Coral Covers

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Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022 e-ISSN

: 2541-4208
p-ISSN : 2548-1606

Coral Covers and The Abundance of Chaetodontidae in Suaka Alam Perairan

of Weh Island Aceh

Nadia Aldyza1, Ternala Alexander Barus* 2, Miswar Budi Mulya3, Muhammad Ali Sarong4,
Afkar5, Fakhrol Andi6, Rahmad7, Gilang Yuarza8
Received : January 19, 2022 Abstract. Pesisir Timur Pulau Weh (PTPW) is a water natural re-
Accepted : March 04, 2022 serve conservation area located in the eastern part of Weh Island. The
DOI: 10.15575/biodjati.v7i1.16634 condition of coral substrates in PTPW has suffered a lot of damage
Department of Biology, Faculty
1,2,3,5 based on bleaching cases that have hit Sabang waters in 2016. Coral
of Mathematics and Natural Science, conditions can be measured by looking at the abundance of fish in-
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Biote- dicators of the Chaetodontidae group. Therefore, this study aimed to
knologi No. 1, Unit 7. Medan 20155, measure coral conditions and the abundance of Chaetodontidae coral
Department of Biology Education, fish, as well as analyze the relationship between the percentage of
Faculty of Teacher Training and Ed- coral cover and the abundance of Chaetodontidae coral fish. Data of
ucation, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Jl.
coral were collected using the Point Intercept Transect method with a
Tgk. Hasan Krueng Kalee, Darus-
salam Banda Aceh 23111, 6,7,8 Depart-
length of 50 meters, while the abundance of fish used the Underwater
ment of Marine Science, Faculty of Visual Census technique and the Belt Transect method with a length
Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Sy- of 50 meters and a total belt width of 5 meters. The results showed
iah Kuala, Jl. Meureubo Darussalam that the coral conditions in PTPW were in poor to fair condition with
Banda Aceh 23111. the highest cover at The Sumur Tiga site (36.83%) and the lowest at
The Ujung Kareung site (11.5%). The highest abundance of Chaet-
e-mail: odontidae fish was found at Ujung Seuke site (1253.3 ind/ha) and the
lowest was found at Anoi Itam site (186.7 ind/ha). The results of the
correlation analysis between the percentage of coral cover and the
4 abundance of Chaetodontidae coral fish showed a positive relation-
5 ship (r = 0.482), but it was not significant (p>0.05), and the regres-
6 sion equation obtained Y = 17.16x + 166.52 with a determination
7 coefficient of 18.3%, which indicated that the correlation between the
8 two variables was very weak.

Keywords: abundance, Chaetodontidae, coral cover, coral fish, Weh

*Corresponding author Island.
Aldyza, N., Barus, T. A., Mulya, M. B., Sarong, M. A., Afkar, Andi, F., Rahmad & Yuarza, G.
(2022). Coral Covers and The Abundance of Chaetodontidae in Suaka Alam Perairan of Weh Is-
land Aceh. Jurnal Biodjati, 7(1), XXX–XXX.

INTRODUCTION economic development area of Sabang, a free

trade area, and a free port (Indonesian Law
Weh Island has an area of 153 Km2 and Number 37 of 2000). It determines Weh Is-
has become the entrance to the territory of land as the most in-demand recreation center
the Western Republic of Indonesia, especial- by local and foreign tourists in Aceh.
ly in shipping and international trade activi- The waters of Weh Island have most-
ties. Law Number 37 of 2000 states that Weh ly been included in conservation zones, one
Island has been designated as an integrated of which is Pesisir Timur Pulau Weh. This is
Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022

based on KEPMEN-KP Number 57 of 2013 catch certain types of coral fish.

which states that Pesisir Timur Pulau Weh The coral condition is important to be
(PTPW) is designated as Suaka Alam Perai- studied because the unhealthy condition of the
ran (SAP) located in the Eastern part of Weh coral can have an impact on the marine com-
Island, and has a coastline length of ±15.8 km munities. Substrate conditions and coral var-
with an area of 3207.98 hectares (Siregar et iations in waters affect the presence, number,
al., 2016). Suaka Alam Perairan PTPW area and diversity of coral fish (Nasir et al., 2017).
management is carried out by adat laot insti- According to Rina (2020), fish indicator Cha-
tutions in collaboration with the Sabang City etodontidae are closely related in association
Government as an effort to protect and pre- with corals. It is also in accordance with the
serve coral reefs in the waters of Weh Island. statement of Giyanto et al. (2014) that most of
Coral reefs are complex ecosystems that the coral fish group Chaetodontidae are pol-
provide a number of benefits for human life yp eaters and can be used as bioindicators to
(Tuwo & Tresnati, 2020). From the ecologi- measure the health of coral reef ecosystems.
cal aspect, they support in the field of fisheries Research about corals by Muttaqin et al.
that provide food (Brander et al., 2012), while (2014) in the PTPW area has been conducted
from economic aspect, they help increase peo- post-bleaching in 2010, while the latest coral
ple’s income through the opening of tourism condition research after bleaching period of
and recreation areas (Pendleton et al., 2016). 2015-2016 is not yet known for certain data.
In addition, coral ecosystems provide habitat Hence, the purpose of this study is to measure
and breeding for marine organisms such as the condition of coral cover and the abundance
lobsters, crabs, and fish. Coral fish communi- of fish indicators in the waters of SAP-PTPW
ties are an important part of maintaining bal- in Sabang, as well as analyze the relationship
ance with the various constituent components of cover conditions with the abundance of fish
of coral reef ecosystems. indicator Chaetodontidae.
Most corals in PTPW waters experience
death stemming from branched coral types, MATERIALS AND METHODS
leaving only massive corals such as Porites.
This is reinforced by Muttaqin et al. (2014) Site Location
that corals with low resistance come from This research was conducted in the wa-
Acropora and Poccilopora, so benthic con- ters of Suaka Alam Perairan - Pesisir Timur
ditions in PTPW are generally dominated by Pulau Weh (SAP-PTPW) (Figure 1) which
massive corals. According to the results of an consisted of 6 regional sites of conservation
in-depth interview with Panglima Laot Lhok, areas, namely Sumur Tiga (site 1), Ujung Ka-
despite the establishment of a conservation reung (site 2), Reuteuk (site 3), Benteng (site
zone, fishing activities using toxic materials 4), Anoi Itam (site 5), and Ujung Seuke (site
still continue to occur. This is based on the 6). The determination of the location was
findings of plastic and used bottles containing based on the previous research conducted by
toxins in the sea. Muchlisin et al. (2013) stat- Najmi et al., 2016. Data collection was carried
ed that fishing activities with potassium tend out in August – September 2021 using direct
to be done at night with diving equipment to survey methods.

Aldyza et al. 2
Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022

Figure 1. Location of research sites in SAP-PTPW Sabang, Aceh

Coral Reefs and Coral Fish Data Collection evaluated based on the categories proposed
This is exploratory research. Coral reefs by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment
data collection was carried out by the Point In- (Minister of Environment) No: Kep-04/MEN-
tercept Transect (PIT) method with a transect LH/02/2001 (Prasetia et al., 2017). The cate-
length of 50 meters which was placed parallel gories were: poor (0-24.9%), fair (25-49.9%),
to the coastline (Muttaqin et al., 2014). Each good (50-74.9%), and excellent (75-100%).
site was placed as many as 6 replicas of tran- The results of fish data found at the re-
sects at a depth of 3 to 10 meters. Identifica- search site were elaborated by looking at the
tion of the genus of coral was carried out on composition and abundance of types. Densi-
every 50 cm that touched the substrate. The ty abundance was defined as the number of
collection of coral fish data was carried out vi- individuals of one type per quadrant meter
sually in line with coral data observations, but within each site. The abundance of Chaet-
the method used was the Transect Belt with odontidae coral fish, through census visual
a belt width of 5 meters, so that the area of data collection was calculated by the sigma
coral fish observation was 1500 m2 (6 x 5m x number of individuals of the type of fish di-
50m). The coral genera were identified using vided by area of fish census area (Anshari et
guidebooks by Suharsono (2008) and Kelley al., 2020). The categories for the fish abun-
(2009), while fish species were identified us- dance of Chaetodontidae found in SAP-PT-
ing guidebooks by Allen et al. (2003). PW were determined based on Djamali and
The percentage of coral cover was cal- Darsono (Riskiani et al., 2019) as follows:
culated by the number of points divided by the very rare (200-1000 ind/ha), rare (1000-2000
total point times a hundred percent (Manuput- ind/ha), less abundant (2000-4000 ind/ha),
ty & Djuwariah, 2009). The result of the per- overflow (4000-10000 ind/ha) and very abun-
centage of coral cover was used to determine dant (>10000).
the condition of the coral reef ecosystems.
The condition of coral reef ecosystem was
Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022 3
Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022

Data Analysis conditions (Table 2). The decline of cover con-

The relationship between the percentage ditions could occur due to global bleaching in
of living coral closure with abundance (Table the period 2015 to 2016. Bleaching phenom-
3) and the indicator number of fish species ena were reported to have occurred in several
(Chaetodontidae) were determined using the Indonesian waters (Ampou et al., 2017), such
Simple Linear Regression Test with the for- as Aceh, Karimunjawa, Sulawesi (Setiawan et
mula Y= a + bx. Data presentation and analy- al., 2017). It also occurs in some world wa-
sis were carried out with the help of Minitab ters such as the Great Barrier Reef-Australia
software version 16 and Excel. (Hughes et al. 2017) and Hawaii (Bahr et al.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Coral bleaching can occur as a stress re-
sponse by corals to the environment (Obura,
Coral Conditions 2005), and makes coral polyps release their
Coral conditions in Suaka Alam Perai- symbionous algae, namely zooxanthellae so
ran Pesisir Timur Pulau Weh had different cov- that corals lose pigment (color substances) and
er values. From Table 1, the cover conditions cause internal physiological imbalances. Ac-
percentage from the highest to the lowest were cording to observations in the field, the dam-
sequentially Sumur Tiga (36.83%), Ujung age that occurs after bleaching in the SAP-PT-
Seuke (34%), Anoi Itam (25%), Reuteuk PW area leaves corals of the genus that have
(22.33%), Benteng (20.67%), and Ujung Ka- stronger resistance such as coral massive than
reung (11.5%). According to Najmi's research vulnerable genera such as Acropora branch-
(2016), the cover conditions in SAP-PTPW in ing. Based on some cases of bleaching, it can
2015 at Sumur Tiga was 55%, Ujung Seuke be seen that bleaching is one of the factors
was 48%, Anoi Itam was 45%, Reuteuk was that play a role in widespread coral degrada-
41%, Benteng was 65%, and Ujung Kareung tion. In addition to bleaching, the decrease of
was 32.17%. The results showed a decrease coral cover in SAP-PTPW area is suspected to
in cover over the past 6 years in PTPW water be caused by the invasive turf algae that was
areas. increasingly widespread so it difficult for cor-
Figure 2 shows that there was a decrease als to do the recruitment. Furthermore, Ulfah
in coral cover ranging from 10% to 40%. This et al. (2021) stated that the condition of coral
is very worrying because the condition of cor- reefs in Indonesia had suffered severe degra-
als at 6 sites was in moderate and unfavorable dation in recent decades.

Table 1. The percentages of coral reef in SAP-PTPW Sabang

Sites Location Cover (%) Condition
Site 1 Sumur Tiga 36.83 Fair
Site 2 Ujung Kareung 11.5 Poor
Site 3 Reuteuk 22.33 Poor
Site 4 Benteng 20.67 Poor
Site 5 Anoi Itam 25 Fair
Site 6 Ujung Seuke 34 Fair

Aldyza et al. 4
Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022


Coral cover (%)


20 2015
Sumur Ujung Reuteuk Benteng Anoi Itam Ujung
Tiga Kareung Seuke
Research sites
Figure 2. Comparison of coral cover in 2015 and 2021 in the SAP-PTPW
area. (Data research in 2015 by Najmi, (2016), and 2021 by re-
search result.

Table 2. Coral fish of Chaetodontidae (ind)

Spesies Site1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Total
Chaetodon citrinellus - 12 1 - - 1 14
Chaetodon collare - - 12 3 - 2 17
Chaetodon falcula 2 - - - - - 2
Chaetodon meyeri 1 2 - 1 1 3 8
Chaetodon trifasciatus 7 - - - - 4 11
Chaetodon vagabundus 2 2 2 - - - 6
Forcipiger longirostris 8 21 14 3 - 26 72
Forcipiger flavissimus - - 3 - - 1 4
Hemitaurichthys zoster 80 63 29 51 27 151 401
Heniochus pleurotaenia 2 - - - - - 2
The number of presence of
7 5 6 4 2 7
each species
The number of total species 102 100 61 58 28 188

The Abundance of Coral Fish Chaetodon- other 5 sites had very rare criteria (>1000)
tidae (Table 3). This was suspected because the
The results found 10 species of fish Ujung Seuke area is located at the very end
from the family Chaetodontidae in SAP-PT- of the Eastern region and has strong currents/
PW (Table 2). The most abundant species waves so not many community activities are
of coral fish were Hemitaurichthys zoster as carried out in the area, both shipping and
many as 401 individuals, which were found in fishing activities. According to Advani et al.,
all sites, while the least found was Chaetodon (2015), fishing has an impact on marine eco-
falcula as many as 2 individuals which were systems with depletion of fish populations and
only found at Sumur Tiga. changing the structure of communities, so that
Through the calculation of the abun- reduced fishing activity can provide opportu-
dance of Chaetodontidae coral fish, only nities for abundant coral fish conditions.
Ujung Seuke site had rare criteria while the

Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022 5

Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022

Table 3. Abundance of coral fish Chaetodontidae

Sites Location Ind/ha Criteria
ST1 Sumur Tiga 680 Very rarely
ST2 Ujung Kareung 666.7 Very rarely
ST3 Reuteuk 406.7 Very rarely
ST4 Benteng 386.7 Very rarely
ST5 Anoi Itam 186.7 Very rarely
ST6 Ujung Seuke 1253.3 Rarely

The Correlation of Coral Cover with Coral cient of 81.7% indicated that the abundance of
Fish Chaetodontidae coral fish could be influenced by other factors
The analysis results using Minitab 16 beyond the variables tested. Another factor
found that there was a positive relationship could be the availability of food. For obligate
between the percentage of coral cover and the coral predators such as C. collare, C. meyeri
abundance of coral fish Chaetodontidae with and C. trifasciatus fish that are polyp eaters
a correlation coefficient value (r) of 0.428, were found very little, sequentially C. collare
even though it was not significantly (p-value 17 ind, C. trifasciatus 11 ind and C. meyeri 8
= 0.398). This was in line with the coefficient ind. The small number of reef predatory fish
of determination value (R-square) which was caused by the low area of coral cover, then
only 18.3% (Figure 3). It indicated that the C. trifasciatus were only found at stations
abundance of coral fish indicators were not al- that had high covers such as Sumur Tiga and
ways affected by high coral cover conditions. Ujung Seuke.
For instance, The Ujung Seuke site had a Certain coral predators ate corals that
higher fish abundance than other sites, namely are not too wide even though the corals were
1253.3 ind/ha, but the cover percentage was found in small or rare quantities, then there
only 34%. Meanwhile, at Ujung Kareung site, are certain coral fish that are facultative which
the abundance of coral fish indicators was still were found at the research site, i.e. C. citri-
relatively good at 666.7 ind/ha even though nellus, C. falcula, C. vagabundus, F. longiros-
it had the lowest coral cover site (11.5%). tris, F. flavissimus, and H. zoster. Hence, al-
Then, Anoi Itam Site had an indicator coral though the coral cover in SAP-PTPW is low,
fish abundance of 186.7 ind/ha, but the coral chaetodontidae group fish do not decrease
cover was higher than Ujung Kareung which too much because they have other alternative
was 25%. foods such as benthic algae, small crusta-
The coral substrate covered with turf ceans, and polychaeta. According to Pratchett
algae that appeared in almost every site was et al. (2006), Chaetodontidae fish can survive
suspected to be the cause of the weak cor- in the decline conditionof hard coral cover as
relation, so that only a few of Chaetodontidae Chaetodontidae fish are able to eat in addition
family fish were found. The insignificant case to coral polyps (facultative corallivore). In ad-
between the percentage of coral cover and dition, other factors that are assumed to affect
the abundance of Chaetodontidae coral fish fish abundance can be influenced by human
is also similar to the results of Prasetyanda activity (Nugraha et al., 2019), environmental
(2011), and Nurjirana & Burhanuddin (2017) conditions, and aquatic nutrition (Nugraha et
studies. The remaining determination coeffi- al., 2020).
Aldyza et al. 6
Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022

The abundance of Chaetodontidae (ind/ha)


Y = 17.16x + 166.52
R-square = 18.3 %




10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Coral cover (%)

Figure 3. Linear regression graph of the percentage of coral cover with

the abundance of Chaetodontidae coral fish.


Coral conditions in the SAP-PTPW area We have no conflicts of interest to dis-

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abundance of Chaetodontidae family fish is in
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Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022 9

Jurnal Biodjati 7(1):1–11, May 2022

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S. A., Purnawan, S. & Fazillah, M. R. trict, Aceh Besar. Depik, 10(2), 115-119.

Aldyza et al. 10

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