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• Uniform • Galvanic • Crevice • Pi ng • Intergranular • SSC • LME • MIC • SCC • HB-HE-HIC-HMx • Fa gue • Erosion • Stray Current • Index
Pi ng corrosion is usually found on passive metals and alloys such aluminium alloys, stainless steels and
stainless alloys when the ultra-thin passive film (oxide film) is chemically or mechanically damaged and
does not immediately re-passivate. The resul ng pits can become wide and shallow or narrow and deep
which can rapidly perforate the wall thickness of a metal.
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The shape of pi ng corrosion can only be iden fied through metallography where a pi ed sample is cross-
sec oned and the pit shape, the pit size, and the pit depth of penetra on can be determined.
What causes pi ng corrosion? For a defect-free "perfect" material, pi ng corrosion is caused by the
ENVIRONMENT (chemistry) that may contain aggressive chemical species such as chloride. Chloride is
par cularly damaging to the passive film (oxide) so pi ng can ini ate at oxide breaks.
The environment may also set up a differen al aera on cell (a water droplet on the surface of a steel, for
example) and pi ng can ini ate at the anodic site (centre of the water droplet).
For a homogeneous environment, pi ng IS caused by the MATERIAL that may contain inclusions (MnS is
the major culprit for the ini a on of pi ng in steels) or defects. In most cases, both the environment and
the material contribute to pit ini a on.
The ENVIRONMENT (chemistry) and the MATERIAL (metallurgy) factors determine whether an exis ng pit
can be repassivated or not. Sufficient aera on (supply of oxygen to the reac on site) may enhance the
forma on of oxide at the pi ng site and thus repassivate or heal the damaged passive film (oxide) - the pit
is repassivated and no pi ng occurs. An exis ng pit can also be repassivated if the material contains
sufficient amount of alloying elements such as Cr, Mo, Ti, W, N, etc.. These elements, par cularly Mo, can
significantly enhance the enrichment of Cr in the oxide and thus heals or repassivates the pit. More details
on the alloying effects can be found in the technical paper on "Stainless Steels and Alloys: Why They Resist
Corrosion and How They Fail".
A material's resistance to pi ng corrosion is usually evaluated and ranked using the cri cal pi ng
temperature (CPT) in accordance with the ASTM Standard
G48-03: Standard Test Methods for Pi ng and Crevice Corrosion of Stainless Steels and Alloys by Use of
FeCl3. The cri cal pi ng temperature is the minimum temperature (°C) to produce pi ng corrosion and
CPT is usually higher than the cri cal crevice temperature (CPT).
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Preven on
How to prevent pi ng corrosion? Pi ng corrosion can be prevented through:
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