Mathematical Model For MEC
Mathematical Model For MEC
Mathematical Model For MEC
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3 authors, including:
Krittin Intharawijitr
Tokyo Institute of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Krittin Intharawijitr on 19 June 2017.
PAPER Special Section on the Architectures, Protocols, and Applications for the Future Internet
SUMMARY Attaining extremely low latency service in 5G cellular net- through vehicle-to-machine communication [3], or we could
works is an important challenge in the communication research field. A use augmented reality (AR) to provide virtual information
higher QoS in the next-generation network could enable several unprece-
on a real environment in real time [4].
dented services, such as Tactile Internet, Augmented Reality, and Virtual
Reality. However, these services will all need support from powerful com- Achieving extremely low service latency will lead to
putational resources provided through cloud computing. Unfortunately, the many new mobile services. Tactile Internet [5]–[7] is one
geolocation of cloud data centers could be insufficient to satisfy the latency example. It will allow an application to interact with objects
aimed for in 5G networks. The physical distance between servers and users in either a real or a virtual environment remotely through the
will sometimes be too great to enable quick reaction within the service time
boundary. The problem of long latency resulting from long communication
Internet, and do this with a very short-reaction time. Such
distances can be solved by Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), though, which quick interaction will need to be consistent with the natural
places many servers along the edges of networks. MEC can provide shorter sensory perceptions of humans; for example, the virtual re-
communication latency, but total latency consists of both the transmission action will have to be completed within about 10 ms, so a
and the processing times. Always selecting the closest edge server will
real-time service based on vision will require that each new
lead to a longer computing latency in many cases, especially when there
is a mass of users around particular edge servers. Therefore, the research frame be rendered within 10 ms [8] to avoid any lack of per-
studies the effects of both latencies. The communication latency is repre- ceived continuous vision.
sented by hop count, and the computation latency is modeled by processor To satisfy the latency qualification, the fifth generation
sharing (PS). An optimization model and selection policies are also pro- (5G) mobile network will need to provide a low-latency net-
posed. Quantitative evaluations using simulations show that selecting a
server according to the lowest total latency leads to the best performance,
work architecture for the Tactile Internet [2], [6]. The 5G
and permitting an over-latency barrier would further improve results. network is now being standardized to attain a higher level of
key words: mobile edge computing, 5G, low latency, network architecture, QoS, and it should be able to deliver 1-ms round-trip latency
processor sharing, and performance evaluation as described in [7], [9], [10]. Such an ambition is a consider-
able challenge for network developers and researchers, but if
1. Introduction a 5G architecture achieves the latency requirement, mobile
users will be able to easily access Tactile Internet services.
Latency is a critical requirement for many mobile applica- To enable such low-latency applications, however, the
tions. As technologies have become more refined, lower 5G network must deal with the communication distance
service latency has been more strongly desired. Latency- when serving the applications. Most applications in the
sensitive services (e.g., real-time applications, streaming Tactile Internet rely on cloud computing services to com-
video, autonomous driving, and machine-to-machine com- plete their heavy tasks in terms of computational complex-
munication) are of wide interest and demand is growing ity. For example, a mobile-AR application needs to send
strongly [2]. Such services promise to improve the qua- processing-heavy jobs (such as object identification or im-
lity of life in many fields of human society; for example, age processing) to cloud-based servers [11]–[13]. Nonethe-
we could control automobile traffic and prevent accidents less, as shown in Fig. 1, a cloud data center may sometimes
Manuscript received July 20, 2016. be distant from a mobile user (e.g., in a far-away country) so
Manuscript revised December 12, 2016.
Manuscript publicized February 8, 2017.
The author is with the Dept. of Information and Communi-
cations Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, 152–
8852 Japan.
The author is with the Information Initiative Center, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo-shi, 060–0811 Japan.
The author is with the Dept. of Information and Media En-
gineering, University of Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu-shi, 080–0135
Earlier version of this paper has been presented in [1].
a) E-mail:
b) E-mail:
c) E-mail:
DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2016NTP0003 Fig. 1 Illustration of cloud and MEC
c 2017 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
there could be a long transmission distance and high com- under the latency constraint. This paper is organized as fol-
munication latency. lows. In Sect. 2, we describe related work in terms of MEC
A novel technology has been introduced to solve this to consider the state of the art and explain our motivations.
problem. As illustrated in Fig. 1, Mobile Edge Comput- In Sect. 3, we propose a model to analyze both types of la-
ing (MEC) [14], also known as Edge Cloud Computing tency: communication and computation. We then formulate
(ECC) [15], has been proposed. The MEC concept is to an optimization model. In Sect. 4, we explain simulation ex-
bring a service to the edge of networks where users can ac- periments that we conducted as part of this work. In Sects. 5
cess the nearest network component. The MEC enhances and 6, we present and discuss numerical results from the
capability at the edge through a form of computational re- simulation. We conclude and discuss our future work in
sources, called edge servers. A packet from clients will be Sect. 7.
sent to the mobile edge, but not passed through the core net-
works as the cloud architecture. This approach has the po- 2. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) & Related Work
tential to provide very short communication between mobile
users and service providers within the acceptable time inter- The definition and architecture of MEC are explained in this
val. section. Additionally, existing research relating to this study
Although, MEC can overcome distance issues, and un- is discussed briefly to show the difference between the ex-
lock many amazing services, surveys [16], [17] have found isting research and this work.
that users and developers must still confront latency issues
in MEC. Latency remains the critical metric with regard to 2.1 Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)
latency-sensitive applications, and total latency is mainly
composed of two kinds of latency. One is communication The concept of Mobile Edge Computing is to distribute
latency, the time needed for a workload to travel from a cloud capabilities to the edge of networks where they will
source to a destination (and in the opposite direction) via the be very close to local mobile users. Its main purpose is
wired and wireless communication in networks. The other to reduce the network latency in a Radio Access Network
is computing latency, the time spent on the computation in a (RAN). In addition, it can decrease the traffic in the core
server. To realize the latency needed to enable, for example, architecture by not forwarding packets into the core net-
Tactile Internet, both types of latency must be considered to works. At present, MEC is being discussed regarding the
satisfy the service-time boundary. next evolution of cellular networks. As in [14], the European
Figure 2 illustrates the latencies in MEC networks. Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) is standard-
MEC shortens the communication route and decreases izing MEC to fulfill the needs of both consumers and enter-
transmission latency. However, in contrast with cloud ser- prises.
vices, it can probably serve only a limited number of users. Several ideas are similar to MEC’s underlying princi-
Numerous flows within the same area can affect one partic- ple. Cloudlets [18] is a low latency network architecture
ular edge server and place a heavy computing load on that supporting cognitive assistance; e.g., AR and image pro-
server. When that happens, MEC lengthens the process- cessing. Cloudlets is a virtual platform in the middle of
ing time for all current approaches. Excessive computing networks (between the data center and users). Edge Cloud
latency is definitely unacceptable for low-latency service. Composites or Edge Cloud computing (ECC) is also related
However, in such cases there are often other edge servers to MEC [15]. It provides services at the edge, but is de-
supporting only a few users in surrounding areas. Taking a scribed from a perspective of software and supporting mul-
slightly longer path to a lightly loaded server could lessen tiple users. Lastly, fog computing or foggy has been intro-
the computing time, as shown in Fig. 2. duced by Cisco Systems [19], [20]. It is defined as “an ex-
As a result, in this research, we have studied how the tended cloud computing at the edge of networks”. The fog
impact of computing time and communication time in the computing concept is to work through the cooperation of
MEC architecture with regard to the demand from mobile powerful edge devices in networks and is widely used in en-
users and the supply of edge servers in the network system terprises. An overview of MEC is shown in Fig. 3. The
MEC architecture can be divided into three main groups
for individual purposes and has different properties as de- energy utilization. We accordingly consider two types of
scribed. network latency: the computing latency and the communi-
cation latency. Our previous model of the MEC concept,
1. Mobile devices: All terminal devices, such as tablets,
presented in [1], used a linear function to determine the pro-
laptops, smart phones, which are connecting to a base
cessing time. This work extends the model by including
station (BS) or an access point (AP) over the RAN will
Processor Sharing (PS) to demonstrate the computation time
generate abundant tasks sent through the mobile net-
within a more realistic framework.
work to gain service resources.
2. Mobile edge computing: A cluster of edge components
3. Mathematical Model
– i.e., routers, switches, and gateways – is formed to
perform as a virtual server node at the edge of net-
As we explained, the purpose of our paper is to develop a
works by using a concept of network virtualization.
mathematical model that includes both communication la-
Such a node can provide services as cloud computing in
tency and computing latency. In this section, we first define
both computation and storage supply. Any request pro-
the problem, as well as communication and computing la-
cessed via the edge servers is not transmitted through a
tency. After that, we introduce latency optimization models:
core network to reach a far away data center. However,
strict and permissive underestimation systems as explained
a task really needing extensive cloud services should
in Sect. 3.5. Finally, we introduce policies on how we select
be forwarded to the destination as usual.
mobile edge servers if we have multiple candidates.
3. Cloud computing: A huge task desiring higher perfor-
mance will be sent through the Internet to a cloud cen-
3.1 Problem Definition
ter although it might be located at a greater distance.
Such a center comprises many ingenious servers to deal
To design a low latency network architecture, we define a
with such a global problem and big data analysis. The
problem model as shown in Fig. 4. A group of mobile de-
computation performance will be excellent, but a long
vices connecting to the same base station (BS) is represented
transporting delay may be necessary.
as one source node. We specify a set of source nodes,
S = {S 1 , S 2 , . . . , S i , . . . , S N }. Each S i produces work-
2.2 Related Work loads according to a Poisson process with rate λi (λi > 0).
Here, we regard a workload as a computational task, which
MEC will be a key technology in 5G cellular networks for should be performed by a mobile edge node in Fig. 4. Our
the provision of a low latency network architecture. Work latency of interest is the sum of 1) round-trip communica-
has been done to investigate the use of MEC in 5G networks tion latency between the source node and the selected mo-
using mathematical models [21]–[24]. Barbarossa et al. in bile edge node, and 2) computational time required by the
[21] examine offloading computation in distributed mobile mobile edge node. Note that we do not directly consider mo-
cloud computing over a 5G network and construct an opti- bile devices themselves, but since they connect to a source
mal model of the transmit power consumption in MEC net- node with very small latency this is not a serious omission.
works. Chen et al. in [22] also offer an algorithm of off- For the service provider, mobile edge servers con-
loading distribution in MEC using game theory. They apply sidered as edge nodes are denoted by a set E = {E1 ,
an optimization model to minimize overhead in the distribu- E2 , . . . , E j , . . . , E M }. Furthermore, the amount of service
tion. In [23], Sarkar et al. mathematically model MEC in demand (or workload size) in edge node E j is assumed to be
the context of the Internet of Things for a lower-pollution independent and identically distributed according to an ex-
system. Deng et al. in [24] design a mathematical model ponential distribution with mean μ−1 j . Since we assume a PS
to analyze the trade-off between a conventional and an ex- queue (described later in Sect. 3.3), the actual service time is
tended cloud by examining power consumption. determined by the number of workloads currently accepted
Much of the research into MEC has relied on math- in the queue.
ematical models. However, in most cases the focus has
been on energy consumption due to growth in the number
of mobile devices and there has been less concern about
latency. Some that consider latency as one factor in the
model [23], [24] do not look at it as a major part and treat
it rather simplistically. Martini et al. in [25] examines the
latency of virtualization nodes in networks through an opti-
mization model, but does not focus on the edge computing
In this paper, we also apply a mathematical model of
MEC. Our goal is to illustrate how the network-edge can at-
tain ultra-low latency under constraints of the time-service
boundary and a 5G environment, but without considering Fig. 4 Problem model
Workloads are also defined as a set W = {w1 , needed to accept new workloads will increase the comput-
w2 , . . . , wk , . . . , wK }, where wk obtains bk as a size. Here, ing latency. However, we cannot determine an exact value
w1 is the first workload which can be generated from one for this latency because of the PS discipline. Defining Pk, j (t)
of the source nodes in S independently with ordering, while as the estimated computing latency of workload wk at time t
wK is the last workload pushed into the system. served by E j , we propose an estimation method by consid-
ering the latency based on the value of n j (t):
3.2 Communication Latency
n j (t) + 1
Pk, j (t) = bk , wk ∈ W, E j ∈ E. (2)
According to Fig. 4, a source node S i that acquires services μj
from the edge node E j will transmit its workload wk by a
link having propagation delay li, j . This delay stands for the 3.4 Total Latency
round-trip time, excluding the computation time in an edge
node, and is determined by the hop count between S i and After the communication and computing latency are desig-
E j. nated, the following can be stated:
The hop count, corresponding to the communication
li, j + Pk, j (t), wk ∈ Atj (3a)
distance, is given by the difference between the IDs of Li, j,k (t) =
nodes. For example, E j is located one hop away from S i 0, otherwise (3b)
when i = j, and 2 hops away from E j±1 , where E j±1 ∈ E.
Given that E1 and edge node E M are one hop apart, S 1 and S i ∈ S, E j ∈ E, t ≥ 0.
E M consequently have a two-hop distance. In a case where The absolute latency can be determined by Eq. (3). It
N > M, S i (where i > M) is considered to have a hop count becomes equal to the aggregate of both the communication
like a source S (i mod M)+1 . We always determine the shortest and computing latency in the case of (3a), if wk can be exe-
distance from the source to the edge node. cuted by edge E j . In addition, if wk is not received by any
In addition, if we let lh be the unit of hop delay and nodes, it will be abandoned without latency (3b).
H(i, j) be the hop count from S i to edge E j , we can deter-
mine li, j from the following: 3.5 Optimization Model
li, j = lh × H(i, j), S i ∈ S, E j ∈ E. (1) To enable extremely low latency in a 5G network with MEC,
we have formulated an optimization model to evaluate the
system performance and system conditions. First, we define
3.3 Computation Latency
a set R = W − A, collecting all rejected workloads which
no edge node can support.
The computation time is influenced by the number of work-
In addition, each mobile device prescribes its service-
loads in the real server, so we need to make some realistic
latency tolerance. We accordingly consider that value as the
assumptions to model the actual computation time. We fol-
maximum allowance θ of total latency. This means if the es-
low the concept of processor sharing (PS), also called time
timated total latency Li, j,k (t) will exceed θ, we should reject
sharing, [26]–[28] to represent the service time. With a sin-
the workload.
gle server, PS characterizes the amount of service time ac-
Regarding the computing latency with PS, estimation
cording to the actual load. The capability of a server is fixed.
leads to overestimation or underestimation in the system.
Each present workload in the system shares resources con-
In the case of overestimated latency, the server finishes the
trolled by weights [26]. In this study, we consider all work-
workload before the estimated time and does not violate the
loads to have identical weights. That causes each workload
latency maximum allowance of total latency. In contrast, un-
to take an equal fraction of service. Additionally, when a
derestimation can result in the actual latency being greater
workload arrives at a server, it can be started without any
than the service tolerance. Consequently, we reconsider
queuing time, and the server will allocate its capacity to a
newly arriving workload equally with respect to other cur- δa, j (t) = Pa, j (t) − Pa, j (t );
rent processes. (4)
t < t, wa ∈ Atj , E j ∈ E,
Following the PS principle, let workloads that are ac-
cepted and served by E j at time t ≥ 0 be in a set Atj , and the where δa, j (t) denotes the time gap between estimations in
number of workloads in edge E j at time t be n j (t) = |Atj |. the previous period t and at the current time t, and wa is the
All workloads wk ∈ Atj will be individually processed current workload processed in a server at time t.
with μ j
/n j (t) instructions per time unit. Also, we define that
Aj = ∞ t=0 A j for
a set of all accepted workloads at edge 3.5.1 Strict Underestimation System
node E j , and A = j∈E A j for the total of accepted work-
loads in the system. To protect against underestimation in the computing latency
A new workload produced from a source node must estimation, the optimization model must check all process-
look for an edge node to get a service. The processing ing workloads in the edge node to ensure that an incoming
workload will not cause the maximum allowance (θ) of all how we should select it. In this study, we have considered
processing workloads in the server to be exceeded. Thus, we the three policies given below.
propose the following objective function and constraints:
• Random policy (Random): A simple way to choose the
w ∈R br accepting edge node from the candidate list. One edge
min Pb = r (5) is randomly selected according to a uniform distribu-
br ,bk wk ∈W bk
tion to execute a workload.
subject to Li, j,a (t) ≤ θ, ∀wa ∈ A j (6) • Lowest latency policy (Low. latency): Comparing the
Li, j,e (t ) + δe, j (t) ≤ θ, ∀we ∈ Atj (7) absolute latency in (3a) for each candidate, the edge
n j (t) ≥ 0 (8) node providing the lowest total latency given the cur-
rent state of the system is selected.
lh , ∀λi , ∀μ j , ∀bk > 0 (9)
• Minimum remaining time policy (Min. time): The re-
t>t ≥0 (10) maining time is given by the definition of how long
∀S i ∈ S, ∀E j ∈ E, ∀wk ∈ W, ∀wr ∈ R. before the workload will be completed. Giving ζkt as
an expected finishing time of wk at time t, the total re-
This objective function (5) tries to achieve the mini- maining time of E j at time t is denoted by
mum blocking probability (Pb ) defined as a fraction of the
total size of rejected workloads in all workloads. Before T ( j, t) = ζkt − t , t ≥ 0, E j ∈ E. (12)
meeting the objective, a system is required to first satisfy all wk ∈Atj
constraints (6), (7), (8), (9), and (10).
Here, (6) requires that the total latency of an accepted This policy will select an edge node with the minimum
workload wa , composed of the computing delay and the T ( j, t). The remaining time can indicate the amount of
communication delay, must not exceed the maximum al- available server resources.
lowance θ. However, (7) requires that a newly arriving
workload wa not affect any already accepted workload we
currently being processed by the edge node. Restrictions 4. Simulation
(8), (9), and (10) require that all parameters have non-
negative values as shown in the constraints. Our objective in this paper is to analyze the computing and
communication latency in the MEC architecture. In this sec-
3.5.2 Permissive Underestimation System tion, we discuss the simulation experiments based on the
mathematical model developed in the previous section that
The strict system in Sect. 3.5.1 has very tight constraints in were done to obtain numerical results.
that it does not allow errors with respect to going beyond
the bounds of the maximum allowance θ. Checking all ex- 4.1 Work Flow of Simulation
isting workloads in the system, though, would require con-
siderable system effort. Loosening some restrictions could We used C++ programming language to develop the simula-
reduce the amount of constraint checking. A system that ig- tion used to demonstrate a model with variable parameters.
nores constraint (7) is called a permissive underestimation In the program, we classify events into three types.
system. Such a system will accept and process all work- Event I: The first type of event is to produce a work-
loads satisfying the remaining conditions, though other cur- load. A source node indicated in this event will push its new
rent workloads could be outside of the settled maximum al- workload into a system. Every edge node satisfying all re-
lowance. Thus, the optimization model can be given as strictions will be considered as a candidate for processing a
task. The program selects the target node with regard to the
(5) defined policies.
(11) Event II: The second type of event is where the se-
subject to (6), (8), (9).
lected edge node receives an incoming workload. The edge
A permissive underestimation system may improve the node starts a new task immediately by fairly sharing re-
blocking probability, but at the cost of underestimation er- sources from other existing processes. All remaining work-
ror. loads will extend their expected finishing time because PS
provides them with a lower service rate proportion.
3.6 Policies Event III: In the third type of event, the edge node re-
leases a workload that is fully processed. The resultant free
When the new workload wk arrives, we need to select one resource will be used to compute a new service rate for in-
edge node to accommodate the workload if we do not reject dividual current processes. Then, each remaining workload
it. For this purpose, we create a list of candidate edge node, can adjust its expected finishing time to an earlier one.
each of which meets the constraints stated in Sects.3.5.1 and Each source generates its own first event (Event I) by
3.5.2. If we have multiple candidate edge node, we need to random time according to a Poisson process. The simulation
select one. We therefore have to consider a policy stating gets a running event with time priority. For any Event I, the
edge node creates the next Event I. It also produces Event II We note that decision error () and modified blocking
if a new workload is accepted by some edges. For Event II, probability (Pb ) can exist in the permissive system only.
Event III always follows automatically with the expected
time to finish a workload. However, the Event III finishing 5. Numerical Results
time varies depending on arriving and finished workloads.
Eventually, we end the simulation when the system In this section, we show numerical results for the strict and
stays in the steady state, where the result remains unchanged permissive underestimation systems with respect to the eva-
even as the simulation time passes. To ensure the steady luation metrics. In particular, we concentrate on the effects
state, we run the simulation for 3000 s. Furthermore, we when we allow a longer maximum allowance for service la-
ignore results from the first 200 s to avoid a transient state tency and more edge nodes.
in the warm-up time which can bias the final result from the Parameters and default values used in the simulation
steady state. are shown in Table 1. We assume that each workload has
an equal size, every source node produces workloads at the
4.2 Evaluation Metrics same rate, and all edge nodes provide an identical service
rate. We fix 10 source nodes in the simulation for all results.
Besides simulating MEC, we collected further data for eva- We vary the number of edge nodes for diffusion of supplies.
luation purposes while running the simulation. Metrics ob- Moreover, the maximum service latency allowance is also
tained while measuring the model can be used to represent determined for various values.
system performance. In this study, we evaluate our proposed
model by the following three metrics. 5.1 Strict Underestimation
• Blocking probability (Pb ): This probability is defined
in Eq. (5). We measure this value in order to show how Results for the strict system are shown in Fig. 5. A bar
effective the system can support demand from users. chart in Fig. 5 (a) shows the impact of maximum allowance
Both strict and permissive systems need to use this met-
ric to evaluate performance. Table 1 Simulation parameters
• Decision error (): According to Sect. 3.5.2, PS that al- Parameter Description Value
lows underestimated time can induce an actual latency N Number of source nodes 10
over the maximum allowance for latency. Measure- M Number of edge nodes 6-14
ment of these faulty latencies, as a result, is necessary λ Producing work rate of a 2 workloads/ms
for analysis of the model. Considering that all accepted source node
μ Processing rate of an edge 32 billion instructions/s
workloads are labeled as either suitable and unsuitable node
acceptance, we define a set V gathering proper work- b Size of a workload 16 million instructions
loads, and a set I gathering improper workloads; in lh Hop delay 2 ms
other words, we can say A = V ∪ I. Here, we express θ the maximum service la- 5–30 ms
tency allowance
the decision error as
w ∈I bu
= u . (13)
wa ∈A ba
θ over a wide range when we set N = M = 10. The Y-axis The blocking probability with various numbers of edge
represents blocking probability (Pb ) on a logarithmic scale. nodes when θ = 15 ms is shown in Fig. 5 (b). More edge
When we increase the maximum allowance, the system can nodes lead to a lower blocking probability due to the larger
support more workloads from sources and lower the block- supply of available nodes for a fixed amount of demand.
ing probability. A higher maximum allowance for latency Furthermore, the impact of more edge nodes in the networks
permits a workload to be processed and transmitted within shows that the lowest latency policy dominates the other
a longer time. The workload can then access farther edge policies. Clearly, adding more edge nodes means we add
nodes if near nodes cannot accept it. Additionally, the edge not only more resources, but also more distant edge nodes.
node can hold each workload longer and collect more work- The lowest latency is attained by using the extended nodes
loads. as auxiliaries. In this case, more distant nodes obtain work-
Comparing the three policies, the lowest latency policy loads when the near edge nodes are highly overloaded, but
provides the least blocking in all cases, especially with a the workload amount on the more distant nodes is less than
higher maximum allowance. This is because the lowest to- on the near edge nodes. In contrast, the two other policies
tal time consists of low communication delay and low com- try to balance workloads between the near and the added
puting delay. The short transmission restricts a source node nodes without considering the transmission time.
from sending its workload to near edge nodes. In addition,
quicker processing in the edge node releases workloads so 5.2 Permissive Underestimation
quickly that the node can take on more workloads. The other
policies, random and minimum remaining time, do not per- Figure 6 shows numerical results for the permissive system.
form as well as the lowest latency policy. Both policies As for the strict system, the blocking probability (on the Y-
obviously require more time with respect to total latency axis with a logarithmic scale) is shown as a function of the
per workload. With the restriction of underestimated er- maximum allowance of latency in Fig. 6 (a) and of the num-
ror, workloads are always rejected when there are too many ber of edge nodes in Fig. 6 (b). Comparing the results from
workloads held in all edge nodes, because if the system ac- both charts shows that the blocking probabilities of the ran-
cepts more workloads, the computing time of existing work- dom and minimum remaining time policies are improved by
loads will grow longer and the delay will become excessive. a high maximum allowance and by more edge nodes, while
In addition, the random and minimum remaining time the performance of the lowest latency policy changes little.
policies give very similar results. They all have the ability Without checking all present workloads before acceptance,
to distribute workloads to edge nodes equitably according with either of these policies the system can process more
to a different principle. The random policy selects a target tasks. The quick response of the lowest latency policy, how-
node randomly by uniform distribution while the minimum ever, enables acceptance of a new workload without greatly
remaining time policy instead prefers the highest available affecting existing workloads. That is why the performance
resource. Eventually, both policies lead to all edges nodes of the permissive system does not significantly change.
having a similar workload amount on average. As mentioned, the permissive underestimation leads to
decision error (). Figures 6 (c) and 6 (d) respectively show from measurements of the model in both a strict and a per-
the decision error as a function of the maximum allowance missive system. Adding edge nodes can more effectively in-
and of the number of edge nodes. Both figures show that fluence the probability of blocking than increasing the maxi-
the random policy has a very high error rate, exceeding that mum allowance. When we select policies, the lowest latency
of the other policies in most cases. The random policy can can usually produce the best results in all situations. How-
lead to a wrong decision because of the high variance caused ever, with permissive underestimation, the system will have
by non-pattern selection. The lowest latency policy always some decision errors that might lower the quality of service.
holds any workload for a very short time. This helps to en- The lowest latency still provides the lowest blocking proba-
sure that a new decision has little impact on other workloads. bility.
Surprisingly, the error of the minimum remaining time po- In terms of the implementation cost, the strict system
licy is as low as that of the lowest latency policy. This is will conceivably have a higher cost than the permissive sys-
because the policy keeps the number of workloads in each tem. The strict constraint that requires examination of all ex-
edge node quite constant through more relaxed constraints. isting workloads puts a great deal of load on the system. To
Hence, it can always get a precise estimated value with mi- decrease the cost and system load, a permissive method can
nor error. instead be developed. Additionally, with regard to selecting
Figures 6 (c) and 6 (d) show a peak for the random po- policies, random selection is obviously a simple approach,
licy. In case of insufficient resource (like M ≤ 10 or θ ≤ 10), but at the cost of high error rates and poor performance. Ex-
the random policy leads higher decision error when the sys- amining the remaining time needed for every workload in
tem provides more candidates because it randomly selects the server seems excessive. Calculation of the communica-
a target without logical strategy. Thus, when we increase tion and computing time should require less system effort.
either the number of workloads or extend the maximum al- The results indicate that the best edge node to support
lowance, the system can get more candidates that induce a workload from a mobile user is the closest one. This en-
more wrong decisions. On the other hand, if there are suffi- ables the shortest propagation delay, and leaves more time
cient resources, the candidates mostly have potential to com- for computation in a server. However, if there are other edge
plete a workload in time so the random policy can get more nodes in the network that have lighter loads, we can instead
accurate decision. Besides, the lowest latency and minimum select these nodes if they will provide lower total latency.
remaining time policies could meet the same situation as the The combination of determining total latency and re-
random policy if we consider Fig. 6 (d) but the number of laxing some restrictions looks like an attractive way to pro-
candidates dose not impact the decision as the random po- vide services at the edge of a network. For example, visual
licy. services can access local services rapidly. However, perfor-
The results for modified blocking probability (Pb ) are mance also depends on the client application. If a source
shown in Fig. 6 (e) and Fig. 6 (f) as a function of the maxi- cannot tolerate any errors, we need to reconsider the strict
mum allowance and the number of edge nodes, respectively. condition as an alternative.
Here, the differences between the strict and permissive sys- A final point to note is that our proposed system has
tems are explained and analyzed. Since the both systems to rely on a centralized controller, which collects all nec-
cannot be fairly compared with using the blocking proba- essary information from sources and edges through probe
bility because of the decision error in the permissive sys- messages. The controller then uses the gathered data to de-
tem, we have to compare the blocking of the strict system cide which edge node is best to assign to each workload. We
in Fig. 5 and the modified blocking of the permissive system plan to investigate this consideration in detail in our future
in Figs. 6 (e) and 6 (f) to see the true performance and effec- work.
tiveness of each system. Figures 5 (a) and 6 (e) show that the
permissive system does not impressively improve the per- 7. Conclusion
formance of the strict system in case of increasing the maxi-
mum allowance of latency. Furthermore, the performance of MEC is needed to enable a low-latency network architec-
permissive system with the random policy probably deterio- ture. In this research, we have proposed a mathematical
rates from the strict system due to a high error rate in some model of MEC using the PS concept to estimate the com-
cases (θ ≥ 25). As shown in Fig. 6 (f), permissive underesti- puting time in edge nodes. Strict and permissive underesti-
mation can enhance system efficiency for two policies when mation conditions in the optimization model were tested to
we increase the number of edge nodes. Unfortunately, per- analyze the system. We then developed three policies for se-
formance with the lowest latency deteriorates. Because its lecting an edge node when several nodes satisfy the system
true blocking probability is very low, when the system al- constraints.
lows some errors its effectiveness should also deteriorate. In The numerical results show that determining the lowest
any case, the lowest latency policy still dominates the others. latency policy provides the best performance even though
there might some decision errors. Furthermore, a permis-
6. Discussion sive system could decrease the implementation cost. In our
work, we intend to extend this research to implementation
In the previous section, we have shown numerical results in a real environment to test the practicality of our concept.