A Review On Fog Computing Technology - 1 - Conference
A Review On Fog Computing Technology - 1 - Conference
A Review On Fog Computing Technology - 1 - Conference
Abstract - Out of the many computing and software oriented in [3] developed an architecture for connecting vehicles to a
models that are being adopted by Computer Networking, Fog "Fog" platform deployed at Road Side Units (RSUs) and
Computing has captured quite a wide audience in Research and M2M gateways. Such a system design, in regard of its
Industry. There is a lot of confusion on its precise definition, characteristics, enables consumer centric services like M2M
position, role and application. The Internet of Things (lOT), Data Analytics with Semantic Web Technologies, loT services
todays' digitized intelligent connectivity domain, demands real discovery and Connected Vehicles Management. Another
time response in many applications and services. This renders method for implementing Fog computing was introduced by
Fog Computing a suitable platform for achieving goals of
[4], wherein an android-like Appstore is to be applied on
autonomy and efficiency. This paper is a justification of the
network devices, downgrading computations from occurring
concepts, interest, approaches, and practices of Fog Computing.
It describes the need for adopting this new model and investigate
at Cloud level to the network, while in [5] an "loT Hub"
its prime features by elucidating the scenarios for implementing which is essentially a generic Fog node positioned along the
it, thereby outlining its significance in the loT world. edges of multiple networks, enhance the networks' capabilities
through the employment of the following entities: border
Index Terms - Fog Computing, Cloud Computing, Internet of router; cross-proxy; cache; and resource directory. However,
Things, Autonomics, Computational Intelligence. the article [6] addresses the utility based matching problem
within the loT domain using Irving's matching algorithm
under node-specified preferences for efficient node pairing.
The Internet of Things (loT) epitomizes the cutting edge The Internet of Things and Connected Smart devices have
technology to realize theoretical and practical facets of had an exponential growth in terms of involved technologies,
computer networking, and has initiated a prominent transition market participation and consumer approval, paving the way
in the how communication and interactions of our world. The to the evolution of Fog computing principles, gradually
strong need to remedy the growing concerns regarding dealing amassing productive opportunities in various domains such
with the huge data influx in real-time and functioning the as Vehicular networks, Body Area Networks (BAN), and the
available bandwidth bounds led to the birth of Fog computing, Smart Grid. The advantages of this computing procedure for
which, intensively but not exclusively, operate along the services in several domains are needed to be investigated [1].
network edge. Fog computing is a novel paradigm realizing Fog Computing allows greater support and better response
distributed computing, network services and storage from time to the Internet of things environment, it is suitable for
beyond Cloud Computing Data Centers up until the devices real-time service requests, and to share resource efficiently an
along the network edge. This notion extends the inherent efficient and cooperative utility based pairing strategy between
operations and services of Cloud computing, thus enabling a the high-end loT nodes is needed [6]. The Fog acts as a link
new breed of application. The primary function is to filter and between loT and the Cloud to induce the necessary extra
aggregate data for Cloud data centers and apply logical functionalities for application-specific processing like filtering
intelligence to end devices. Fog Computing is similar to Cloud and aggregation before transferring the data to the Cloud. It
computing in many traits. However, it may be differentiated should be able to decide what is to be sent (the content), how
from the former by its ingrained end devices, the intensive (data format) and when to send (time). During this process, it
spatial distribution achieved and offered mobility support. As also needs to delete some redundant or invalid data, and
Fog-based processing occurs along the network edge, the end- aggregate the complementary data in the space and time
results reflect highly improved location awareness, low dimensions [2].
latency and Quality-of-Service (QoS) in streaming and real The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section II
time applications [1]. Fog nodes are heterogeneous devices, highlighting the previous work done in some literatures.
ranging from high-end servers, access points, set-top boxes, Section III provides some methodologies used to describe Fog
edge routers to the end devices such as mobile phones, smart Computing practices. Section IV presents a evaluation
watches, and sensors etc. [2]. scenarios for two use cases, followed by deployment case for
In the light of recent research, Fog computing has been Fog. Finally, Section V concludes the paper and provides
effectively demonstrated using several techniques. The study directions for future work.
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2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics' SMC 20161 October 9-12, 2016' Budapest, Hungary
II. REVIEW OF RELEVENT LITERATURE thanks to its' flexibility and dynamics, and so may be
In this section, some of the research conducted so far implemented in different environments with varied conditions.
related to Fog Computing is introduced, which helps to build The authors in [10] describe an Adaptive Operations Platform
and support this paper. (AOP) to provide an end-to-end manageability for enabling
Fog Computing infrastructure according to the operational
A significant number of characteristics helps us identify requirements of industrial processes, while [4] outlines a
the Fog as an inconsequential extension of the generic method for transforming the computation environment from
' Cloud'. In terms ofIoT, the work in [7] condenses this vision the Cloud to the Fog by presenting an Appstore kind of system
and defmes the key features of Fog Computing which make it on network devices wherein the user can choose which data
the appropriate platform for a number of critical Internet of should be processed at the edge and which ones on the cloud.
Things (loT) services and applications. It defmes the Fog node This involves tagging packets which are to be processed on
aspects such as: a) Mobility; b) Low latency and location the network device. Untagged packets are then sent directly to
awareness; c) Wide-spread geographical distribution; d) Very the cloud without any intennediate processing. However, the
large number of nodes; e) the predominant role of wireless work in [11] presents the ' reliability defiance ' posed by the
access; f) Strong presence of streaming and real-time current computing paradigms, and expands the debate towards
applications, and g) Heterogeneity. Similarly, [8] discloses the reliable Fog platforms encompassing smart devices' networks
reasons as to why Fog Computing is the most-fitting natural communicating amongst themselves and with the Cloud. [6]
computing platform for loT through the main requirements for delivers an efficient loT-node pairing scheme between the
designing and building a scalable and adaptable loT platfonn same-domain loT nodes in the Fog context. The utility based
which include support of rapid mobility patterns, support of matching or pairing problem within the domain of loT nodes
systems requiring reliable sensing, analysis, control and is addressed utilizing Irving's matching algorithm under the
actuation and management of a vast amount of geographically node specified preferences, to ensure stable loT node pairing.
distributed "things" whilst in [1] the many advantages offered Interoperability, the keystone of loT systems and defmed as
by Fog computing for services in various areas is examined the ability in heterogeneous objects to inter-operate
along with an analysis of the cutting-edge developments and dynamically with minimal human intervention, together with
security issues of this paradigm. It also includes the ideation loT nodes' strong-fort - the diverse range of network and
that some inventions in computation and storage may be physical resources, allow their pairing for sharing resources
inspired in future to address data intensive services based on amongst each other cooperatively to achieve user specific
the interplay between Fog and Cloud. Moving onto [2], the requirements. A refmement is proposed in the classical stable
characteristics and prospects of Fog computing and services in matching or pairing algorithm , which incites Edge computing
regard of healthcare systems is studied. Here the Fog functions with a better utility factor, thereby configuring more proficient
in focus are Switching Networks, Pushing Services and Core device-to-device communication. The shared parking model
Services and the need to support protocols such as ZigBee, created in [12] depicts deployment of the Fog solution and
WiFi, 2G/3G/4G, WiMax, 6LOWP AN, in contrast to the sole Roadside-Cloud concepts into the parking problem. The status
support offered by the Cloud for TCP/IP. The various of a parking slot - vacant or reserved - will be updated in the
communication protocols transfer data in different formats so Fog server installed in local areas, which in turn delivers
the first thing the Fog should do is network switching between information on the managed empty spaces to Road Side Units
loT and the Cloud. Here the Fog will act as an intermediary or RUSs. At each RSUs, the RFPARK communicates with
between end devices and the Cloud, and should provide these fog servers in order to direct drivers to an optimal space.
pushing service to both, while ingesting acquired data and [13] surveys the expansion of the Fog concept onto the
updating processed data onto the Cloud for long-time storage decentralized smart building control, recognizes Cloudlets as a
and deeply digging in parallel. Thus the prime function of the distinctive case of Fog computing, in conjunction with the
Fog is to achieve local data processing, storing and computing Software-Defmed Networking (SDN) scenarios. Cooperative
in devices of weak performance metrics. data scheduling and adaptive Traffic Light problems in the
SDN based Vehicular Networks scene, as well as Demand
Owing to its recent introduction and emergence, there is no
Response in Macrostation and Microgrid based Smart Grids
available standard architecture regarding Fog-based resource
are discussed.
management. [9] presents a simple model for this purpose, by
taking into account resource prediction, resource allocation,
and pricing in a realistic and dynamic way, while also
considering customers' type, traits, and characteristics. This 2.05
model is adaptable to the requirements of different CSPs
Investigated Aspect Traditional Cloud Fog Computing
Prediction Latency 5 seconds 1.5 seconds GETIPOST/PUT/DELETE URL..
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2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics' SMC 20161 October 9-12, 2016' Budapest, Hungary
Th~ evolution of loT, according to its heterogeneous and and overall network performance.
dynamIc nature, had undergone paradigm shifts many times
Ho~ever, [8] e~amines some of the loT's promising and
over in terms of the design of network architectures and many
challengmg scenanos, discusses the inevitable chemistry
apP!oaches .have been presented and proposed. An important
between the Fog and the Cloud Computing in the near future
?eslgn and Impl~mentation of a new Fog node was presented
m [5], whe~e It IS p.laced along the edge of multiple physical a?d . review. some of the technologies that will require
slgmficant Improvement, so as to bolster the applications
networks wIth the aLm of creating an IP-based loT network to
scope for the loT market, whereas [10] presents a deployment
be used as the infrastructure for deploying loT applications.
case for Adaptive Operations Platform (AOP), followed by
Performance evaluation shown that the loT Hub successfully
~valuat.ion sce~ario~ for two use cases. It also develops an
had ma~aged a number of heterogeneous physical networks,
mdustrIaI solutIOn m the context of predictive maintenance
each with several connected devices, with limited resource
applications, using the Fog computing paradigm and the DMo
usage,..in terms of processing capacity and memory, thus
expedltmg the deployment an loT Hub even on low-end technolo?y. Finally, the studied article [13] states the
devices, such as RPis. The article [3] examines an architecture prospectIve role of Fog computing in the important class of
Cyber~Physical Systems (CPS), in the light of stimulating
~or c~nnected vehicles with RSUs and M2M gateways
scenanos, demonstrated by Smart Grids Vehicular Networks
mcludmg the Fog Computing Platform. M2M data processing
with semantics, discovery and management of connected Wireless Sensor and Actuator Netw~rks, Smart Buildin~
Control and that Cloudlets are an important special case of
vehicles are also briefly examined likewise as Consumer-
Fog Computing ..
Centric ~oT ser.vices enabled by the prominent features of Fog
Computmg whIle [14] had the goal of creating a mathematical
model for Fog computing and assessing its applicability in the
loT context where it is pivotal to meet the demands of the In this section we will introduce a review of the
latency-sensitive applications rurming along the network-edge methodologies used to describe Fog computing practices.
for analyzing its suitability within the framework of loT. The T~e publishing [12] addresses the problem of Car Parking
work a~so conducts a case study on comparative performance ~specIally along the choice of an ideal slot; amatching method
eva~uatIOn of Cloud Computing with that of the Fog for an
LS used at RFPARK as the problem' s solution. This article has
enVLronment involving a high number of Internet-connected the proposed Parking slots association problem formulated in
devices demanding real-time services. It proves that for the ~he F~g-Cloud environment as a many-to-one matching game
S~N based Vehicular Networks scene, as well as Demand
m which a set of vehicles ' V' has been designated towards a
hLgh number of latency-sensitive loT applications the presence set of parking lots 'L'. The preferences concept formulated the
of Fog Computing enhances network performance in regard of
model in ~er~s of co~on and conflicting interest. A parking
power consumption, decreasing service latencv as well as cost
slot aSSOCIatIOn algonthm detects a stable matching of parking
- - - Java Heap Max Alaocellon slots for the vehicles extending requests.
- - Java Heap CUlTent Usage
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2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics' SMC 20161 October 9-12, 2016' Budapest, Hungary
initiate a one-to-many cooperative pairing or matching amidst End to end Te~ mu nie8tion Se rvices
the nodes. Refming the Irving' s procedure was to sustain 'I-Provi
onina 1 Bootstrap I 1Mointenance I 'I- I....
- nt-O<'/
quota-based nodal pairing on either one-to-one or one-to-
many pairing. The corresponding performance measures are
portrayed in Fig 3. Comparison results shows the efficiency of
imparted by the Irving' s algorithm for 5 node pairs with quota. loT
It outperfonns the greedy algorithm where the nodes are
paired by considering the neighboring nodes available for
pairing. Such levels of efficiency is the combination of quota
based approach and the best utility based selection of nodes. It loT
also that the cooperation between loT nodes tremendously End Points
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