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Aceh province is renowned for its potential marine resources, including fish, with snapper being one of the most economi-
cally important coral fish. In Indonesia, this fish serves as the main target for coral fishing, particularly in Aceh, causing
a decline in its wild population. This decline requires a sustainable development management plan by acquiring informa-
tion on population dynamics and natural growth patterns. Therefore, this research aimed to analyze population dynamics
related to aspects of fishing rate and population status as well as the natural growth patterns to evaluate ecological condi-
tion. The analysis focused on the two predominant snapper species in Aceh waters, namely Lutjanus bengalensis and L.
lutjanus, consisting of 376 and 342 samples collected from January to September 2023. Growth pattern analysis showed
that the coefficient b value that determined the growth pattern ranged from 0.63 ± 0.0–2.59 ± 2.25 for L. bengalensis with
an average of 1.9 ± 0.64, indicating a negative growth pattern, while L. lutjanus had 0.50 ± 0.0–3.27 ± 0.0 with an average
of 1.72 ± 1.11, also displaying a negative growth pattern with asymptotic length 287.7 mm and 242.55 mm. Population
dynamics analysis showed a higher fishing mortality (F) rate for L. bengalensis and L. lutjanus at 1.98 year− 1 and 1.41
year − 1, respectively which were higher than the natural mortality (M) rate with 0.86 year − 1 and 0.59 year− 1. Current
exploitation higher than maximum exploitation (Ecurr > Emax ; E > 0.5) of both species L. bengalensis and L. lutjanus
respectively with 0.82 year− 1 > 0.81 year− 1 and 0.80 year− 1 > 0.79 year− 1. In conclusion, the two snapper species
had a negative allometric growth patterns, and population dynamic analysis indicating that their population experienced
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
Snapper (Lutjanidae) is one of the popular coral fish in (Tirtadanu et al. 2018). Therefore, this research aimed to
Indonesia, widely distributed in tropical and sub-tropical examine the growth patterns, condition factors, and popula-
waters (Wakefield et al. 2020). According to Fishbase data, tion dynamics of two species of snapper from the waters
there are approximately 113 species of snapper worldwide, of Aceh, Indonesia, namely, L. bengalensis and L. lutjanus,
among which 62 are inhibited in Indonesian waters (Allen that had not been reported in Aceh waters. These two spe-
and Adrim 2003; IUCN 2023). Previous studies showed that cies are the primary targets for coral fishing in Northern
population of these species in almost all waters is decreasing Aceh, Indonesia, so this research provides the initial data
globally due to overfishing and climate change (Glaser et al. for a better sustainable management strategy for the fish
2015; Parsons et al. 2020). A similar trend is also occurring population.
in Aceh province, Indonesia; for example, the snapper pro-
duction in 2020 was 10,929 tons per year, it was decreased
to 8,934 tons per year in 2022. Based on IUCN data, several Materials and Methods
snappers have been listed in the IUCN red list as threatened
species, such as L. cyanopterus, L. campechanus, L. analis, Sampling and Measurement
and L. synagris. Currently, there are no regulations govern-
ing snapper fishing in Indonesia, leading to overexploitation This research was carried out from January to September
and a decline in the wild population. Therefore, an effective 2023 and the samples of L. bengalensis and L. lutjanus were
integrated fishery management plan is required using data obtained from fishermen at two fishing ports in Pulo Aceh,
on growth patterns, condition factor, and population dynam- Aceh Besar regency, and Lampulo, Banda Aceh city. These
ics (Oliveira et al. 2020; Roul et al. 2020). This informa- fish were caught in the northern waters of Aceh, Indonesia,
tion provides insight into determining the allowable sizes as presented in Fig. 1. The fish sample was caught using a
for fishing to avoid overexploitation and sustain fishery pro- bottom longline and a handline with a fishing rod size num-
duction (Johnston et al. 2013; Ilkyaz et al. 2008; Oliveira ber 4. A total of 40–60 samples per species were collected
et al. 2020). Condition factors describe the health status of at a one-month interval. Length and weight measurements,
the fish population and the condition of the water (Cadrin followed by population dynamics analysis were carried out
2020; Denechaud et al. 2020). Population dynamics are also at the Hatchery Laboratory, Faculty of Marine Affairs and
crucial to evaluating the fishery resource status to deter- Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala in Banda Aceh.
mine the exploitation level (Chen et al. 2009; Rodhouse et The samples obtained were temporarily preserved with
al. 2014; Gebremedhin et al. 2021). Several snapper fisher- crushed ice in a styrofoam ice box (4oC) and transported to
ies in several regions of Indonesia are in overfishing sta- the laboratory. Subsequently, the samples were photographed
tus, for instance, Lutjanus spp. in the South Coast Waters for documentation, total length were measured using a digi-
of Tasikmalaya (Sriati 2011), L. gibbus in Alor waters, East tal caliper (Mitutoyo, CD-6CS). Error = 0.01 mm), and total
Nusa Tenggara Province (Pakro et al. 2020), L. malabaricus body weight was determined with a digital scale (Toledo,
in Pinrang waters, South Sulawesi (Rapi 2023). Research AB-204). Error = 0.01 g).
on growth patterns and condition factor of snapper have
been reported from several waters around the world. This Length-weight Relationships
includes L. johnii, and L. xanthopinnis from Terengganu,
Malaysia (Rahman et al. 2023), L. fulviflamma in the Per- Data from direct measurements of fish length and weight
sian Gulf, Iran (Razi and Noori 2018), L. johnii, L.lutjanus, were analyzed using the Linear Allometric Model (LAM)
L. malabaricus, and L. fulvus in Pakistani waters (Masood based on the De Robertis and Williams (2008) model with
and Farooq 2010). Furthermore, L. fulgens was found in the formulation as follows:
Ghanaian waters (Amador and Aggrey-Fynn 2021), L. coe-
ruleolineatus in Oman (Almamari et al. 2021), L. gibbus in W = e0.56 aLb
the Southern Waters of Banten (Prihatiningsih et al. 2017).
Investigation into population dynamics of snapper is rela- where W is body weight (g), L is the total length (mm), a is a
tively scarce in Indonesia, especially from Aceh waters, but constant, b is the geometric coefficient for fish body propor-
there is several research available in the Red Sea, Egypt, tions, e is the variance of residuals from the LAM model,
on L. quinquelineatus (Mehanna et al. 2017), the central and 0.56 is a correction factor.
Great Barrier Reef, Australia, on Lutjanus erythropterus, L.
malabaricus, and L. sebae (Newman et al. 2000), the Java
Sea, Indonesia, on snappers and groupers (Amorim et al.
2020), and Sinjai, and adjascent waters on L. malabaricus
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
In this research, the relative weights (Wr) and Fulton’s con- Length Frequency
dition factor (K) were examined. To calculate the Wr value,
the predicted weight (Ws) first value was determined from The length frequency was calculated to determine the num-
direct measurement data using the LAM as follows: Ws = a ber of fish based on length classes, including calculations
x Lb. Subsequently, the relative weight condition factor was of maximum, minimum, and average length, as well as the
calculated using the formula proposed by Rypel and Richter number of classes, interval, difference, and class width. The
(2008), as follows: Wr = (W/Ws) x 100, where Wr is the length-frequency analysis referred to by Jin et al. (2015)
relative weight, W is the weight of the fish from direct mea- using the equation: Fi = (ni/N) x 100, where Fi is the length
surement, and Ws is the predicted weight of the fish based frequency, ni is the number of fish in the length class, and N
on LAM model. is the total number of fish.
The Wr was divided into three categories (Anderson
1996; Muchlisin et al. 2010) as follows: Wr < 100, popula- Von Bertalanffy Growth Function
tion is in bad condition, low of prey or high of predator.
When Wr > 100, population is in good condition, the prey Von Bertalanffy’s growth function was analyzed using the
density is high, or the predator is low. As Wr tends to 100 FISAT II software (FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools-
(Wr = 100), population is stable, while prey and predators II). The asymptotic length ((L∞) and Von Bertalanffy’s
are balanced. growth coefficient (K) were calculated using the ELEFAN-I
Fulton’s condition F = factor (K) is calculated using the method, while the theoretical age of fish when the length
equation according to Muchlisin et al. (2010) as follows: of the fish at 0 (t0) was determined based on Pauly (1980):
K = WL−3 x100 Log (t0) = −0.3952 − 0.2752Log (L∞) −1.038 − Log (K)
where K is Fulton’s condition factor, W is the body weight where t0 is the theoretical age when the length of the fish at
of the fish, L is the total length of the fish, and − 3 is the cor- 0, L ∞ is the asymptotic length, and K is growth coefficient.
rection factor. Based on Famoofo and Abdul (2020), the K
value is divided into five categories, as presented in Table 1.
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
101.51 ± 17.21
102.92 ± 28.33
103.14 ± 11.15
102.35 ± 8.52
100.43 ± 6.72
103.1 ± 18.20
103.40 ± 3.28
111.8 ± 25.75
103.28 ± 4.9
(Fig. 2a). Meanwhile, L. lutjanus produced 9 length classes,
with a minimum, a maximum, and an average length of
120 mm, 245 mm, and 178 mm, respectively. The highest
number of fish samples were in the length class of 190–
204 mm (Fig. 2b). Growth coefficient (K) value of L. ben-
103.09 ± 17.19
101.23 ± 15.90
105.55 ± 10.75
103.42 ± 14.65
104.26 ± 10.48
101.92 ± 11.59
104.98 ± 11.49
galensis was estimated to be 0.87 year− 1 and an asymptotic
102.05 ± 9.38
103.58 ± 1.64
length coefficient (L∞) of 287.7 mm. This was the maxi-
3.39 ± 0.21
3.21 ± 0.06
3.16 ± 0.04
3.15 ± 0.08
3.10 ± 0.16
3.17 ± 0.05
3.16 ± 0.12
3.23 ± 0.12
3.23 ± 0.13
Lc50% of the fish for fishing of 157.53 mm.
Table 2 The coefficient of b value, and condition factors of L. bengalesis and L. lutjanus in Pulo Aceh waters Aceh province, Indonesia during 2023
76.85 ± 1.43
3.82 ± 2.71
7.92 ± 4.51
83.93 ± 0.0
59.6 ± 19.27
64.11 ± 4.33
52.8 ± 2.89
77.50 ± 0.0
46.5 ± 0.0
Fig. 5a and Fig. 6a (Ecurr) 0.82 year− 1 (Ecurr > Emax ; E > 0.5)
1.92 ± 1.35
0.80 ± 3.38
3.23 ± 9.07
2.85 ± 1.80
1.72 ± 1.11
0.50 ± 0.0
3.27 ± 0.0
0.76 ± 6.7
2.59 ± 2.25
2.41 ± 1.80
2.23 ± 9.02
2.35 ± 2.68
2.09 ± 2.68
0.63 ± 0.0
1.9 ± 0.64
41.8 ± 11.05
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
sufficient food for snapper population in these waters. This and L. lutjanus 242.mm and 287.7 mm. Growth coefficient
was supported by other research in the same waters but on (K) of L. bengalensis 0.87 year− 1 and L. lutjanus with 0.59
different species, such as the large-fin squid Sepioteuthis cf. year− 1. Several studies have estimated the asymptotic length
lessoniana (Muchlisin and Cheng 2014) and the Serranidae and growth coefficient of the genus Lujanus population in
grouper (Ramadhani et al. 2017), with an average relative different water bodies, such as the Northern Arabian Sea,
weight condition factor tending to 100. estimated at 477.8 mm and 0.3 year− 1, respectively (Nair
Based on the length class, the size of L. bengalensis and Seetha 2020), L. johnii in Bangladesh waters with L∞
sample was predominantly found in the 182–200 mm class, 993.3 mm and K 0.16 year− 1 (Barua et al. 2023), L. analis
while L. lutjanus dominated the 190–204 mm class. This on the East Coast of Florida with L∞ 869 mm and K 0.16
suggested that, on average, L. lutjanus was larger than L. year− 1 (Burton 2002). Similar studies also estimated the
bengalensis. According to Froese and Binohlan (2003), population of L. malabaricus in Sinjai waters, Indonesia,
when population is dominated by the smaller fish length with L∞ 773 mm and K 0.29 year− 1 (Tirtadanu et al. 2018)
class, it indicates that the species is already threatened by and L. argentimaculatus in Bunyu waters, Indonesia, with
overfishing or habitat perturbation. Consequently, among L∞ 538.8 mm and K 0.10 year− 1 (Firdaus et al. 2020).
the two species researches in these waters, L. bengalensis is In this research, fishing mortality rate of the two species
highly threatened. Asymtotic length (L∞) of L. bengalensis was higher than their natural mortality, with L. bengalensis
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
Fig. 3 (a) Estimation of growth parameters of L. bengalensis (L ∞ = 287.7 mm, K = 0.87 year− 1) and (b) Estimation of growth parameters of L.
lutjanus (L ∞ = 242.55 mm, and K = 0.59 year− 1 )
showing a greater value than L. lutjanus, indicating a more maximum exploitation suggesting an over-exploitation of
intense exploitation. According to Haltuch et al. (2008), the the population. This indicated that the two species of snap-
maximum allowable fishing mortality is 0.5 (Fmax = 0.5). per in the Pulo Aceh waters of northern Aceh, Indonesia,
Hansen et al. (2011) reported that the same fishing mortal- have experienced overexploitation or overfishing. Previous
ity rate higher than the natural mortality rate contributed to investigations reported that L. malabaricus in waters of the
a decline in fish population, endangering the sustainabil- Timor Sea, Indonesia (Herwaty et al. 2023), L. johnii in the
ity of fish resources. Consequently, fishing mortality rate Bay of Bengal (Barua et al. 2023), L.fulgens in Ghanaian
of the two species has exceeded the allowable maximum waters (Amador and Aggrey-Fynn 2021), have also expe-
exploitation rate. Current exploitation higher than maxi- rienced overfishing. Therefore, these findings confirm the
mum exploitation (Ecurr > Emax ; E > 0.5) of both species L. speculation that snapper fish in the world have been inten-
bengalensis and L. lutjanus respectively with 0.82 year− 1 sively exploited over the years. Consequently, a manage-
> 0.81 year− 1 and 0.80 year− 1 > 0.79 year− 1. According ment plan is needed to determine capture quotas, setting
to Alam et al. (2021) if the current exploitation higher than the allowable fishing size, intensively monitoring of fishing
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
activities, increasing public awareness of the importance of with an average relative weight condition factor value tend-
maintaining the sustainability of marine resources and the ing to 100, indicating a very good condition. The F rate for
negative consequences of overexploitation through fisheries L. bengalensis and L. lutjanus at 1.98 year− 1 and 1.41 year
extension officer, and establishment of fishery conservation , respectively which were higher than the natural mor-
areas to ensure the long-term sustainability of snapper fish- tality (M) rate with 0.86 year − 1 and 0.59 year− 1. Current
ery resources in Aceh waters, Indonesia. exploitation higher than maximum exploitation (Ecurr >
Emax ; E > 0.5) of both species L. bengalensis and L. lutjanus
respectively with 0.82 year− 1 > 0.81 year− 1 and 0.80 year− 1
Conclusions > 0.79 year− 1. These results showed that the environmental
condition of Pulo Aceh waters are still conducive, providing
In conclusion, this research showed that Lutjanus bengalen- sufficient food (prey). Despite these favorable condition, the
sis had a b value of 0.63 ± 0.0 -2.59 ± 2.25 with an average two species have experienced overfishing.
of 1.9 ± 0.64. Meanwhile, L. lutjanus had a b value rang-
ing from 0.5 ± 0.0 to 3.27 ± 0.0, with an average value of
1.72 ± 1.11, indicating that both species have a negative
allometric growth patterns. The average Fulton condition
factor in L. bengalensis was 3.29 and 3.23 in L. lutjanus,
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
Fig. 5 (a) Curve of Mortality (Z) of Lutjanus bengalensis; (b) Curve of Mortality (Z) of Lutjanus lutjanus
Fig. 6 (a) Curve of yield per recruit (YPR) of Lutjanus bengalensis; (b) Curve of yield per recruit (YPR) of Lutjanus lutjanus. Note: Red line: E0.5,
Green line: E0.1, Yellow line: Emax
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences
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3. Growth coefficient (K) 0.87 year− 1 0.59 year− 1 29(2):33–46. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/wajae/article/
4. Total mortality rate (Z) 2.85 year− 1
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discussion section. All Authors reviewed the manuscript. fishres.2019.105397
Chen D, Xiong F, Wang K, Chang Y (2009) Status of research on
Funding This research was funded by the Ministry of Education, Cul- Yangtze fish biology and fisheries. Environ Biol Fishes 85:337–
ture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia through 357. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-009-9517-0
the PMDSU research scheme by Contract No.062/E5/PG.02.00. Cochard R (2017) Scaling the costs of natural ecosystem degradation
PL/2023. The authors are grateful to the Minister of Education, Cul- and biodiversity losses in Aceh Province, Sumatra. Red Diver
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Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) for supporting this B978-0-12-805454-3.00013-X
research and for providing scholarship for Enhancing the Quality of De Robertis A, Williams K (2008) Weight-length relationships in fish-
International Publication/Sandwich Like-PMDSU 2023 program with eries studies: the standard allometric model should be applied
contract No.165.45/E4.4/KU/2023. with caution. Trans Am Fish Soc 137(3):707–719. https://doi.
Data Availability Data will made available on request. Denechaud C, Smoliński S, Geffen AJ, Godiksen JA, Campana SE
(2020) A century of fish growth in relation to climate change,
population dynamics and exploitation. Global Change Biol
Declarations 26(10):5661–5678. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15298
Famoofo OO, Abdul WO (2020) Biometry, condition factors and
Ethical Approval The Research Ethics and Animal Care Committee length-weight relationships of sixteen fish species in Iwopin
at Syiah Kuala University granted complete approval for this study fresh-water ecotype of Lekki Lagoon, Ogun State, Southwest
(Ethics Code No: 958/2015). No specific permits were necessary for Nigeria. Heliyon 6(1):e02957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heli-
sampling, as the samples were acquired from commercial fishers. yon.2019.e02957
Firdaus M, Salim G, Cahyadi J, Weliyadi E, Bintoro G (2020) Model
Competing Interests The authors declare no competing interests. and nature of growth of red snapper fish (Lutjanus argentimacu-
latus (Forsskål, 1775)) fishing catch of bottom fish pots in Bunyu
waters, North Kalimantan. AACL Bioflux 13(3):1410–1421.
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