Cognitive Enhancing Drugs in Sport: Current and Future Concerns
Cognitive Enhancing Drugs in Sport: Current and Future Concerns
Cognitive Enhancing Drugs in Sport: Current and Future Concerns
To cite this article: Aaron C. T. Smith, Constantino Stavros & Kate Westberg (2020): Cognitive
Enhancing Drugs in Sport: Current and Future Concerns, Substance Use & Misuse, DOI:
Article views: 4
Background: Sporting authorities and policy makers have warned of a radical increase in the avail- Cognitive enhancing drugs;
ability and use of so-called ‘smart’ drugs, which putatively deliver cognitive enhancements in the sport; policy; doping;
form of improved focus, concentration, alertness, and rapid decision-making. Although the poten- smart drugs
tial for health risks is well documented when it comes to performance enhancing drugs in sport,
the health implications of cognitive enhancing drugs (CEDs) remain unclear. Objectives: This
article aims to provide a foundational understanding about CEDs and their application in sport. It
considers what little is known about the types, nature, impact, and implications of their use for
athletes and sport policy. Method: A narrative literature review was undertaken to ascertain the
emerging role of CEDs beyond their clinical use to treat prescribed disorders, including the limited
studies in the sporting domain. This review also considered literature pertinent to the impact of
CEDs in sport and the challenges for sport policy. Results: Given the prospects of negative health
impacts, policy-makers interested in preventing and controlling the use of CEDs, as well as reduc-
ing harm to athletes at all levels of performance, need guidance. This article highlights multi-
faceted concerns and shines a spotlight on key issues for sporting bodies to consider regarding
the critical impact that widespread use and adoption of these substances might entail. Conclusion:
While the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is seemingly awake to the threat posed, actions to
circumvent the spread of CEDs throughout sport are nascent and require greater understanding
and attention.
CONTACT Aaron C. T. Smith Institute for Sport Business, Loughborough University London, The Broadcast Centre, Here East Queen
Elizabeth Olympic Park, London, E15 2GZ, United Kingdom.
ß 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
to WADA’s prohibited substances policy. Similarly, esports premised on their putative ability to enhance alertness, cre-
bodies like the Electronic Sports League (ESL) have insti- ativity, concentration, memory, and problem-solving.
tuted similar bans in response to widespread fears of cogni- In the broadest schema, CEDs include legal over the
tive doping, no doubt prompted by comments such as counter substances (e.g. coffee and other caffeinated drinks),
champion player, Kory Friesen’s YouTube declaration that controlled medications used without a medical condition
all the players were on Adderall (Gilbert, 2015). More (e.g. Ritalin, Adderall, modafinil [PCEs]) and illegal drugs
recently, former WADA Director David Howman described (e.g. cocaine, ecstasy, crystal meth) (Dietz et al., 2016), that
esports as a doping ‘wild west’ (Baldwin, 2019). lead to some form of cognitive enhancement. Enhancement
The governing authorities of other competitive games/ can be distinguished from other uses of CEDs (e.g. treating
sports involving heavy cognitive demands also seem to rec- psychiatric conditions) by a primary focus on functionality
ognize the potential misuse of cognitive enhancing drugs. and performance improvement (Wolff & Brand, 2013),
For example, the Federation Internationale des Echecs either directly (e.g. improved concentration during a task)
(FIDE), which oversees national chess federations and acts or indirectly (e.g. improved mood regulation for work) with-
as the governing body of international chess competition, is out medical need (Franke et al., 2014). Use may not neces-
a signatory to the WADA Code (FIDE, 2018). They have sarily be motivated by outperforming competition as it can
worried about the effects of CEDs since 2014, when they also be triggered through a maladaptive stress coping mech-
first signed up to the anti-doping code, a concern that has anism (Vargo & Petr oczi, 2016). Given the uptake in non-
heightened more recently since a controlled trial by scien- medical usage supported by positive media coverage
tists showed that the CEDs, modafinil, methylphenidate, and (Garasic & Lavazza, 2016), the use of CEDs for cognitive
caffeine can improve chess play (Franke et al., 2017). enhancement presents legal, social and ethical challenges to
Likewise, at the 2014 World Bridge Federation (WBF, 2015) sport (Sahakian et al., 2015).
Executive Council meeting, the WBF accepted the revised Although far from quick fixes and magic pills, a range of
Anti-Doping Code from WADA. As a result of new testing, lifestyle activities and cognitive exercises have also been
in 2018, the authority’s Anti-Doping Hearing Panel, found associated with improved mental acuity, including physical
world number one ranked player, Geir Helgemo, guilty of exercise, dietary supplements like certain fats, sleep techni-
an ‘Anti-Doping Rule Violation’. Curiously, the sanction ques, meditation, yoga, music, electronic simulations, and
was for testosterone, but the violation only strengthened the so-called ‘brain training focal techniques’ (Sachdeva et al.,
body’s concerns over the prospective usage of CEDs, more 2015). These activities, exercises and supplements are diverse
generally, as well. and likely to require scrutiny in their own right, however
Cognitive enhancement appears to be a relatively new this article will focus on substances designed to influence
challenge for anti-doping policy makers in sport (Cakic, neurotransmitters, neural signaling molecules, and neuro-
2009). Although few statistics offer concrete insight into the peptides, as classified under ‘pharmaceuticals’ in the Dresler
extent of CED use, the anonymous web-based Global Drug et al. (2019) dimensions of cognitive enhancing strategies
Survey captured levels of pharmacological cognitive taxonomy, also referred to as pharmacological cognitive
enhancement (PCE) use (non-medical use of methylphenid- enhancement (PCE) drugs. Our interest here is therefore
ate, modafinil, dexamphetamine [Adderall], cocaine, illegal primarily concerned with prescription drugs designed to off-
amphetamine, and illegal methamphetamine) among set cognitive impairments but used by healthy athletes to
100,000 non-ADHD individuals across 15 countries. The prime decision-making, amplify situational awareness, and
survey concluded that illegal stimulants and modafinil use attenuate mental fatigue. As a result, although CEDs were
had increased across all countries from 3.2% in 2015 to developed for medical interventions, we consider their appli-
6.6% in 2017. These PCEs were also rated the highest in cation in this context as a form of ‘neuro-enhancement’
terms of perceived effect on cognitive performance (Maier (Frati et al., 2015), or as it is sometimes described, ‘cosmetic
et al., 2018). neurology’ (Chatterjee, 2007). We will focus on the use of
CEDs are prescribed in the treatment of neuro-degenera- pharmacological drugs by healthy individuals for cognitive
tive disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, enhancement through action on the brain’s biochemical
and are also employed to curb the unfavorable symptoms composition (Vrecko, 2013).
that arise with conditions affecting cognitive development, The non-medical use of controlled medical substances is
the most prominent being ADHD (Volkow et al., 2012). purported to lead to cognitive enhancement through their
Studies investigating the use of CEDs for non-medical cog- interaction with a myriad of chemical neurotransmitters
nitive enhancement have provided varying estimates of (e.g. dopamine) (d’Angelo et al., 2017). For example, sum-
usage rates, ranging from 2.4% in the general population mary data from a systematic review suggest that in healthy
(Partridge et al., 2012), to 20% amongst certain professions non-sleep-deprived individuals, modafinil increases perform-
(Maher, 2008). Within select university/college student ance in complex cognitive tasks (Battleday & Brem, 2015).
groups, estimates have been as high as 55% (Smith & Farah, However, the efficacy of CEDs for non-medical enhance-
2011). Although the empirical evidence remains inadequate ment is contentious. In contrast, another systematic review
for making decisive statements about the demographic pro- of psychostimulants, including controlled medications, found
file and scale of use, there is enough evidence to point to a mixed evidence for non-medical cognitive enhancement in
growing consumption of CEDs, with most non-medical use healthy individuals, although conclusions were limited by
the lack of randomized placebo-controlled trials (Fond example, one prominent CEDs class includes the drug mod-
et al., 2015). afinil, commonly prescribed for sleep disorders such as nar-
One of the aims of this article is to consider the non- colepsy. Psychostimulants for treating ADHD comprise a
medical self-administration of CEDs in sport, especially second common CED class and include drugs like methyl-
since their performance application is less obvious than phenidate or mixed amphetamine salts with dextroampheta-
PEDs. The potential use of CEDs for illegitimate advantage min. Alzheimer medications, such as donepezil, also feature
has not gone unnoticed by the global anti-doping authority as common CEDs (Partridge et al., 2011).
WADA. Concerned that athletes might employ CEDs to The brain mechanisms through which CEDs work are
gain an unnatural edge, WADA has classified many of the unclear as well as whether they work at all for healthy users
prescription drugs associated with cognitive enhancement as seeking augmentation. More is understood about the way
competition prohibited stimulants (WADA, 2020). CEDs attenuate medically diagnosed cognitive deficits,
Despite this interest from WADA, the extent of CEDs although there are numerous possibilities given the range of
use in sport at any level remains largely unknown. Yet, if drugs each targeting different cognitive limitations. One
the media-led hype were even partially accepted, athletes at review identified 19 types of impact, dependent upon the
all levels—and especially in elite sport—could easily be ways each class affects cognition (Froestl et al., 2012). Drug
seduced by the promise of improved learning, better deci- classes were categorized according to their principle brain
sions, reduced anxiety, superior relaxation, and higher per- interaction mode, such as through receptors, enzymes, or
formance under pressure. However, not only is it uncertain reuptake transporters. An example of a better understood
whether CEDs actually deliver these benefits (Advokat & drug is methylphenidate, a stimulant related to amphet-
Scheithauer, 2013), their other effects are also under-speci- amine (de Jongh et al., 2008). Acting as a catecholamine
fied. It is possible, for example, that CEDs could cause unin- reuptake inhibitor (Franke et al., 2017), methylphenidate
tentional reactions in an athlete’s emotional state or incur improves concentrations of dopamine and noradrenaline by
other presently unrecorded side-effects. Despite the uncer- blocking their reuptake (de Jongh et al., 2008). Higher levels
tainty, the future is likely to bring with it more potent of dopamine have been linked to superior performance in
CEDs, and consequently greater incentive to use them working memory and attention (Husain & Mehta, 2011),
in sport. both of which would seem to be advantageous to athletes
A challenge in developing sport anti-doping policies is engaging in sports that demand high levels of focus across a
that the efficacy, health and ethical implications of cognitive complex field of dynamic variables. Putatively, players of
enhancement are highly contentious within the medical and concentration sports like shooting, archery, darts and esports
sporting communities, and some foundational understanding could benefit, as would those participants involved in the
is necessary to allow for deeper debate. Their acceptance retrieval and recognition of strategic patterns, from fast-
both inside and outside of elite sporting competition also moving sports like ice-hockey to more introspective games
seems fluid. For example, one study revealed that the gen- like poker and chess. It is also worth keeping in mind that
eral public is twice as likely to accept the use of cognitive CEDs could play a part in mental preparations prior to
enhancers compared to performance enhancing drug use by events as well as on-field decision making itself. An off-field
athletes, although the levels of acceptance in both cases amplification in cognitive performance could prove advanta-
remain relatively low (Partridge et al., 2012). One recent geous in sports involving substantial between game and pre/
study revealed that in the general population, support for post performance analysis. Examples might include activities
the use of cognitive enhancement drugs was higher for such as memorizing detailed team and opponent playbooks,
employees undertaking professional and work duties than the analyses and interpretation of vast swathes of playing
for students or athletes (Conrad et al., 2019). Part of the footage, and holding a detailed mental inventory of team
challenge lies with an inadequate understanding of what and adversary strengths and weaknesses. Such off-field appli-
CEDs are, how they are used, and whether they do deliver cations of CEDs reinforce the significance of regular out of
non-medical cognitive enhancements. competition testing by sport authorities.
It is also plausible that coaches and managers might find
the use of CEDs attractive, especially in the absence of any
What are cognitive enhancing drugs and how do
direct anti-doping testing regime. Coaches, advisors and
they work?
team managers stand to benefit from cognitive enhancement
With thanks to its popular appellation, ‘nootropics’, from both during training and performance, given the strategic
the Greek term meaning ‘acting on the mind’ (Froestl et al., nature of their work in concert with the need to think flu-
2012), CEDs have become associated with a vast suite of idly and adapt swiftly. The possibility that an athlete or
reputed benefits including better learning and retention, team could receive an advantage via a CED-doping coach
resistance to impairment, information integration, and men- adds a further level of policy complexity for sport regulators
tal control, all without the unhelpful, mind-altering side- like WADA and professional leagues. Extending testing to
effects that tend to go with neuro-psychotropic drugs the entire support entourage of a team or athlete poses a
(Giurgea & Salama, 1977). For the most part, a handful of suite of complications, including who is to be subject to
prescription drugs comprise the basis for these claims, many tests, the escalation of testing costs, consideration of privacy
of which remain unsubstantiated or contentious. For issues, and whether certain sports or events are exempt. A
further problem could be the treatment of officials, whose attenuating fatigue, diminishing anxiety, moderating stress,
cognitive performances are pivotal to their accuracy. and improving relaxation and sleep (Maier et al., 2013).
Perversely, teams, athlete and fans might even wish to advo- A meta-review of studies revealed significant variability
cate for officials to use CEDs in order to reduce the inci- in the prevalence of CED usage with lifetime non-medical
dence of poor judgements that could disadvantage use of stimulants by students ranging from 1.7% to 55%, the
competitors and undermine parity. latter in a sample of university students connected to frater-
The mechanisms through which some CEDs work are nities (Smith & Farah, 2011). For example, German high
less well understood (de Jongh et al., 2008). For example, school and university students reported a lifetime use of
the sleep disorder drug modafinil may similarly influence non-medical prescription stimulants of 1.2%, while a corre-
the reuptake of dopamine (Repantis et al., 2010), but might sponding Swiss study found usage at 7.6% (Maier et al.,
also affect levels of norephinephrine, as well as neurotrans- 2013). Likewise, data from New Zealand returned 6.6%
mitters including serotonin and glutamate (Franke et al., (Ram et al., 2016), while the level in the United States was
2017). The glutamate link resurfaces with drugs possessing a reported at 9.5% (McCabe & West, 2013). A study of
common pyrrolidone structure, classed as racetams. Like Australian university students indicated a 6.3% lifetime use
their parent piracetam, racetams bolster cognitive deficits by of prescription CEDs for enhancement purposes (Riddell
augmenting glutamate receptor performance in neurons et al., 2018).
(Copani et al., 1992). In lay terms, glutamate receptors send
signals between nerve cells; they mediate the communication
Athlete and sport use
between brain cells (or neurons). In theory, enhancement
Because some CEDs induce strong emotional responses
would facilitate improved learning and memory, in the same
including feelings of well-being and even euphoria, they
way stimulants like caffeine work. Notwithstanding uncer-
may not be employed by athletes for either medical inter-
tainty about how they work, if the trend from PEDs in sport
vention or cognitive enhancement (d’Angelo et al., 2017).
extends to CEDs, then we might reasonably anticipate a
Recreational use of these substances by athletes is not neces-
future with more products, greater effects, increased usage,
sarily more prevalent than other illicit drugs that enhance
and higher dosages (Cakic, 2009; Farah et al., 2004).
perceptions of mood, relaxation or recovery, but there is
some suggestion that certain CEDs restrict appetite and are
CEDs research: establishing the facts and gaps therefore of benefit to athletes competing in weight catego-
ries or in sports where power to weight ratios influence per-
Usage rates
formance, such as horse-racing or gymnastics (Smith &
Research revealing the demographics, motivations, scale and
Farah, 2011). It is possible that the primary motivation for
contexts of CED usage are fragmented, offering only glimp-
use may be more to do with an emotional uplift and general
ses into a consortium of diverse populations. Specific data
pleasure-seeking (Vrecko, 2013) than cognitive performance.
concerning athletes at any level is almost entirely absent,
Athletes could find both sets of impacts seductive. Some evi-
making conclusions impossible to draw. A first challenge
dence points to a ‘work hard, play hard’ ethos in sport that
lies in establishing general usage rates, chiefly because of the
can lead athletes to consume relatively more recreational
difficulty in separating legitimate prescription use from
and illicit substances than their non-sporting counterparts
attempts at cognitive enhancement or recreational use
(Peck et al., 2008; Wichstrom & Wichstrom, 2009).
(Smith & Farah, 2011). Studies focusing on the cognitive
Furthermore, studies of college athletes have depicted a
effects of stimulants are available but they do not consider
higher rate of substance use and risky behavior than college
usage for non-medical purposes.
non-athletes (Wilson et al., 2004).
A study conducted by the journal Nature reported that
A study of German recreational triathletes reported that
20% of its readership had employed CEDs for non-medical
15% had experimented with CEDs such as modafinil and
purposes (Maher, 2008), although the sampling procedure
methylphenidate (Dietz et al., 2013). A worrying correlation
was problematic, having relied on self-selection. Survey
indicated that 13% of the triathletes also employed variants
results from an Australian sample found far more modest
of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). These studies at least
usage levels; only 2.4% of adults confirmed their use of
hint at the possible attraction for athletes—and coaches/
CEDs in order to aid concentration or alertness, while 8%
managers—in taking CEDs. They also foreshadow the con-
claimed to know of others who took CEDs for similar rea-
siderable interest in the use of phenethylamine stimulant
sons (Partridge et al., 2012). However, CEDs as ‘smart Adderall in esports (Holden et al., 2017).
drugs’ for students have attracted more empirical interest
than any other context.
Perhaps the most attention has been directed toward the Evidence for CEDs efficacy
drug methylphenidate, more commonly known under one Making the investigation of CEDs more complex, the type
of its trade names, Ritalin. Developed to combat symptoms of cognitive task, dosage, patterns of use, environmental
associated with ADHD, the drug has become renowned as influences and psychological and physiological state all blur
the most popular smart drug for students (Franke et al., assessment of CED effectiveness (Advokat & Scheithauer,
2011; Maier et al., 2013). This cohort appear to gravitate 2013; Bagot & Kaminer, 2014; Caldenhove et al., 2018;
toward CEDs given their promise for accelerating learning, d’Angelo et al., 2017; de Jongh et al., 2008; Ferretti & Ienca,
2018). Further, CEDs often do not provide the level of effect some attentional enhancement was observed, but no impact
sought or expected by users (Repantis et al., 2010). was specified on memory, mood or motivation.
Supporting this position, Caviola and Faber’s (2015) com- According to one pharmacological review of WADA’s
parative review of evidence for pharmacological (e.g. CED) banned stimulants, only two substances, meclofenoxate and
and non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement (e.g. sleep, phenylpiracetam, were considered to have cognitive enhanc-
exercise, computer training) concluded that, ‘currently avail- ing actions (Docherty, 2008). The remainder, including
able PCE [pharmacological cognitive enhancement] and amphetamine-like methylphenidate, were classified as mono-
NPCE [non-pharmacological cognitive enhancement] techni- aminomimetic agents, which act without likely cognitive
ques can enhance human cognition to a significant, albeit advantage beyond the familiar effects on alertness. Amongst
moderate degree and that both are subject to moderating WADA’s other banned, specified stimulants, Alzheimer
variables’ (p.5). What is most significant about the findings medication meclofenoxate may aid in recovery from fatigue
of Caviola and Faber’s review is not that claims for the (Haavisto, 2011). The non-specified piracetam analog, phe-
effects of CEDs should be tempered, but that users errone- nylpiracetam, has been linked to Russian use, initially by
ously perceive CEDs will provide a quick and noticeable cosmonauts due to its reported memory-enhancing effects
enhancement; a supposition that does not align with the (Malykh & Sadaie, 2010). While phenylpiracetam appears on
nascent evidence. the WADA banned list, other forms of racetams do not;
A recent study on skilled chess players employing moda- nevertheless, given their similar chemical structure, their use
finil and methylphenidate (as well as caffeine), reported a would likely incur similar penalties for transgress-
positive cognitive enhancing effect (Franke et al., 2017). ing athletes.
Curiously, despite the expected intensification impact of Of the more renowned CEDs, WADA’s prohibition of
using stimulants, the participants made slower but better modafinil seems premised on its potential stimulatory phys-
decisions, perhaps because they were able to undertake more ical rather than mental impact. Some suggestive evidence
complex calculations. At least one other study, utilizing offers support, but decisive evidence of the drug’s usefulness
healthy volunteers, also reinforced the speed-accuracy trade- for either is still lacking. Meanwhile, news broadcaster BBC
off the chess players putatively experienced (Winder-Rhodes reported that the British Army has tested modafinil along
et al., 2010). These studies have added weight to sceptics’ with numerous other stimulants as a method of sustaining
claims that CEDs impact on psychometric testing is not soldiers’ alertness (BBC, 2017). Given the drug’s utility in
transferable to chess due to the game’s inherent cognitive combating sleep disorders, modafinil has been considered
complexity (Mihailov & Savulescu, 2018). The results of the for use by astronauts facing disrupted sleep brought about
preceding studies also raise complications for athletes oper- by swift day/night transitions (Thirsk et al., 2009). Popular
ating in time-constrained environments where better but awareness that prominent institutions are evaluating the use
slower decisions are seldom appreciated. However, if CEDs of CEDs like modafinil have only added to its attractiveness
can stabilize a surgeon’s hand, they may also steady the for athletes (Repantis et al., 2010).
hand of a competitive shooter or archer (Santoni de Sio Drawing firm conclusions based on CEDs studies is com-
et al., 2014). Another strand of uncertainty for athletes is plicated by several confounding methodological variables.
the potential for methylphenidate to reduce inhibitory To begin with, a universally accepted standard testing proto-
behaviors leading to more frequent high-risk decisions, an col for evaluating the effects of CEDs on healthy individuals
outcome that could work with or against an athlete depend- does not exist, which means that comparisons between stud-
ing upon the sport and context (Campbell-Meiklejohn ies remains problematic. A second problem revolves around
et al., 2012). dosages and timing. Again, no benchmark guides clinical
Putting aside the effectiveness of CEDs for legitimate dosages (Maslen et al., 2014; Repantis et al., 2010), repeated
medical treatment, a modest series of studies have consid- application, the differences between short- and long-term
ered the effects of modafinil, Adderall and Ritalin on healthy impacts on brain chemistry (Husain & Mehta, 2011), and
individuals in non-therapeutic contexts. Reports vary, but cognitive performance. A further problem has to do with
evidence has linked modafinil with improved spatial mem- the potential for CEDs to deliver non-linear effects (de
ory and better visual pattern recognition (Randall et al., Jongh et al., 2008). Impact upon one aspect of cognitive per-
2005; Turner et al., 2003). It might also be especially effect- formance might therefore have implications for another
ive in healthy but sleep deprived users (Baranski et al., aspect, and may change with dosage and repetition.
2004). Ritalin has been shown to augment problem-solving,
various memory functions, and selective attention (Elliott
et al., 1997; Linssen et al., 2012; Mehta et al., 2000). Yet, for Risk and polysubstance use: the brain-body link
the most part these studies report limited, if any, practical There is insufficient, high-quality, longitudinal evidence to
performance benefits. For example, one systematic review of make conclusive statements about the risks of CED use
the common CEDs methylphenidate and modafinil, found (Godfrey, 2009; Tully et al., 2019), including their safety
little evidence to confirm their efficacy for healthy users with respect to different drugs, combinations, dosages, and
(Repantis et al., 2010). No strong effects were confirmed for repeated use over the long-term (Cakic, 2009). The two pri-
the former, although the drug was associated with a small mary concerns are: (1) polysubstance use, and (2) addiction
benefit in terms of spatial working memory. For the latter, or dependency.
Polysubstance use refers to the concurrent use of multiple released a list of prohibited substances and methods, it was
illicit or medical substances over a period of time. not until a series of high-profile incidents in world sport,
Polysubstance users typically demonstrate worse mental including questionable East German athlete performances,
health than the rest of the population and are at greater risk the scandal embroiling Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson at
of developing physiological or psychiatric conditions the 1988 Olympics, doping allegations at the 1996 Olympic
(Connor et al., 2014). Evidence is lacking about the effects Games, and reports of widespread drug use in the Tour de
of CEDs polysubstance use, either with multiple substances France, that WADA was established as the anti-doping glo-
for enhancement, or other recreational or performance- bal watchdog in 1999 (Hanstad et al., 2008).
enhancing substances. However, there is research to suggest WADA has since assumed responsibility for harmonizing
that polysubstance use does occur alongside CEDs use (e.g. anti-doping rules across the world of sport, principally
McCabe et al., 2005; Vargo & Petroczi, 2016; Wolff & through the specification of a ‘Code’ outlining prohibited
Brand, 2013). substance use and methods, in and out of competition test-
Addiction to stimulants, and in particular stimulants used ing of athletes, and the imposition of sanctions and penalties
for medical purposes (e.g. methylphenidate), has received for transgressions (see WADA, 2020). As first principles,
some research attention (Gahr et al., 2014). Data support WADA aims to ‘level the playing field’ by precluding the
the possibility that misuse of CEDs, especially medically pre- unfair use of PEDs (Pampel, 2007), while also protecting the
scribed and illicit substances, presents the potential for integrity of sport along with the health of its participants.
physiological addiction and psychological dependency Consequently, the drugs-in-sport problem has focused on
(Volkow & Swanson, 2003). While these two primary con- removing unfair advantages, protecting athlete health, and
cerns require further evidence, is should be noted that the safeguarding sport’s reputation. With these three ambitions
ambiguous effectiveness of CEDs probably makes the risk to in mind, it is not difficult to see why WADA has recently
reward tradeoff unfavorable (Heinz et al., 2012). targeted prescription CEDs.
Although too early to suggest that a correlation can be Despite uncertainties about the effects of CEDs, or per-
found between body and brain-doping, further studies on haps because of them, WADA has outlawed a range of sub-
this relationship seem worthwhile (Dietz et al., 2013). For stances associated with cognitive enhancement, having
example, individuals with a history of illegal substance use placed them within the prohibited Code. The WADA Code
report higher levels of non-medical pharmaceutical cognitive details a list of prohibited substances including the high-pro-
enhancer use as well (Maier et al., 2016). According to file performance enhancement suspects like erythropoietin
Bacharach et al. (2002), some employees explain their CED (EPO) and related drugs that increase the oxygen carrying
use as a method to combat perceived work stress. Similarly, capacity of the blood, human growth hormone, AAS, the
McCabe et al. (2005) found that the most significant pre- more powerful anti-inflammatory drugs, and stimulants, as
dictor of non-medical PCE use by college students was the well as a range of nonperformance enhancing but illicit
difficulty of admissions criteria. A study of German univer- drugs like cannabis, ecstasy, and cocaine. There is also pro-
sity students concluded that higher levels of chronic stress vision for an exemption for athletes who can demonstrate
was associated with PCE use (Sattler, 2019). In sport, stress that they must use a banned drug for therapeutic purposes.
and competitive levels may also contribute to CED use given In these instances, athletes with a documented medical con-
its extreme, competitive nature. dition that requires the use of a prohibited substance or
Although controlled for in clinical studies, a further com- method can request an exemption from their national anti-
plication might arise with unexpected interactions with doping agency and national sport governing body. WADA
other substances in a user’s system. Healthy individuals tak- (2019) accepts that athletes may have legitimate illnesses or
ing CEDs are not under medical guidance and may be vul- conditions that require the use of medications that are on
nerable to counter-indicated substances (Cleveland, 2016), the prohibited list and allows for these to be used under
especially when dosages are self-determined. Users may also strict guidelines.
be subject to unexpected side-effects, as little can be con- In order to be proscribed by the Code, drugs must meet
firmed about the implications of long-term consumption two of the following three criteria. First, the drug demon-
and/or high dosages. For example, methylphenidate has strably enhances performance. Second, consumption consti-
been connected to a suite of side effects including head- tutes a risk to the athlete’s health. Finally, use violates ‘the
aches, seizures, hypertension, cardiac arrest, anxiety, depres- spirit of sport’. WADA defined this third criterion as the
sion, and anaphylactic reaction (Frati et al., 2015). celebration of the human spirit and related positive features
in competitive sport like fun and joy, courage, teamwork,
pure excellence in performance, respect for the rules and
Implications for sport and anti-doping policy
other participants, dedication and commitment, character
Code violations and education, community and solidarity, as well as ethics,
Testing for performance-enhancing drugs was introduced at fair play and honesty. This suite of values conflates to the
the Mexico Olympic Games in 1968 in response to a rapid WADA slogan of ‘play-true’.
escalation in the use of stimulants and AAS across elite WADA chose to locate CEDs within the existing Code by
sport, especially in Eastern Europe (Hunt, 2007). Although prohibiting the classes of stimulants during competition that
the International Olympic Committee (IOC) promptly might affect cognition as well as physiological arousal.
Approximately 70 stimulants fall under the ‘S6’ category, favorably and use CEDs to improve athletic performance
with the additional stipulation that other substances of a (Ford, 2008; Gallucci & Martin, 2015; Vargo et al., 2014).
similar chemical composition are also outlawed (WADA, Yet, the presumed effects of CED substances remains con-
2020). Amongst the lengthy list, methylphenidate receives tested as previous research has mostly been limited by varied
attention as a so-called specified substance, a term that study design and multiple constraining variables that influ-
denotes more discretion with transgression penalties where ence drug efficacy (e.g. Advokat & Scheithauer, 2013;
WADA acknowledges a greater possibility that the substance Caviola & Faber, 2015; d’Angelo et al., 2017; Fond et al.,
can be consumed inadvertently. In contrast, the CED moda- 2015). Further, early evidence suggests that CED users can-
finil is a non-specified substance. A two-year maximum ban not be differentiated from non-users in regard to level of
accompanies the use of the former, and a four-year max- achievement or performance, which foreshadows the risk
imum for the latter. Whether their prohibition has any effect that all levels of athletes could be attracted to their con-
on the propensity for tested or non-tested athletes to take sumption (Lazuras et al., 2017).
them remains unclear (Cakic, 2009). Against a policy backdrop attuned to remove ‘cheating’
through drug-inspired artificial advantages, while protecting
both sport’s good standing and athlete health, it is not
Pinpointing the CEDs ‘policy problem’ immediately apparent where CEDs fit in (Cleveland, 2016).
Elite sport faces at least two different kinds of doping policy Assumptions about natural human limitations tend to be
problems. The first relates to the use of PEDs most often continually reset as new levels of performance are continu-
associated with cheating in sport, including for example, ally established (Wagner et al., 2015). Escalating standards
AAS and allied hormones, stimulants, prescription analge- have further been fueled by defensive doping, where athletes
sics, endurance ‘blood boosters’, and masking agents for choose to employ PEDs based on the ironic assumption that
concealing use. The non-medical use of many PEDs such as it will level the playing field because their competitors are
these can both enhance performance and risk health already using banned substances. A similar possibility has
(Parisotto, 2006; Savulecu et al., 2004). The second problem been foreshadowed with CEDs (Farah et al., 2004). A CEDs
relates to the use of illicit drugs by athletes for recreational study with university students, for example, suggested that a
purposes, and possibly, recovery. While illicit drugs mostly defensive contagion effect is a real possibility when percep-
undermine performance, their abuse can compromise an tions of use by others increase (Sattler et al., 2013). A recent
athlete’s physical and mental health (SAMHSA, 2008). online ethnographic study found that New York college stu-
Part of the CEDs policy challenge for sport regulators dents using CEDs were confused and uncertain about the
concerns the potentially wide-ranging substances that might dosages to take, the beneficial effects, the potential risks, and
be described as cognitive enhancing. Based on previous the side-effects (Petersen et al., 2019). In consequence, the
research, Maier and Schaub (2015) used the term neuroen- students had developed a ‘folk pharmacology’ of CEDs as a
hancement to refer to the ‘misuse of prescription drugs, form of decision-making heuristic in order to navigate their
other illicit drugs, or alcohol for the purpose of enhancing own inability to make informed choices.
cognition, mood, or prosocial behavior in academic or
work-related contexts’ (p. 2). Inclusive definitions, like the
previous, mean that CEDs can include legal (e.g. caffeine), Efficacy and evidence issues
medically controlled (e.g. methylphenidate) and illicit (e.g. Additional evidence will be needed to determine if CEDs do
cocaine) substances (Garasic & Lavazza, 2016; Maier et al., in fact deliver benefits that can provide an unfair advantage
2013), all of which putatively deliver cognitive or neuroen- to elite athletes for whom even incremental improvements
hancements in the form of improved focus, concentration, are attractive. While WADA concerns itself with the poten-
alertness, and rapid decision-making. tial for athletes to acquire ‘unnatural’ advantages, determin-
At the same time as protecting the integrity of elite sport, ing what exactly constitutes a ‘natural’ cognitive benchmark
WADA policy aims to safeguard the health of athletes. (e.g. Greely et al., 2008) for athletes is not as easy as with
Despite limited evidence examining the potential negative PEDs, where for example, a testosterone to epi-testosterone
health effects of CED use for enhancement, related behav- ratio can be measured. WADA’s position on cognitive
iors such as polysubstance use and online sourcing of con- enhancers relies on their default prohibition of pharmaceut-
trolled substances are relevant concerns, as is the absence of ical stimulants, leaving elite athletes vulnerable to uncertain-
studies investigating long-term effect and addiction or ties about what is permissible and what is not (Docherty,
dependency in healthy populations (Tully et al., 2019). As 2008), especially since stimulants are mainly banned in-com-
we have noted, studies of university students, considered at- petition because their effects are relatively fleeting (Kimko
risk given the benefits of cognitive enhancement to academic et al., 1999). Furthermore, WADA’s prohibitions can only
performance in concert with the performance-oriented go so far as CEDs are subject to different regulatory restric-
environment, indicate usage rates between 1 and 20% tions in sporting competitions that are not signatories to
depending on the methodology used (Dietz et al., 2016). WADA compliance via its Code (Dubljevic & Ryan, 2015).
The similarities between the pressures that drive students The utility of CEDs to lower level and recreational ath-
toward enhancement, and the environment of elite-sport is letes appears ambiguous, while the usefulness to top flight
supported by evidence that students who have competed in coaches and other specialist sport analysts would fit into the
elite sport are more likely to view cognitive enhancement same category as healthy students, and professionals or
executives aiming for a boost in concentration, alertness, concentration for athletes who must coalesce their training
memory, and fatigue resistance. In addition, the use of into split-second decisions under pressure on the field
CEDs demands a minimum level of economic privilege to of play.
begin with, given the costs associated with non-prescription, Since WADA only bans stimulants during in-competition
non-subsidised use (Ketchum, 2017). As Imperatori et al. activities, elite athletes might feel free to experiment with
(2018) observed, the more expensive the drug, the more CEDs during lengthy training or preparatory periods, or
advantage it provides to those with the means to acquire it. during times of excessive fatigue and sleep deprivation
While WADA reasonably worries about enhancement by (Battleday & Brem, 2015). Of course, elite coaches are not
the self-interested athlete seeking an (unfair) advantage, subject to anti-doping tests at all, while non-tested elite ath-
some commentators have argued that use can be acceptable letes and recreational athletes face no structural impedi-
as long as it does not compromise a zero-sum game, where ments either. Coveney et al. (2019) noted that regulatory
one athlete’s gain is another’s loss (Goodman, 2010; Pavarini policies around CEDs need to deliver a nuanced response,
et al., 2018). A further problem has been noted by a growing which in turn demands a ‘proactionary’ rather than a reac-
chorus of commentators concerned that the rapid increase tionary approach. One nuance, for example, might consider
in economic payoffs is compromising esports as its competi- the likelihood of systemic doping where high-performance
tors utilize CEDs to gain any possible advantage (Holden teams recruit doctors to administer CEDs. Another might
et al., 2018; Sylvester & Rennie, 2017). The Esports Integrity take a risk minimization approach based on assumptions of
Coalition identified CED doping as a preeminent threat to ‘managed technological optimism’, where the risk to benefit
esport’s growth and integrity (Esports Integrity ratio of using CEDs can be optimized under active medical
Coalition, 2016). oversight (Jwa, 2019).
The nascent evidence points to potentially modest
improvements in memory or decision-making for CED
Concluding comments
users. However, more research is needed to understand the
mechanisms of effect, as well as the risks associated with CEDs for cognitive enhancement in sporting performance is
prolonged and heavy dosages. Furthermore, if the sugges- probably occurring at similar rates to other groups subjected
tions of a speed versus accuracy tradeoff are confirmed, use to high stress, performance-oriented environments (e.g. stu-
for many athletes in sports where deeper but delayed dents, medical professionals). The propensity for elite ath-
thought is unwelcome, would be compromised. CEDs could letes to be attracted to CEDs is significant given the
also lead to other positive or negative interference in cogni- conceivable benefits to athlete performance, despitethe
tive processes and physical performance. The risks go potential health concerns associated with polysubstance use
beyond the physical as well. Davis (2017), for example, pro- and addiction, in addition to the potential for violating the
posed a taxonomy of harms incorporating the biological, anti-doping code. Although the evidence for CEDs efficacy
ethical and societal. remains conflicted (e.g. Caviola & Faber, 2015; d’Angelo
Despite the lack of confirmatory performance enhancing et al., 2017; Fond et al., 2015), at-risk populations in stress-
evidence, CEDs are likely to attract experimentation by ath- ful performance-oriented environments (e.g. student ath-
letes, already attentive to the promise held in new practices letes) demonstrate increasing awareness and use of CEDs for
from training methods to dietary and nutritional supple- non-medical cognitive enhancement (e.g. Dietz et al., 2013;
ments (Thompson, 2012). Even if CEDs do not unfairly Lazuras et al., 2017; Maier et al., 2013; McCabe et al., 2014).
improve athletic and physical performance, it might be rea- While CEDs present a potential threat to sport integrity,
sonable to speculate that drugs capable of delivering more their current acceptance both inside and outside of elite
efficacious cognitive enhancing effects will arrive sooner or sporting competition is unclear (Conrad et al., 2019;
later. Further, as Dresler et al. (2019) foreshadowed, genetic Partridge et al., 2012). Considered in light of the limited
modifications aimed at augmenting learning and memory research into the potential health effects, the high-pressure
processes have been demonstrated in animal models, and environment of elite sport, and the low public acceptance of
might provide a glimpse into the future of human cognitive pharmaceutics for enhancing sport performance, artificial
enhancement. cognitive enhancement represents a neglected and worrying
Elite athletes might be particularly attracted to CEDs issue for anti-doping authorities and sport policy-makers.
banned only in-competition, as the putative opportunity to Previous studies also reinforce the importance of under-
enhance the effectiveness of training sessions could also be standing the dynamic environmental factors, such as work-
complemented by improved recovery from the innumerable ing culture and performance pressures, that are critical to
hours of heavy concentration and tension inherent in many controlling doping-substance use related attitudes and
elite sports. If CEDs work, they would assuredly be benefi- behaviors (see Smith et al., 2018). Lucke et al. (2011) com-
cial for managing performance or game analysis, pre-per- mented that ‘neuroenhancing drugs should be assessed on
formance anxiety, tactical preparation, and travel- their merits, and regulated according to the risks that they
interrupted sleep. Successful sporting performance is predi- pose and the feasibility of regulating or restricting their use’
cated upon effective training, which can translate into super- (p. 201). Given that use is a problem in sport as well as soci-
ior competitive execution. In theory, efficacious CEDs would ety, and that the efficacy and risks of CED use are complex
yield advantages in terms of learning, memory and and ambiguous, the collection of further evidence is integral
to creating and progressing effective evidence-based sport Healthcare Ethics, 16(2), 129–137.
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