Com 214
Com 214
Com 214
COM 214
Course outline
Computer system comprises of several electronic components and sub-circuitries that drives or
control various tasks as may be required by the user. And, because these components and sub-
assemblies had to work together to produce an expected outcome, it becomes very difficult
sometimes to detect failure that emanates from a particular source. Even though modern
components and sub- assemblies mostly come in form of field replaceable unit (FRU), wherein a
user might be able to replace a component in the computer system without necessarily resorting
to any professional help, the very act or process of identifying and locating the root cause of a
particular failure in the computer system need some proficiency in the knowledge of the inter-
relation between the hardware and software aspect of the system as related to specific functions
of the computer operation.
Troubleshooting basically entails identifying symptoms of failure, detecting the cause or source
of the failure, repair or replacing the faulty component or device that causes the failure and
finally testing to ascertain that the problem no longer exist.
In this course, students will be exposed to various approach to solving problems arising in the
operation of computer systems (hardware / software), and their peripherals. In addition they will
be acquainted with the use of fault report forms that keeps record of activities done in the
computer system as these records come in handy when system over hauling, or specific upgrade
is required.
There are several electronics devices or sub units (hardware) that make up the entire computer
system. However, the most important and indispensable amongst them are: Motherboard
(MoBo), CPU, GPU, RAM, chassis, storage device, keyboard and power supply unit. Each of the
components works together with other components and architecture to achieve specific objective
demand of the computer system user.
The power supply unit is the life-line of the PC. If there is a problem with this unit, the common
outcome is that the PC will not turn on. Other symptoms include: the PC rebooting itself, PC
turning off unexpectedly, appearance of smoke with smell of burning electronics etc.
Table 1.0 presents probable causes of PSU failure and how they can be resolved.
The symptoms and possible solution presented in table 1 is typically for a situation where the
computer could not turn on completely. For the other symptoms (unexpected rebooting, smoke
or burning smell) where the power supply is on, it indicates that the power supply is beginning to
fail and the possible remedy is to replace it out rightly.
1.4 Software diagnostic test for Hardware
In most operating systems, some of the commonly used diagnostic tools are:-
The first three have been discussed in com 216 lecture notes.
The Crystal Disk info is good for diagnosis of sudden occurrence of fault in the PC. It performs a
complete analysis of the state of your data drives including USB drives, SSDs and HDDs. It also
calculates the overall health status and gives details about error rates, uptime, spin up time and
temperature of the disk.
The Intel processor Diagnostic tool is best suited for the diagnosis of Intel central processing
Units (CPUs).
The benchmarking tools compare newer system to older ones with a view to establishing the
overall performance of a new system before making a purchase decision. Example of such tools
is: Batterymark, Netbench, Serverbench, WebBench, Wintune97 etc.
1.5 Start up and Start up Failure
Start-up failure refers to those problems that occur during the initialization process (Boot
process) of the computer; that is, between the time that the PC is powered, or turn on, up till the
time that the PC sits idle at the command-line prompt or graphical desktop.
During the boot process, if all output voltages from the power supply are valid, the supply
generates a power good (PG) logical signal within 100mS and 500mS. When the motherboard
timer IC receives the PG signal; the timer stops forcing a reset signal to the CPU, prompting the
CPU to start processing. The initial search of the address FFFF: 0000H by the CPU and the
subsequent redirection of the CPU (depending on the BIOSROM) is traditionally referred to as
the bootstrap.
During the initialization also, the core tests is carried out to ensure system integrity. A set of
hardware specific self-test routines check s the major motherboard (MB) components and
identifies the presence of any other specialized BIOS ICs in the system such as drive controller
BIOS, Video BIOS, SCSI BIOS, etc. System BIOS starts with a test of the MB hardware like the
CPU, math-co processor, timer IC, Direct memory access (DMA) controllers and interrupt (IRQ)
a) Power ON
b) POST is conducted within 0.1 to 0.5 seconds
c) Microprocessor timer chip receives PG signal which prompt it to stop generating reset
signal to the microprocessor (CPU).
d) Microprocessor begins executing the ROMBIOS code from memory location FFFF:
e) ROMBIOS performs a test of the central hardware to verify basic system functionality
and report any error by generating beep codes.
f) BIOS performs video ROM scan of memory locations C000:0000 to C780:0000, looking
for video adapter. If a video ROMBIOS is found, it is tested by checksum procedure. If
the test is passed, the ROM is executed and the video ROM code initializes the video
adapter to produce a cursor onscreen. If the checksum procedure fails, error such as
“C000 ROM” or “video ROM error” may be displayed, and the system initialization
usually halts.
1.5.1 Cold and Warm Start (POST)
A cold start is a situation where power is applied for the first time on a PC ; whereas a warm start
is by using reset button ( <ctrl>+<Alt>+<Del>key combination). The memory location
0000:0472H contains a flag that determines whether initialization is a cold start or a warm start.
A value of 1234h at this address indicates a warm start; in which case the POST routine is
skipped. Any other value at this address is assumed to be a cold start, and full POST routine will
be executed. The full POST checks many of the higher-level functions on the MB, memory,
microprocessor, video adapter, floppy drive, math-co processor, printer port, serial port, HDD
and other sub-systems. Dozens of test are performed by the full POST.
If the POST completes successfully, the system will respond with a single beep from the speaker.
A number of reasons could be responsible for start- up failure. Some of these reasons include:
In most Windows versions, the following troubleshooting guide could help to resolve these file
Determine where the referenced file should be located
Check for the presence of that file in the proper location
If the file does not exist, reinstall or copy it; it is possible it might have been corrupted
and will have to be replaced.
Restart the computer.
However, if the problem persist or if the referenced file is not needed,
Open the SYSTEM.INI file
Place a semicolon (;) in front of the line referencing the problem file. This symbol will
instruct Windows to skip over the line during start up.
1.6.1 Introduction
The hard disk drive (HDD) is a non-volatile storage device that stores digitally encode data. In
disk storage mechanism, data is recorded either through electronic, magnetic, optical or
mechanical changes to a surface layer of one or more rotating disks. A disk drive is a device that
implements such storage mechanism. Example of disk drives includes:
HDD are usually identified by their kind of connectors or interface. They are:
Two HDDs may be connected to a single IDE connector using jumpers, in the following mode:
A single HDD however, can be connected either as primary master slave or secondary master
slave (using jumper settings and choosing IDE connection).
HDD failure is basically categorized under four (4) broad sections viz- a- viz firmware
corruption e.g driver issues, electronic failure e.g spike on controller board, mechanical
failure e.g head crash and logical failure e.g invalid entry in FAT. Other reasons include:
1.Corrupted files on Unethical shutting down, closing a running Follow the right procedure for
HDD program accidentally, power failure or shutting down, avoid installing
corrupted software use suspected software and malicious
programs, clean and remove
unwanted programs regularly
2.virus manifestation
Virus could attack and spread from HDD to Update your system regularly with
other systems across the network of the help of reliable anti-virus
computers. programs.
3.unexpected PC
crashes HDD has too many bad sectors or blocks Update system regularly; replace
such that the read head may not be able to HDD after 3 to 5 years of usage.
identify the sector requested by the user; or
the head makes contact with the platter,
producing clicking sounds. Old age,
formatting HDD more than its limit.
4.PC fails to detect
The power supply is giving out power that Use UPS of a reputed brand.
is above or below the required level, making Replace IDE/SATA or SCSI cable.
it hard for the BIOS to detect the HDD so Switch the drive to another power
HDD fails to spin up. plug.
6. Manufacturing fault. HDD works well initially, but then becomes New HDD should be properly
non responsive after a few months. tested for functionality and
reliability by using SMART tools
that can notify user about the
condition of the HDD and risk that
the HDD may face in future.
HDD fault may also be signalled by an error message which may imply an issue with sectors
data, or physical disk on the HDD. For instance in HP PCs with unified extensible firmware
interface (UEFI), an error could appear as:
F2 – System Diagnostics
In this case,
1.7.1 Introduction
Compact Disc records data in digital form through the use of physical ‘pits’ and
‘land’ in the disc. It is a remarkably long term storage media when handled effectively especially
in storing it. Faulty CD can cause file and data errors which may appear as if it were the drive
that is faulty. In order to maintain longevity of the disc, certain things need to be avoided. Things
Although the majority of CD- ROM problems are caused by software or setup issues, the drives
too are delicate and unforgiving devices. So it is better to replace a defective drive outright when
it gets faulty rather than attempting a lengthen repair giving that their prices are fairly affordable.
However, there are some situations that could require troubleshooting. Below are some
symptoms and possible remedy in the course of operation of CD drive.
1 drive can’t accept or reject a CD A problem associated to Check for any obvious
motorized CD ROM drives. obstruction through the
CD slot.
Check each linkage and
motor drive gears
carefully, replace any
damaged gear or entire
gear assembly or even
the entire CD ROM
drives mechanism.
2. optical read head does not seek Replace the CD ROM
Could be power issue, or mechanism outright.
problem with the read head.
3. The disc cannot be read
Check the CD itself and
Drive not ready error or ensure that it is the right
DOS level sector is not format, inserted
found. properly and physically
malfunctions, then try a
new SCSI host
controller board; at this
point either the drives
optical head or
electronics are defective
and your best course is
to replace the drive.
If symptoms persist,
replace the CD ROM
drive mechanism.
1.8 Cause of Display system Failure (CRT).
The cathode ray tube (CRT) type display system (monitor) is responsible for producing picture
element and resolution. The CRT as extensively discussed in COM 216, has stationed electrodes
and grids that processes electron beam into pictures or graphics that can be seen on the screen.
The CRT receives four (4) inputs i.e; Video (RGB), Vertical sweep that scan the CRT from top
to bottom, Horizontal sweep that scans from side to side and High voltage which attracts
electrons to the screen to process image.
The problems that could occur to the CRT may be due to physical shocks and/or aging of the
display system. Physical shock could dislodge elements inside the CRT to create an issue. Also,
regular and prolonged use of the display system could alter the physical dimension of the
cathode and grids, resulting in the development of slower, more gradual short circuit.
Below are some faults that are associated with CRT display system and their remedies.
electrons – ‘cathode
5. Reduced sensitivity of
images. ‘Phosphor burn effect’ dark shadow cast Keep brightness at
on screen after turning off the monitor. minimum and use
screen saver utility
if an image will sit
unchanging for a
long time.
Replace tube.
6. Mage appear to
shake or oscillates - Check 135V power
in size. supply output
7. Images appear to
flip or scroll Vertical oscillator IC is faulty in the Replace the IC.
vertically. vertical circuit.
8. Image expand or
shrinks in
horizontal Check the power
Thermal related problem.
direction when the supply.
monitor gets warm
1.9.1 Keyboard
The keyboard is one of the most basic input device used to navigate through the execution of
processes and programming with the help of keyboard device drivers which could be in-built into
the OS or in the case of extended keyboard (s); installed separately.
Capacitance switch
Dome switch.
3. Error messages appearing such as six (6) short beeps (AMI BIOS), 301 error code (for IBM
compatible system).
5. A keyboard is stuck.
a. Failure to re attach and re enable the keyboard from CMOS after disabling.
g. Electrical contacts coated with impurities thereby failing to make good contact.
Keyboard problems do not happen suddenly unless the keyboard is physically abused. Dust and
debris accumulation takes a long time to create serious repetitive keyboard problems. By
adopting a regular cleaning habit most problems can be stopped before they even occur. It is
advisable that in normal office environment keyboard should be cleaned once every 4 months, at
homes once every 2 months and more frequently in harsh industrial environments. Keyboards
should always be covered with ‘thin membrane skin ‘to prevent dusts.
1.9.2 Mouse
Mouse is a pointing device that provides easy means of selecting symbols (graphics, buttons or
icons) and text on the VDU. It uses a combination of software and hardware to produce and
control a graphical screen cursor.
The software device driver generates the cursor and reports its position on the screen, then
interprets the motion of the hardware device corresponding to the movement of the cursor.
Selection is done by positioning the cursor over a graphical symbol and activating a button on
the mouse.
The basic function of mouse is to click, double- click, drag and scrolling. Varieties of mouse
G- stick mouse
Trackball mouse
Optical mouse
1. Single mouse click ‘Double click’ speed is set too high. Lower the speeds
works but double- {start>settings>open
click doesn’t. control panel>double
click mouse icon and
adjust the double-click
speed slider under
buttons tab}
2. Attempt to double-
click but gets
quadruple-click, or Likely a phenomenon called “button Clean the mouse buttons
attempt to single bounce” has occurred. This is as a result with good-quality
click and gets a of a hardware defect due to broken or electronic grade contact
double click. poorly buffered mouse buttons. cleaner. Replace the
3. Mouse stops working mouse.
Build up static charges (though not
after a few minutes sufficient to damage the mouse) in the o Spray the
only to resume when mouse that is interfering with the mouse surrounding
the PC is reboot. circuitry causing it to stop responding. carpet and
upholstery with a
very dilute fabric
softener to
dissipate static
built up.
o Ensure that the
PC and house
wiring is
o Replace the
mouse with a
more static
resistant model.
4. Mouse port disabled Mostly a connection problem or set up
or mouse not present. problem. Ensure the mouse cable
is intact and is securely
attached to the PS/2 port.
the mouse type under
windows by removing
the old mouse reference
from the device manager,
then use the Add new
hardware wizard to
install the new mouse
PDe, also known as peripheral, computer peripheral, input-output device or any of various
devices (including sensors) used to enter information and instruction into a computer for storage
or processing and to deliver the processed data to a human operator or, in some cases, a machine
controlled by the computer. In other word, it refers to an input/output unit of a system that feeds
data into and/or receives data from the central processing unit of a digital device.
Peripherals to a digital device include any device that is connected externally to the digital
device, any device internal to the digital device that connects the digital device by wire or cable,
and any circuit board designed for interchangeable mounting, internal or externally, that
increases the operating or processing speed of a digital device; such devices makeup the
peripheral equipment of modern digital computer system eg turbo cards and enhancement
i. Input devices
ii. Output devices and
iii. Storage devices.
An input device converts incoming data and instruction into a pattern of electrical signals into
binary code that is understood by the computer. The output device reverses the process by
translating the digitized signals into a form intelligible to the user.
Input devices include: typewriter like keyboard, hand held devices such as the mouse, trackball,
joystick, track pad and special pen with pressure – sensitive pad, microphones, web cams, and
digital cameras. They also include sensors that provide information about their environment-
temperature, pressure etc.
Output equipment includes visual display terminals, inkjet and laser printers, loud speakers,
headphones and devices such as flow valves that control machinery often in response to
computer processing of sector input data.
Some devices such as video display terminals and USB hubs may provide both input and outputs
functions. Other examples are devices that enable the transmission or reception of data between
computers e.g modems and network interfaces.
Most auxiliary storage devices such as CD-ROM drive, DVD drives, flash memory drives and
external disk drives also double as input/output devices. Even devices like smart phones tablet
computers and wearable devices like fitness trackers and smart watches can be considered as
peripherals albeit ones that can function independently.
a. Serial advanced technology attachment (SATA): - This is the most common interface or bus or
port that is used for connecting peripheral devices. A bus can be either serial or parallel. Serial
bus sends bit at a time while parallel bus sends byte. Serial connectors have fewer wires and are
generally simpler than parallel connections.
b. USB
As a general guide to resolving problems with devices that are connected to serial port or USB
port, do the following:
2.3 Causes of Ports failure and troubleshooting
Use of wrong Verify that the cable being used meets the specification for
cable. the device being connected. Try using a different cable that is
known to be good, to rule – out cable issues.
Conflicts (caused Verify that ports have no conflicts, and are seen correctly in
by improper device manager. Conflicts exist if a yellow mark (!) is listed
resource next to the item. Opening device manager requires the
allocation in following steps: 1. Right – click on My computer. 2. Click
device manager). properties. 3. Select hardware tab in the properties window. 4.
Click the device manager button.
For the parallel port:
Using the arrow keys, select parallel port set
up the press Enter.
Ensure the parallel port is set to Enabled (do
not set it to PNP or Auto – configure)
Ensure the parallel port mode is set to Bi –
directional (do not set it to EPP, ECP or
Press ESC to return to the main menu.
Select “save settings”, then Exit the set – up
Note: You can select “devices and I/O ports”
choice to view or change the assignments for
devices and input/output ports if need be. You
can add serial port by installing a serial
adapter in an expansion slot.
10. Fuser and tuner problems (laser printers): laser fuser that warms up the tuner. On heating,
the tuner sticks to the sheet and then creates a print. But the fuser has to be adequately
attached to the tuner for it to create ideal prints. If the tuner sticks to the upper roller of
the fuser, it will lead to ghosted prints. The reason being that when the toner is attached
to the upper rollers of a fuser, whenever a print gets completed, some toner particles get
left behind. So, when you give any subsequent print command, the toner particles from
the previous print get deposited over the new one. This appears as a strange image called
a “ghost image”. Separating the toner from its upper rollers will solve the problem.
11. Low ink density: in many cases where the printer starts giving faded outputs, the
ink/toner density ratio is set to very low values. All you need to do is go to “Devices and
printers” settings and increase the ink/toner density slightly. In some printers the default
ink /toner density is low. Therefore, as soon as you get the printer, you should increase
the density slightly to prevent fading problems at least for a few years.
12. Contamination of cartridges leading to ink smearing: contaminants like dust, hair etc may
find their way into the ink cartridges, so when they accumulate in large quantities, they
get dragged across the sheet during every print. If the cartridge were not cleaned, the
instances of misprints would keep increasing.
Printer status can be known; especially portable printers by doing the following:
Turn the printer power on by simultaneously holding down both the feed and power button for
5secondsor more (until printing begins). The printer will print the current printer status,
including the firmware version, communication mode and print setting.
3 .1 Definition of Virus
A true virus is a piece of code that attaches itself to an executable file and is not activated until
the executable file if launched.
Viruses can be categorized by where they hide themselves in the computer system. The
types are:
1. File virus: - This is the most common type of virus. This virus hides itself in
executable file such that when the executable file is run, then the virus is activated.
Example include…..
2. Macro virus: - These viruses attach themselves to portions of application and disguise
themselves as macros (an automated process within an application such as reading
and updating a data field or searching for and formatting specified text). Example
include …
3. Boot sector virus : - This type of virus hides itself in the Master Boot record (MBR)
and is activated during start up when the MBR is located and initialized. Example
Virus(s) normally replicates themselves into memory when they are introduced into computer
system either through floppy disks or flash disks, downloading files from the internet or
executing email attachments that launch a host program such as Word processing.
Antivirus programs are mainly designed to prevent viruses from having their way into the
computer system. Unfortunately, no system is completely immune to computer viruses because
new viruses are created all the time and could beat the ability of the antivirus utility in present
use to detect it, and also due to the fact that in most cases, antivirus utilities work by recognizing
and removing specific viruses; they are not useful against viruses that have been created since
the release of the utility itself.
When virus protection utility fails, the following are likely to happen as an indication:
i. Display of particular meaningless messages; like bouncing ping pong balls on the
ii. Running a video clip intermittently
iii. Changing of display colours
The above may be considered as non – destructive payload. More challenging effects of viruses
which are considered as destructive payload include:
a. Deleting of files
b. Closing of running application
c. Destruction of MBR
d. Unexpected crashes, etc.
3.3 Remedies
1. If antivirus utility is present, run it and instruct it to perform a virus scan and removal.
2. Keep up with updated versions of antivirus utility software in order to greatly reduce the risk
of being infected with newer trend of viruses.
3. If the antivirus in the system could not detect and remove the virus, and it appears the virus is
limited to the boot sector; use FDISK/MBR command. This could possibly replace the infected
MBR with a good copy from the floppy disk.
Usually, networks are categorized into wired and wireless. The wired network uses physical
connection with cables that limits its application to personal area network (PAN) or local area
network (LAN) in most cases due to distance barrier. On the other hand, the wireless network
can be in form of wireless LAN, wireless metropolitan area network (WMAN), wireless PANs,
wireless wide area network and campus area network.
The major hardware components that are used in a computer network are: Server, client and
peer, transmission medium and connecting devices. The software components are basically, the
operating system and protocols.
High reliability
Improved performance; files can easily be shared between users .etc.
A network topology describes how the nodes or devices (physical or virtual) in a network are
arranged; and how they communicate with each other.
a. Bus topology: - This is used in small networks. Every node is connected along a linear
b. Ring topology:- Nodes are connected in a loop, and traffic may flow in one direction or
both directions.
c. Star topology: - A central node connects to all other nodes in the network. It is a common
and stable topology used in LANs.
d. Mesh topology: - The nodes are linked in such a way that multiple paths between nodes
are possible. It increases the resilience of the network but also increases cost. A network
could be fully meshed ( all nodes connecting to all other nodes) or partially meshed ( only
some nodes having multiple connections to other nodes).
e. Spine – leaf (tree) topology: - Multiple star topologies are connected together in a larger
star configuration.
f. Hybrid topology: - A combination of other topologies used within one network.
A network configuration is the process of assigning network settings, policies, flows and
controls. In a virtual network it is easier to make network configuration changes because
physical network devices appliances are replaced by software; removing the need for extensive
manual configuration. Network configuration can also be automated and managed via a
centralized configuration manager called network configuration manager. This manager
reduces IT work load and makes it easier to:
1 maintain network
Software and firewall configuration, and
Network topology.
The right configuration is essential to supporting the flow of traffic through a network, and can
also support and enhance network security, network stability. The use of network configuration
manager gives the following benefits:
1. Automatic data tracking and reporting allows administrators to spot any configuration
changes and potential threats or issues.
2. The means to quickly roll back network settings to a previous configuration.
3. An easy way to make bulk changes such as blanket password change in a situation where
passwords are compromised.
4. Reduce down time due to increased visibility and ability to quickly identify changes.
5. Streamline maintenance and repair of network devices (physical or virtual) and
Select the start button, and then type settings. Select settings > Network & internet. The
status of your network connection will appear at the top.
For windows 10, select start > settings > network & internet > status > network and
sharing centre.
In windows 11, select start > type control panel, then select control panel > network and
internet > network and sharing centre.
3. In the network and internet window click network and sharing centre
4. Under change your network settings, click set up a new connection or network.
5. In the window, click to select “manually connect to wireless network” and then click the
‘Next’ button.
6. In the window enter the appropriate Network name, security type, Encryption type and
security key. Note however that the network name (SSID), security type, encryption type and
security key information are configured on the wireless router or access point. If you are using a
default configuration, this information may be listed on bottom of the router or in the manual. If
you configured the router with custom settings, you may be able to locate it by logging into the
router set up page. If you can’t find this information, contact your network administrator or the
router manufacturer.
7. Verify that the box is checked next to “start this connection automatically” If you are
manually configuring your wireless network because the router isn’t broadcasting the SSID. You
must check the box next to “connect even if the network is not broadcasting”.
8. in the successfully added window click on close button. If after all these steps you still can’t
connect, and then verify the network name (SSID), security type, encryption type and security
key are correct and repeat the procedure.
In a command prompt environment; use ipConfig (for Windows), or ifConfig (for Linux network
configuration). With a network configuration manager or with APIs you can check and set up the
network configuration in a centralized software interface, allowing you to more readily
configure, monitor and administer your network.
Note that a network configuration manager is the easiest way to perform network switch
configuration and apply these settings consistently to every device on your enterprise network.
A network OS is a computer OS that is designed primarily to support work stations, PCs and in
some instances older terminals that are connected on a LAN. The role of a Network OS is to
provide basic network services and features that support multiple input requests simultaneously
in a multiuser environment. The software behind a network OS enables multiple devices within a
network to communicate and share resources with each other.
There used to be two basic types of network OS. They are: Peer – to – peer (P2P) OSs, and
Client server network OSs.
The P2P type allows users to share network resources saved in a common accessible location.
All devices are treated equally in terms of function ability. It is best for small and medium LAN.
The client server network OSs provide user with access to resources through a server. The
network is controlled centrally which makes changes or addition to technology easier to
However, a typical network OS no longer exist currently. The reason is, most OSs have built – in
network stacks that support a client- server model.
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