 2494
Response (CFD) Nov 2001 Leeds University of Leeds +44 (0) 113 233 2511
Major Hazards Offshore 2001 27 - 28 The Paragon Hotel, Emma Gardner, +44 (0) 1372 367 064
Nov 2001 London ERA Technology +44 (0) 1372 377 927
Title Dates Venue Contact Tel/Fax Number
Process Integrity and its Role in Dec 2001 London Martin Homer, SCI +44 (0) 1344 623345
Mitigating Fire and Blast (Location to be +44 (0) 1344 622944
Process Integrity and its Role in Dec 2001 Aberdeen Martin Homer, SCI +44 (0) 1344 623345
Mitigating Fire and Blast (Location to be +44 (0) 1344 622944
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