1B Linalg
1B Linalg
1B Linalg
we can rewriteA in a different basis as follows the Cauchy Schwarz inequality states
require ei Ai Xj Ei Ai od
by using Eg Gi Ri and relabelling indices
I Loe It TE LEI E Lyla
Evi Rai Ai og e n Airy od
RA CR od A E
I Get g I e 1 1141
A RAN equality when E and y are linearly dependent
canbe proven by considering Ge ay Iz ay
lnnerproductsm then later setting lat hey 171
The inner product GE l y is a scalar function we can use Cauchy Schwarz to define cos 0 in R
of two vectors It must cos Q Lofty
be bilinear i.e linear in the second argument 111141
and antilinear in the first
og lay x
Ely and Casely a CE ly Hermitianmatries
have Hermitian symmetry The Hermitian conjugate of a matrix is the complex
yl x Cos I y conjugate of its transpose
be positive definite At At At ij A
LEI E o c equality iff og it obeys similar rules to the transpose
distributive in the first argument Att t A Ao ftp.t
Get 4 I El z t C F lZ the Hermitian conjugate of a scalar is just the
In Rn LE ly xiyi conjugate e.g LE ly Cody
In L El 4 xi
y a matrix is Hermitian if A At
Robert Andrew Martin
Gig are the metric coefficients rector of such that A E X E We can find
G is Hermitian since Gi's GTi the eigenvalues and eigenvectors by solving the
a basis is orthonormal if characteristic equation det CA XI o
Lei led Sig
if the n roots are distinct there are n linearly
The adjoint of a linear operator Ar with respect to independent eigenvectors unique to a constant factor
some inner product is another linearoperator At such that if an eigenvalue is degenerate and occurs m times
Atx ly LEI Ay there may be between 1 and m linearly independent
for given basis the components of Ant
a are eigenvectors for that eigenvalue spanning the eigenspace
the entries in the matrix At In general we can prove eigenvalue Eigenvector
properties as follows using the example of Hermitian matrices
Consider two eigenvalueHector
Matrix Symmetry Equation Ax Xx A y my
antisymmetric At A
Take Hermitian conjugate of
then use Hermitian property
ytAt µ yt
ytA µ yt
orthogonal AAt ATA I Cainmaphokgues
apply yt to to get two expressions for ytAx
Hermitian At A 7 M ytx o
anti Hermitian At A suppose x and y are the same eigenvector and 2m
unitary At A these are all X ft x Tx 0
normal A At AtA c normal six to a
p X
eigenvalues of Hermitian matrix are real
Robert Andrew Martin
if A is Hermitian exp CIA is unitary A
an eigenbasis can ALWAYS be constructed for a
s GE En't C
normal matrix even if there are degenerate eigenvalues
Symmetry Eigenvalues Interpretation only if A has n linearly independent eigenvectors
Hermitian X T Real Thus normal matrices are diagonals'sable and the
eigenvectors can be chosen to be orthonormal
anti Hermitian
x 4x
7 Imaginary
Unit modulus yi Intuitively diagonalisation is the process of expressing
a matrix in its eigenbasis the simplest form Hence
Diagonalisation of a matrix the similarity matrix is unitary and A U n ut
E RE wtf for a transformation between basis vectors Diagonalisation is useful because some operations are
a linear operator can be transformed via A's RAR mucheasier to carry out on the diagonalised repr A Srs t
matrices are similar if 8 5 AS where Am SMS
S is some invertible similarity matrix del A deth For any matrix detA III i
tr A tr A tr A E Xi
Robert Andrew Martin
Thetransformation between orthonormal bases is described by Given X od t Iz y't 732 K
a unitary matrix As have same sign ellipsoid
a real symmetric matrix can be diagonalised by Ts have mixed sign hyperboloid
a real orthogonal transformation 7 22 7 sphere
7 72 surface of revolution about 2 axis
Quadratic forms 13 0 translation of conic section along 2 axis
quadratic form associated with a real symmetric matrix
hencethe name Hermitian
A is Q x at Aoc Aigociog 2
Q is a homogeneous quadratic function of oc i e The Hermitian form is a complex extension of the quadratic
QCxD NQ Loc Any homogeneous quadratic is the form Hbd xtAx real scalar quantity
quadratic form of some symmetric matrix Hermitian matrices can be diagonals'ed with unitary
Because real symmetric matrices can be diagonalised by transformations Had x'thx Ti l Kil
orthogonal transformations
The Rayleigh quotient associated with a Hermitian matrix
QCod SEA x x'TA x oc Sx is the normalised Hermitian form
yay xtAxxtx
the eigenvectors of A are the principal axes
in the eigenbasis the quadratic form is just a if x is aneigenvector of A X is an eigenvalue
sum of squares Q Xi Xi easily verified by substitution
Quadratic forms represent quadratic surfaces
can the Rayleigh Ritz variational principle considers
QCH K f constant 87 Xcx tsx 764 and shows that the
hence representingQ in its eigenbasis allows us eigenvectors of A are the stationary points of Xxl
Elastic deformation is described by thestrain tensor Ei If Sijk is symmetric in i j and Apgar is antisymmetric
Ei IN t
3 in pg then the contraction Sijk Ai r 0
kij frieaxilx.jp
CmdV RikRj ki Kii
Ki X fi with 2 I Tr k
Ki Sr Ea ErpCr dV 8ijJ
in some
A tensor field assigns tensor to every position I
a domain
e g a conductivity field 2ndorder tensor field
The divergence of a vector field is scalar the contraction
of the tensor product of two vector fields Oi and Fj
Tx E is a pseudovector field
the contraction of the
tensor product of pseudotensor Eijk and vectors 2C Fm
The derivative of a secondorder tensor field is a third order
tensor field 2 i ogk