PMSG For Better Dynamic Stability For Better Windfarm Structuring

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PMSG for better dynamic stability for better windfarm structuring

Srinivasa Acharya1, D. Vijaya Kumar2

Assistant Professor1, Professor2

Aditya institute of Technology and Management, Tekkali1,2

ABSTRACT: The STATCOM controller current farm, offshore wind farm, FACTS
plays an key part in this. an approach to Controllers, Eigen values.
frequency domain based on a linearized
system model using Eigen value techniques I.INTRODUCTION
and a time-domain scheme based on a Powered by a marine-current turbine (MCT)
nonlinear system model subject to various combined with offshore generators driven
disturbances are both employed to simulate by wind turbine (WT) will become a novel
the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme for energy production going
strategy. It is evident from the simulation forward. as seas make up more than 70% of
results. that the proposed STATCOM joined the surface a hybrid power production
with the designed damping controller is very system that includes a both offshore wind
effective to Balance the studied system farm (OWF) and marine-current farm
under disturbing circumstances The AC bus (MCF) can be extensively developed at the
system's planned design can easily control specific locations of the world going
the voltage fluctuations. forward. One of the basic procedures for
An Comparable Doubly fed Induction managing an OWF is to connect the output
Generator is used here to operate the Off terminals of several DFIGs together and
shore wind farm while an equivalent then connect to a power grid through an
Permanent magnet Synchronous Generator offshore step-up transformer and submarine
is used to operate the marine existing farm. cables operating an MCF may employ
A comparable is determined using the numerous synchronous permanent magnet
PMSG as a guide. Marine current turbine generators. (PMSGs) connected to the power
and the DFIG is used to guide for an grid directly using undersea cables and an
equivalent a windmill. In order to create a offshore step-up transformer.
damping controller for this proposed scheme During the last decades, Wind Energy
model control theory is used here for getting Conversion System (WECS) has grown
the effective characteristics. dramatically. VSWTs, or variable-speed
This paper discusses the growth of a Mat wind turbines, are considerable interest It is
lab-simulink model of a new proposed among the best options available globally
scheme for grid connected off shore wind potential to reduce Cost of wind energy.
farm (OWF) and marine current farm (MCF) Typically, the VSWT systems are based on
on a STATCOM. This simulation model's double fed induction generators (DFIGs) or
goal is to getting better damping permanent magnet synchronous generators
enhancement and voltage regulation. (PMSGs) (PMSGs). Basically, a wind farm
Keywords: Dynamic stability, double-fed is made up of numerous wind turbines that
Induction, and PMSG Generator, marine- are connected with each other to produce
small amount of electrical power that
becomes powerful after connecting with the by an equivalent aggregated variable speed
converter. areas where there are numerous WT through an equivalent a combined
winds turbines for the sake of power gearbox. A substantial equivalency is used
generation from wind and are connected to symbolise the 40MW MCF. aggregated
with each other in the different way is PMSG driven by an equivalent aggregated
known as a wind farm. Basically, a wind variable speed MCT through an equivalent a
farm is made up of numerous wind turbines combined gearbox. The STATCOM, the
that are connected with each other to OWF, the MCF, and a local load are
produce small amount of electric power. connected to an AC bus that is fed to the
Different strategies are used to build the onshore power grid through an offshore
wind farms in different areas or places. step-up transformer and cables subaqueous
This paper is arranged as follows. both the [9]. The mathematical simulations of the
setup and the models used for the studied studied system are described as below.
integrated OWF and MCF with STATCOM
are firstly introduced[1]. the design process A. DOUBLE FED INDUCTION
and design outcomes for the PID damping GENERATOR (DFIG):
controller of the proposed STATCOM using DFIG is an abbreviation for Double Fed A
pole-placement technique are portrayed. The common generating principle in wind
steady-state operating points are both below energy is the induction generator. turbines.
various wind speeds and marine-current wind generators. It is based on a generator
speeds and the comparative dynamic with induction that a multiphase wound
responses of the studied system with the rotor and a multiphase slip ring assembly
designed PID damping controller under with brushes for access to the windings on a
Here, complex adjustments for various rotor. There is a way to prevent the
operating situations can be made. multiphase slide. assemblage of rings,
although there problems with efficiency,
Size and price. A brushless wound-rotor is a
superior substitute. doubly-fed electric
machine. Figure 2 indicates the doubly fed
induction engine model. DFIG has many
benefits and is well-known. used in large
capacity wind turbines in recent years.

Fig. 1. The integrated OWF and MCF's

composition with STATCOM Fig.2. Doubly Fed induction generator
Finally, Figure 1, shows the structure of the B. PERMANENT MAGNET
studied integrated DFIG based OWF and SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE:
PMSG based MCF with the suggested An AC rotating machine is a synchronous
STATCOM The huge equivalent represents machine. Its velocity, in a steady state, is
the 80MW OWF. aggregated DFIG driven proportional to the frequency of the current
in its mechanism. The PMSM Cylindrical is and angle with the fixed stator phase axis
depicted in Figure 3. rotor and Salient and rotating stator mmf makes an angle ±
Rotor-shaped buildings The armature's with the d-axis of the rotor Stator mmf
generated magnetic field currents rotates at rotates at a similar rate to [13] that of the
the same speed as that created by the field rotor.
current a rotor that is revolving at
synchronous speed, which causes a
consistent torque. Synchronous machines
are commonly used as generators especially
for large power systems, including
hydroelectric and turbine generators
generators in the grid power source due to
the proportionality of the rotor speed to the
frequency Synchronous motors can be
utilised in circumstances where constant
speed driving is necessary. Given that a
reactive power generator produces
synchronous machine can be adjusted by Figure.4 shows how the d-q model was
controlling the magnitude of the rotor field created using the rotor reference frame.
current with no load synchronous machines
are also often installed in power systems III.PITCH ANGLE CONTROL
solely for power factor rectification A When V w is lower than the rated wind
typical synchronous motor's armature speed of w = 00 in WT (VWrated). The
winding machine [3] is almost invariably on Pitch-angle increases when V W >VWrated.
the stator and is usually a three step winding Control System of the WT activates and the
Typically, the field winding is on a rotor and pitch angle of the WT (β w) gets bigger. The
excited via permanent magnets or dc design of the control system that generates
current. The power supply is DC. required the pitch angle reference is shown in Figure
for excitation usually is supplied through a 5. A nonlinear controller makes up the pitch
dc generator called an exciter, this device is controller. feed forward path, which
frequently installed on the same shaft as the generates β and a linear feedback pathway
synchronous. that results in [6].

A STATCOM is a controlled source of

reactive power. By producing, it supports
Fig.3. Cylindrical rotor and Salient rotor the voltage. or absorbing reactive power at
structures the point of common coupling without the
C. Detailed Modelling of PMSM: need of large external reactors or bank of
Detailed modelling of PM motor drive capacitors. utilising the coupler, the VSC,
system is required for proper simulation of and the controller transformer, The
the apparatus. The d-q model was created operation of the STATCOM is demonstrated
using rotor reference frame seen in Figure 4. in the coupling transformer. Figure 8. The
The rotor's d-axis is rotating at time t. makes
STATCOM one-line graphic that was under
study was seen in Figure 8. The q-axis and -
axis output voltages per unit of STATCOM
can be expressed by and [7], respectively.


This section presents a unified approach
based on modal control theory to design the
PID damping controller of the proposed
STATCOM seen in Figure 7. Improvement
of the dynamic stability of the analysed
system. The derived nonlinear system
equations in Section II are first linearized
around a nominal operating point to obtain a
set of matrix-based linearized system
equations from [18].

This section presents the steady-state

operating condition results of the studied
system when vW is increased from 4 to 24
m/s while VMR is increased between 1 and
4 m/s. The three-dimensional charts for the
calculated steady-state operating conditions
of the studied system under the selected
values as well as VMR. the operating
conditions in steady state.
In this section, to show the principle of
power control of PMSG-based variable-
speed wind turbine It is regulated and
connected to the grid in order to capture the
maximum wind energy and its behavior
subjected to a variable speed wind will be
illustrated using numerical simulations
carried under the SIMULINK in Matlab.
The damping properties played a part. by the
proposed STATCOM joined with the
designed PID damping controller to getting
better dynamic stability improvement of the
studied system.
The study has been the primary emphasis of
this publication. and management of a
direct-driven PMSG utilised in a grid-
connected variable speed wind generation
system. This wind system was modelled
using d-q rotor reference frame and is
interfaced with the power system through an
inverter and a filter modelled in the power
Fig.6. Various output performance curves system reference point The dynamic
stability was presented in this study.
improvement of an integrated OWF and
It is clear from the simulation results listed MCF a STATCOM is used. a damping PID
above that that: created a controller specifically for the
1) It can be seen from the dynamic response STATCOM. utilising a unified strategy
of The proposed STATCOM with the based on the pole-assignment method
intended Vbus depicted in Fig. PID damping Eigen value calculations and time domain
controller can effectively maintain the AC simulations of the studied system subject to
bus voltage at roughly 1.0 pu by correctly a noise a change in the speed of the marine
tuning the STATCOM's reactive power current, the wind, a three-phase short circuit
output in terms of quantity delivered to the fault at and a speed anomaly the grid have
AC bus. been systematically performed to
2) The projected STATCOM collaborating demonstrate the effectiveness of the
with the designed PID damping controller proposed STATCOM joined with the
can offer adequate damping characteristics Designed PID damping controller on
to the studied system, the oscillations of P suppressing voltage volatility of the system
mr , Wrmr , V MR , The smallest amplitudes under study and increased dynamic stability
of the three curves are caused by the Vbus of the system under various operating
caused by the random noise wind speed circumstances. The simulation results show
disturbance. that the suggested STATCOM combined
3) The amplitudes of the active power with the planned PID. conditions. The
delivered to the Power grid (P grid ) Fig. simulation results show that the suggested
10(e), along with the active Power produced STATCOM combined with the planned PID.
by the SCIG of the MCF Fig.6(c) can be The damping controller can enhance the
lowered somewhat and the absorbed reactive performance of the studied integrated OWF
Power from the power grid (Q grid ) and MCF under different operating
dropped when the STATCOM joined, as conditions.
illustrated in Fig. with the PID Controller is
included in the studied system. REFERENCES
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Srinivasa Acharya received
the B.Tech Degree in
Electrical & Electronics
Engineering from Aditya
Institute of Technology &
Management, Tekkali,
Srikakulam India in 2011,
M.Tech Degree in Power Electronics and
Electrical drives from Aditya Institute of
Technology & Management, Tekkali,
Srikakulam India in 2013 and he received
Ph.D from Annamalai University in 2022,
Chidambaram. He is currently working as an
Assistant Professor with the Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering from
Aditya Institute of Technology &
Management, Tekkali, Srikakulam India.
His research interests include power
systems, Power Quality, Power Electronics,
Network analysis.

D.Vijaya Kumar received

his degree in B.E from
GITAM University,
Visakhapatnam, M.E From
AU College of
Engineering, Andhra
University, Visakhapatnam
and he received Ph.D from AU College of
Engineering, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam. He had Teaching
Experience of 17 years. He had published
many papers in different Journals and
Conferences. His area of Interests includes
Power Systems and Control Systems.

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